There Is No Such Thing As White Privilege

I don't know where he is getting this outlandish number of "hundreds of millions" The TOTAL non Hispanic white population of the U.S. in 2013 was approximately 198 million, of that number assuming that 50% are white males, that number is cut in half, then if you adjust the same number for the age group that entered the workforce between 1964 and 2014, it is further reduced. Applying his "conspiracy theory" literally EVERY EMPLOYABLE WHITE MALE IN AMERICA BETWEEN 1964 have had to have been a casualty of either losing a job or being denied admission to colleges all over America in favor of black people being placed ahead of them.

And anyone with a calculator and some common sense knows that is utter nonsense.

Let's see now, in 1964, I was 10 years old and accompanied my parents down south to Missisippi when they went there to participate in a civil rights march with MLK and some relatives prior to the passing of the civil rights act that year

I sure as hell did not see an abundance of destitute white males who were protesting being displaced by AA. What I do recall seeing were an abundance of "authentic race cards" in public that said things like "no ******* allowed", or "negroes not welcome, and need not apply"

"Deflectionist" cannot even do basic math.....that is probably one of the reasons why he is so bitter and angry over failing. Anyone who passes of their opinion as fact and starts pulling numbers that don't make sense out of the has no argument and certainly no credibility.

Arrogance and ignorance is a dangerous combination when mixed with anger issues.

Here's some numbers and facts ...

This is 2014
My parents were 6 years old in 1964
The years 1776, 1865, 1945 and 1964 were all a long time ago.

The only ignorant people are those who cannot shed their bigoted baggage from a long time ago.


Not sure what your point is. It is obvious that the year is 2014. 1964 was a longtime ago in the life of someone who does not have any recollection of important life events that affected them. However, someone who does, learns from those events and either gains more life experience or becomes bitter like the starter of this thread.

I don't know where he is getting this outlandish number of "hundreds of millions" The TOTAL non Hispanic white population of the U.S. in 2013 was approximately 198 million, of that number assuming that 50% are white males, that number is cut in half, then if you adjust the same number for the age group that entered the workforce between 1964 and 2014, it is further reduced. Applying his "conspiracy theory" literally EVERY EMPLOYABLE WHITE MALE IN AMERICA BETWEEN 1964 have had to have been a casualty of either losing a job or being denied admission to colleges all over America in favor of black people being placed ahead of them.

And anyone with a calculator and some common sense knows that is utter nonsense.

Let's see now, in 1964, I was 10 years old and accompanied my parents down south to Missisippi when they went there to participate in a civil rights march with MLK and some relatives prior to the passing of the civil rights act that year

I sure as hell did not see an abundance of destitute white males who were protesting being displaced by AA. What I do recall seeing were an abundance of "authentic race cards" in public that said things like "no ******* allowed", or "negroes not welcome, and need not apply"

"Deflectionist" cannot even do basic math.....that is probably one of the reasons why he is so bitter and angry over failing. Anyone who passes of their opinion as fact and starts pulling numbers that don't make sense out of the has no argument and certainly no credibility.

Arrogance and ignorance is a dangerous combination when mixed with anger issues.

Here's some numbers and facts ...

This is 2014
My parents were 6 years old in 1964
The years 1776, 1865, 1945 and 1964 were all a long time ago.

The only ignorant people are those who cannot shed their bigoted baggage from a long time ago.

How victimized have white people been by AA? Have the races switched classes, so that whites are usually poor and blacks are usually wealthy? Did you wake up today, and notice that the vast majority of billionaires are black?


Gosh, I wonder why. Maybe it's because "black privilege" doesn't really exist.

Are you suggesting that reverse racism is okay until it makes everyone victims?


Of course not. I am denying the existence of black privilege, even with Affirmative Action.

I do not support affirmative action, but it's not some black privilege program that will drive whites into an oppressed status.
That's EXACTLY what it is, and you are deep in denial to ludicrously claim otherwise.

Please give us the statistics that show the oppression of white people. I would expect things like rapidly declining college attendance, economic disadvantage compared to other groups (especially blacks), and a skyrocketing of white unemployment and crime, again, compared to other groups (especially blacks). Also disparity in criminal sentencing and school discipline favoring black people.

Also some photos of signs that say "Whites Need Not Apply" and "Blacks Only" would be helpful.

Protectionist has blown up his own OP.

Let's close this down.

Indeed. You can putbrationa
YOU ALREADY HAVE THE STATISTICS. It's ALL the hundreds of millions of Whites from 1964 to 2014 who have entered the workforce, worked in it, applied for promotions, applied for colleges, and applied for college financial aid. Even a 10 year old in the 5th grade can easily see that that is hundreds of millions of people. And that's all you need , not all that other jibberish you came up with.

And yet those hundreds of millions of white people were not plunged into poverty, correct? They must have, somehow, persevered through the hardship of losing out on one college admission, or one kind of financial aid, or one promotion.

Why? Because of white privilege.

I don't know where he is getting this outlandish number of "hundreds of millions" The TOTAL non Hispanic white population of the U.S. in 2013 was approximately 198 million, of that number assuming that 50% are white males, that number is cut in half, then if you adjust the same number for the age group that entered the workforce between 1964 and 2014, it is further reduced. Applying his "conspiracy theory" literally EVERY EMPLOYABLE WHITE MALE IN AMERICA BETWEEN 1964 have had to have been a casualty of either losing a job or being denied admission to colleges all over America in favor of black people being placed ahead of them.

And anyone with a calculator and some common sense knows that is utter nonsense.

Let's see now, in 1964, I was 10 years old and accompanied my parents down south to Missisippi when they went there to participate in a civil rights march with MLK and some relatives prior to the passing of the civil rights act that year

I sure as hell did not see an abundance of destitute white males who were protesting being displaced by AA. What I do recall seeing were an abundance of "authentic race cards" in public that said things like "no ******* allowed", or "negroes not welcome, and need not apply"

"Deflectionist" cannot even do basic math.....that is probably one of the reasons why he is so bitter and angry over failing. Anyone who passes of their opinion as fact and starts pulling numbers that don't make sense out of the has no argument and certainly no credibility.

Arrogance and ignorance is a dangerous combination when mixed with anger issues.
YOU are the deflectionist and LIAR. First of all, it is not only White MALES who are discriminated against by AA. As I said earlier (here I am repeating again), the wives, daughters and mothers dependents of White male victims are victims as well. Also, often Hispanics, Asians, and all races other than Black are victims too. When I was denied an assistantship at Memphis State University, along with me, were 4 White women, 2 Hispanics, and one Korean guy. ALL were discriminated against. Only Blacks received assistanships. from a deliberate AA policy of granting only to Blacks.

There is nothing at all "outlandish" to say that hundreds of Millions of Whites were discriminated against by AA over the 50 years from 1964 to 2014. In 2012, approximately 99,945,000 (64 percent) in the labor force are non-Hispanic white. (call it 100 Million)

But each year, new young people enter the workforce and other older ones retire. So considering all the turnover of workers going on 50 times (each year) since 1964, it is easy to see that we can have hundreds of millions of Whites who entered the workforce, worked in it, and retired out of it. All together, easily hundreds of Millions of individual white workers.

As for your statement> "literally EVERY EMPLOYABLE WHITE MALE IN AMERICA BETWEEN 1964 have had to have been a casualty of either losing a job or being denied admission to colleges all over America in favor of black people being placed ahead of them"

Yeah, of course this was the case. How could it not be ? As soon as they picked up a job application, or application to college, or for financial aid, they immediately were part of the AA system, and its discrimination.
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Protectionist is a loon, nothing more.
Jake Starkey is violator of forum rules. >>> "The off topic flaming needs to stop."

Maybe he'll notice now.
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And if we ignore the past a long time or a short while ago, we will repeat it.
You ARE repeating it. The only difference is you have changed the identities of the victims and beneficiaries of the racial discrimination. You seem to think that as long as the victims are White, and the beneficiaries are Black that it (AA) is OK.

Well, 1. you're wrong 2. you're a racist 3. you're a hypocrite.
I don't know where he is getting this outlandish number of "hundreds of millions" The TOTAL non Hispanic white population of the U.S. in 2013 was approximately 198 million, of that number assuming that 50% are white males, that number is cut in half, then if you adjust the same number for the age group that entered the workforce between 1964 and 2014, it is further reduced. Applying his "conspiracy theory" literally EVERY EMPLOYABLE WHITE MALE IN AMERICA BETWEEN 1964 have had to have been a casualty of either losing a job or being denied admission to colleges all over America in favor of black people being placed ahead of them.

And anyone with a calculator and some common sense knows that is utter nonsense.

Let's see now, in 1964, I was 10 years old and accompanied my parents down south to Missisippi when they went there to participate in a civil rights march with MLK and some relatives prior to the passing of the civil rights act that year

I sure as hell did not see an abundance of destitute white males who were protesting being displaced by AA. What I do recall seeing were an abundance of "authentic race cards" in public that said things like "no ******* allowed", or "negroes not welcome, and need not apply"

"Deflectionist" cannot even do basic math.....that is probably one of the reasons why he is so bitter and angry over failing. Anyone who passes of their opinion as fact and starts pulling numbers that don't make sense out of the has no argument and certainly no credibility.

Arrogance and ignorance is a dangerous combination when mixed with anger issues.

Here's some numbers and facts ...

This is 2014
My parents were 6 years old in 1964
The years 1776, 1865, 1945 and 1964 were all a long time ago.

The only ignorant people are those who cannot shed their bigoted baggage from a long time ago.


Not sure what your point is. It is obvious that the year is 2014. 1964 was a longtime ago in the life of someone who does not have any recollection of important life events that affected them. However, someone who does, learns from those events and either gains more life experience or becomes bitter like the starter of this thread.

I don't know where he is getting this outlandish number of "hundreds of millions" The TOTAL non Hispanic white population of the U.S. in 2013 was approximately 198 million, of that number assuming that 50% are white males, that number is cut in half, then if you adjust the same number for the age group that entered the workforce between 1964 and 2014, it is further reduced. Applying his "conspiracy theory" literally EVERY EMPLOYABLE WHITE MALE IN AMERICA BETWEEN 1964 have had to have been a casualty of either losing a job or being denied admission to colleges all over America in favor of black people being placed ahead of them.

And anyone with a calculator and some common sense knows that is utter nonsense.

Let's see now, in 1964, I was 10 years old and accompanied my parents down south to Missisippi when they went there to participate in a civil rights march with MLK and some relatives prior to the passing of the civil rights act that year

I sure as hell did not see an abundance of destitute white males who were protesting being displaced by AA. What I do recall seeing were an abundance of "authentic race cards" in public that said things like "no ******* allowed", or "negroes not welcome, and need not apply"

"Deflectionist" cannot even do basic math.....that is probably one of the reasons why he is so bitter and angry over failing. Anyone who passes of their opinion as fact and starts pulling numbers that don't make sense out of the has no argument and certainly no credibility.

Arrogance and ignorance is a dangerous combination when mixed with anger issues.

Here's some numbers and facts ...

This is 2014
My parents were 6 years old in 1964
The years 1776, 1865, 1945 and 1964 were all a long time ago.

The only ignorant people are those who cannot shed their bigoted baggage from a long time ago.

The starter of the thread is only pointing out REALITY, which you choose to block out, because it doesn't fit into your racist, immoral, illegal system of AA, that you shamefully support.
Oprah Winfrey >>

She doesn't play any musical instruments, doesn't sing, isn't funny, and has really no talents of anything to speak of. How she got so rich and famous is a mystery. >> Oh, wait a minute. >>

Affirmative Action.

Chicago needed a black whale to put in front of the camera, they found her. Satisfied PETA, Green-Peace and the NAACP all at the same time.

And how many really qualified White applicants were denied the job, in deference to this TV screen abomination ?
What is really amazing about that race hatred is that many (if not most) Blacks today go around blaming current day Whites for what happened to their ancestors over 150 years ago, and then using that as an excuse for the racist Affirmative Action.
In any discussion of those long-ago days however you won't hear any mention about THESE WHITE GUYS >>>



Only thing I might add to this accurate depiction of Black Privilege (which is mocking those who use the
term, "White Privilege") would be the elderly parents, wife, and kids dependents of that White male pictured here, as they are victims of this wickedness as well.
Are you suggesting that reverse racism is okay until it makes everyone victims?


Of course not. I am denying the existence of black privilege, even with Affirmative Action.

I do not support affirmative action, but it's not some black privilege program that will drive whites into an oppressed status.
That's EXACTLY what it is, and you are deep in denial to ludicrously claim otherwise.

Please give us the statistics that show the oppression of white people. I would expect things like rapidly declining college attendance, economic disadvantage compared to other groups (especially blacks), and a skyrocketing of white unemployment and crime, again, compared to other groups (especially blacks). Also disparity in criminal sentencing and school discipline favoring black people.

Also some photos of signs that say "Whites Need Not Apply" and "Blacks Only" would be helpful.

Protectionist has blown up his own OP.

Let's close this down.

Indeed. You can putbrationa
YOU ALREADY HAVE THE STATISTICS. It's ALL the hundreds of millions of Whites from 1964 to 2014 who have entered the workforce, worked in it, applied for promotions, applied for colleges, and applied for college financial aid. Even a 10 year old in the 5th grade can easily see that that is hundreds of millions of people. And that's all you need , not all that other jibberish you came up with.

And yet those hundreds of millions of white people were not plunged into poverty, correct? They must have, somehow, persevered through the hardship of losing out on one college admission, or one kind of financial aid, or one promotion.

Why? Because of white privilege.

I don't know where he is getting this outlandish number of "hundreds of millions" The TOTAL non Hispanic white population of the U.S. in 2013 was approximately 198 million, of that number assuming that 50% are white males, that number is cut in half, then if you adjust the same number for the age group that entered the workforce between 1964 and 2014, it is further reduced. Applying his "conspiracy theory" literally EVERY EMPLOYABLE WHITE MALE IN AMERICA BETWEEN 1964 have had to have been a casualty of either losing a job or being denied admission to colleges all over America in favor of black people being placed ahead of them.

And anyone with a calculator and some common sense knows that is utter nonsense.

Let's see now, in 1964, I was 10 years old and accompanied my parents down south to Missisippi when they went there to participate in a civil rights march with MLK and some relatives prior to the passing of the civil rights act that year

I sure as hell did not see an abundance of destitute white males who were protesting being displaced by AA. What I do recall seeing were an abundance of "authentic race cards" in public that said things like "no ******* allowed", or "negroes not welcome, and need not apply"

"Deflectionist" cannot even do basic math.....that is probably one of the reasons why he is so bitter and angry over failing. Anyone who passes of their opinion as fact and starts pulling numbers that don't make sense out of the has no argument and certainly no credibility.

Arrogance and ignorance is a dangerous combination when mixed with anger issues.
YOU are the deflectionist and LIAR. First of all, it is not only White MALES who are discriminated against by AA. As I said earlier (here I am repeating again), the wives, daughters and mothers dependents of White male victims are victims as well. Also, often Hispanics, Asians, and all races other than Black are victims too. When I was denied an assistantship at Memphis State University, along with me, were 4 White women, 2 Hispanics, and one Korean guy. ALL were discriminated against. Only Blacks received assistanships. from a deliberate AA policy of granting only to Blacks.

There is nothing at all "outlandish" to say that hundreds of Millions of Whites were discriminated against by AA over the 50 years from 1964 to 2014. In 2012, approximately 99,945,000 (64 percent) in the labor force are non-Hispanic white. (call it 100 Million)

But each year, new young people enter the workforce and other older ones retire. So considering all the turnover of workers going on 50 times (each year) since 1964, it is easy to see that we can have hundreds of millions of Whites who entered the workforce, worked in it, and retired out of it. All together, easily hundreds of Millions of individual white workers.

As for your statement> "literally EVERY EMPLOYABLE WHITE MALE IN AMERICA BETWEEN 1964 have had to have been a casualty of either losing a job or being denied admission to colleges all over America in favor of black people being placed ahead of them"

Yeah, of course this was the case. How could it not be ? As soon as they picked up a job application, or application to college, or for financial aid, they immediately were part of the AA system, and its discrimination.

You are delusional. Your make believe statistics do not add up to anything even remotely credible at all.

Throughout your stupid thread, you have not posted even one link of plausible evidence to support your rant.

Department of labor staistics DO NOT indicate any major change in hiring trends that have even remotely reflect white males at the rate you are screaming about. They have not been displaced at a disproportional rate in the workforce by black employees, or losing wealth, or denied an education and you know it. If that was the case, there would be anarchy in the streets of America.

Just because YOU were dealt a setback(most likely attributed to your own shortcomings)does not translate into a massive victimization process being carried out against white people in the workforce.

You are a self appointed victim, and it is no ones fault but your own that you were paid a pittance while in you were in the got what you were worth.
Of course not. I am denying the existence of black privilege, even with Affirmative Action.

I do not support affirmative action, but it's not some black privilege program that will drive whites into an oppressed status.
That's EXACTLY what it is, and you are deep in denial to ludicrously claim otherwise.

Please give us the statistics that show the oppression of white people. I would expect things like rapidly declining college attendance, economic disadvantage compared to other groups (especially blacks), and a skyrocketing of white unemployment and crime, again, compared to other groups (especially blacks). Also disparity in criminal sentencing and school discipline favoring black people.

Also some photos of signs that say "Whites Need Not Apply" and "Blacks Only" would be helpful.

Protectionist has blown up his own OP.

Let's close this down.

Indeed. You can putbrationa
YOU ALREADY HAVE THE STATISTICS. It's ALL the hundreds of millions of Whites from 1964 to 2014 who have entered the workforce, worked in it, applied for promotions, applied for colleges, and applied for college financial aid. Even a 10 year old in the 5th grade can easily see that that is hundreds of millions of people. And that's all you need , not all that other jibberish you came up with.

And yet those hundreds of millions of white people were not plunged into poverty, correct? They must have, somehow, persevered through the hardship of losing out on one college admission, or one kind of financial aid, or one promotion.

Why? Because of white privilege.

I don't know where he is getting this outlandish number of "hundreds of millions" The TOTAL non Hispanic white population of the U.S. in 2013 was approximately 198 million, of that number assuming that 50% are white males, that number is cut in half, then if you adjust the same number for the age group that entered the workforce between 1964 and 2014, it is further reduced. Applying his "conspiracy theory" literally EVERY EMPLOYABLE WHITE MALE IN AMERICA BETWEEN 1964 have had to have been a casualty of either losing a job or being denied admission to colleges all over America in favor of black people being placed ahead of them.

And anyone with a calculator and some common sense knows that is utter nonsense.

Let's see now, in 1964, I was 10 years old and accompanied my parents down south to Missisippi when they went there to participate in a civil rights march with MLK and some relatives prior to the passing of the civil rights act that year

I sure as hell did not see an abundance of destitute white males who were protesting being displaced by AA. What I do recall seeing were an abundance of "authentic race cards" in public that said things like "no ******* allowed", or "negroes not welcome, and need not apply"

"Deflectionist" cannot even do basic math.....that is probably one of the reasons why he is so bitter and angry over failing. Anyone who passes of their opinion as fact and starts pulling numbers that don't make sense out of the has no argument and certainly no credibility.

Arrogance and ignorance is a dangerous combination when mixed with anger issues.
YOU are the deflectionist and LIAR. First of all, it is not only White MALES who are discriminated against by AA. As I said earlier (here I am repeating again), the wives, daughters and mothers dependents of White male victims are victims as well. Also, often Hispanics, Asians, and all races other than Black are victims too. When I was denied an assistantship at Memphis State University, along with me, were 4 White women, 2 Hispanics, and one Korean guy. ALL were discriminated against. Only Blacks received assistanships. from a deliberate AA policy of granting only to Blacks.

There is nothing at all "outlandish" to say that hundreds of Millions of Whites were discriminated against by AA over the 50 years from 1964 to 2014. In 2012, approximately 99,945,000 (64 percent) in the labor force are non-Hispanic white. (call it 100 Million)

But each year, new young people enter the workforce and other older ones retire. So considering all the turnover of workers going on 50 times (each year) since 1964, it is easy to see that we can have hundreds of millions of Whites who entered the workforce, worked in it, and retired out of it. All together, easily hundreds of Millions of individual white workers.

As for your statement> "literally EVERY EMPLOYABLE WHITE MALE IN AMERICA BETWEEN 1964 have had to have been a casualty of either losing a job or being denied admission to colleges all over America in favor of black people being placed ahead of them"

Yeah, of course this was the case. How could it not be ? As soon as they picked up a job application, or application to college, or for financial aid, they immediately were part of the AA system, and its discrimination.

You are delusional. Your make believe statistics do not add up to anything even remotely credible at all.

Throughout your stupid thread, you have not posted even one link of plausible evidence to support your rant.

Department of labor staistics DO NOT indicate any major change in hiring trends that have even remotely reflect white males at the rate you are screaming about. They have not been displaced at a disproportional rate in the workforce by black employees, or losing wealth, or denied an education and you know it. If that was the case, there would be anarchy in the streets of America.

Just because YOU were dealt a setback(most likely attributed to your own shortcomings)does not translate into a massive victimization process being carried out against white people in the workforce.

You are a self appointed victim, and it is no ones fault but your own that you were paid a pittance while in you were in the got what you were worth.

Self appointed victimhood is exactly what the flawed methodology of "white privilege" aims to accomplish. There. Now where back on topic.

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