There Is No Such Thing As White Privilege

Please give us the statistics that show the oppression of white people. I would expect things like rapidly declining college attendance, economic disadvantage compared to other groups (especially blacks), and a skyrocketing of white unemployment and crime, again, compared to other groups (especially blacks). Also disparity in criminal sentencing and school discipline favoring black people.
There are only so many jobs that blacks can do. Postal workers and bus driver are among them. Engineers, architects and so on are another matter.
I have binders full of qualifications, diplomas, licenses, etc. I didn't get a damn one of them because I was white.

You may have binders full of women as that is as close as you'll ever come.

Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, if if just by the INSULT of it all.
I agree. 350 years of AA for whites touched every white person positively. Some took advantage while those like you let the sun set on your time in the sun.

I guess all the hard work I put in to get where I am was for nothing. All I had to do when sending in my resume was to say I was white according to you. I didn't get where I did through affirmative action but something tells me you did.
Probably not. I am pretty sure if you are actually successful that your hard work was helped along by white privilege. Actually you would be wrong about me using AA. I just simply outworked white people and was lucky.

So my hard work was helped by being white but all yours was because of you. Typical arrogant black boy. Run along boy and help those over 70% bastards your people create and us white folks have to support.

Don't confuse lucky with being black. The black got you affirmative action whether you realize it or not.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, if if just by the INSULT of it all.
I agree. 350 years of AA for whites touched every white person positively. Some took advantage while those like you let the sun set on your time in the sun.

What I'll need you to PROVE is that I am where I am because I'm white. Prove being the key word. Doubt you can do it.

What I'll also need you to do is explain why if using race to not hire a non white is wrong yet using race to hire a non white is OK. Doubt you can do it.
I dont need to prove anything or explain anything to you. Like I told the others. Deal with AA or return the resources. You have no other option.

Then your claims, much like your miserable life, has been dismissed. That you won't prove what you claim is all the proof I need that you are nothing more than the low life you have been determined to be. Now go collect your welfare check, or in other words, reparations.

I didn't take your resources boy. If you think I have and want them returned, come get 'em. That is your option.
Dismissed by who? You had an option. You didnt have the power to dismiss anything. You simply chose to deal with AA which is fine by me.

So you aren't man enough to come and get the resources you say were taken? Typical loudmouth boy.

I dismiss you boy as an affirmative action recipient that couldn't afford a damn box to live in if it wasn't because someone had to hire you based on skin color.
You are talking silly. My family would not stand for the KKK and councils back then, and we don't stand for the far right imitation of it today.

Yes, there is white imitation. I know of an East Texas college where the administration, despite the search council's recommendation, refused to hire an Iranian adjunct math professor for full time faculty because of his color, his accent, and his religion, though he was completely intelligible, non political, and the students loved him because he was always available for tutoring.

If you think WP does not exist in our part of the South, you are completely unaware or you deliberately are fabricating

What are talking about?

Please point out where I suggested white privilege never existed ... Dumbass bigot..

You are a deflector. I said it exists now. WP existed in the beginning and it exists now. White America does quiet well in comparison to non-white America and always will.
You are talking silly. My family would not stand for the KKK and councils back then, and we don't stand for the far right imitation of it today.

Yes, there is white imitation. I know of an East Texas college where the administration, despite the search council's recommendation, refused to hire an Iranian adjunct math professor for full time faculty because of his color, his accent, and his religion, though he was completely intelligible, non political, and the students loved him because he was always available for tutoring.

If you think WP does not exist in our part of the South, you are completely unaware or you deliberately are fabricating
This is OFF TOPIC. Some Iranian guy being discriminanted against, has nothing to do with the MYTH of White Privilege, or the REALITY of Black Privilege.

Of course it does. It demonstrates one example of White Privilege.
You lied. Hundreds of whites are not out of jobs.

Making the playing field is not discrimination. You lied.

You lied, and you will be reminded of it every time you deny it.

You are the racist. You lied.
That's right "hundreds of Whites are not out of jobs due to AA. Hundreds of MILLIONS are, over the course of half a century (1964-2014).

"Making the playing field" ?? What the hell is THAT supposed to mean ?

I have NOT lied. I have stated FACTS, and American history, which you seek to rewrite. YOU are lying. And you openly admit that you support AA. That CONFIRMS that YOU are the racist, and YOU will be reminded of it, every time YOU deny it.

You lied, and you excised your lie out of this sub thread. You know you lied. There are not hundreds of millions of white Americans out of work.
Since you repeatedly lie, we can't as anything but a lie, "When I was denied an assistantship at Memphis State University, along with me, were 4 White women, 2 Hispanics, and one Korean guy. ALL were discriminated against. Only Blacks received assistanships. from a deliberate AA policy of granting only to Blacks."

That did not happen.
Yes, there is white imitation. I know of an East Texas college where the administration, despite the search council's recommendation, refused to hire an Iranian adjunct math professor for full time faculty because of his color, his accent, and his religion, though he was completely intelligible, non political, and the students loved him because he was always available for tutoring.

If you think WP does not exist in our part of the South, you are completely unaware or you deliberately are fabricating

The Iranian may have been denied employment as a matter of discrimination ... But you cannot associate that with white privilege until you can prove that the college has only white professors (which I doubt is the case whatever lie you may try to tell).

Discrimination as a matter of race or natural origin is prosecutable under the Equal Employment Opportunity Act 1978. I would suggest you get with the Iranian and encourage them to sue the stupid bigoted institute of higher learning foolish enough to break the law (should a reason you didn't care to explain in your bigoted mischaracterization exist).

Please try to understand that you cannot apply any old instance of discrimination to white privilege unless you can prove it is only whites that received any benefit from the action. There is also the idea that the administration though the professor's accent would hinder understand during lectures.

Perhaps if you had ability to understand the job of the college is to teach the students ... And not to tailor their employ base to your satisfaction ... You could understand more about executive decisions.

Since you repeatedly lie, we can't as anything but a lie, "When I was denied an assistantship at Memphis State University, along with me, were 4 White women, 2 Hispanics, and one Korean guy. ALL were discriminated against. Only Blacks received assistanships. from a deliberate AA policy of granting only to Blacks."

That did not happen.

Affirmative Action is not restricted to and refers to more classes than blacks ... You know that right?

The Equal Employment Opportunity Act also makes it against the law to discriminate as a matter of race, color, religion, sex or national origin ...

"The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission was established by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to assist in the protection of US employees from discrimination.[1] The law was the first federal law designed to protect most US employees from employment discrimination based upon that employee's (or applicant's) race, color, religion, sex, or national origin (Public Law 88-352, July 2, 1964, 78 Stat. 253, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 2000e et. seq.).[2]"

Oddly enough, I don't see sexual orientation or gender identification mentioned ... But that would be another matter. If you try to prove that white privilege exists ... And supply an example of blacks getting hired because of Affirmative Action where other protected classes were not hired ... All you actually did was prove Affirmative Action is nothing more than black privilege.

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I don't hire blacks because that increases the probability my shit will be stolen.

In our portion of East Texas, we fired thieves at our business, and we fired folks like you if they were stupid enough to say such things that came to our attention, whether said at work or at home.

We tolerated no racism, sexism, or homophobia, period.
I don't hire blacks because that increases the probability my shit will be stolen.

In our portion of East Texas, we fired thieves at our business, and we fired folks like you if they were stupid enough to say such things that came to our attention, whether said at work or at home.

We tolerated no racism, sexism, or homophobia, period. No "women have to work twice as hard to get ahead," "he is a faggot," "white gets over again". Not at the workplace, not at home if it came to our attention. We would keep a day log from then on, two written warnings, and discharge for cause. Never lost an UE claim.
You are talking silly. My family would not stand for the KKK and councils back then, and we don't stand for the far right imitation of it today.

Yes, there is white imitation. I know of an East Texas college where the administration, despite the search council's recommendation, refused to hire an Iranian adjunct math professor for full time faculty because of his color, his accent, and his religion, though he was completely intelligible, non political, and the students loved him because he was always available for tutoring.

If you think WP does not exist in our part of the South, you are completely unaware or you deliberately are fabricating

What are talking about?

Please point out where I suggested white privilege never existed ... Dumbass bigot..

You are a deflector. I said it exists now. WP existed in the beginning and it exists now. White America does quiet well in comparison to non-white America and always will.

That doesn't have to be the result if white privilege ... And I suggested you rolling around in your misguided bigoted delusions about white privilege will never allow you to get anywhere in the long run.

But that is okay ... You will probably blame some else for you failures.

You are talking silly. My family would not stand for the KKK and councils back then, and we don't stand for the far right imitation of it today.

Yes, there is white imitation. I know of an East Texas college where the administration, despite the search council's recommendation, refused to hire an Iranian adjunct math professor for full time faculty because of his color, his accent, and his religion, though he was completely intelligible, non political, and the students loved him because he was always available for tutoring.

If you think WP does not exist in our part of the South, you are completely unaware or you deliberately are fabricating

What are talking about?

Please point out where I suggested white privilege never existed ... Dumbass bigot..

You are a deflector. I said it exists now. WP existed in the beginning and it exists now. White America does quiet well in comparison to non-white America and always will.

That doesn't have to be the result if white privilege ... And I suggested you rolling around in your misguided bigoted delusions about white privilege will never allow you to get anywhere in the long run.

But that is okay ... You will probably blame some else for you failures..

Of course WP still factors into the equation.

You will fall down on your knees and praise your King in Heaven if you retired a tenth as well as me.
YOU were NOT ROBBED. YOU had nothing that belonged to YOU taken away. Whites in Americam for 50 yeats have had JOBS, JOB PROMOTIONS, COLLEGE ADMISSIONS, and COLLEGE FINANCIAL AID $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ taken away from them. And YOU are who should be made to pay it back.
Blacks had all that and land taken away from them for 350 years.
But you know who was NOT one of those Blacks ? That's a rhetorical question. I'LL give you the answer. YOU. That's who.
Yes my land that I would have inherited was taken from me.

If you hadn't inherited it, it can't have been taken from you.
It was taken away from my ancestors. They were unable to will it to me.

You assume that it would have automatically been yours. What might have happened isn't a valid claim.

Money I've earned that can go to my family gets taken every time I get paid. It goes to many of your race that think it's OK, on an over 70% rate, to have bastard children. Perhaps you've heard the term baby daddy. I am a father to my children and am sick and tired of supporting those where the sperm donor drops his load and the baby mamma expects me to feed her kids. Here's an example:

She says "somebody owes me". I agree but it's not me.
I don't hire blacks because that increases the probability my shit will be stolen.

In our portion of East Texas, we fired thieves at our business, and we fired folks like you if they were stupid enough to say such things that came to our attention, whether said at work or at home.

We tolerated no racism, sexism, or homophobia, period.
Then you are a dumb ass. People like me put people like you out of business or we just take yours over. :)
Of course WP still factors into the equation.

You will fall down on your knees and praise your King in Heaven if you retired a tenth as well as me.

You do understand that all the examples you gave were associated with your bigoted views and elite white Progressive Liberals in the field of higher education?

I won't argue with that concept at all.

I don't have to pray to God for material support ... And I could retire now at 34 years old better off than you will ever be. **

** The product of having a very diverse group of employees ... And absolutely no fucking use for bigots stuck in the 1950's.

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