There Is No Such Thing As White Privilege

And if we ignore the past a long time or a short while ago, we will repeat it.

Nobody needs to ignore the past to stop living in it.

If you like it so much ... Then stay there and quit bitching ... Or join us in the future when you get your head out of your ass.

BlackSand, you are from northern LA and I am from East Texas, you are talking shit, and we both know it.
Today, as many other days, I heard somebody on one of the cable news shows using the term "White Privilege". Today it was Sunny Hostin, but it could just as easily have been any one of 100 different people.
They say these words as if every TV viewer fully accepted the term as meaning what it clearly states.

Only problem with the term is that it does not exist. And it has not existed for half a century now, ever since whatever White Privilege did exist previously, has been obliterated and replaced by Black Privilege, by way of Affirmative Action. How in the world anyone could believe there is White Privilege in America, when hundreds of millions of White Americans have been deprived of education and careers due to this insidious, treacherous, anti-White discrimination.

Being deprived of college admission, college financial aid, jobs, job promotions, etc. has been SOP for Whites long enough for some people to have had it eradicate their entire worklife from starting out rookie, clear through to retirement at age 65.

It's time now for the term "White Privilege" to be retired (50 years too late). And why don't we hear the correct term Black Privilege more often ? Or should I say "at all ?"

damn, I thought White Privilege was an Ice Cream flavor.... kinda like French vanilla but with pine nuts or something.
YOU were NOT ROBBED. YOU had nothing that belonged to YOU taken away. Whites in Americam for 50 yeats have had JOBS, JOB PROMOTIONS, COLLEGE ADMISSIONS, and COLLEGE FINANCIAL AID $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ taken away from them. And YOU are who should be made to pay it back.
Blacks had all that and land taken away from them for 350 years.
But you know who was NOT one of those Blacks ? That's a rhetorical question. I'LL give you the answer. YOU. That's who.
Yes my land that I would have inherited was taken from me.

If you hadn't inherited it, it can't have been taken from you.
It was taken away from my ancestors. They were unable to will it to me.
Today, as many other days, I heard somebody on one of the cable news shows using the term "White Privilege". Today it was Sunny Hostin, but it could just as easily have been any one of 100 different people.
They say these words as if every TV viewer fully accepted the term as meaning what it clearly states.

Only problem with the term is that it does not exist. And it has not existed for half a century now, ever since whatever White Privilege did exist previously, has been obliterated and replaced by Black Privilege, by way of Affirmative Action. How in the world anyone could believe there is White Privilege in America, when hundreds of millions of White Americans have been deprived of education and careers due to this insidious, treacherous, anti-White discrimination.

Being deprived of college admission, college financial aid, jobs, job promotions, etc. has been SOP for Whites long enough for some people to have had it eradicate their entire worklife from starting out rookie, clear through to retirement at age 65.

It's time now for the term "White Privilege" to be retired (50 years too late). And why don't we hear the correct term Black Privilege more often ? Or should I say "at all ?"

damn, I thought White Privilege was an Ice Cream flavor.... kinda like French vanilla but with pine nuts or something.

Actually, I think that would be a big seller in certain markets. Hey you guys dont steal my idea !! por favor
I have binders full of qualifications, diplomas, licenses, etc. I didn't get a damn one of them because I was white.

You may have binders full of women as that is as close as you'll ever come.

Sounds like you haven't been touched by affirmative action.
ALL Whites are touched by Affirmative Action, if if just by the INSULT of it all.
I agree. 350 years of AA for whites touched every white person positively. Some took advantage while those like you let the sun set on your time in the sun.

I guess all the hard work I put in to get where I am was for nothing. All I had to do when sending in my resume was to say I was white according to you. I didn't get where I did through affirmative action but something tells me you did.
Probably not. I am pretty sure if you are actually successful that your hard work was helped along by white privilege. Actually you would be wrong about me using AA. I just simply outworked white people and was lucky.
I would tend to agree with C65, and DISagree with you. You probably got AA multiple times and didn't even know it. I'll bet you didn't ignore the AA questionairres like I did.
BlackSand, you are from northern LA and I am from East Texas, you are talking shit, and we both know it.

You are the only person talking shit ... And it stinks to high heaven. Like I said ... If you need to cling to your bigoted ideas ... I can accept that and leave you on curb with the rest of the trash. As old as you are, you should have better sense.

Today, as many other days, I heard somebody on one of the cable news shows using the term "White Privilege". Today it was Sunny Hostin, but it could just as easily have been any one of 100 different people.
They say these words as if every TV viewer fully accepted the term as meaning what it clearly states.

Only problem with the term is that it does not exist. And it has not existed for half a century now, ever since whatever White Privilege did exist previously, has been obliterated and replaced by Black Privilege, by way of Affirmative Action. How in the world anyone could believe there is White Privilege in America, when hundreds of millions of White Americans have been deprived of education and careers due to this insidious, treacherous, anti-White discrimination.

Being deprived of college admission, college financial aid, jobs, job promotions, etc. has been SOP for Whites long enough for some people to have had it eradicate their entire worklife from starting out rookie, clear through to retirement at age 65.

It's time now for the term "White Privilege" to be retired (50 years too late). And why don't we hear the correct term Black Privilege more often ? Or should I say "at all ?"

damn, I thought White Privilege was an Ice Cream flavor.... kinda like French vanilla but with pine nuts or something.
There's always a few of these in every thread. Kind of like the stems you occasionally see in your carton of blueberries.
You are talking silly. My family would not stand for the KKK and councils back then, and we don't stand for the far right imitation of it today.

Yes, there is white imitation. I know of an East Texas college where the administration, despite the search council's recommendation, refused to hire an Iranian adjunct math professor for full time faculty because of his color, his accent, and his religion, though he was completely intelligible, non political, and the students loved him because he was always available for tutoring.

If you think WP does not exist in our part of the South, you are completely unaware or you deliberately are fabricating
Today, as many other days, I heard somebody on one of the cable news shows using the term "White Privilege". Today it was Sunny Hostin, but it could just as easily have been any one of 100 different people.
They say these words as if every TV viewer fully accepted the term as meaning what it clearly states.

Only problem with the term is that it does not exist. And it has not existed for half a century now, ever since whatever White Privilege did exist previously, has been obliterated and replaced by Black Privilege, by way of Affirmative Action. How in the world anyone could believe there is White Privilege in America, when hundreds of millions of White Americans have been deprived of education and careers due to this insidious, treacherous, anti-White discrimination.

Being deprived of college admission, college financial aid, jobs, job promotions, etc. has been SOP for Whites long enough for some people to have had it eradicate their entire worklife from starting out rookie, clear through to retirement at age 65.

It's time now for the term "White Privilege" to be retired (50 years too late). And why don't we hear the correct term Black Privilege more often ? Or should I say "at all ?"

damn, I thought White Privilege was an Ice Cream flavor.... kinda like French vanilla but with pine nuts or something.
There's always a few of these in every thread. Kind of like the stems you occasionally see in your carton of blueberries.

Sorry, I just cant be too serious today. Im just to tired. and tired of all the back and forth that goes on around here.
Today, as many other days, I heard somebody on one of the cable news shows using the term "White Privilege". Today it was Sunny Hostin, but it could just as easily have been any one of 100 different people.
They say these words as if every TV viewer fully accepted the term as meaning what it clearly states.

Only problem with the term is that it does not exist. And it has not existed for half a century now, ever since whatever White Privilege did exist previously, has been obliterated and replaced by Black Privilege, by way of Affirmative Action. How in the world anyone could believe there is White Privilege in America, when hundreds of millions of White Americans have been deprived of education and careers due to this insidious, treacherous, anti-White discrimination.

Being deprived of college admission, college financial aid, jobs, job promotions, etc. has been SOP for Whites long enough for some people to have had it eradicate their entire worklife from starting out rookie, clear through to retirement at age 65.

It's time now for the term "White Privilege" to be retired (50 years too late). And why don't we hear the correct term Black Privilege more often ? Or should I say "at all ?"

damn, I thought White Privilege was an Ice Cream flavor.... kinda like French vanilla but with pine nuts or something.
There's always a few of these in every thread. Kind of like the stems you occasionally see in your carton of blueberries.

But Im not a big believer in the white privilage thing. ... I just want to go to the store and get some icecream right about now
You are talking silly. My family would not stand for the KKK and councils back then, and we don't stand for the far right imitation of it today.

Yes, there is white imitation. I know of an East Texas college where the administration, despite the search council's recommendation, refused to hire an Iranian adjunct math professor for full time faculty because of his color, his accent, and his religion, though he was completely intelligible, non political, and the students loved him because he was always available for tutoring.

If you think WP does not exist in our part of the South, you are completely unaware or you deliberately are fabricating

What are talking about?

Please point out where I suggested white privilege never existed ... Dumbass bigot.


So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
I'm not more wealthy than the typical Black person. Not at all. And the poorest people in my community, are retired, elderly Whites like myself. Example: typical car of Blacks in my community > 2012 Toyota Camry. I drive a '99 Buick. The retired White lady living downstairs from me doesn't own a car at all.

I did say "on average." Do you think perhaps being retired has something to do with your economic situation? Are you comparing yourself to retired black people, or younger, working black folks?
1. I don't necessarily accept the claim that Whites, on average, are more wealthy than Blacks. This is especially not true is you the ultra-rich, out of the equation, whose wealth comes from hundreds of years of inheritance, and isn't really related to the AA issue, ye it drives up the "on average" conclusion.

2. No, being retired is not part of it. I never got a govt job that I went to graduate school for because I refused to fill out AA questionnaires, and thus was eliminated from contention. If the AA questionnaires didn't exist, as they shouldn't, I would have got an assistanship im grad school, and go hired to jobs. But because of AA (Black Privilege), I lost over a million $$$

Those people that you want to dismiss didn't become wealthy in a vacuum, and the black people of the same generations, didn't have the privileges to accumulate wealth that they could pass on to their descendants. That is how we've got such disparity between races when it comes to the ultra-rich.

You refused to fill out certain questionnaires, which means that it wasn't your whiteness, but your uncooperativeness, that seemed to be a problem.

Like I said before, I don't support affirmative action, because I believe it is mostly counterproductive, especially in this day and age, but I also don't see any evidence that white people have suffered as much harm from AA as black people suffered from literally centuries of white privilege.
BUT, as I said before (I find myself having to repeat a lot in this thread), the ultra rich are a tiny minority exception - not relevant to the OP/thread.

I'm Hispanic. I chose to bypass the questionairres becasue I wouldn't lower myself to stoop to engaging in racial discrimination to get ahead. If I had done so, I wouldn't be able to hold my head up high, as I now can and do. And I, like all those who did check Black or Hispanic, would now be looked upon with suspicion and doubt about my qualifications.

So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
I'm not more wealthy than the typical Black person. Not at all. And the poorest people in my community, are retired, elderly Whites like myself. Example: typical car of Blacks in my community > 2012 Toyota Camry. I drive a '99 Buick. The retired White lady living downstairs from me doesn't own a car at all.

I did say "on average." Do you think perhaps being retired has something to do with your economic situation? Are you comparing yourself to retired black people, or younger, working black folks?
1. I don't necessarily accept the claim that Whites, on average, are more wealthy than Blacks. This is especially not true is you the ultra-rich, out of the equation, whose wealth comes from hundreds of years of inheritance, and isn't really related to the AA issue, ye it drives up the "on average" conclusion.

2. No, being retired is not part of it. I never got a govt job that I went to graduate school for because I refused to fill out AA questionnaires, and thus was eliminated from contention. If the AA questionnaires didn't exist, as they shouldn't, I would have got an assistanship im grad school, and go hired to jobs. But because of AA (Black Privilege), I lost over a million $$$

Those people that you want to dismiss didn't become wealthy in a vacuum, and the black people of the same generations, didn't have the privileges to accumulate wealth that they could pass on to their descendants. That is how we've got such disparity between races when it comes to the ultra-rich.

You refused to fill out certain questionnaires, which means that it wasn't your whiteness, but your uncooperativeness, that seemed to be a problem.

Like I said before, I don't support affirmative action, because I believe it is mostly counterproductive, especially in this day and age, but I also don't see any evidence that white people have suffered as much harm from AA as black people suffered from literally centuries of white privilege.
Whatever. But that's not what the OP/thread is about. It is about only the time period of AA (1964-2014), and the MYTH that there is White Privilege, when, due to AA, there is clearly is White Victimization, and BLACK Privilege.

So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
Did they suffer the economic damage because they were white or was it something else?

I'm not really that worried about that. The impact, which protectionist wants to dwell on, seems to be negligible.

Back to my "feast" analogy......He's noticing the end piece of the bread in now in the hands of a black person. Even though the rest of the loaf is on the table, along with pies, and roasts, and wine, he's focused on the end piece of bread.
How do you arrive at saying the "impact" is negligible ? I posted that I lost $1.2 Million, and continue to lose more in reduced social Security payment status. You call that "negligible" ?
Yeah right......:laugh:
Yeah right. I held jobs paying less that $20K/yr, when with a college education, I should have been making $50K/yr. I lost about $30K/year in salary for 40 years. 1974-2014. Do the math. Yeah right.

So white people suffered much economic damage and are still, on average, more wealthy than the typical black person? I guess white privilege softened the blow.
Did they suffer the economic damage because they were white or was it something else?

I'm not really that worried about that. The impact, which protectionist wants to dwell on, seems to be negligible.

Back to my "feast" analogy......He's noticing the end piece of the bread in now in the hands of a black person. Even though the rest of the loaf is on the table, along with pies, and roasts, and wine, he's focused on the end piece of bread.
How do you arrive at saying the "impact" is negligible ? I posted that I lost $1.2 Million, and continue to lose more in reduced social Security payment status. You call that "negligible" ?

In the grand scheme of things, yes.

No doubt you take it hard. I guess you should have filled out the forms they wanted you to fill out, if it was a condition of applying for a job.

Besides that, I didn't realize we were just talking about you. I thought you were speaking on behalf of all white people. White people which, still, are more wealthy on average than black people.

That doesn't mean that you're guaranteed a better car than every black person, or that you should be wealthier than every black person you meet. The fact that you seem to think that it's your right to be in that position is your problem, not theirs.

1. Well, you are WRONG. $1.2 million is NOT negligible for one person to lose. And in the "grand scheme of things" there are millions of Whites who have had the same thing happen to them.

2. NO. I should NOT have filled out the AA forms. It is immoral and illegal.

3. I don't accept your statement that "White people which, still, are more wealthy on average than black people." I haven't seen you produce a shred of evidence to back that up, and any that is produced, I would question it, based on the way the numbers were obtained.

4. What the hell are you talking about ? I never said I should be guaranteed a better car than every black person, or should be wealthier than every black person you meet. That YOUR goofball concoction, not mine. I only claim that I, and all Whites, and anyone not filling out the AA papers, should not be discriminated against, that's all.
You are talking silly. My family would not stand for the KKK and councils back then, and we don't stand for the far right imitation of it today.

Yes, there is white imitation. I know of an East Texas college where the administration, despite the search council's recommendation, refused to hire an Iranian adjunct math professor for full time faculty because of his color, his accent, and his religion, though he was completely intelligible, non political, and the students loved him because he was always available for tutoring.

If you think WP does not exist in our part of the South, you are completely unaware or you deliberately are fabricating
This is OFF TOPIC. Some Iranian guy being discriminanted against, has nothing to do with the MYTH of White Privilege, or the REALITY of Black Privilege.
You lied. Hundreds of whites are not out of jobs.

Making the playing field is not discrimination. You lied.

You lied, and you will be reminded of it every time you deny it.

You are the racist. You lied.
That's right "hundreds of Whites are not out of jobs due to AA. Hundreds of MILLIONS are, over the course of half a century (1964-2014).

"Making the playing field" ?? What the hell is THAT supposed to mean ?

I have NOT lied. I have stated FACTS, and American history, which you seek to rewrite. YOU are lying. And you openly admit that you support AA. That CONFIRMS that YOU are the racist, and YOU will be reminded of it, every time YOU deny it.

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