There Is No War On Christmas , and there isn't a war on Thanksgiving.

You can pretend all you want and some may even believe you. But most of us, EVEN YOUR LEFTIST BRETHREN, understand your tactic.
If you are passing holiday sentiments from one Christian to another, why would you say anything other than Merry Christmas if you are wishing them a Happy Christmas. If you are not of that faith or you are uncertain of the faith of the recipient, Happy Holidays is more than acceptable.
You can pretend all you want and some may even believe you. But most of us, EVEN YOUR LEFTIST BRETHREN, understand your tactic.

The sense of entitlement shown by your post is astounding. According to you there is only ONE holiday that can be spoken of, and it must be mentioned by name.

My "tactic" is to show that we can wish all the dozen or so religious holiday a happy holiday season. Nothing more.
The sense of entitlement shown by your post is astounding. According to you there is only ONE holiday that can be spoken of, and it must be mentioned by name.

My "tactic" is to show that we can wish all the dozen or so religious holiday a happy holiday season. Nothing more.
At the same time that the pressure to remove Merry Christmas as a greeting was instituted starting a few decades ago, the same corporate interests in bed with Progs ramped up turning the Holiday into something worse than a little crass. And Progs and Corporate interests are not in love with each other either.
At the same time that the pressure to remove Merry Christmas as a greeting was instituted starting a few decades ago, the same corporate interests in bed with Progs ramped up turning the Holiday into something worse than a little crass. And Progs and Corporate interests are not in love with each other either.

The corporate interests realized that many of their customers celebrated one of the dozen or so other holidays, and wanted to include everyone. Purely a financial decision.

Via The Star News:

Riccardo Simonetti, LGBT ambassador to the European Union Parliament, dressed as a transgender Virgin Mary for the cover of a Berlin-based queer magazine.
The photos show a bearded Simonetti in a tunic and veil, holding a baby who is presumably representing Jesus. In another photo he is holding the baby with another man, who appears to represent Joseph, wrapping his arms around Simonetti.
“If we ignore the fact that Jesus wasn’t white, we could as well believe the Virgin Mary had a beard, why not?” Simonetti wrote in the caption to his Instagram post.
We fought the war on Christmas and won a skirmish. The anti-American, anti-Christmas forces were forced back into their bunkers. We need to make sure they stay there. Stay alert. When someone says 'Happy Holidays' come back with "and Merry Christmas, Happy Thanksgiving, Happy New Year" They need to be reminded what the 'Holidays' are for.
We fought the war on Christmas and won a skirmish. The anti-American, anti-Christmas forces were forced back into their bunkers. We need to make sure they stay there. Stay alert. When someone says 'Happy Holidays' come back with "and Merry Christmas, Happy Thanksgiving, Happy New Year" They need to be reminded what the 'Holidays' are for.

There are more than a dozen holidays of major religions during December. All of them are what the "Holidays" are for.
Liberals don’t proof read come on nowwwww 😅😅😅 I spit my coffee out
They really don't. If they ever thought for a second about how important language is, they would stop fracturing it.

Just in case you're wondering, you can't blame me if you drowned your phone or monitor in coffee.

Media gloats over the deaths of christians and whom they presume are anti vaxxers or the unvaxxed and they fail epicly in reporting on the deaths of those who had the vaxx and it caused their deaths. The media tells you only what they want you to know. It is called Lying by Omission. It's still a lie.

When someone actively promotes themselves as an anti-vaxxer, and then dies of covid, there is bound to be a certain amount of "I told you so" aimed at them.

When the person in question is clergy, with many followers, it is compounded. And when that clergy member says "God will protect me" before dying of covid, it gets even worse.

I do not celebrate anyone's death. But I do see that there is something to be gained, in that more people will get the shot.
There are more than a dozen holidays of major religions during December. All of them are what the "Holidays" are for.
Christmas is a traditional American holiday and celebration and should not be lumped in with other ones. Hey, for instance, feel free to wish me Happy Hanukah no problem!
Christmas is a traditional American holiday and celebration and should not be lumped in with other ones. Hey, for instance, feel free to wish me Happy Hanukah no problem!

Tradition? People of other Faith's certainly do not follow that tradition.
If they’re in America they should acknowledge it just like if anyone was in Israel acknowledging their traditions.

Israel is a Jewish State. The US is not a single religion state. We have many religions, and all are equal in the eyes of our gov't.
Israel is a Jewish State. The US is not a single religion state. We have many religions, and all are equal in the eyes of our gov't.
The U.S. was founded on Judeo Christian traditions and values. Yes we have many religions and do not prohibit or denigrate their celebrations by calling them by generic terms. You seem to have a problem with the Christmas celebration. Why?
The U.S. was founded on Judeo Christian traditions and values. Yes we have many religions and do not prohibit or denigrate their celebrations by calling them by generic terms. You seem to have a problem with the Christmas celebration. Why?

I have no problem at all with the Christmas celebration. I simply have a problem with people demanding that all holiday greeting be Christmas greetings, by name.

If I say "Happy Holidays" to you, and you celebrate Xmas, why would you be offended or upset? I just wished you a happy Xmas. Likewise, if you are Jewish, I wished you a happy Hannukah.
I have no problem at all with the Christmas celebration. I simply have a problem with people demanding that all holiday greeting be Christmas greetings, by name.

If I say "Happy Holidays" to you, and you celebrate Xmas, why would you be offended or upset? I just wished you a happy Xmas. Likewise, if you are Jewish, I wished you a happy Hannukah.
No you just wished me 'Happy Holidays' not 'Merry Christmas' which has been a traditional American greeting for over 100 years. And no, I would not be offended I'd simply reply with "Merry Christmas" and a smile. Why would you not just wish me a Merry Christmas? Is there some reason not to do that? Are YOU offended by Christmas or something?
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No you just wished me 'happy holidays' which is not 'Merry Christmas' which has been a traditional American greeting for over 100 years. And no, I would not be offended I'd simply reply with "Merry Christmas" and a smile. Why would you not just wish me a Merry Christmas? Is there some reason not to do that? Are YOU offended by Christmas or something?

Mainly it would apply when you do not know the religion of the person you are wishing a happy holiday.

But my wishing you a Happy Holidays means that I hope you have a joyous holiday, whichever one you celebrate.

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