There is nothing about this chiefs win that tells me they have a chance on the road vs Buffalo and Baltimore

I hope it flopped but if that is the way the NFL wants to go then they can go there without me.

Yesterday reminded me of the "good old days" when you could only receive a network channel or two out in the Hinterlands so you were damn lucky to get to see one playoff game.....We survived. ;)
I should have stayed in the bubble because my NFL channel replayed the game later that night and my dvr recorded it. Although I wasn't sorry I missed it 26 to 7 so it wasn't a fun / close ending.

What are the Dolphins going to do? Stay the course and just improve where they are weak? Is the coach safe or should Belicheck take over? LOL No seriously. This is how Rick Carlisle lost his head coaching job for the Piston's. They were close but Joe Dumars felt Larry Brown would do a better job winning it all.

Remember that HBO about Showtime Magic and Kareem? I wish they'd do one on the 2004 Piston's championship team. Or the Bad Boys.
Indeed it looks like shit,they still can’t get the ball into the end zone,those days of the chiefs scoring over 40 points a game are over with,the fins have been inconsistent all year,they beat a warm weather team unable to handle the cold harsh conditions,big deal.

This game just delayed their playoff exit which WILL happen next week when they face much better competition.
Yea but compare them to Detroit. Detroit will consider it a successful season if they do what the Chiefs did. Win one playoff game at home. That would be a major accomplishment in Detroit. If it's scripted, we are the Cinderella team this year.

Who is the NFL rigging it for this year? Texans? Detroit? Dallas? Rams again? Chiefs? Ravens? Eagles? Steelers? Bills? Who's turn is it? If you don't know, then it's still interesting. Like Big Time Wrestling. Who cares if it's rigged. You clearly love it. It drew you back after you left for a while.
Mahomes never played a road playoff game
Every SB is a road PO game dum dum. And the reason they dont play road PO games outside the SB is because they have been so good. How many road PO games or even PO games have the Cowgirls won in the last 20 years?

BTW have to looked at the Cowboys road record? Every decent team they played on the road kicked their ass and they weren't close games. You better hope SF loses to whoever they play.
They scored 2 and moved the ball at will in horrible conditions. They need to be better in the red zone 2/6 but they had 6 red one trips and their defense is really really good.
that wont work in Baltimore or Buffalo
I should have stayed in the bubble because my NFL channel replayed the game later that night and my dvr recorded it. Although I wasn't sorry I missed it 26 to 7 so it wasn't a fun / close ending.

What are the Dolphins going to do? Stay the course and just improve where they are weak? Is the coach safe or should Belicheck take over? LOL No seriously. This is how Rick Carlisle lost his head coaching job for the Piston's. They were close but Joe Dumars felt Larry Brown would do a better job winning it all.

Remember that HBO about Showtime Magic and Kareem? I wish they'd do one on the 2004 Piston's championship team. Or the Bad Boys.
they need to get rid of retarded ass tua
The fact is...they're still the champs until someone beats them.
We forget that they are the champs come playoffs. Hell, we forget it as soon as they don't have the best record in the league. Suddenly they aren't favorites to win it all. Suddenly Baltimore is. Sure the Ravens look better but until they win it all, I think KC should be the favorites.

It seems like the Chiefs have had an off year this year. Weird. They won their division. By 3 games. Easily. This is an off year? 11-6. That's an off year? LOL.

Ravens won 13 games. They sure do seem like a juggernot that will trounce Kansas City but lets see. First Baltimore has to get past Houston and KC needs to beat the winner of Buffalo and Pittsburg.

I bet KC beats the winner of Buffalo and Pittsburg.

The problem with teams like Kansas City is they aren't happy unless they win it all. Mahomes wants to catch Brade. He has 2 now. 3 would put him on a very short list.

  • Tom Brady – 6
  • Joe Montana – 4
  • Terry Bradshaw – 4
  • Troy Aikman – 3
that wont work in Baltimore or Buffalo
Buffalo is severely flawed. Did you watch the game against Miami? Or the Pat's twice, or Jets, or Denver? The Bills can beat anyone in the league but can also lose to anyone in the league because of Allen. When he's good he's really good but when he's bad he's dogshit turning the ball over multiple times, making bone head plays that take points off the board. Those are the things you cant afford to do in the POs. The reason TB12 is the GOAT is as much about him not doing things that killed his team as it was about anything else. Allen cant say that. Baltimore is really really good but they are definitely beatable, and Jackson doesnt have the best PO record ever. It's not likely but the Chiefs could definitely win the AFC, but even if they dont they have been to 5 straight AFC champ games winning 3 and 2 SB's.
Remember the SB…KC down 10 late? They came up with two TD swing passes (wide open) to regain control. Almost trick plays? NEVER count out KC.

ooops that was before the OC left? Go ahead count them out.
Remember the SB…KC down 10 late? They came up with two TD swing passes (wide open) to regain control. Almost trick plays? NEVER count out KC.

ooops that was before the OC left? Go ahead count them out.
Yes Matt NAGY is dog shit
They scored 2 and moved the ball at will in horrible conditions. They need to be better in the red zone 2/6 but they had 6 red one trips and their defense is really really good.

From the highlites I just saw, at least the receivers were catching the ball under horrible conditions!
Every SB is a road PO game dum dum. And the reason they dont play road PO games outside the SB is because they have been so good. How many road PO games or even PO games have the Cowgirls won in the last 20 years?

BTW have to looked at the Cowboys road record? Every decent team they played on the road kicked their ass and they weren't close games. You better hope SF loses to whoever they play.

Twenty years? I'd ask about it being tough on the Cowgirls for almost 30! The curse may have been broken after Jimmy Johnson put in the Ring Of Honor last week in Texas Stadium! That, w/o a doubt the most incompetent move ever made by an owner to fire the best assessor of talent! The Boys would have owned the 90's moreso, but barely took 1 more SB w/ the players Jimmy left Switzer in '95! :nono: :rolleyes::heehee:
Mahomes never played a road playoff game
I believe I heard once that Tom Brady won all his Superbowls, or most of them, when they had home field advantage. The years they didn't have that advantage, they lost. I don't know if that's true on every championship.

Hey, you know why Dallas will never win another championship while Jerry Jones is alive? He sold his soul for those 3 Superbowls.

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