There it is, leave it to the world Olympics to push THE GLOBAL WARMING.

Let's see. All the Scientific Societies, all the world's National Academies of Science, and all the world's major universities state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Against that, you silly asses have an obese junkie on the AM radio and a fake British Lord. LOL
Universities are slush funds from the government. They have to follow this ideology to receive funding.
name one anti global warming agency that receives federal funding.

All four branches of our military.
The Parade Of Nations has begun now ... Phelps and the USA will come in under "E" for "Estados" -- states.

Any minute now.

They are currently at the letter B for Belgium.
NBC went full they have any Americans on that network or just citizens of.the world
Global Warming deniers, ignore them as modern day Flat Earthers.

The difference is the global warming deniers have real power and could very well win.
No Mathew, they cannot win. They can delay the recognition by the general public as to the seriousness of the situation for a time, but then events will demonstrate their perfidity. And the general public will turn on them.
NBC went full they have any Americans on that network or just citizens of.the world
Oh my, do you mean that someone at NBC acknowledged that people from other nations are actually human beings, also?

No, I'll explain it for you...they are globalists, that like the idea of world government...

And I do think the affirmative action Olympics are time stick to developed nations.
Ah yes, those damned brown skinned or mixed nations are not really human, right? LOL
You are so damned transparent.

Globalist? As in the Olympics are supposed to bring together athletes from all the world's nations and peoples. I guess that is globalist.
Ah yes, those damned brown skinned or mixed nations are not really human, right? LOL
You are so damned transparent.

Globalist? As in the Olympics are supposed to bring together athletes from all the world's nations and peoples. I guess that is globalist.

Dipshit....what does brown have to do with it? We just want it run properly...if you can't run a local government....the Olympics are too big.
and if you don't know what a globalist is...then you're stupid and there is no point in speaking with you until you get informed.
Just saw Phelps and the USA team go by.

Lots and lots of selfies in this parade.

The ghost of Steve Jobs.
Global Warming deniers, ignore them as modern day Flat Earthers.

The difference is the global warming deniers have real power and could very well win.
No Mathew, they cannot win. They can delay the recognition by the general public as to the seriousness of the situation for a time, but then events will demonstrate their perfidity. And the general public will turn on them.

Well maybe if you guys didn't fake evidence, set stupid time tables that are ridiculously unrealistic and crave power over everyone's lives in every other part of life....maybe we'd buy in and care...but we know it's a socialist hoax.
I'm curious as to what Liberals think should be done about global warming? I know plenty of Liberals and with the exception of them wanting shit for free, wanting higher taxes for anyone making more money than them, having a lack of common sense and not wanting to associate with blacks, they don't live any differently than I do. So what do they want us to do?
Let's see. All the Scientific Societies, all the world's National Academies of Science, and all the world's major universities state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Against that, you silly asses have an obese junkie on the AM radio and a fake British Lord. LOL
Universities are slush funds from the government. They have to follow this ideology to receive funding.
name one anti global warming agency that receives federal funding.
They get their cash from the petrochemical companies. But I suppose you think the Shell answer man is unbiased.
Lol. It's simply amazing how easy it is to fool people into believing that man is the cause of climate change.
You did hear about the water conditions in rio right? Man has a significant impact on our environment, there is no denying it. I realize pollution and climate change are two different things but why in the world would we not try our very best to be as green as possible? I don't see the rational in trashing our environment or fighting Eco-friendly movements

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