"There’s a Black Man in the White House"


Bashir's hate is like a freakin' laser beam.

Funny thing is, he's just average at MSNBC.

" Did happen to mention I'm black"

Was that Romney?

"Typical white person"


" that's just how white folks will do ya'"


Bashir's hate is like a freakin' laser beam.

Funny thing is, he's just average at MSNBC.


I watch him when I can just to see him get all twisted and angry... and hear what new hatred he will spew. Just like Matthews...hung up on race yet acccording to both of them...everyone else is.
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Bashir's hate is like a freakin' laser beam.

Funny thing is, he's just average at MSNBC.


All the hosts at MSNBC have put forth the reason republicans don't like this President
is because he's black.

And the people who watch this network eat this stuff up and fall for it.

Bashir's hate is like a freakin' laser beam.

Funny thing is, he's just average at MSNBC.


I watch him when I can just to see him get all twisted and angry... and ear what new hatred he will spew. Just like Matthews...ung up on race yet acccording to both of them...everyone else is.

Where have your consonants gone???

Bashir's hate is like a freakin' laser beam.

Funny thing is, he's just average at MSNBC.


it isn't racist to point out racism. i don't know why that confuses some people.

Where did I say he was racist?

The Democrats use the race card like a hammer. They see it as a way to gain advantage, so they use it at absolutely every opportunity. Worse, though, they're constantly making up opportunities out of thin air.

Political Correctness = Strategic Hypersensitivity deployed specifically to put your target on the defensive and control the conversation.

Two things though: First, it looks like this game is beginning to wear thin; and secondly, and tragically, it dilutes the real racism that does exist. The boy crying wolf. The Left has overplayed its hand, and there are no winners with this kind of game.

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Bashir's hate is like a freakin' laser beam.

Funny thing is, he's just average at MSNBC.


All the hosts at MSNBC have put forth the reason republicans don't like this President
is because he's black.

And the people who watch this network eat this stuff up and fall for it.

As the saying goes...take it from the source. Any network executive that hires Al Sharpton needs his head examimed.
Some well meaning people clearly struggle with unpleasant remnants of their upbringing.

Racism is learned behavior. Tough to unlearn........even for those who want to. The process is arduous and often accompanied by distinct periods of denial.

Those who have fully recovered are not upset by accusations of racism. Until you can honestly say that.....you ain't cured.

Bashir's hate is like a freakin' laser beam.

Funny thing is, he's just average at MSNBC.


it isn't racist to point out racism. i don't know why that confuses some people.

What is it when you point to racism that isn't there?


I'd guess the PC Police's answer would be, "well, no harm no foul. Just in case." Which is not true. This kind of crap makes a bad situation much worse.

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Bashir's hate is like a freakin' laser beam.

Funny thing is, he's just average at MSNBC.


it isn't racist to point out racism. i don't know why that confuses some people.

Where did I say he was racist?

The Democrats use the race card like a hammer. They see it as a way to gain advantage, so they use it at absolutely every opportunity. Worse, though, they're constantly making up opportunities out of thin air.

Political Correctness = Strategic Hypersensitivity deployed specifically to put your target on the defensive and control the conversation.

Two things though: First, it looks like this game is beginning to wear thin; and secondly, and tragically, it dilutes the real racism that does exist. The boy crying wolf. The Left has overplayed its hand, and there are no winners with this kind of game.


the right has run on its southern strategy since the civil rights act was signed. most people understand that. when you talk about "law and order" and "food stamp president", everyone knows what images that's supposed to conjure up. there have certainly been enough republican operatives who discussed it... it's why the GOP has a gender gap, a race gap and an age gap.

the hysterics that accompanied this president's election was unlike anything we've ever seen... not even when our president got appointed by the court in 2000 did you see this type of vitriole (we're not talking about AFTER Bush implemented his failed policies...we're talking about the day after election day). I'd also point out that at a time of crisis, most of the country stood behind bush. (i think his approval rating was some ridiculously high number after his post-9/11 speech at the cathedral).

with this president, all we've heard about is that he's a muslimkenyansocialistfasict and had his harvard credentials questioned... because, you know, it's that whole affirmative action thing....

so yes, a lot of it is about racism. bashir may not be 100% correct, but the right certainly opened the door to his conclusions.
it isn't racist to point out racism. i don't know why that confuses some people.

Where did I say he was racist?

The Democrats use the race card like a hammer. They see it as a way to gain advantage, so they use it at absolutely every opportunity. Worse, though, they're constantly making up opportunities out of thin air.

Political Correctness = Strategic Hypersensitivity deployed specifically to put your target on the defensive and control the conversation.

Two things though: First, it looks like this game is beginning to wear thin; and secondly, and tragically, it dilutes the real racism that does exist. The boy crying wolf. The Left has overplayed its hand, and there are no winners with this kind of game.


the right has run on its southern strategy since the civil rights act was signed. most people understand that. when you talk about "law and order" and "food stamp president", everyone knows what images that's supposed to conjure up. there have certainly been enough republican operatives who discussed it... it's why the GOP has a gender gap, a race gap and an age gap.

the hysterics that accompanied this president's election was unlike anything we've ever seen... not even when our president got appointed by the court in 2000 did you see this type of vitriole (we're not talking about AFTER Bush implemented his failed policies...we're talking about the day after election day). I'd also point out that at a time of crisis, most of the country stood behind bush. (i think his approval rating was some ridiculously high number after his post-9/11 speech at the cathedral).

with this president, all we've heard about is that he's a muslimkenyansocialistfasict and had his harvard credentials questioned... because, you know, it's that whole affirmative action thing....

so yes, a lot of it is about racism. bashir may not be 100% correct, but the right certainly opened the door to his conclusions.

Bashir's comments are just a tiny, tiny piece of the problem. He's just the latest example. The Left finds racism in everything right now, everything is a "dog whistle", everything is a big conspiracy. They're diluting the real problem, and I don't think they see it.

I do believe that you don't see this. I think it's entirely possible that you're being sincere. But calling everything racism is more destructive than helpful.

And you mention that "Bashir may not be 100% correct," as if the times he's NOT correct are no big deal. I think those times are a DAMN big deal, because the charge he and the Left are constantly leveling is very serious.

OK Mac,

Can you point to a case of actual racism from the right during this election? Has there been any?

You say the "crying wolf" dilutes the issue......what about the refusal to see the problem at all?
Where did I say he was racist?

The Democrats use the race card like a hammer. They see it as a way to gain advantage, so they use it at absolutely every opportunity. Worse, though, they're constantly making up opportunities out of thin air.

Political Correctness = Strategic Hypersensitivity deployed specifically to put your target on the defensive and control the conversation.

Two things though: First, it looks like this game is beginning to wear thin; and secondly, and tragically, it dilutes the real racism that does exist. The boy crying wolf. The Left has overplayed its hand, and there are no winners with this kind of game.


the right has run on its southern strategy since the civil rights act was signed. most people understand that. when you talk about "law and order" and "food stamp president", everyone knows what images that's supposed to conjure up. there have certainly been enough republican operatives who discussed it... it's why the GOP has a gender gap, a race gap and an age gap.

the hysterics that accompanied this president's election was unlike anything we've ever seen... not even when our president got appointed by the court in 2000 did you see this type of vitriole (we're not talking about AFTER Bush implemented his failed policies...we're talking about the day after election day). I'd also point out that at a time of crisis, most of the country stood behind bush. (i think his approval rating was some ridiculously high number after his post-9/11 speech at the cathedral).

with this president, all we've heard about is that he's a muslimkenyansocialistfasict and had his harvard credentials questioned... because, you know, it's that whole affirmative action thing....

so yes, a lot of it is about racism. bashir may not be 100% correct, but the right certainly opened the door to his conclusions.

Bashir's comments are just a tiny, tiny piece of the problem. He's just the latest example. The Left finds racism in everything right now, everything is a "dog whistle", everything is a big conspiracy. They're diluting the real problem, and I don't think they see it.

I do believe that you don't see this. I think it's entirely possible that you're being sincere. But calling everything racism is more destructive than helpful.

And you mention that "Bashir may not be 100% correct," as if the times he's NOT correct are no big deal. I think those times are a DAMN big deal, because the charge he and the Left are constantly leveling is very serious.


so do you think the right isn't trying to use imagery and language to play on people's racism? you think this president was treated like any other president from day one?

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