There she goes! The bizarre escapades of Hillary Rodham Clinton

She lives off that money. How can it not mean anything? What does the Clinton foundation actually do anyway? I don't see much in the news about where this money is supposedly going and what has been done.

Clinton Foundation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As far as I've been able to find, Hillary Clinton has never taken a salary from the Clinton Foundation. I would be utterly shocked if she did.

Where is all the money going? There are dozens of articles indicating the Clintons are using Foundation money for Hillary's costs etc.

They are using the "Foundation" as a personal piggie bank. Here is one link to a reputable publication. There are dozens more.

Bill Clinton rebuts misleading report on his charity s finances TheHill

I don't think that article says what you think it says.

Yes it does. Google Clinton Foundation audit. You can see at least where some of the money is going. The Clintons are taking millions out of it. They are using their Foundation as a piggie bank.

It is yet another major campaign issue for Hillary.

Key questions:

1. Of the roughly $200,000,000 million much went into actual charitable funding?

2. much money have you taken out of the Foundation for "expenses"....that is travel or otherwise?

Doc....these are very legitimate question that will have to be clearly answered at some point. Don't you want to know?

There's no doubt in my mind the Clintons have stolen millions from their charity. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a real sweet kid.

Of course there is "no doubt in your mind". Hating Clinton is a religion to you - no proof needed, just faith.

That's why no one can take you seriously.
Clinton Foundation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As far as I've been able to find, Hillary Clinton has never taken a salary from the Clinton Foundation. I would be utterly shocked if she did.

Where is all the money going? There are dozens of articles indicating the Clintons are using Foundation money for Hillary's costs etc.

They are using the "Foundation" as a personal piggie bank. Here is one link to a reputable publication. There are dozens more.

Bill Clinton rebuts misleading report on his charity s finances TheHill

I don't think that article says what you think it says.

Yes it does. Google Clinton Foundation audit. You can see at least where some of the money is going. The Clintons are taking millions out of it. They are using their Foundation as a piggie bank.

It is yet another major campaign issue for Hillary.

Key questions:

1. Of the roughly $200,000,000 million much went into actual charitable funding?

2. much money have you taken out of the Foundation for "expenses"....that is travel or otherwise?

Doc....these are very legitimate question that will have to be clearly answered at some point. Don't you want to know?

There's no doubt in my mind the Clintons have stolen millions from their charity. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a real sweet kid.

Of course there is "no doubt in your mind". Hating Clinton is a religion to you - no proof needed, just faith.

That's why no one can take you seriously.

You're entitled to your opinion. I know the Clintons are not to be trusted with hundreds of millions of dollars. That's my opinion.
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Why, in any reality would you vote for her? Does she come over as trustworthy to you?

The simplest reason for anyone to vote for Hillary Clinton will come in the form of the alternative to her that the GOP nominates out of their Toontown rogue's gallery.
They know because the foundation released the information.


The foundation doesn't "take money from people who abuse women", they accepted donations from the government of Saudi Arabia, a US ally and significant trade partner - along with 30 or 40 other governments.


Just because someone is an "ally" and "trade partner" doesn't excuse what they do to innocent people on their own soil. Had she any values to uphold on her end, she wouldn't take a dime of their money. The government of Saudi Arabia is known for its human rights violations; and taking money from them only legitimizes them, but also their behavior.

It's a charity. Why shouldn't they accept donations from whomever is willing to give?

Charity? They are willing to grant charity to others but not to the women they abuse? Hardly charity, more like trying to maintain a false image.

Actually, I think the extensive, long-term ties our government has with Saudi Arabia "legitimizes" them a lot more than donating to charity does.

I have no control over how the House of Saud chooses to spend their money, but I can say that if I ran an enormous international charity organization, I wouldn't hesitate to take any money they wanted to give.
Where is all the money going? There are dozens of articles indicating the Clintons are using Foundation money for Hillary's costs etc.

They are using the "Foundation" as a personal piggie bank. Here is one link to a reputable publication. There are dozens more.

Bill Clinton rebuts misleading report on his charity s finances TheHill

I don't think that article says what you think it says.

Yes it does. Google Clinton Foundation audit. You can see at least where some of the money is going. The Clintons are taking millions out of it. They are using their Foundation as a piggie bank.

It is yet another major campaign issue for Hillary.

Key questions:

1. Of the roughly $200,000,000 million much went into actual charitable funding?

2. much money have you taken out of the Foundation for "expenses"....that is travel or otherwise?

Doc....these are very legitimate question that will have to be clearly answered at some point. Don't you want to know?

There's no doubt in my mind the Clintons have stolen millions from their charity. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a real sweet kid.

Of course there is "no doubt in your mind". Hating Clinton is a religion to you - no proof needed, just faith.

That's why no one can take you seriously.

You're entitled to your opinion. I know the Clintons are not to be trusted with hundreds of millions of dollars. That's my opinion.

I haven't offered an "opinion".
Not minority voters. The Obama election was obviously historic. Hillary's best shot is to energize female voters for the same reason.

However, it will be a tough sell when she accepts money from Countries like Saudi Arabia that brutalize women and she pays women on her Senate staff .72 cents on the dollar compared to the men.

You see, this is a perfect example of what I was talking about.

The fact that one of the largest and prolific non-profits in the world (that Hillary has nothing to do with the day-to-day operation of) takes donations for Saudi Arabia isn't actually a scandal.
She lives off that money. How can it not mean anything? What does the Clinton foundation actually do anyway? I don't see much in the news about where this money is supposedly going and what has been done.

Per reports the "Foundation" is a private Clinton piggie bank. Per media reports they keep .90 cents of every dollar raised. Only .10 cents goes out for "charity."

It is a scam.
Link please, on the 90 cents on the dollar bull you posted. ;)

Try visual evidence, milady.

Aparently, they, FOX can say anything they want, without checking the Public Records...I posted a link to her public records on the thread about this topic and it shows pay by name and by position of all of her staffers and it does not show that any man in an equal position to any woman, made more money than the female.

Equal pay for equal what she supports and that's fair....I support the same...

in no way should a woman or man be paid the same if their positions and duties are different.

If a man and woman are both being hired to take widgets off the assembly line, then the woman should not be paid less than the man hired the same day, nor should the man hired be paid less for the same widget removal job as the female....seems fair to me...

Of course, I see no way to enforce anything like that.... but the concept, IS a Just one....imo.
I have no control over how the House of Saud chooses to spend their money, but I can say that if I ran an enormous international charity organization, I wouldn't hesitate to take any money they wanted to give.

Even if their charity belies the fact they abuse others?
I have no control over how the House of Saud chooses to spend their money, but I can say that if I ran an enormous international charity organization, I wouldn't hesitate to take any money they wanted to give.

Even if their charity belies the fact they abuse others?

How would their charity "belie the fact they abuse others"?

The human rights record of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are publicly known and have been for decades.
Why, in any reality would you vote for her? Does she come over as trustworthy to you?

The simplest reason for anyone to vote for Hillary Clinton will come in the form of the alternative to her that the GOP nominates out of their Toontown rogue's gallery.

And there you have the democrat attitude. Nothing about why hilary should be president, just 'cute' attack on any opponent for the crime of existing when it's her 'turn'!
Aparently, they, FOX can say anything they want, without checking the Public Records

The reason they are the most trusted news source in America is because they, in fact, do check public records.

Equal pay for equal what she supports and that's fair....I support the same.

I would too, if it weren't the for the pesky fact that we already have equal pay laws in the United States. The issue is moot.

I posted a link to her public records on the thread about this topic and it shows pay by name and by position of all of her staffers and it does not show that any man in an equal position to any woman, made more money than the female.

You did no such thing, not in this thread anyway.
The human rights record of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are publicly known and have been for decades.

Does that make it any better? At what point would taking charity from others compromise your own values? There has to be a terminus somewhere.
Aparently, they, FOX can say anything they want, without checking the Public Records

The reason they are the most trusted news source in America is because they, in fact, do check public records.

Equal pay for equal what she supports and that's fair....I support the same.

I would too, if it weren't the for the pesky fact that we already have equal pay laws in the United States. The issue is moot.

I posted a link to her public records on the thread about this topic and it shows pay by name and by position of all of her staffers and it does not show that any man in an equal position to any woman, made more money than the female.

You did no such thing, not in this thread anyway.
yes I did, on THE thread about Hillary and the pay disparity of her staffer pay by gender.

I never said I posted it on this thread.
Aparently, they, FOX can say anything they want, without checking the Public Records

The reason they are the most trusted news source in America is because they, in fact, do check public records.

Equal pay for equal what she supports and that's fair....I support the same.

I would too, if it weren't the for the pesky fact that we already have equal pay laws in the United States. The issue is moot.

I posted a link to her public records on the thread about this topic and it shows pay by name and by position of all of her staffers and it does not show that any man in an equal position to any woman, made more money than the female.

You did no such thing, not in this thread anyway.
yes I did, on THE thread about Hillary and the pay disparity of her staffer pay by gender.

I never said I posted it on this thread.

Well, we are in this thread, not that other thread, and if you want a serious response, you'll repost that link here. I don't follow every thread on this board, nor do I care to.

It isn't my responsibility to look for your links.
Aparently, they, FOX can say anything they want, without checking the Public Records

The reason they are the most trusted news source in America is because they, in fact, do check public records.

Equal pay for equal what she supports and that's fair....I support the same.

I would too, if it weren't the for the pesky fact that we already have equal pay laws in the United States. The issue is moot.

I posted a link to her public records on the thread about this topic and it shows pay by name and by position of all of her staffers and it does not show that any man in an equal position to any woman, made more money than the female.

You did no such thing, not in this thread anyway.
yes I did, on THE thread about Hillary and the pay disparity of her staffer pay by gender.

I never said I posted it on this thread.
How do you feel about the President of the USA holding hands and kissing the Saudi Prince? Does this imply to you that the President SUPPORTS the abuses against female Saudi Arabia?
The human rights record of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are publicly known and have been for decades.

Does that make it any better? At what point would taking charity from others compromise your own values? There has to be a terminus somewhere.

Why should there be?

The Clinton Foundation did not "take charity" from Saudi Arabia. They are the charity, and Saudi Arabia donated to funding various developments in Africa through them.

The Clinton Foundation did not "profit" from Saudi Arabia - AIDS-ridden countries in Africa did.
Aparently, they, FOX can say anything they want, without checking the Public Records

The reason they are the most trusted news source in America is because they, in fact, do check public records.

Equal pay for equal what she supports and that's fair....I support the same.

I would too, if it weren't the for the pesky fact that we already have equal pay laws in the United States. The issue is moot.

I posted a link to her public records on the thread about this topic and it shows pay by name and by position of all of her staffers and it does not show that any man in an equal position to any woman, made more money than the female.

You did no such thing, not in this thread anyway.
yes I did, on THE thread about Hillary and the pay disparity of her staffer pay by gender.

I never said I posted it on this thread.

Well, we are in this thread, not that other thread, and if you want a serious response, you'll repost that link here. I don't follow every thread on this board, nor do I care to.

It isn't my responsibility to look for your links.
you don't have to look for it if you don't want to know about it or see it, you can just take my word for it, I suppose? :D or you can also google Hillary Clinton State Dept. staffer salaries... IF you feel it is necessary, or just drop it....
Why, in any reality would you vote for her? Does she come over as trustworthy to you?

The simplest reason for anyone to vote for Hillary Clinton will come in the form of the alternative to her that the GOP nominates out of their Toontown rogue's gallery.

And there you have the democrat attitude. Nothing about why hilary should be president, just 'cute' attack on any opponent for the crime of existing when it's her 'turn'!

Conservatives vote for what they consider the lesser of two evils almost every election.

Conservatives are almost never happy with the Republican nominee.
The Clinton Foundation did not "take charity" from Saudi Arabia.

Then what did they get from Saudi Arabia then? A kiss and a kind slap on the rear?

The Clinton Foundation did not "profit" from Saudi Arabia - AIDS-ridden countries in Africa did.

I never once said they "profited" from anyone. The simple act of taking the money shows they willfully ignore the human rights violations occurring there.

"Hey, lets help fight AIDS!" says Saudi Arabia, "but pay no attention to those crying women behind the curtain."

Why should there be?

Why? I was raised on the idea that you don't take money from someone whose behavior is in direct conflict with your own morals, if you know what they do.

Its like asking a murderer to donate money to a crime prevention program. It would be gigantic conflict of interest for those running the program.
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Its like asking a murderer donate money crime prevention programs. It would be gigantic conflict of interest for those running the program.


What are the conflicting interests, on the part of those running the program?

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