There should be more restrictions on what poor people can buy with food stamps.

Link us to the data that proves that OVERALL old people are a net loss for taxpayers. Remember to consider all they contributed over their lifetimes. We’ll be standing by.

So are babies. Let's kill all those, too, since they can't work and just lay around crying n stuff, and they refuse to save and invest in the Big Casino, too. These sociopaths are usually the first to stampede over women and children to be first in line when they fuck up and need bailing out.
Sounds like a good plan would be to make sure those AI’s won’t reach 100% potential.

This is a relevant Ted Talk. I'm more optimistic than he is, but some of the stuff he says is very interesting.

If we manage to create general intelligence in AI it will change the world dramatically. Think about a creative artificial intelligence that's capable of doing 1,000 years of human intellectual work in a week. What kind of ramifications could that have?
That way, the need to be repaired by humans stays in the equation.
We won't reach this point before some kind of assistance becomes necessary in my opinion. Imagine a United States where 150 million people can't find work because they lack the skills and intelligence to be productive in a futuristic society. Does that sound sustainable to you without help from the government? Not everybody will be able to get a job building and repairing robots, and yeah, on a long enough timeline the robots will most likely be doing that as well. I believe robotics will eventually become so complex that only a robot will be capable of doing the building and repairing.

People love to say things like "It's always been this way! Jobs always disappear, but people always end up needed for labor." It's different this time though. This time our tools are actually outgrowing us. We're advancing them to the point that they're going to be able to work and think independently. That has never happened before and it's going to change everything.
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I agree. I was in 7-11 the other day and a woman bought soda, candy bars and other crap using her EBT card to pay for it.

Those cards should only buy meat, milk, sandwich meat, cereal and vegetables. They shouldn't be used for all the crap I see people buy with them.

Its a waste of our tax dollars by the freeloaders of the US.
Those cards should only buy meat, milk, sandwich meat, cereal and vegetables. They shouldn't be used for all the crap I see people buy with them.
They should also refrain from smiling or exhibiting any expression of joy while they are buying these items.

Its a waste of our tax dollars by the freeloaders of the US.
Sure. That's the nature of the welfare state. We should work to repeal these laws. In the meantime, let's not use it as an excuse to tell others how to live, mkay?

Also, how do you know any given person on welfare is a freeloader? Maybe they've paid into the system their whole life, and now they need some help - so they're getting some of it back. Maybe they've paid far more into the system than you have.
Sure. That's the nature of the welfare state. We should work to repeal these laws. In the meantime, let's not use it as an excuse to tell others how to live, mkay?
Your Father Government forces me to have equity share in “others”. So long as that’s the case I’ll tell others how to live.
Sure. That's the nature of the welfare state. We should work to repeal these laws. In the meantime, let's not use it as an excuse to tell others how to live, mkay?

Also, how do you know any given person on welfare is a freeloader? Maybe they've paid into the system their whole life, and now they need some help - so they're getting some of it back. Maybe they've paid far more into the system than you have.

Right, I'm sure they were six figure earners before going on food stamps like most of them are. Again, you have to make a pretty good buck to pay federal income tax which is where the money comes from to fund these programs.

WTF is telling anybody how to live? Where do you get that shit from? The government has limits and restrictions on all their programs be it social services or welfare. Is McDonald's telling you how to eat when you want to use one coupon to buy two big mac meals? No, the coupon is limited to one order per coupon.
WTF is telling anybody how to live? Where do you get that shit from? The government has limits and restrictions on all their programs be it social services or welfare. Is McDonald's telling you how to eat when you want to use one coupon to buy two big mac meals? No, the coupon is limited to one order per coupon.
Some people really are hopelessly entitled.
I agree. I was in 7-11 the other day and a woman bought soda, candy bars and other crap using her EBT card to pay for it.

Those cards should only buy meat, milk, sandwich meat, cereal and vegetables. They shouldn't be used for all the crap I see people buy with them.

Its a waste of our tax dollars by the freeloaders of the US.
As I have pointed out numerous times in this thread, you have no idea of the source of those funds. EBT is not "food stamps" for you old codgers or even TANF for you new-fangled squirts!

My daughter had one as a method for child support.
Your Father Government forces me to have equity share in “others”. So long as that’s the case I’ll tell others how to live.
Well, you won't tell anyone shit. We'll take a vote and the majority will tell you how to live That's the way it works. That's what you're cheering for.
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As I have pointed out numerous times in this thread, you have no idea of the source of those funds. EBT is not "food stamps" for you old codgers or even TANF for you new-fangled squirts!

My daughter had one as a method for child support.

Pretty sure a government issued EBT card has nothing to do with child support, unless it is government sponsored.
Are pop and Hersheys a prerequisite for humane conditions??? Lol

Food stamps should only be for the basics. Period
To say nothing of alcohol, marijuana, street drugs, and tobacco for poor people?

Try to drink anything liquid at all and stay clean and sober in those parts of town. Pop isn't the problem, f**kers, and neither is bottled water for that matter. Or a brand name candy bar in a sealed wrapper versus a package of crack cocaine being sold just around the corner on the sidewalk.

You say there's a dental practice on the block in that part of town, too? With laughing gas, quicksilver, pawnshop gold, and a nightclub blacklight teeth, drilling and filling some teeth and pulling other teeth to fit with bridges and dentures? I say get your RDA vitamins and nutrients and stop that obsessive brushing, flossing, drilling, and extracting.
WTF is telling anybody how to live? Where do you get that shit from? The government has limits and restrictions on all their programs be it social services or welfare.
Giving someone some money, and then micromanaging how they spend it, is telling them how to live. But of course, it won't stop there. When health care is socialized the statists will be micromanaging your health habits as well.
Is McDonald's telling you how to eat when you want to use one coupon to buy two big mac meals? No, the coupon is limited to one order per coupon.
LOL - McDonalds can't put me in jail if I ignore them. Do you REALLY not understand that????

But let's cut through the bullshit. The only principle at work here is retribution - an attempt to target welfare recipients with restrictions because you don't want them using welfare. It's typical, chickenshit "blame-the-victim" nonsense. Republicans don't have the balls, nor the leadership, to dismantle the welfare state legitimately, so they're just going to pick on the people it ensnares instead.
Pretty sure a government issued EBT card has nothing to do with child support, unless it is government sponsored.
My (Thank God!) ex-son-in-law was a deadbeat Dad who abandoned his family. When they caught up to him in Pennsylvania, they took his child support from his paycheck and sent it to my state, who then deposited the funds on my daughter's EBT card.
Those ungrateful dogs should only be allowed one government-issued protein/vitamin pill per day. The National Guard should be deployed at all supermarkets to keep the unwashed rabble from entering the realm of the beautiful people. And make them live in the sewers!
To say nothing of alcohol, marijuana, street drugs, and tobacco for poor people?

Try to drink anything liquid at all and stay clean and sober in those parts of town. Pop isn't the problem, f**kers, and neither is bottled water for that matter. Or a brand name candy bar in a sealed wrapper versus a package of crack cocaine being sold just around the corner on the sidewalk.

You say there's a dental practice on the block in that part of town, too? With laughing gas, quicksilver, pawnshop gold, and a nightclub blacklight teeth, drilling and filling some teeth and pulling other teeth to fit with bridges and dentures? I say get your RDA vitamins and nutrients and stop that obsessive brushing, flossing, drilling, and extracting.
retribution - an attempt to target welfare recipients with restrictions because you don't want them using welfare. It's typical, chickenshit "blame-the-victim" nonsense
So get people off the street drugs, stop dealing "mental health" drugs and send them back to work. You got random drug testing on the job, and people fired for drug use go out on welfare under a dual diagnosis of drug dependency and mental health.
Those ungrateful dogs should only be allowed one government-issued protein/vitamin pill per day. The National Guard should be deployed at all supermarkets to keep the unwashed rabble from entering the realm of the beautiful people. And make them live in the sewers!
I still like my plan: track every single tax dollar, from collection to the point it's spent - so you can see who actually gets your money. Then you can lord it over them and make sure you approve of how they are spending it.
Giving someone some money, and then micromanaging how they spend it, is telling them how to live. But of course, it won't stop there. When health care is socialized the statists will be micromanaging your health habits as well.

LOL - McDonalds can't put me in jail if I ignore them. Do you REALLY not understand that????

But let's cut through the bullshit. The only principle at work here is retribution - an attempt to target welfare recipients with restrictions because you don't want them using welfare. It's typical, chickenshit "blame-the-victim" nonsense. Republicans don't have the balls, nor the leadership, to dismantle the welfare state legitimately, so they're just going to pick on the people it ensnares instead.
micro managing is telling them what to buy,, we are telling them what not to buy,, big difference,,

that money is to help them get by until they can get back on their feet,,

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