There should be more restrictions on what poor people can buy with food stamps.

Yea none of which run as a giant ponzi scheme that would collapse without the state guaranteeing it's solvency with a fucking gun. lol

It's obvious where the money comes from in health and auto insurance.....People don't get payouts. That goes to your payout.

That's not how social security works beyond people dying early. It is way too generous for that to work in 2021. It's welfare. Look at you falling over yourself trying not to admit it. If it's not fine. You'll be fine if we take it away and pay you back (it won't work out that way but tell yourself that I don't care)

It's not welfare so you're not losing anything, right? lol

Of fucking course it is

I would be happy if the state paid me all my money back with interest if properly invested. That will never happen. People who live the average lifespan will make out, but that doesn't make it welfare no more than somebody that had their house burn down twice costing the insurance company hundreds of thousands of dollars to rebuild. The insurance company will never make it back. They depend on those who never had a claim or a minor claim in their life. That's how any system works.
Do you realize that private healthcare will still exist if poor people without the ability to afford that are given a public option?
That's irrelevant to my point. You're dodging. I'll ask again, once liberals succeed in socializing health care, why should you pay for expensive cancer treatments for the life long smoker? Why should you have to pay for injuries to people who engage in risky sports? If the state is paying for their health care, you should have a say in their health habits, right?
That's irrelevant to my point. You're dodging. I'll ask again, once liberals succeed in socializing health care, why should you pay for expensive cancer treatments for the life long smoker? Why should you have to pay for injuries to people who engage in risky sports? If the state is paying for their health care, you should have a say in their health habits, right?
thats why only libtards want socialist healthcare,,, their to stupid to understand once they get it the government can control you,,,

are you going to answer my question on who wants to control peoples lives??
why should you pay for expensive cancer treatments for the life long smoker?
For the sake of argument let's say that maybe I shouldn't. Their situation wouldn't be any worse than right now though. It would be better because there would at least be a lot of general services that are covered.

Also more preventative care will reduce the overall cost of healthcare. A lot of people just wait until it's an emergency and then go to the ER. Sometimes an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
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For the sake of argument let's say that maybe I shouldn't. Their situation wouldn't be any worse than right now though. It would be better because there would at least be a lot of general services that are covered.

Also more preventative care will reduce the overall cost of healthcare. A lot of people just wait until it's an emergency and then go to the ER. Sometimes an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Exactly. If and when liberals socialize health care, statists like you will be eager and ready to use it as an excuse for dictating our health habits.
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Exactly. If and when liberals socialize health care statists, like you will be eager and ready to use it as an excuse for dictating our health habits.
God forbid some grownup gives you an incentive to stop smoking and eat healthier. Nobody would be dictating your health.
God forbid some grownup gives you an incentive to stop smoking and eat healthier. Nobody would be dictating your health.
So you'd be ok with smokers getting a full-ride? Should gays get treatment for AIDS on your dime?
I would be happy if the state paid me all my money back with interest if properly invested. That will never happen. People who live the average lifespan will make out, but that doesn't make it welfare no more than somebody that had their house burn down twice costing the insurance company hundreds of thousands of dollars to rebuild. The insurance company will never make it back. They depend on those who never had a claim or a minor claim in their life. That's how any system works.

Yes but you were paying the appropriate premium

Here you're not charged the appropriate premium
denial of healthcare is more than an incentive,,
I personally don't believe cancer patients should be left to rot. I can't promise you some rich assholes won't fight for that. Even if the public only provided partial care it would be more care than some people have right now.
I personally don't believe cancer patients should be left to rot. I can't promise you some rich assholes won't fight for that. Even if the public only provided partial care it would be more care than some people have right now.
based on current events you are wrong,, the people in government are trying to gain as much control as they can right now, and if thats any indication of what would happen if they had control of everyones healthcare we are fucked royal,,

and no words from a faceless person on an anonymous forum will change that,,
based on current events you are wrong,, the people in government are trying to gain as much control as they can right now, and if thats any indication of what would happen if they had control of everyones healthcare we are fucked royal,,

and no words from a faceless person on an anonymous forum will change that,,
They wouldn't have control though. You could still get private health insurance.
Would you become open-minded to it if there were guarantees that people would be fully covered no matter what?
Open-minded to what? Socialized health care? Or government dictating health habits because they're providing us with health care?

But I guess it doesn't matter. I wouldn't be "open" to either.
so I have to pay for mine and everyone elses??
I think it's a lot more likely that you wouldn't be as unsatisfied with the public care as you assume. You and a lot of other people. You could have partial insurance for special stuff if you had to. You would still benefit from the public care.

You need eye care right? Dental? There are many ways you could benefit.

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