There should be more restrictions on what poor people can buy with food stamps.

Learn what welfare is, not listen to every word of the Communist Party. Taking less money from people is not welfare you clown. Giving something that they never had before at taxpayer expense is welfare.

Like tax payer subsidies?

Something they didn't have before?
More right-wing socialism on a national basis whenever it may concern the Poor is not the answer. Equal protection of the laws is.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
You are right, RE. I can only cringe as people anguish themselves over the tiny amount of money given people with disabilities and other problems which force them into poverty as a matter of compassion so they can lead rudimentary basic lives as if they were living high on the hog, especially when I know that if the shoe were on the other foot, they would be very thankful to have that money! Meanwhile, the other 99% of their tax dollars they apparently don't mind is being spent in foreign countries and people and things not even in this country, for this country or anything the taxpayer remotely knows about or believes in.

What little is doled out to the unfortunate out of compassion is probably just about the BEST thing the government ever actually does with your money! Meantime, Uncle Joe gives away 28 billion in WEAPONS to the Taliban terrorists without blinking an eye and who knows how many billions spent on illegal unaccompanied children brought here illegally not even citizens of this country.

I wouldn't let a dog suffer and I'm not so misery of spirit that I object to giving a few dollars of money I can easily spare to help out those less fortunate than me.
Thank you!

I also have Asperger's Syndrome and Depression.

Thank G-d and my parents I have everything I need.
YOU do not understand, and have almost certainly never studied, that great document, loser.
I read the declaration, and not just the great opening. The actual meat of the document, sounds like the rantings of radicals.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
Thank you! I also have Asperger's Syndrome and Depression. Thank G-d and my parents I have everything I need.

The irony is that the 28 billion that Surrender Joe just gave away to the Taliban without even blinking an eye, that nobody will miss, was enough to give every person in this country on SNAP a thousand dollars.

The poor typically have the least room for belt-tightening in their lives yet this is the first place many look to "save" money, rationalizing that somehow every sick or disabled person in the country has somehow been "irresponsible" and should have been "prepared" for every contingency life can throw at you, yet I've yet to meet one of them that if they were hit tomorrow in a car crash and paralyzed the rest of their lives or something, would be "prepared."

When the Federal government stops spending $60 for a screwdriver, $2,000 for a toilet seat or spending hundreds of millions of dollars building gas stations in foreign countries that could be built for 1/100th of the cost, or giving away about 50 billion a year in foreign aid to virtually almost every country on the planet except for Western Europe,

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THEN I'll start looking to the truly poor and dependent to help tighten the federal budget.

Yea except you're not guaranteed a payout from insurance outside life insurance. Which is priced in

It's not a ponzi scheme with the state forcing you to buy in. lol

I just have a problem more with the form it takes than actual welfare. We coddle the old people telling them they're not on welfare when they are.
how is it welfare when you pay for it your whole life,, thats an entitlement cause you are entitled to what you paid for,,
You are right, RE. I can only cringe as people anguish themselves over the tiny amount of money given people with disabilities and other problems which force them into poverty as a matter of compassion so they can lead rudimentary basic lives as if they were living high on the hog, especially when I know that if the shoe were on the other foot, they would be very thankful to have that money!

It's better than that. No medical coverage until two years after your first payment. The Democrats are trying to figure out ways to get illegals on Medicare, California provides free medical care to their illegals, and we Americans on disability have to hope nothing happens to us for two years.
Yea except you're not guaranteed a payout from insurance outside life insurance. Which is priced in

It's not a ponzi scheme with the state forcing you to buy in. lol

I just have a problem more with the form it takes than actual welfare. We coddle the old people telling them they're not on welfare when they are.

That's because you don't know what welfare is.

Yes, you are guaranteed payout from the insurance company for anything covered in your contract. Your auto coverage is forced by the state, and your bank forces you to have coverage for your house if you still have a mortgage out.
They should get what they paid out to SS + inflation + interest and wash our hands of it

That or have more babies

Because this isn't going to work. And it's insufferable to listen to old people, who recieve welfare, whine about welfare

Every couple of years or so, SS sends out pamphlets showing what you and your employers contributed to SS in all your working years, and what you would be paid today if you retired. Take that pamphlet to any reputable investment company, and have them calculate what you'd be worth today if all that money had been invested in a conservative growth account instead. You'd shit yourself at what you'd be worth today.
That's because you don't know what welfare is.

Yes, you are guaranteed payout from the insurance company for anything covered in your contract. Your auto coverage is forced by the state, and your bank forces you to have coverage for your house if you still have a mortgage out.

Yea none of which run as a giant ponzi scheme that would collapse without the state guaranteeing it's solvency with a fucking gun. lol

It's obvious where the money comes from in health and auto insurance.....People don't get payouts. That goes to your payout.

That's not how social security works beyond people dying early. It is way too generous for that to work in 2021. It's welfare. Look at you falling over yourself trying not to admit it. If it's not fine. You'll be fine if we take it away and pay you back (it won't work out that way but tell yourself that I don't care)

It's not welfare so you're not losing anything, right? lol

Of fucking course it is
Boo fuckin' hoo. They can buy their own coke and cookies still.
I realize your only goal here is to punish welfare recipients, but the argument you're using is more general and presents a dangerous precedent. And it's a tag team effort. Liberals work to put government in charge of more and more of our necessities, creating more and more state dependency. And conservatives use it to strong arm people they don't like.

The same thing will happen, is happening, with health care. The liberals are determined to socialize health care. Once they do, people like you will use it as an excuse to punish people for their poor health habits. Why should you pay for expensive cancer treatments for the life long smoker? Why should you have to pay for injuries to people who engage in risky sports? If the state is paying for their health care, you should have a say in their health habits, right?
I realize your only goal here is to punish welfare recipients, but the argument you're using is more general and presents a dangerous precedent. And it's a tag team effort. Liberals work to put government in charge of more and more of our necessities, creating more and more state dependency. And conservatives use it to strong arm people they don't like.

The same thing will happen, is happening, with health care. The liberals are determined to socialize health care. Once they do, people like you will use it as an excuse to punish people for their poor health habits. Why should you pay for expensive cancer treatments for the life long smoker? Why should you have to pay for injuries to people who engage in risky sports? If the state is paying for their health care, you should have a say in their health habits, right?
Do you realize that private healthcare will still exist if poor people without the ability to afford that are given a public option?

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