There should be more restrictions on what poor people can buy with food stamps.

companies pay the majority of the taxs that pay for the roads so thats not welfare,, thats using what you paid for,,

all subsidies by the feds should be ended and if a state wants to support farms in their state they can,,

and what do you mean by "below value"???

Most countries have publicly owned oil/gas/coal companies, because those pubic resources are so valuable and profitable.
In the US, we lease or sell those resource for pennies on the dollar, which we should not be doing.

Our economy is efficient because we use the general income tax to fund things that could not be done privately, like roads, harbors, bridges, ferries, public schools, etc.
Corporations do not necessarily pay for these things directly, but benefits from them.
Welfare should concern the taxpayers.


Welfare subsidies to oil companies
Welfare subsidies to pharmaceutical companies
Welfare subsidies to corporate farms
Welfare subsidies to Real Estate developers
Welfare subsidies to defense contractors
Welfare subsidies to sports team stadiums
Welfare subsides to red states that take more tax money than they pay out
Welfare subsidies to Israel
Welfare subsidies to billionaires in tax cuts
Welfare benefits to elected politicians that want to cut welfare benefits to those who pay taxes that pay for their welfare benefits
Welfare subsidies to private schools
Welfare subsidies to churches
Good, real, productive, positive contributing Americans take great pride in investing in the "GENERAL WELFARE" of our nation, our food sources, our job creators etc etc...We like ROi...We HATE investing in ShaQuita, her baby factory and marijuana inventory...we hate investing in Guadalupe and her litters of silver tooth filth...I can't figure out how you struggle with making simple distinctions.
Listen, lets do this one more time...Follow along.
Forcing good real productive Americans to invest in Guadalupe and her litters of filth = SOCIALISM
Forcing good real Americans to invest in the GENERAL WELFARE of the Republic = NOT SOCIALISM
Still confused?
Most countries have publicly owned oil/gas/coal companies, because those pubic resources are so valuable and profitable.
In the US, we lease or sell those resource for pennies on the dollar, which we should not be doing.

Our economy is efficient because we use the general income tax to fund things that could not be done privately, like roads, harbors, bridges, ferries, public schools, etc.
Corporations do not necessarily pay for these things directly, but benefits from them.
your hilarious,,

so not writing a check directly for roads means its welfare??

you are your own worst enemy,,
you crack me up,, making arrows isnt education as we are speaking and nothing to do with public schools that start 150 yrs ago,,,

and we started living longer through medicine not passing DNA,,

Public schools go back to the Ancient Egyptians.
Every reasonable religion had public schools for thousands of years.
Medicine has no effect on how long any individual can live, but just the average life span.
With all species, once past reproductive age, death is quick normally.
It is only with humans passing on knowledge that evolution would through natural selection, be picking those who lived longer.
Good, real, productive, positive contributing Americans take great pride in investing in the "GENERAL WELFARE" of our nation, our food sources, our job creators etc etc...We like ROi...We HATE investing in ShaQuita, her baby factory and marijuana inventory...we hate investing in Guadalupe and her litters of silver tooth filth...I can't figure out how you struggle with making simple distinctions.
Listen, lets do this one more time...Follow along.
Forcing good real productive Americans to invest in Guadalupe and her litters of filth = SOCIALISM
Forcing good real Americans to invest in the GENERAL WELFARE of the Republic = NOT SOCIALISM
Still confused?

Not really.
Caring about anyone but yourself, IS socialism.
Trying to ensure fairness, preventing abuses to others, is socialism.
Wasting it? How is it wasting anything when old people worked their entire lives to help build this country to what it is today so your young ass can enjoy what we worked for?

Because from the perspective of a nation state it makes no sense to dump resources into what are basically spent human resources?

I'm not making a moral argument. I'm just saying from any "technocratic" or "nationalist" perspective it's the least efficient use of tax dollars one could imagine from the standpoint of the economy or even culture.

And is extremely burdensome in a society that doesn't even have enough children to replace itself.

You're only an honored elder when you're rare. When you're 1/3rd of the population you're just a nuisance...That's just the reality of getting old and developed nation demographics. It was a lot easier to stomach elder welfare when they were a much smaller % of the nation. Children are rarer than boomers...

Will only be worse when we millenials get old. ALl the generations beneath us will be smaller
Or farm subsidies. We need to curb the rural diabeetus.
Good, real, productive, positive contributing Americans take great pride in investing in the "GENERAL WELFARE" of our nation, our food sources, our job creators etc etc...We like ROi...We HATE investing in ShaQuita, her baby factory and marijuana inventory...we hate investing in Guadalupe and her litters of silver tooth filth...I can't figure out how you struggle with making simple distinctions.
Listen, lets do this one more time...Follow along.
Forcing good real productive Americans to invest in Guadalupe and her litters of filth = SOCIALISM
Forcing good real Americans to invest in the GENERAL WELFARE of the Republic = NOT SOCIALISM
Still confused?
your hilarious,,

so not writing a check directly for roads means its welfare??

you are your own worst enemy,,

No, I said it can be.
If corporations are paying their fair share, then of course it would not be.
But for example, a county build a stadium for a sports team, so the team can prosper, is that corporate welfare?
Most likely it is.
It's easy. They already can't buy hot food, which I think is retarded by the way. That means they can't go to Publix and buy some healthy prepared food, but they can roll down the candy aisle and buy enough chocolate to kill an elephant. What the fuck? It's not hard to create restrictions on their EBT cards, which is how all of them do it now.
Not like Halloween is approaching or anything.
America was built on individualism and not collectivism.

No human society ever was built on individualism.
If individualism was the basis, no infant would ever survive.

Humans used to be armorial primates.
We did not need claws, fangs, speed, or armor because we were safe in the trees.
But for what ever reason, we came down to the ground, and from then on, it was social cohesiveness that allowed our survival and proserity.
We did not develop intelligence or weapons until much later.
An even shitter thing about it is the naive "reformers", like the OP, who accept the underlying premise that it's totally acceptable to use the machinations of The State take from the productive -at gunpoint if necessary- in order to feather the nests of the unproductive.
Damn those disabled people.
No human society ever was built on individualism.
If individualism was the basis, no infant would ever survive.

Humans used to be armorial primates.
We did not need claws, fangs, speed, or armor because we were safe in the trees.
But for what ever reason, we came down to the ground, and from then on, it was social cohesiveness that allowed our survival and proserity.
We did not develop intelligence or weapons until much later.
Cool theory....I'm all warm and fuzzy now.
Collectivists are ALWAYS beggars looking to ride the backs of others....America was founded and built on quite the opposite.
Good, real, productive, positive contributing Americans take great pride in investing in the "GENERAL WELFARE" of our nation, our food sources, our job creators etc etc...We like ROi...We HATE investing in ShaQuita, her baby factory and marijuana inventory...we hate investing in Guadalupe and her litters of silver tooth filth...I can't figure out how you struggle with making simple distinctions.
Listen, lets do this one more time...Follow along.
Forcing good real productive Americans to invest in Guadalupe and her litters of filth = SOCIALISM
Forcing good real Americans to invest in the GENERAL WELFARE of the Republic = NOT SOCIALISM
Still confused?
Your out of date racist tropes aside.
The bulk of food stamps recipients live in rural areas. They also have higher rates of chronic disease including obesity.
Your shit stinks just as bad as everyone else’s.

No, I said it can be.
If corporations are paying their fair share, then of course it would not be.
But for example, a county build a stadium for a sports team, so the team can prosper, is that corporate welfare?
Most likely it is.
whats a fair share??

so far because of large corps they create most of the taxs paid,, and the majority of property taxs that actually pay for roads,,

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