There should be more restrictions on what poor people can buy with food stamps.

Your out of date racist tropes aside.
The bulk of food stamps recipients live in rural areas. They also have higher rates of chronic disease including obesity.
Your shit stinks just as bad as everyone else’s.

Are you referring to those blacks in rural areas?
No you don't

It's welfare. Huge amounts of it on average. More if you live longer than average

Maybe the largest welfare program in the west IDK
What about my mother-in-law who died at the ripe old age of 56? How much welfare did SS give her after working 40 years?
No, I said it can be.
If corporations are paying their fair share, then of course it would not be.
But for example, a county build a stadium for a sports team, so the team can prosper, is that corporate welfare?
Most likely it is.

We built two new stadiums, one for football and the other for baseball. They taxed cigarette smokers to fund it, as if smokers had anything to do with sports.
If I'm going to be buying dinner for the poor I think I should have a say in what's acceptable to buy and what's not. I'm not saying they shouldn't be able to buy steak or anything nice, but I do think they shouldn't be able to buy a bunch of chips, soda and candy.
Mental health drugs make people fatter than all the chips soda and candy they can eat without vomiting.
There's an obesity epidemic in the country, particularly among the poor, and I don't want my money to make it worse. With my taxed income I want people to be buying healthy foods that help facilitate healthy lifestyles. If people are really in such rough shape that they need that kind of help they should be more than happy to just buy the things they actually need with it.
Just get that county-courthouse mental health smut off people's records and offer a day's wage for a day's work. Stop forcing involuntary consumerism down people's throats.
Because from the perspective of a nation state it makes no sense to dump resources into what are basically spent human resources?

I'm not making a moral argument. I'm just saying from any "technocratic" or "nationalist" perspective it's the least efficient use of tax dollars one could imagine from the standpoint of the economy or even culture.

And is extremely burdensome in a society that doesn't even have enough children to replace itself.

You're only an honored elder when you're rare. When you're 1/3rd of the population you're just a nuisance...That's just the reality of getting old and developed nation demographics. It was a lot easier to stomach elder welfare when they were a much smaller % of the nation. Children are rarer than boomers...

Will only be worse when we millenials get old. ALl the generations beneath us will be smaller

Sorry but the programs set out for us older people we've funded our entire lives. But since you love this rant so much, what should we do with older people that can no longer work? March them out into the middle of the woods with a blanket for the bears to eat?
Not really.
Caring about anyone but yourself, IS socialism.
Trying to ensure fairness, preventing abuses to others, is socialism.

Socialism is an attempt to make all people equal. Yes, that includes providing funds to those that have less than others. Caring about others is what Jesus preached. Was Jesus a Socialist?
What has that got to do with what we are discussing, re how the poor spend food stamps? I said they shouldn’t be throwing our money away on unhealthy Cokes, and you come back with they should live in humane conditions? Talk about deflecting!!
I think all people should decide how they spend their money. Money given to poor people becomes their.
Our economy is efficient because we use the general income tax to fund things that could not be done privately, like roads, harbors, bridges, ferries, public schools, etc.
Corporations do not necessarily pay for these things directly, but benefits from them.

Corporations pay more than for those things. Do you think a corporation pays no income tax? How about all the jobs they create where people pay those local, state and federal taxes?

It's like I've always said, if we took all the poor in our society, put them on an island somewhere, nobody would know the difference. If we took all the rich people and did the same, the country would collapse in a matter of days.
I think all people should decide how they spend their money. Money given to poor people becomes their.
That’s the way liberals interpret it. But when taxpayers are funding programs to provide money for free food to poor people, they (the taxpayers) have every right to see that the money is being spent wisely.

Poor people who use OPM for food are not entitled to the same choices that responsible, self-supporting people get. Your trying to get poor people, getting supported by others, to think they are entitled to spend the freebies however they want is adding to the problem of our Entitlement Society.
"huge amounts of it on average"

Not if you don't live long enough to collect, if everyone did the numbers would be crazy

The same would happen for all people who have auto insurance and get into accidents and have their cars stolen, or house insurance where most suffered house fires, major theft, or liability to neighbors.

When we fund insurance companies or government programs, some win, some lose, and some break even.
Mental health drugs make people fatter than all the chips soda and candy they can eat without vomiting.

Just get that county-courthouse mental health smut off people's records and offer a day's wage for a day's work. Stop forcing involuntary consumerism down people's throats.
Holy shit, here we go again....... :rolleyes:
Sorry but the programs set out for us older people we've funded our entire lives. But since you love this rant so much, what should we do with older people that can no longer work? March them out into the middle of the woods with a blanket for the bears to eat?

They should get what they paid out to SS + inflation + interest and wash our hands of it

That or have more babies

Because this isn't going to work. And it's insufferable to listen to old people, who recieve welfare, whine about welfare
The same would happen for all people who have auto insurance and get into accidents and have their cars stolen, or house insurance where most suffered house fires, major theft, or liability to neighbors.

When we fund insurance companies or government programs, some win, some lose, and some break even.

Yea except you're not guaranteed a payout from insurance outside life insurance. Which is priced in

It's not a ponzi scheme with the state forcing you to buy in. lol

I just have a problem more with the form it takes than actual welfare. We coddle the old people telling them they're not on welfare when they are.
Money given to poor people should be their.

You are right, RE. I can only cringe as people anguish themselves over the tiny amount of money given people with disabilities and other problems which force them into poverty as a matter of compassion so they can lead rudimentary basic lives as if they were living high on the hog, especially when I know that if the shoe were on the other foot, they would be very thankful to have that money! Meanwhile, the other 99% of their tax dollars they apparently don't mind is being spent in foreign countries and people and things not even in this country, for this country or anything the taxpayer remotely knows about or believes in.

What little is doled out to the unfortunate out of compassion is probably just about the BEST thing the government ever actually does with your money! Meantime, Uncle Joe gives away 28 billion in WEAPONS to the Taliban terrorists without blinking an eye and who knows how many billions spent on illegal unaccompanied children brought here illegally not even citizens of this country.

I wouldn't let a dog suffer and I'm not so misery of spirit that I object to giving a few dollars of money I can easily spare to help out those less fortunate than me.

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