there was no insurrection on jan 6th !

it was planned & coordinated. one dude even called it an insurrection.

'Wait for the 6th when we are all in DC to insurrection' | New court docs allege Oath Keepers, Proud Boys planned Capitol riot

The FBI says an Oath Keeper bragged about forming an "alliance" between two militia groups and the Proud Boys prior to the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol.

Author: Eric Flack, Stephanie Wilson
Published: 2:10 PM EDT March 24, 2021
Updated: 8:47 PM EDT March 24, 2021

WASHINGTON — Newly released court documents allege extremist groups worked together in the weeks leading up to the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol.

In court filings opposing alleged Oath Keeper Kelly Meggs' pre-trial release, prosecutors included Facebook messages in which Meggs discussed coordination with other extremist groups who were planning to be in Washington on January 6.

Prosecutors claim Meggs wrote on December 19: “This week I organized an alliance between Oath Keepers, Florida 3%ers and Proud Boys. We have decided to work together and shut this (expletive) down”

Prosecutors allege even more Facebook conversations in which Meggs discusses tactical planning between Oath Keepers and Proud Boys and his disdain for DC police officers.




'Wait for the 6th when we are all in DC to insurrection' | New court docs allege Oath Keepers, Proud Boys planned Capitol riot
So they intended to shut down the electoral count. That's a far cry from taking over the government.
No they didn't. For instance where was the organization? Where were the weapons and explosives caches, where were the people detailed to seize the DC police stations? Where were the people detailed to take control of the TV and radio stations? Where were the people assigned to take control of the Pentagon, Andrews AFB and the Marine Corps Barracks? All there were were a couple hundred yahoos milling around the Capital.
We have indictments of several people who did bring weapons caches into Washington DC, including the guy with both firearms and a dozen molotov cocktails.
As far as taking over the Pentagon, Trump had already done that, by firing the Secretary of Defense, and putting an acting Trump loyalist into the position.

Trump 'Terminates' Secretary Of Defense Mark Esper
November 9, 20202

Nov 9, 2020 — Defense Secretary Mark Esper has been "terminated," President Trump wrote in a tweet, and will be replaced by Christopher C. Miller,
So they intended to shut down the electoral count. That's a far cry from taking over the government.
That's how they would take over the government. By stopping the count, the election would be thrown into congress, where the state count would go to Trump. Even Trumps white house counsel knew this was what Trumps advisors talked him into.
This is why republcans opposed the January 6th committee. It's amazing the paperwork and statements you get by subpoenaing people in the white house.

And the story of what was going on inside the white house is shocking. It shows Trump was actually depending on Pence to "do the right thing". as Trump called it. But what his lawyers explained, was clearly illegal.
Decus wrote: You are so full of crap. Had it been an insurrection the vast majority of protestors would have been armed. 21NOV26-POST#783

NFBW wrote: It was not an armed insurrection. It was a “mob” with a purpose. The purpose was to illegally overturn an election on the false premise that it was stolen. Do you have a response to this point? 21NOV26-POST#807
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Republicans no longer declare the Jan. 6 insurrection was caused by antifa. They no longer say it was a peaceful protest. They no longer say the intruders of our capitol were tourists who "stayed between the ropes."

In fact, they don't say anything about the insurrection that resulted in five deaths and over a hundred capitol defenders were injured.

Why are Republicans leaders silent about Jan. 6? Their lives were at risk on that day, and all we get from them is silence? That doesn't make sense.

Maybe this does.

In December President Trump, for all practical purposes, circled the date. The Times reports, "For weeks, President Trump and his supporters had been proclaiming Jan. 6, 2021, as a day of reckoning. A day to gather in Washington to “save America” and “stop the steal.”

“Big protest in D.C. on January 6th,” Trump tweeted on Dec. 19, just one of several of his tweets promoting the day. “Be there, will be wild!”

Then we come to Jan. 6.

“We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”

“When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules."

“We fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

"Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you. We are going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”
********************************************************************************************Donald J. Trump

President Trump with the help of some Republican members of Congress attempted to overthrow out duly elected government on Jan. 6. Anyone who says differently is simply avoiding reality.
President Trump with the help of some Republican members of Congress attempted to overthrow out duly elected government on Jan. 6. Anyone who says differently is simply avoiding reality.
Trump and his close associates who are avoiding the Jan. 6 select committee, and are unwilling to declare their innocence, are guilty according to the court of public opening. Their guilt should be a major factor when voters go to the polls next November.
Decus wrote: Instead the relative few who strolled through the Rotunda were largely peaceful. 21NOV26-POST#783

NFBW wrote: It’s not peaceful “strolling” to force one’s way past security checkpojnts into the US Capitol any time. Its a national security nightmare when an unauthorized and unsearched crowd amidst tear gas and police beatings, broken windows and fights at barricades during a joint session of Congress with the second, third and forth in line to the presidency in the building. - - - Do you have a response to my point? 21NOV26-POST#810
AZrailwhale wrote: So they intended to shut down the electoral count. That's a far cry from taking over the government. 21NOV26-POST#802

NFBW wrote: What would shutting down the electoral count accomplish? Why did DJT want the Oath Keepers to do it? 21NOV26-POST#812
That's how they would take over the government. By stopping the count, the election would be thrown into congress, where the state count would go to Trump. Even Trumps white house counsel knew this was what Trumps advisors talked him into.
So they intended to shut down the electoral count. That's a far cry from taking over the government.
Shutting down and subverting the electoral count in order to change the outcome is THE essence of a government takeover.
Shutting down and subverting the electoral count in order to change the outcome is THE essence of a government takeover.
Trump knew without question that he lost by November 6th. By November 9th Trump starting putting plan 2 into place. That's when he replace the secretary of defense, in order to use the military under martial law if he could.
Nope. We watched a group of insurrectionists try to overthrow the duely elected government. It was their stated purpose for being there.

Sorry for your luck.
Well if that was a real insurrection the people who were trying to overthrow the government may qualify as the dumbest insurrectionists in history. You do not try to stage an insurrection of a government without firearms and PLENTY of firearms.

Stop beleiving the bullshit the Democratic Party and their propaganda machine the liberal media is feeding you and just use common sense.

You're posts are.
LOL. Your maybe. It does show intelligence or lack of intelligence. You get a pass.
taken an tank
Just LOL. Taken a tank might be correct.
The ONLY way the mostly peaceful protesters got inside is because they were let in.
Did you miss the actual, real time video, of these RWI's smashing barriers, then smashing Windows, then Smashing Doors. Then Babbitt got shot for going too far, and you scream murder.

The Russian Collusion Hoax was treason - flat out. You Nazis tried to overthrow the government.
China Joe and Hunter. Enough Said.
Another example of Zero Evidence.
Had this actually been an insurrection, the Capitol police would have had no way to stop the protesters. Had this been an insurrection, the summary execution of Ashli Babbitt would have led to the slaughter of the Capitol police.
But, Ashli got shot, and ALL the actual cowards retreated, because they are all hat, no cattle.
I don't expect you Uncensored2008 to understand.
No they didn't.
Yes, they did.
For instance where was the organization?
Trump and his cult.
Why do you think Trump and his cult want to obstruct and block any investigation, document release and witnesses from testifying.

Where were the weapons and explosives caches, where were the people detailed to seize the DC police stations?
Some of the weapons that were confiscated had been seen being used inside the US Capitol including a baseball bat, a fire extinguisher, a wooden club, a spear, crutches, a flagpole, bear spray, mace, chemical irritants, stolen police shields, a wooden beam, a hockey stick, a stun gun, and knives.

Why would you bring those items to a 'protest'?
Where were the people detailed to take control of the TV and radio stations? Where were the people assigned to take control of the Pentagon, Andrews AFB and the Marine Corps Barracks?
That requires brains.
Trump and his cult don't have any.
All there were were a couple hundred yahoos milling around the Capital.
'Milling around'?
Breaking windows and doors.
Attacking police.
Breaking into offices.
Threatening politicians.
If you want to see an insurrection, go back to Vietnam in the early sixties, or Iran in the seventies when the Islamics overthrew the Shah, Or Algeria in the late forties where they threw out the French, or even Libya when Ghadaffi took power or was deposed.
Insurrections require planning, weapons and usually violence and killing, not fifteen thousand or so peaceful demonstrators and a few hundred crazies.
  • 1. a violent uprising against an authority or government.
Yes, they did.

Trump and his cult.
Why do you think Trump and his cult want to obstruct and block any investigation, document release and witnesses from testifying.

Some of the weapons that were confiscated had been seen being used inside the US Capitol including a baseball bat, a fire extinguisher, a wooden club, a spear, crutches, a flagpole, bear spray, mace, chemical irritants, stolen police shields, a wooden beam, a hockey stick, a stun gun, and knives.

Why would you bring those items to a 'protest'?

That requires brains.
Trump and his cult don't have any.

'Milling around'?
Breaking windows and doors.
Attacking police.
Breaking into offices.
Threatening politicians.


  • 1. a violent uprising against an authority or government.
Well if it would have been a BLM and Antifa protest the rioters would likely have set fire to the Capitol Building as they did to numerous city blocks in the summer of 2020.


Minneapolis Riot Fire // May 2020
Well if it would have been a BLM and Antifa protest the rioters would likely have set fire to the Capitol Building as they did to numerous city blocks in the summer of 2020.

View attachment 568898
Minneapolis Riot Fire // May 2020
So, Trumptards were 'different'?

Federal prosecutors submitted chilling new evidence in their case against Capitol siege suspect Lonnie Coffman on Tuesday, including a list the protester had in his possession naming "good guys" and "bad guys," including the names of a federal judge and a House lawmaker.

Among the evidence submitted to the court are also pictures of the materials seized from Coffman's truck, which include multiple firearms, a crossbow, stun gun and a cooler with 11 homemade Molotov cocktails. Evidence photos submitted by the Department of Justice show an AR-15-style rifle, shotgun and handgun were taken from the vehicle.

The two pipe bombs that were discovered on Jan. 6 near the U.S. Capitol shortly before a mob stormed the building are believed to have been planted the night before, according to a law enforcement official familiar with the investigation and video footage.
Finding the person suspected of planting both bombs remains a priority for federal authorities, who last week boosted the reward for tips leading to the person’s arrest from $50,000 to $75,000.
Batcat wrote: I like the news media that tells me the truth. 21NOV23-POST#504

NFBW wrote: Why did you read the Washington Examiner then, instead of Reuters. Reuters told you the truth from “anonymous” sources on record as saying last August “””” But the FBI has so far found no evidence “”””

It is amazing how two words alters what you read in the Washington “Moonie” Examiner isn’t it Batcat ?

“””” But the FBI has found no evidence

Exclusive: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated - sources

that he or people directly around him [DJT] were involved in organizing the violence
“””” 21NOV27- POST#820

Batcat wrote: Stop beleiving the bullshit the Democratic Party and their propaganda machine the liberal media is feeding you and just use common sense.

FBI confirms there was no insurrection on Jan. 6

Batcat posted above link 21NOV27- POST#815

NFBW wrote: Last August an anonymously sourced report said the FBI did not find coordination between DJT people and the rioters Yet. Common Sense, if you had it Batcat wouid tell you the Feds ain’t done with their investigation. They certainly are not gonna leak what they are providing to the Jan6 Committee. So stop being a dumbassed Moonie Rag reader Batcat and get some common sense and good old fashioned respect for facts, the use of English and the available truth. 21NOV27- POST#820
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