there was no insurrection on jan 6th !

From what I've read people were there before Trump even finished his speech

Those rioters were in Washington on that day because Trump directed them to do so.
They had a specific mission, stop Congress from certifying the election of Biden

LOL Sure he did. He told them to "peacefully" go and air their grievances. It was on tape and millions heard it.

Kinda funny people were in the Capital buildings long before Trump finished his speech. Those folks weren't Trump supporters. I'd say the Trump supporters walked into a mess that someone else was hoping to make.

If his intent was to have them “peacefully” protest, why did he wait four hours after the violence began before he spoke against it?
Why did he ignore the urging of family and staff to put a stop to the violence?
Why did he send the mob after Pence and tell them how displeased he was with him?
unlike the marxist faggots that have been rioting and calling the USA and Capitalism evil and racist and calling for the overthrow of the racist gov who on the right has been calling for overturning private ownership and the constitution commie.
Unworthy of response
there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
There are violent coups, and soft coups.... They both are still coups.
and the lefts coups have been violent !
From what I've read people were there before Trump even finished his speech

Those rioters were in Washington on that day because Trump directed them to do so.
They had a specific mission, stop Congress from certifying the election of Biden

LOL Sure he did. He told them to "peacefully" go and air their grievances. It was on tape and millions heard it.

Kinda funny people were in the Capital buildings long before Trump finished his speech. Those folks weren't Trump supporters. I'd say the Trump supporters walked into a mess that someone else was hoping to make.

If his intent was to have them “peacefully” protest, why did he wait four hours after the violence began before he spoke against it?
Why did he ignore the urging of family and staff to put a stop to the violence?
Why did he send the mob after Pence and tell them how displeased he was with him?
unlike the marxist faggots that have been rioting and calling the USA and Capitalism evil and racist and calling for the overthrow of the racist gov who on the right has been calling for overturning private ownership and the constitution commie.
Unworthy of response
you mean unable to respond commie ...let me make it easy for you ....just call me a fascist or a white supremacist like your commie leaders do when they have no argument.
From what I've read people were there before Trump even finished his speech

Those rioters were in Washington on that day because Trump directed them to do so.
They had a specific mission, stop Congress from certifying the election of Biden

LOL Sure he did. He told them to "peacefully" go and air their grievances. It was on tape and millions heard it.

Kinda funny people were in the Capital buildings long before Trump finished his speech. Those folks weren't Trump supporters. I'd say the Trump supporters walked into a mess that someone else was hoping to make.

If his intent was to have them “peacefully” protest, why did he wait four hours after the violence began before he spoke against it?
Why did he ignore the urging of family and staff to put a stop to the violence?
Why did he send the mob after Pence and tell them how displeased he was with him?
unlike the marxist faggots that have been rioting and calling the USA and Capitalism evil and racist and calling for the overthrow of the racist gov who on the right has been calling for overturning private ownership and the constitution commie.
Unworthy of response
you mean unable to respond commie ...let me make it easy for you ....just call me a fascist or a white supremacist like your commie leaders do when they have no argument.

You'd be right on if Trump and his minions hadn't been trying to stop a vote.

or by building a working gallows to hang the VP with....
Pence has not just forgiven them, but now agrees he should have been hung.
The Trump insurrection was specifically looking for Pence. They missed him by a hundred feet.
And I think that was because of some of those "cops" who were not really attacked.
You'd be right on if Trump and his minions hadn't been trying to stop a vote.

or by building a working gallows to hang the VP with....
Pence has not just forgiven them, but now agrees he should have been hung.
The Trump insurrection was specifically looking for Pence. They missed him by a hundred feet.

they were hunting for the speaker of the house & 3rd in line for the presidency.

there was no insurrection on jan 6th !
Sorry, kid. I watched it live on TV. It really happened.
The OP is trying to gaslight the impossible to gaslight. It's funny to watch like watching a kitten try to jump from counter to counter and fall on its face.
is said there were laws broken on jan 6th faggot ..... but it was no insurrection by the right ... heck people were smiling a taking selfies inside the capital [idiots]! if it were a true coordinated planned insurrection why havnt anymore attempts been made ? the only continuing ongoing violence in this country is being carried out planned funded and promoted by the marxist faggot left ! and several leftist insurrections were successful in taking US territory and overthrowing gov and rule of law ! do you remember Chop faggot ? everything ive posted is true even the fact that you are an America hating faggot and a marxist is true .
when-you-trigger-someone-just-right (1).jpg
fun watching them try to deny the obvious, though!
Have the Black Lies Matter protests/riots/looting the past 14 months across America been insurrection ?
No, they were not trying to take over the Government

Horseshit and you know it. The entire plan for the Antifa and the Black Lies Matter is to overturn the duly elected local government. Get your facts straight.

Not even close
Neither attempts to overthrow Government

Trump did

Good Lord..............
fun watching them try to deny the obvious, though!
Have the Black Lies Matter protests/riots/looting the past 14 months across America been insurrection ?
No, they were not trying to take over the Government

Horseshit and you know it. The entire plan for the Antifa and the Black Lies Matter is to overturn the duly elected local government. Get your facts straight.

there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
who the HELL appointed the left the definer of words?

Piss off.

Who the hell appointed the Trump cult as definer of words?
An organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence.

That what the Trump cult/Q NUTS tried to do.

Sounds just like ANTIFA and Black Lies Matter...
fun watching them try to deny the obvious, though!
Have the Black Lies Matter protests/riots/looting the past 14 months across America been insurrection ?
No, they were not trying to take over the Government

Horseshit and you know it. The entire plan for the Antifa and the Black Lies Matter is to overturn the duly elected local government. Get your facts straight.

there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
who the HELL appointed the left the definer of words?

Piss off.

Who the hell appointed the Trump cult as definer of words?
An organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence.

That what the Trump cult/Q NUTS tried to do.

Sounds just like ANTIFA and Black Lies Matter...
Yea, those people with Trump 2020 flags interrupting the certification of Biden's electoral count were antifa and BLM.

there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
Well, this is where we are now. No matter what, just deny it. "It didn't happen, nope".

All that stuff you're looking at, and hearing people actually say? Nope. Never happened. I don't see it. I don't hear it.

These people have been told (and therefore believe) they're "at war". Lying is fine in war. The ends justify the means.

They're at war, and we're not. Funny, I remember saying that after 9/11, too.
Kinda like after the Mueller report? Didn't you guys still claim trump was guilty?
Kinda like nothing. Deflection doesn't work on me.
No way. Would you ever.
fun watching them try to deny the obvious, though!
Have the Black Lies Matter protests/riots/looting the past 14 months across America been insurrection ?
No, they were not trying to take over the Government

Horseshit and you know it. The entire plan for the Antifa and the Black Lies Matter is to overturn the duly elected local government. Get your facts straight.

there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
who the HELL appointed the left the definer of words?

Piss off.

Who the hell appointed the Trump cult as definer of words?
An organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence.

That what the Trump cult/Q NUTS tried to do.
wow, do you ever live in fantasy land? What color is the sky in your world?

An Organized attempt

This was a bunch of protesters on the street demonstrating against a perceived wrong. You know, the right we all share.

Let's look at to defeat their government.

So, Show Me the arms they used to 'defeat' our government. Which tactics did they use? How many hostages were taken? Did they defeat the troops pitted against them?

Of course, this really turned out to be a bunch of opportunists who were pissed at the government and events got out of hand.

The last part. Take control of their country? To begin, if it is their country, they already control it. Violence, in the terms of this context, is armed attack.

No arms were found, let alone used.

So, NO. YOU FUCKS don't get to redefine a word to suit your political agenda.

Who told you, insurrectionist needed to have guns for an insurrection?
So, all those people showed up in DC on their own?
How did all those windows break?
Did they throw rocks from the street?
They used baseball bats, flagpoles, stun guns, fire extinguishers, crutches, bear spray, hockey sticks, knives, ect.
"Armed attack"?
You just stated they weren't armed.
I know the color the sky is in your world, brown................................... because you have your head up Trump's ass.

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