There will be blood: Left prepares for war after berkeley beat down " Combat training, guns.........

Seriously, I believe this has to come to such a violent and brutal end that both sides will have to sit back and contemplate if it is worth it to take it to the next level. I believe in taking things to their logical conclusion.

If it doesn't wash when taken to it's fullest isn't worth fighting for
I've been shooting since I was 8 years old. These dumbasses just don't know. Lol

Yeah, I was young, don t remember what age specifically. It was different for each gun.

But I have seen some guys that can shoot like crazy. They practice, not on traditional targets, but on iron popups and bowling pins at 20 to 30 yards, and shoot 6 to 12 targets in like 5 seconds. It's just crazy.

This one old guy from Brazil could shoot the *top* of 12 bowling pins from about 30 feet with a magazine change in less than 5 seconds.

I was just numb after watching those guys.

Pity any cops sent to take their guns from them.
Seriously, I believe this has to come to such a violent and brutal end that both sides will have to sit back and contemplate if it is worth it to take it to the next level. I believe in taking things to their logical conclusion.

If it doesn't wash when taken to it's fullest isn't worth fighting for
Yes it's worth it.
Seriously, I believe this has to come to such a violent and brutal end that both sides will have to sit back and contemplate if it is worth it to take it to the next level. I believe in taking things to their logical conclusion.

If it doesn't wash when taken to it's fullest isn't worth fighting for
Yes it's worth it.

I agree. Freedom of speech and freedom in general is very much worth fighting for.
We're talking about sacred first amendment rights, we're talking about our kids being sold into terrorist organizations that are against the Constitution, who want to institute communism (or anarchy) ... If you believe in America it's worth it. I guess I shouldn't talk, if these socialists take over, I'll be out just like my other friends - I'm not giving 90% of my fucking money to the government, not even 70%, fuck that, I'll take my cash somewhere it's more welcome thanks heh

Somehow I've never fired a gun, no shit. Worked on a shooting range for years as a puller, been around guns and the military my entire life, driven a god damn tank, but I've never got around to shooting guns (archery was my thing.) I guess I've always had someone better trained to handle "whatever" around. Husband's going to take me shooting this year, its sad, but it seems like its time.
We're talking about sacred first amendment rights, we're talking about our kids being sold into terrorist organizations that are against the Constitution, who want to institute communism (or anarchy) ... If you believe in America it's worth it. I guess I shouldn't talk, if these socialists take over, I'll be out just like my other friends - I'm not giving 90% of my fucking money to the government, not even 70%, fuck that, I'll take my cash somewhere it's more welcome thanks heh

Somehow I've never fired a gun, no shit. Worked on a shooting range for years as a puller, been around guns and the military my entire life, driven a god damn tank, but I've never got around to shooting guns (archery was my thing.) I guess I've always had someone better trained to handle "whatever" around. Husband's going to take me shooting this year, its sad, but it seems like its time.
Your archery skills are just as useful...sometimes even more so, in situations where you want the element of surprise. Quiet attacks.
Seriously, I believe this has to come to such a violent and brutal end that both sides will have to sit back and contemplate if it is worth it to take it to the next level. I believe in taking things to their logical conclusion.

If it doesn't wash when taken to it's fullest isn't worth fighting for
Yes it's worth it.

I agree. Freedom of speech and freedom in general is very much worth fighting for.
Amen. Liberty, freedom of religion, freedom of speech...the right to pursue...the left is hell bent on taking those things from everybody.

But they aren't going to succeed. And hopefully they will die for their trouble.
Seriously, I believe this has to come to such a violent and brutal end that both sides will have to sit back and contemplate if it is worth it to take it to the next level. I believe in taking things to their logical conclusion.

If it doesn't wash when taken to it's fullest isn't worth fighting for
Yes it's worth it.

I agree. Freedom of speech and freedom in general is very much worth fighting for.
Amen. Liberty, freedom of religion, freedom of speech...the right to pursue...the left is hell bent on taking those things from everybody.

But they aren't going to succeed. And hopefully they will die for their trouble.
I love you.
We're talking about sacred first amendment rights, we're talking about our kids being sold into terrorist organizations that are against the Constitution, who want to institute communism (or anarchy) ... If you believe in America it's worth it. I guess I shouldn't talk, if these socialists take over, I'll be out just like my other friends - I'm not giving 90% of my fucking money to the government, not even 70%, fuck that, I'll take my cash somewhere it's more welcome thanks heh

Somehow I've never fired a gun, no shit. Worked on a shooting range for years as a puller, been around guns and the military my entire life, driven a god damn tank, but I've never got around to shooting guns (archery was my thing.) I guess I've always had someone better trained to handle "whatever" around. Husband's going to take me shooting this year, its sad, but it seems like its time.

Archery! If you ever try a cross bow you will be in love! I have a pistol cross bow. It fires 8 inch bolts. Those bolts will go right through a skull.
We're talking about sacred first amendment rights, we're talking about our kids being sold into terrorist organizations that are against the Constitution, who want to institute communism (or anarchy) ... If you believe in America it's worth it. I guess I shouldn't talk, if these socialists take over, I'll be out just like my other friends - I'm not giving 90% of my fucking money to the government, not even 70%, fuck that, I'll take my cash somewhere it's more welcome thanks heh

Somehow I've never fired a gun, no shit. Worked on a shooting range for years as a puller, been around guns and the military my entire life, driven a god damn tank, but I've never got around to shooting guns (archery was my thing.) I guess I've always had someone better trained to handle "whatever" around. Husband's going to take me shooting this year, its sad, but it seems like its time.
Your archery skills are just as useful...sometimes even more so, in situations where you want the element of surprise. Quiet attacks.

Yeah it was part of my "prepper lite" - I keep the pantries/fridge/freezer stocked, have a path down the lake to get water (if the pump fails), and I taught myself how to make arrows - learned from the AK Natives, then from American Natives. My Eklutna "tribe" makes heavy arrowheads that are really crude, flies like shit but they're designed for large prey (seals and shit,) the American Native arrowhead style is more streamlined and I think works better for faster small prey (bunnies and Foxes, birds too.) I figure if shit hits the fan I can bridge the two styles and take down moose/caribou. My husband does crossbow so I'm half-ass trying to work out the best bolt head for that - I don't find either style I know how to make works so well at that speed with that short a shaft, I've been leaning more toward the long triangles, but encountering troubles with them falling off the shaft, the snew catches in the cup if I go too thick, but putting it on thin it doesn't stay on. Real PITA heh Husband's gonna go down to one job and start forging knives and swords so I was thinking maybe he could work bullet casings into a crossbow head - (but we'll see about that, Mr. work-a-holic's been promising to go down to one job for a decade now heh)
We're talking about sacred first amendment rights, we're talking about our kids being sold into terrorist organizations that are against the Constitution, who want to institute communism (or anarchy) ... If you believe in America it's worth it. I guess I shouldn't talk, if these socialists take over, I'll be out just like my other friends - I'm not giving 90% of my fucking money to the government, not even 70%, fuck that, I'll take my cash somewhere it's more welcome thanks heh

Somehow I've never fired a gun, no shit. Worked on a shooting range for years as a puller, been around guns and the military my entire life, driven a god damn tank, but I've never got around to shooting guns (archery was my thing.) I guess I've always had someone better trained to handle "whatever" around. Husband's going to take me shooting this year, its sad, but it seems like its time.

Archery! If you ever try a cross bow you will be in love! I have a pistol cross bow. It fires 8 inch bolts. Those bolts will go right through a skull.

Oh I've tried em, they're nice but see my previous post about rearming em heh

My neighbor's a police officer, he's got a crossbow that can go straight through a 12" birch trunk - you can /feel/ the power when he lets it go. The sound is astounding, it's quiet, but you just know how fast its going, then it hits and it sounds like someone just took a tree down. Quite impressive. We let him use our back yard now cause theirs has a fence and he was showing off and his wife (also an officer) about slapped him off the deck when he put a hole in it ~giggles~
There Will Be Blood: Left Prepares For War After Berkeley Beat Down: “Combat Training, Better Equipment, Guns…”

Last week Trump supporters and leftist social justice warriors met on the political field of battle in Berkeley, California. Words were exchanged, as were punches. And while the alt-right leader was punched in the face, by all accounts even the social justice warriors admit that they got a major beat-down.



Like we said the losers of society will bring a civil war as they will try and make it look like the so called lawful gun owners, patriots etc are to blame.
The cops will stand down, Martial law will be used if it gets bad enough, and these are the pos losers you don't want to have guns as you see this is what they do...

These are your school shooters, these are your gabby gifford shooters, these you are mental cases that truly should never own a gun.

They need to be in the pysche ward and for a long, long time ....................They're all the same, act the same
what a bunch of fkn morons.

I am in an enviable position.......too old to give a flying fuck if I live or die but still young and skilled enough to fight. The way I feel right now is "Bring it on, mo-fo's".........ready to bust some skulls and put some notches on my gun handles and "yes" I will use the double tap technique to make sure that they are dead. The days of playing nice with these commie pieces of filth has long since passed.

What is so bad and low about these losers is they really get off on hitting women, and the elderly . Like someone said some where today , they'll bash a brick into someone's head they are like fkn rabid dogs on crack. OMG they are nuts maybe beyond nuts.

Leftards are like a pack of cowardly dogs that run in packs looking for easy prey. They would never think of taking on their adversaries unless the odds were astronomically stacked in their favor. I had to laugh loud and long when some trans-gendered "whatever the fuck it was" that started pissing and moaning when it got knocked on it's ass by claiming "it" was a woman after she was attacking someone........time to take off the "kid gloves" and put some bare knuckle ass whippings on these butthurt commie snowflakes. Pain is the only thing these sacks of shit understand.
Rightards are the toughest keyboard commandos on the planet. Having dozens of guns stashed under your trailers doesn`t make you a bad ass.

Don't live in a trailer nor do I have dozens of guns. I wouldn't need one to kick the ass of a leftard anyway. There is a very salient reason as to why leftards are seen as a bunch of pussies.
Where is all this going?
Dunno. I'm very uneasy about the next Democrat controlled white house and Congress.
I can see some very bad abuse of our system coming. Right and Conservative America better see this and get off their asses and they still can.

I do believe that the next time Democrats succeed in getting their person in the White House and control of Congress they will probably attempt to use the forces of the DOJ, DEA, DHS, IRS and every other Federal agency to oppress those on the right. Some of which started under Obama and the Obama DOJ. The left is overall more concerned with their globalist socialist agenda than the Constitution or law. I think Obama was just a warm up show. America is divided hard at this point and there seems to be no reconciliation possible. Violence seems inevitable.

A big problem the right has at the moment is that the left basically owns and controls all media. Newspapers, television...everything broadcast is controlled by the left. Even social media. Facebook, Google, Yahoo.

The right REALLY needs it's own search engine and media outlets because it is far too easy for the left to influence the bulk of the population. It's a weakness the right has similar to the weakness the South had in the Civil War since the North had all the industrial power.

We're probably going to see gradually increasing localized violence where individuals lash out and kill people. Then it will be groups doing it and it will be obvious it's on racial or political lines. Places like gun shows could become targets where those on the right get ambushed by well armed leftist groups, and places like Starbucks, where hard core leftists tend to congregate, could be targeted by the right. who knows?

I suppose if the violence became widespread enough, law enforcement could lose control and the National Guard and or military would then be deployed.
Martial law would come next. However, Russia and or China and Iran, seeing this might choose that time to start something that would require the US to move more forces abroad, leaving less at home to quell the increasing violence. A good strategic move on their part actually.

Could this all just blow over and go away? I don't see how. There would have to be some massive national crisis that threatened most everyone in the USA. Maybe a nuclear confrontation....some national natural disaster event.....something like that. Otherwise the divide will probably keep widening and the violence spreading. I think many on the left believe that if they just stall long enough, all the "old rednecks" supporting the Constitution will simply die off and leave America firmly in their grip.

Just one perspective and one opinion. YMMV significantly of course.
Sadly you're right about the last bit. America will ultimately end up socialist because we let them have the kids. There are very few left who are right leaning, and they're going to leave with their successful parents. Sucks, but that is the very likely reality. I'm not sure even taking back the schools can resolve it.

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