There will be blood: Left prepares for war after berkeley beat down " Combat training, guns.........

Kind of funny how the left labeled a bunch of guys camping with guns in the woods in OR, way out where they couldn't hurt the public....a domestic terrorist group that had to be put down.

But these antifa faggots can throw m80s into crowds, attack the public, burn shit major cities...and they're just 'demonstrators'.

Fucking hypocrites. Come on civil war, let's do this!
^ And that is exactly why I ask that ya'll send some prayers to these kids parents. Those kids are going to get /slaughtered/ because they're fools, because our fucking education system has completely failed them. Terrorists, anarchists, communists - and their sheepy useful idiots who almost always pay the ultimate price.
Nothing makes conservatives laugh harder than hearing "progressives preparing for war" need to elaborate or use some ghey analogy.:2up:

Lets put it this way though...... being on this board, I know if the shtf where Im going to get anything I need.:bye1:
^ And that is exactly why I ask that ya'll send some prayers to these kids parents. Those kids are going to get /slaughtered/ because they're fools, because our fucking education system has completely failed them. Terrorists, anarchists, communists - and their sheepy useful idiots who almost always pay the ultimate price.
Listen to this lady, leftists. She knows what she is talking about.

of course they lost


their flag got captured in Berkeley



btw.....most of these "resistance" fairies are paid.....very few are grassroots people. duh........the entire world knows progressives have no balls. I would imagine maybe there are a handful of k00ks mixed in but the Berkley stuff is theatre.
^ And that is exactly why I ask that ya'll send some prayers to these kids parents. Those kids are going to get /slaughtered/ because they're fools, because our fucking education system has completely failed them. Terrorists, anarchists, communists - and their sheepy useful idiots who almost always pay the ultimate price.
Listen to this lady, leftists. She knows what she is talking about.

Wasting your breath, these pukes have not been taught to think for themselves, they "know better."

I'll buy you a beer for protecting our innocent citizens from these terrorists, but don't expect me to be all soft and cuddly. It'll probably come with a bar of soap :p
Nothing makes conservatives laugh harder than hearing "progressives preparing for war" need to elaborate or use some ghey analogy.:2up:

Lets put it this way though...... being on this board, I know if the shtf where Im going to get anything I need.:bye1:
^ And that is exactly why I ask that ya'll send some prayers to these kids parents. Those kids are going to get /slaughtered/ because they're fools, because our fucking education system has completely failed them. Terrorists, anarchists, communists - and their sheepy useful idiots who almost always pay the ultimate price.
Listen to this lady, leftists. She knows what she is talking about.

Wasting your breath, these pukes have not been taught to think for themselves, they "know better."

I'll buy you a beer for protecting our innocent citizens from these terrorists, but don't expect me to be all soft and cuddly. It'll probably come with a bar of soap :p
A good amount of my comments from yesterday were removed by mods, I doubt I could be considered soft and cuddly about this stuff. Lol
Kind of funny how the left labeled a bunch of guys camping with guns in the woods in OR, way out where they couldn't hurt the public....a domestic terrorist group that had to be put down.

But these antifa faggots can throw m80s into crowds, attack the public, burn shit major cities...and they're just 'demonstrators'.

Fucking hypocrites. Come on civil war, let's do this!
"a bunch of guys camping with guns in the woods in OR"......:rofl: :rofl:

Did you send them snacks?
Quoting from the "Freedom Outpost" makes you look like a character out of Deliverance, and not one of the City Boys either.
And the video proves that terrorists have taken over the leadership of the young. I mean seriously you lefties are so fucked up you can't even keep young sheep behind you. Sad.
There Will Be Blood: Left Prepares For War After Berkeley Beat Down: “Combat Training, Better Equipment, Guns…”

Last week Trump supporters and leftist social justice warriors met on the political field of battle in Berkeley, California. Words were exchanged, as were punches. And while the alt-right leader was punched in the face, by all accounts even the social justice warriors admit that they got a major beat-down.



Like we said the losers of society will bring a civil war as they will try and make it look like the so called lawful gun owners, patriots etc are to blame.
The cops will stand down, Martial law will be used if it gets bad enough, and these are the pos losers you don't want to have guns as you see this is what they do...

These are your school shooters, these are your gabby gifford shooters, these you are mental cases that truly should never own a gun.

They need to be in the pysche ward and for a long, long time ....................They're all the same, act the same
what a bunch of fkn morons.

I am in an enviable position.......too old to give a flying fuck if I live or die but still young and skilled enough to fight. The way I feel right now is "Bring it on, mo-fo's".........ready to bust some skulls and put some notches on my gun handles and "yes" I will use the double tap technique to make sure that they are dead. The days of playing nice with these commie pieces of filth has long since passed.

What is so bad and low about these losers is they really get off on hitting women, and the elderly . Like someone said some where today , they'll bash a brick into someone's head they are like fkn rabid dogs on crack. OMG they are nuts maybe beyond nuts.

Leftards are like a pack of cowardly dogs that run in packs looking for easy prey. They would never think of taking on their adversaries unless the odds were astronomically stacked in their favor. I had to laugh loud and long when some trans-gendered "whatever the fuck it was" that started pissing and moaning when it got knocked on it's ass by claiming "it" was a woman after she was attacking someone........time to take off the "kid gloves" and put some bare knuckle ass whippings on these butthurt commie snowflakes. Pain is the only thing these sacks of shit understand.
Rightards are the toughest keyboard commandos on the planet. Having dozens of guns stashed under your trailers doesn`t make you a bad ass.

Fighting a lib is easier than fighting a geriatric on thorazine.
My hubby's special forces vet. I might let him off his leash if they start strapping against our fellow citizens. They had best shoot him dead with the first shot because he'll rip the gun out of their hand and shove it up their ass for giggles...


of course they lost


their flag got captured in Berkeley



btw.....most of these "resistance" fairies are paid.....very few are grassroots people. duh........the entire world knows progressives have no balls. I would imagine maybe there are a handful of k00ks mixed in but the Berkley stuff is theatre.

Interesting. They are being paid? How much are they being paid?
My hubby's special forces vet. I might let him off his leash if they start strapping against our fellow citizens. They had best shoot him dead with the first shot because he'll rip the gun out of their hand and shove it up their ass for giggles...


Yes, leash. We put them on dogs to keep them under control. My leash on my husband is verbal of course, but the imagery of a pit bull being let loose into a fight is pretty damn accurate. He's an 5'3" wrestler, his picture is still in the trophy case at West Point...

Wow. I mean ... really. These are some fucked up individuals. If I didn't think to arm myself at an event before I sure wouldn't go empty now

Nah man......those are fags. Don't bring a'll go to jail dude. You go and keep your emotions in check and if somebody tries to assault you, there is nothing more satisfying than seeing a knee bend at a 90 degree angle east-west.......very easy to pull off. You walk away with a big old smile from ear to ear because that mofu isn't walking for over a year.:2up:....of course, you leave the event immediately.
Kind of funny how the left labeled a bunch of guys camping with guns in the woods in OR, way out where they couldn't hurt the public....a domestic terrorist group that had to be put down.

But these antifa faggots can throw m80s into crowds, attack the public, burn shit major cities...and they're just 'demonstrators'.

Fucking hypocrites. Come on civil war, let's do this!

Camping in the woods?? Really? Staying in a federally owned building without permission is what you call camping?

I mean, these ANTIFA jerks are worthless scum. But let's not lie about what the Bundy Boys did.
The first amendment of free speech needs to be observed. Anyone showing up in masks should immediately be hauled off since they're obviously only there to cause trouble. Bring in the National Guard if need be to keep the peace. Beyond that, we need to stop funding universities that don't observe this right and only allow liberal views. These institutions are brain washing our kids with their inane Marxist ideology which needs to be stopped. If you have a child soon to enter college you need to research to make sure they don't attend such a university which allows only one-sided liberal political views paid for by George Soros.
[QUOTE="EverCurious, post: 17068756, member: 5would 'slaughter' a bunch ]^ And that is exactly why I ask that ya'll send some prayers to these kids parents. Those kids are going to get /slaughtered/ because they're fools, because our fucking education system has completely failed them. Terrorists, anarchists, communists - and their sheepy useful idiots who almost always pay the ultimate price.[/QUOTE]

I don't necessarily agree that conservatives would slaughter anyone. Those loonies may well attempt to slaughter conservatives, but it wouldn't be in terms of a fair fight. It will be in the usual cowardly bullshit they've displayed so far.
I don't think those in that video were paid fools... I think they're the grassroots fools.

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