There's A Reason Why People Keep Moving To Florida

The last thing the country needs is another Trump.

Some of the damage Trump caused to the country is irreparable.

yeah you like all the asswipe warmongering presidents we have had from LBJ all the way up to Obama,thats not secret you hate presidents that serve the people instead of the elite paid shill.everyone is aware of that.
Oh and so Biden is doing much better in your mind?

Oh and so Biden is doing much better in your mind?

This is the kind of president LETS GO BRANDON here likes.
It only took you 13 months to:

Lose Afghanistan
Lose Ukraine and peace in Europe
Have oil over a hundred bucks a barrel
Have inflation over 7%
Crash the stock market
Hand out free masks at the end of the pandemic

  • "Destroyed Countless Numbers of Small Business"
  • Traumatized children and stunted their development and created mental illness in school age children due to Unscientific "Feelings" and Mandates.
  • Broke The Supply Chain
  • Crushed Freedom wherever he could.
  • Sexualized Children and indoctrinated them.
  • Labeled Truckers and Soccer Moms as Terrorists.
ALL accomplishments of his hero Biden. :auiqs.jpg:
So you live in Florida? What don't you like about how Ron Desantis governs?
He started out fairly moderate but then someone told him he could be president. Since then he only seems to have a passing interest in what goes on here beyond the hot button issues that help him get national exposure.
Sorry you cant have him for 4 more years, after he can no longer be governor down here, then we will share him after President Trump gets his second term. After what Joe is doing, all President Trump has to say is "Run" and he will get 48 out of 50 states...
Doesn't DeSantis have any like minded proteges waiting in the wings?
The last thing the country needs is another Trump.

Some of the damage Trump caused to the country is irreparable.
You can actually bear witness to the train wreck that has been the vegetable's admin for the last year and say that with a straight face. You are truly a piece of work or you don't have a lick of sense.
Sorry you cant have him for 4 more years, after he can no longer be governor down here, then we will share him after President Trump gets his second term. After what Joe is doing, all President Trump has to say is "Run" and he will get 48 out of 50 states...

Seriously, though, Trump will get "48 out of 50 states"...? It looked like an overwhelming landslide last time...but those late-night number flips that came out of nowhere sure have us scratching our heads still. Quite a number of states have demonstrated enough evidence to overturn that election, although it's over a year too late.

Status in my little state:

1) the dems are pushing for allowing non-citizens to vote, and have succeeded in several places
2) nothing has been done or even talked about securing the vote with voter id requirements,
3) to top it off, the left are also pushing for a new voting system with "ranked choice voting", even though we've never had an issue with the existing system in this state. I suspect it will make tallying the votes that much more susceptible to mailability using statistical math tricks.

So even if 90% of the people want to get rid of the current failure and cast their vote, those that control the voting booth will simply continue to publish bogus opinion polls in the lead-up and voila! The "vote" will go the way they wanted.
That, along with ignorance.

The clueless rubes who believe the streets are paved with gold.
Florida is a very difficult place to move to. Trying to get established here is a nightmare for some. Many of these people from the upper 49 end up going back after a while.
No. Voting for a republican for president and winding up with a democrat and people believing that it was a legitimate election is the definition of insanity.

i am not as old as some people around here, but every damn election since 1980 the Repubs lose they go with a different variation of the stolen election excuse. Believing it is really the definition of insanity.
Voting for a Republican for president is the definition of insanity.
You might have a point. At least the current "POTUS" understands that Russia is the aggressor: he repeats this fact over and over as if he's trying to convince someone. Probably reminding himself so that he doesn't get confused. Good of his handlers to include this in his teleprompter...
i am not as old as some people around here, but every damn election since 1980 the Repubs lose they go with a different variation of the stolen election excuse. Believing it is really the definition of insanity.

I'm pretty sure that Obama didn't steal the election, but use common sense for goodness sake!! (If you even have any that is.) Do you honestly believe sleepy Joe won more votes than Obama? :auiqs.jpg:
i am not as old as some people around here, but every damn election since 1980 the Repubs lose they go with a different variation of the stolen election excuse. Believing it is really the definition of insanity.
In the 50 years that I have been voting--I have only seen two "stolen" elections. Gore contested one and Trump the other. That's pretty much a toss up.
I'm pretty sure that Obama didn't steal the election, but use common sense for goodness sake!! (If you even have any that is.) Do you honestly believe sleepy Joe won more votes than Obama? :auiqs.jpg:
yes. I did not count them all myself, but I have faith in our system.
i am not as old as some people around here, but every damn election since 1980 the Repubs lose they go with a different variation of the stolen election excuse. Believing it is really the definition of insanity.
and the 4 years of totally false made up lies that Trump colluded with russia to steal the 2016 election created by the clintons? What's coming out is not just insanity, its treasonous. Beyond Watergate.

Far from insanity or conspiracy, those claiming the 2020 election was stolen have hard, factual evidence that the elections were tampered with by many, many actors.
and the 4 years of totally false made up lies that Trump colluded with russia to steal the 2016 election created by the clintons? What's coming out is not just insanity, its treasonous. Beyond Watergate.

Far from insanity or conspiracy, those claiming the 2020 election was stolen have hard, factual evidence that the elections were tampered with by many, many actors.
Oh no. Not beyond Watergate. What hard factual evidence did they have, cause you know, real live judges threw all trumpsters election attornys out. I think one or two was disbarred. So why dont you tell me about this evidence.

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