There’s No Constitutional Way To Implement An Unconstitutional Order

Just make sure you stop by here after the hearings so I can laugh at you when Gorsuch makes fools out of the libs on the judiciary committee, ok?

Reading comprehension issues?????

I already stated that Gorsuch WILL be confirmed.......but that does not mean he will not always been known as a Trump lackey....
I'm not talking about him being confirmed, I know he will. I'm talking about how the Dems (like you) think they're gonna make him look incompetent but will end up looking like idiots (which they are).
You dumb fuck, every similar order has been upheld by the courts, precedent in on Trumps side. He has the constitutional and legal authority to do what he did.

Yup and Congress approved it as well.

Both douchebag and Carter did the same thing and I never heard word one about a Fed judge putting a stop to what they were doing.
Where in the Constitution does it say we have to give a visa to any foreign asshole that demands it?

It is obvious that you stupid Moon Bats have never bothered to even read the Constitution. A Syrian does not have a Constitutional right to an American visa.

No he doesn't and neither does any other foreigner.

Folks seem to have forgotten that every one of the perpetrators of 9-11 had visas to be in this country.

Trump is trying to keep Americans safe which is something the lefty loons could care less about as long as they can demonize Trump.

They are all tree stump dumb.
Unlike Trump, his team of fascists, and his idiot supporters, Judge Robart understands there’s no constitutional way to implement an unconstitutional order. Hopefully the The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will be guided by the Constitution rather than politics.

If the appeals court fails to uphold the Robart decision, it is the beginning of a slippery slope for all constitutional content The Fourth Reich will have been established.

Of course, the right-wingers will respond to this OP with their usual mindless blather.
Childish post. Throwing a temper tantrum is all you leftists have to run on these days. You aren't a constitutional expert and judges disagree on the order. The blather is all yours.

If any of those immigrants cause problems it will make lefties even less relevant.
Where in the Constitution does it say we have to give a visa to any foreign asshole that demands it?

It is obvious that you stupid Moon Bats have never bothered to even read the Constitution. A Syrian does not have a Constitutional right to an American visa.

No he doesn't and neither does any other foreigner.

Folks seem to have forgotten that every one of the perpetrators of 9-11 had visas to be in this country.

Trump is trying to keep Americans safe which is something the lefty loons could care less about as long as they can demonize Trump.

They are all tree stump dumb.

These Moon Bats forget a lot of things. Like that the authority to deny visas from potential terrorist countries has been conferred upon the President by Congress.

When the Kenyan Catastrophe was not enforcing the immigration laws established by Congress these Moon Bats didn't say a damn thing. When Trump is adhering to the laws these stupid Moon Bats claim that he is somehow "not adhering to the Constitution". Then these Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule them so much for their stupidity.

These Moon Bats are all beaucoupe dinky dau.
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These Moon Bats forget a lot of things. Like that the authority to deny visas from potential terrorists countries has been conferred upon the President by Congress. When the Kenyan Catastrophe was not enforcing the immigration laws established by Congress these Moon Bats didn't say a damn thing. When Trump is adhering to the laws these stupid Moon Bats claim that he is somehow "not adhering to the Constitution". Then these Moon Bats wonder why we ridicule them so much for their stupidity. These Moon Bats are all beaucoupe dinky dau.

After much deliberation, it has been decided that the term for the day from right wing nitwits will be, "Moon Bats"....Please don't forget to use it and use it often....LOL
Where in the Constitution does it say we have to give a visa to any foreign asshole that demands it?

hey, moron, Trump with his Muslim ban REVOKED visas that had already been granted
It was NOT a muslim ban idiot!

I agree. If it were a religious ban on Muslims then every Muslim country would be included, not just the seven that were.

The same seven douchebag banned back in 2011.

Carter also banned Iranians in the 70's.

No Fed Judge ever stayed either of those bans. Trump is able to ban just as Douchebag and Carter did. Congress approved the ban as well.

Its also in the Constitution.
I agree. If it were a religious ban on Muslims then every Muslim country would be included, not just the seven that were.

The same seven douchebag banned back in 2011.

Carter also banned Iranians in the 70's.

No Fed Judge ever stayed either of those bans. Trump is able to ban just as Douchebag and Carter did. Congress approved the ban as well.

Its also in the Constitution.

The above shows the abject ignorance of a right winger who ONLY believes FOX and Breibart.......Look up how ALL Muslim countries are reacting, Look up the DIFFERENCES between Obama's ban and Trump's ban....Look up what was happening in Iran that forced Carter's ban....

Finally, look up the number of a psychiatrist and make an appointment for yourself.
Reminder; courts don't just make rulings on their own. Someone has to bring a case. Remember 1954. Separate was found to be not equal, but that had been true even before the ruling. Someone protested.
The title of Trump’s executive order was “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States.”

But the Cato Institute, a right-wing think tank, reported last week that visitors to the United States from the seven banned countries have killed “zero people.”
I agree. If it were a religious ban on Muslims then every Muslim country would be included, not just the seven that were.

The same seven douchebag banned back in 2011.

Carter also banned Iranians in the 70's.

No Fed Judge ever stayed either of those bans. Trump is able to ban just as Douchebag and Carter did. Congress approved the ban as well.

Its also in the Constitution.

The above shows the abject ignorance of a right winger who ONLY believes FOX and Breibart.......Look up how ALL Muslim countries are reacting, Look up the DIFFERENCES between Obama's ban and Trump's ban....Look up what was happening in Iran that forced Carter's ban....

Finally, look up the number of a psychiatrist and make an appointment for yourself.

You need psychiatric help much more than I do.

Boy does it show.
I agree. If it were a religious ban on Muslims then every Muslim country would be included, not just the seven that were.

The same seven douchebag banned back in 2011.

Carter also banned Iranians in the 70's.

No Fed Judge ever stayed either of those bans. Trump is able to ban just as Douchebag and Carter did. Congress approved the ban as well.

Its also in the Constitution.

The above shows the abject ignorance of a right winger who ONLY believes FOX and Breibart.......Look up how ALL Muslim countries are reacting, Look up the DIFFERENCES between Obama's ban and Trump's ban....Look up what was happening in Iran that forced Carter's ban....

Finally, look up the number of a psychiatrist and make an appointment for yourself.

Who gives a shit how the Muslim countries are reacting?

It is amazing to me how you Rachael Maddow weenies love your Mexicans and your Muslims so much.

I understand why you Moon Bat idiots want the Mexicans to flood into the country so that they can Californicate the the entire nation.

It is obvious that the only reason you love these Muslim assholes so much is because you hate Christians and you think bringing in more Muslims will somehow dilute the Christians. You are sick mutherfuckers.

By the way Moon Bat it was the Kenyan Catastrophe that declared those seven countries to harbor terrorist that were a threat to the US. You voted for the douche bag, didn't you?
The title of Trump’s executive order was “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States.”

But the Cato Institute, a right-wing think tank, reported last week that visitors to the United States from the seven banned countries have killed “zero people.”

Since when is killing someone the threshold for terrorist activity? Many are being investigated and some ave been arrested for terrorist activity.
The title of Trump’s executive order was “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States.”

But the Cato Institute, a right-wing think tank, reported last week that visitors to the United States from the seven banned countries have killed “zero people.”

Since when is killing someone the threshold for terrorist activity? Many are being investigated and some ave been arrested for terrorist activity.

Of course you know they don't want to hear what you posted. They all seem to believe that tripe about the "Religion of Peace."

More like a death cult where woman are treated like slaves. The lefty idiots don't seem to care about the treatment of women either. They buy into the "Religion of Peace' bullshit.
It was NOT a muslim ban idiot!

Here, I'll type slow so that you can keep up.............

Has Trump issued a ban?........................................Yes or No?
Does that ban that Trump issued target Muslims? Yes or No ?

Rest assured that the whole world interprets Trump's ban as a MUSLIM BAN

So what are India's millions of millions of people? You stupid
It was NOT a muslim ban idiot!

Here, I'll type slow so that you can keep up.............

Has Trump issued a ban?........................................Yes or No?
Does that ban that Trump issued target Muslims? Yes or No ?

Rest assured that the whole world interprets Trump's ban as a MUSLIM BAN

So what are India's millions of millions of people? You stupid

They are Hindu's but don't expect the Leftist Maniac's to know that.
Unlike Trump, his team of fascists, and his idiot supporters, Judge Robart understands there’s no constitutional way to implement an unconstitutional order. Hopefully the The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will be guided by the Constitution rather than politics.

If the appeals court fails to uphold the Robart decision, it is the beginning of a slippery slope for all constitutional content The Fourth Reich will have been established.

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Of course, the right-wingers will respond to this OP with their usual mindless blather.

I have to wonder if this just isn't Bannon picking a fight with the judiciary on an issue he thinks he can win in public opinion No one familiar with constitutional law could ever have thought that some judge somewhere wouldn't enjoin at least the provision that Trump may unilaterally take away some ethnic/religious group's right to reenter the US. You are entitled to injuctive relief even before a lawsuit is decided if you can show some irreparable harm and a strong likelihood on the merits. Even with a 5-4 conservative maj, the scotus would have to ignore law for that to stand.

I think he would have gotten to keep some temporary ban while the new admistration figures out how to check up on refugees's pasts. Logically that too would eventually fail since these people have been in refugee camps for decades, and while they might someday "become radicalized," there's no reason for Isis to insert some "sleeper agents" both because it's easier and cheaper to radical some chump in Dearborn and because ISIS DIDN'T EXIST WHEN THESE REFUGEES WENT INTO CAMPS. But at least the administration of immigration is an executive duty, and the temp ban of people with no const rights wasn't illegal on its face.

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