There’s No Constitutional Way To Implement An Unconstitutional Order

So STFU Lefty. Because not only are you ignorant of the law, you lie about the law.

Calm down there're going to break a branch......

There is, the ANTI-DISCRIMINATION Statute that outlaws discriminating against a person regarding issuing visas based on the person’s “nationality, place of birth, or place of residence,” which Trump’s order clearly does

The anti-discrimination clause applies to denying visas already issued which is where the judges order comes into play. The administration cannot simply remove visas from people that are already here as they tried to do in the beginning. They can, however, deny visas all day long based on the originating nation.
Unlike Trump, his team of fascists, and his idiot supporters, Judge Robart understands there’s no constitutional way to implement an unconstitutional order. Hopefully the The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will be guided by the Constitution rather than politics.

If the appeals court fails to uphold the Robart decision, it is the beginning of a slippery slope for all constitutional content The Fourth Reich will have been established.

View attachment 110882

Of course, the right-wingers will respond to this OP with their usual mindless blather.


Guess this judge didnt hear about the 3 branches of government, the power of the legislative branch and ALL that. Oh right, but this is coming from the 9th circuit court of shclemeels.
No one has a right to immigrate to or enter in to the United States without being given permission by immigration officials and the US Government.

Hey, moron....get a brain functioning....Trump denied entry to folks ALREADY having visas because they were Muslims from the 7 countries.....
......and before any of you nitwits bring up that Obama did the same.....LOOK IT UP, it was NOT the same.

Please show me in The Constitution Where The United States has No Right To Restrict or Expand Immigration or Travel To or From Other Countries.

You can't, so you have to lie about it, like all Liberals do.

Visas can be revoked at any time for any reason. Immigration is a privilege, not a right. And the Visas were only provisionally revoked until these people's backgrounds could be checked.

Only 100 people out of 60,000 were held up and scrutinized and all of them to my knowledge were still allowed to keep their Visas, and still permitted entrance in to the US.

But you knew that already.

Because it's not about travel bans (Obama issued one against Cuba)
It's not about immigration.

It's about being sore losers, and not being able to come to grips with it, and hating America and our laws with every fiber of your being, that you imagine yourselves in some sort of self delusional "resistance movement".

Nothing Trump or any Conservative would do, would ever satisfy you. The only thing that would, is anything that undermines our rights, our sovereignty, and our freedom to self governance & self determination.

Nothing short of placing America under the Yoke of Globalists would ever satisfy you.

Like I said, Globalism is The Equivalent of The British Empire under King George with The World as Colonies with no Right To Self Governance or Representation.

I have to this day Not Met One Liberal who embraced and loved freedom and who is ever willing to take responsibility for his own successes and failures.

All of you are timid, fearful, cowering spineless and weak cowards who want to be coddled, and cared for, and have your diapers changed by Uncle Sam.

America cannot ever be great if she is made from such weak stock, thin skinned and spindly boned liberals.

The American Spirit is dead in such men as you. If we can even call you a man at all.

Well, yiou knew the answer before you didn't.
You posted, "Visas can be revoked at any time for any reason." Trump had no reason beyond the person being a Muslim. And THAT's why it is illegal. A visa or green card gives one a legal right. It may be revoked. But not merely because on belongs to a religious or ethnic group.

Please prove that Trump provisionally revoked a Visa simply because they are Muslim.

So you mean to tell me, that THEE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA could not even Keep Osama Bin Laden from coming to THE UNITED STATES, because he is a Muslim?

According to your argument, the US could never stop even one person from coming in to the US legally or illegally, because everyone has a racial identifier, and everyone has a religious preference.

So according to your logic, The United States could not prevent anyone from coming in to THE US, even if that person said they were coming to AMERICA TO KILL YOU....because well, they have some kinda of background they could claim is being used to discriminate against them.

Tell me Genius then, exactly under what circumstances could America Exercise it's Sovereign Right to limit travel or immigration from any nation?

I'll be waiting. This should be Hilarious.
Because the revocations were to muslims. Equal protection means you cannot treat any person differently than another simply because they belong to a different group, be that race, religion or natl origin. And any person with a green card or visa has 14th amend rights. There must be a reason that applies specifically to that individual. Or you must prove a rational reason to treat the group differently. We have more terrorists from Saudi Arabia than Iran or Iraq. So it fails, and anyone with any understanding of constitutional law knew and knows that. Which begs the question of what was Trump's real reason for this?

So now you get 14th amendment rights to enter this country if you have a visa or a green card and caring a bazooka?

When did that happen?
The Constitution only applies to US citizens.

No one has a right to immigrate to or enter in to the United States without being given permission by immigration officials and the US Government.

We have the right to deny our consent for entry in to our Sovereign Territory to anyone based on any reason.

End of story.

No one b1tched about Obama's travel ban on Cuba.

Liberals are loonies.

I agree and the Constitution gives the POTUS that power.

Douchebag and Carter both used that power and I never heard word one about any Fed Judge having a problem with it.
What is unconstitutional bbout order? Why can't any of you claiming it's iillegal answer this?
What is unconstitutional bbout order? Why can't any of you claiming it's iillegal answer this?

Its illegal because the dumbasses want it to be illegal.

The Constitution gives the POTUS, any POTUS the power to do what Trump, douchebag and Carter did.

How quickly the dumbasses forget that the perpetrators of 9-11 were all in this country with visa's.

Tree stump dumb is what they all are.
How quickly the dumbasses forget that the perpetrators of 9-11 were all in this country with visa's.

Speaking of many of those 9-11 bastards were from those countries that the orange moron has banned?

Go on, answer that.....and then go back to bed.
How quickly the dumbasses forget that the perpetrators of 9-11 were all in this country with visa's.

Speaking of many of those 9-11 bastards were from those countries that the orange moron has banned?

Go on, answer that.....and then go back to bed.

LMAO How quickly a dumbass like you forgets.

The list is the same one douchebag used. Didn't hear you bitching that Saudi Arabia wasn't on that list.

I wish every Muslim country in existence were on that list.

You can go bury you're head up you're ass again.
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I wish every Muslim country in existence were on that list.

Then put on your white robe and pointed hood and admit WHO you really are....

(btw, douche bag.....Obama's ban was NOT the same as Trump's.....look it up instead of Hannity telling you WHAT to think.......LOL)
Unlike Trump, his team of fascists, and his idiot supporters, Judge Robart understands there’s no constitutional way to implement an unconstitutional order. Hopefully the The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will be guided by the Constitution rather than politics.

If the appeals court fails to uphold the Robart decision, it is the beginning of a slippery slope for all constitutional content The Fourth Reich will have been established.

View attachment 110882

Of course, the right-wingers will respond to this OP with their usual mindless blather.

Obama targeted the same countries with the same law Trump used.

Except he didn't. so umm...

Trump's immediate travel ban prevented people from traveling:

Visa holders, Green card holders, even people with citizenship in different countries who had dual citizenship from one of the banned ones.

Obama's VISA processing orders did no such thing.
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How quickly the dumbasses forget that the perpetrators of 9-11 were all in this country with visa's.

Speaking of many of those 9-11 bastards were from those countries that the orange moron has banned?

Go on, answer that.....and then go back to bed.

Since Obama made the list trump used, maybe you should ask him why other countries were left off. It could have to do with a number of things. Politics in the middle east has changed a bit since 2001. Egypt for example has a completely new government.

Perhaps it would be prudent to not look at it as a black and white partisan matter. Instead look at it how it really is.
How quickly the dumbasses forget that the perpetrators of 9-11 were all in this country with visa's.

Speaking of many of those 9-11 bastards were from those countries that the orange moron has banned?

Go on, answer that.....and then go back to bed.

Since Obama made the list trump used, maybe you should ask him why other countries were left off. It could have to do with a number of things. Politics in the middle east has changed a bit since 2001. Egypt for example has a completely new government.

Perhaps it would be prudent to not look at it as a black and white partisan matter. Instead look at it how it really is.

Yea, it's not like Trump can make his own list or anything, that would be completely illegal.
Unlike Trump, his team of fascists, and his idiot supporters, Judge Robart understands there’s no constitutional way to implement an unconstitutional order. Hopefully the The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will be guided by the Constitution rather than politics.

If the appeals court fails to uphold the Robart decision, it is the beginning of a slippery slope for all constitutional content The Fourth Reich will have been established.

View attachment 110882

Of course, the right-wingers will respond to this OP with their usual mindless blather.


You're full of shit. The judicial branch has no authority over immigration and no jurisdiction over non-citizens. Robart should be impeached and removed from the bench
How quickly the dumbasses forget that the perpetrators of 9-11 were all in this country with visa's.

Speaking of many of those 9-11 bastards were from those countries that the orange moron has banned?

Go on, answer that.....and then go back to bed.

Since Obama made the list trump used, maybe you should ask him why other countries were left off. It could have to do with a number of things. Politics in the middle east has changed a bit since 2001. Egypt for example has a completely new government.

Perhaps it would be prudent to not look at it as a black and white partisan matter. Instead look at it how it really is.

Yea, it's not like Trump can make his own list or anything, that would be completely illegal.

Swish, the point was your hypocrisy, which you doubled down on just now
I wish every Muslim country in existence were on that list.

Then put on your white robe and pointed hood and admit WHO you really are....

(btw, douche bag.....Obama's ban was NOT the same as Trump's.....look it up instead of Hannity telling you WHAT to think.......LOL)

Since I don't watch Hannity guess your point is moot. Pretty much like you are.

Another idiot who see's racists under every bush.

Anyone who doesn't agree with you're bullshit is a racist or a bigot.

You can't cure stupid and boy are you one stupid son of a bitch and well worth laughing at. LOL
So STFU Lefty. Because not only are you ignorant of the law, you lie about the law.

Calm down there're going to break a branch......

There is, the ANTI-DISCRIMINATION Statute that outlaws discriminating against a person regarding issuing visas based on the person’s “nationality, place of birth, or place of residence,” which Trump’s order clearly does

The anti-discrimination clause applies to denying visas already issued which is where the judges order comes into play. The administration cannot simply remove visas from people that are already here as they tried to do in the beginning. They can, however, deny visas all day long based on the originating nation.

/---- Snowflake, didn't Jimma Carter forcibly remove Iranian students who had green cards? No wailing and gnashing of teeth for that.

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