There’s No Constitutional Way To Implement An Unconstitutional Order

It was NOT a muslim ban idiot!

Here, I'll type slow so that you can keep up.............

Has Trump issued a ban?........................................Yes or No?
Does that ban that Trump issued target Muslims? Yes or No ?

Rest assured that the whole world interprets Trump's ban as a MUSLIM BAN

So what are India's millions of millions of people? You stupid

They are Hindu's but don't expect the Leftist Maniac's to know that.
Hey some of them wear turbins too. (-: (a joke)
You guys don't even make any sense how is this list a ban on religion?

U.S. list:
  • Iraq.

  • Iran.
  • Syria.
  • Yemen.
  • Sudan.
  • Somalia.
  • Libya.
The Constitution only applies to US citizens.

No one has a right to immigrate to or enter in to the United States without being given permission by immigration officials and the US Government.

We have the right to deny our consent for entry in to our Sovereign Territory to anyone based on any reason.

End of story.

No one b1tched about Obama's travel ban on Cuba.

Liberals are loonies.
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There’s No Constitutional Way To Implement An Unconstitutional Order

That's right, there is not.

That's why the only constitutional thing you can do is write another Order to repeal it. As President Trump has been doing for several weeks now.
No one has a right to immigrate to or enter in to the United States without being given permission by immigration officials and the US Government.

Hey, moron....get a brain functioning....Trump denied entry to folks ALREADY having visas because they were Muslims from the 7 countries.....
......and before any of you nitwits bring up that Obama did the same.....LOOK IT UP, it was NOT the same.
Since when is killing someone the threshold for terrorist activity? Many are being investigated and some ave been arrested for terrorist activity.

that last part you pulled out of your ass......

If you ban someone who has not killed anyone or there is NO record of any plan to kill anyone, then banning Muslims can only be interpreted as a MUSLIM BAN. Period......and ISIS is using the ban to recruit claiming that the US IS at war with Islam.
No one has a right to immigrate to or enter in to the United States without being given permission by immigration officials and the US Government.

Hey, moron....get a brain functioning....Trump denied entry to folks ALREADY having visas because they were Muslims from the 7 countries.....
......and before any of you nitwits bring up that Obama did the same.....LOOK IT UP, it was NOT the same.

Please show me in The Constitution Where The United States has No Right To Restrict or Expand Immigration or Travel To or From Other Countries.

You can't, so you have to lie about it, like all Liberals do.

Visas can be revoked at any time for any reason. Immigration is a privilege, not a right. And the Visas were only provisionally revoked until these people's backgrounds could be checked.

Only 100 people out of 60,000 were held up and scrutinized and all of them to my knowledge were still allowed to keep their Visas, and still permitted entrance in to the US.

But you knew that already.

Because it's not about travel bans (Obama issued one against Cuba)
It's not about immigration.

It's about being sore losers, and not being able to come to grips with it, and hating America and our laws with every fiber of your being, that you imagine yourselves in some sort of self delusional "resistance movement".

Nothing Trump or any Conservative would do, would ever satisfy you. The only thing that would, is anything that undermines our rights, our sovereignty, and our freedom to self governance & self determination.

Nothing short of placing America under the Yoke of Globalists would ever satisfy you.

Like I said,

Globalism is The Equivalent of The British Empire under King George with The Entire World as Colonies Subservient to The Global "Crown" with no Right To Self Governance or Representation.

I have to this day Not Met One Liberal who embraced and loved freedom and who is ever willing to take responsibility for his own successes and failures.

All of you are timid, fearful, cowering spineless and weak cowards who want to be coddled, and cared for, and have your diapers changed by Uncle Sam.

America cannot ever be great if she is made from such weak stock, thin skinned and spindly boned liberals.

The American Spirit is dead in such men as you. If we can even call you a man at all.
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No one has a right to immigrate to or enter in to the United States without being given permission by immigration officials and the US Government.

Hey, moron....get a brain functioning....Trump denied entry to folks ALREADY having visas because they were Muslims from the 7 countries.....
......and before any of you nitwits bring up that Obama did the same.....LOOK IT UP, it was NOT the same.

Please show me in The Constitution Where The United States has No Right To Restrict or Expand Immigration or Travel To or From Other Countries.

You can't, so you have to lie about it, like all Liberals do.

Visas can be revoked at any time for any reason. Immigration is a privilege, not a right. And the Visas were only provisionally revoked until these people's backgrounds could be checked.

Only 100 people out of 60,000 were held up and scrutinized and all of them to my knowledge were still allowed to keep their Visas, and still permitted entrance in to the US.

But you knew that already.

Because it's not about travel bans (Obama issued one against Cuba)
It's not about immigration.

It's about being sore losers, and not being able to come to grips with it, and hating America and our laws with every fiber of your being, that you imagine yourselves in some sort of self delusional "resistance movement".

Nothing Trump or any Conservative would do, would ever satisfy you. The only thing that would, is anything that undermines our rights, our sovereignty, and our freedom to self governance & self determination.

Nothing short of placing America under the Yoke of Globalists would ever satisfy you.

Like I said, Globalism is The Equivalent of The British Empire under King George with The World as Colonies with no Right To Self Governance or Representation.

I have to this day Not Met One Liberal who embraced and loved freedom and who is ever willing to take responsibility for his own successes and failures.

All of you are timid, fearful, cowering spineless and weak cowards who want to be coddled, and cared for, and have your diapers changed by Uncle Sam.

America cannot ever be great if she is made from such weak stock, thin skinned and spindly boned liberals.

The American Spirit is dead in such men as you. If we can even call you a man at all.

Well, yiou knew the answer before you didn't.
You posted, "Visas can be revoked at any time for any reason." Trump had no reason beyond the person being a Muslim. And THAT's why it is illegal. A visa or green card gives one a legal right. It may be revoked. But not merely because on belongs to a religious or ethnic group.
No one has a right to immigrate to or enter in to the United States without being given permission by immigration officials and the US Government.

Hey, moron....get a brain functioning....Trump denied entry to folks ALREADY having visas because they were Muslims from the 7 countries.....
......and before any of you nitwits bring up that Obama did the same.....LOOK IT UP, it was NOT the same.

Please show me in The Constitution Where The United States has No Right To Restrict or Expand Immigration or Travel To or From Other Countries.

You can't, so you have to lie about it, like all Liberals do.

Visas can be revoked at any time for any reason. Immigration is a privilege, not a right. And the Visas were only provisionally revoked until these people's backgrounds could be checked.

Only 100 people out of 60,000 were held up and scrutinized and all of them to my knowledge were still allowed to keep their Visas, and still permitted entrance in to the US.

But you knew that already.

Because it's not about travel bans (Obama issued one against Cuba)
It's not about immigration.

It's about being sore losers, and not being able to come to grips with it, and hating America and our laws with every fiber of your being, that you imagine yourselves in some sort of self delusional "resistance movement".

Nothing Trump or any Conservative would do, would ever satisfy you. The only thing that would, is anything that undermines our rights, our sovereignty, and our freedom to self governance & self determination.

Nothing short of placing America under the Yoke of Globalists would ever satisfy you.

Like I said, Globalism is The Equivalent of The British Empire under King George with The World as Colonies with no Right To Self Governance or Representation.

I have to this day Not Met One Liberal who embraced and loved freedom and who is ever willing to take responsibility for his own successes and failures.

All of you are timid, fearful, cowering spineless and weak cowards who want to be coddled, and cared for, and have your diapers changed by Uncle Sam.

America cannot ever be great if she is made from such weak stock, thin skinned and spindly boned liberals.

The American Spirit is dead in such men as you. If we can even call you a man at all.

Well, yiou knew the answer before you didn't.
You posted, "Visas can be revoked at any time for any reason." Trump had no reason beyond the person being a Muslim. And THAT's why it is illegal. A visa or green card gives one a legal right. It may be revoked. But not merely because on belongs to a religious or ethnic group.

Please prove that Trump provisionally revoked a Visa simply because they are Muslim.

So you mean to tell me, that THEE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA could not even Keep Osama Bin Laden from coming to THE UNITED STATES, because he is a Muslim?

According to your argument, the US could never stop even one person from coming in to the US legally or illegally, because everyone has a racial identifier, and everyone has a religious preference.

So according to your logic, The United States could not prevent anyone from coming in to THE US, even if that person said they were coming to AMERICA TO KILL YOU....because well, they have some kinda of background they could claim is being used to discriminate against them.

Tell me Genius then, exactly under what circumstances could America Exercise it's Sovereign Right to limit travel or immigration from any nation?

I'll be waiting. This should be Hilarious.
No one has a right to immigrate to or enter in to the United States without being given permission by immigration officials and the US Government.

Hey, moron....get a brain functioning....Trump denied entry to folks ALREADY having visas because they were Muslims from the 7 countries.....
......and before any of you nitwits bring up that Obama did the same.....LOOK IT UP, it was NOT the same.

Please show me in The Constitution Where The United States has No Right To Restrict or Expand Immigration or Travel To or From Other Countries.

You can't, so you have to lie about it, like all Liberals do.

Visas can be revoked at any time for any reason. Immigration is a privilege, not a right. And the Visas were only provisionally revoked until these people's backgrounds could be checked.

Only 100 people out of 60,000 were held up and scrutinized and all of them to my knowledge were still allowed to keep their Visas, and still permitted entrance in to the US.

But you knew that already.

Because it's not about travel bans (Obama issued one against Cuba)
It's not about immigration.

It's about being sore losers, and not being able to come to grips with it, and hating America and our laws with every fiber of your being, that you imagine yourselves in some sort of self delusional "resistance movement".

Nothing Trump or any Conservative would do, would ever satisfy you. The only thing that would, is anything that undermines our rights, our sovereignty, and our freedom to self governance & self determination.

Nothing short of placing America under the Yoke of Globalists would ever satisfy you.

Like I said, Globalism is The Equivalent of The British Empire under King George with The World as Colonies with no Right To Self Governance or Representation.

I have to this day Not Met One Liberal who embraced and loved freedom and who is ever willing to take responsibility for his own successes and failures.

All of you are timid, fearful, cowering spineless and weak cowards who want to be coddled, and cared for, and have your diapers changed by Uncle Sam.

America cannot ever be great if she is made from such weak stock, thin skinned and spindly boned liberals.

The American Spirit is dead in such men as you. If we can even call you a man at all.

Well, yiou knew the answer before you didn't.
You posted, "Visas can be revoked at any time for any reason." Trump had no reason beyond the person being a Muslim. And THAT's why it is illegal. A visa or green card gives one a legal right. It may be revoked. But not merely because on belongs to a religious or ethnic group.

Please prove that Trump provisionally revoked a Visa simply because they are Muslim.

So you mean to tell me, that THEE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA could not even Keep Osama Bin Laden from coming to THE UNITED STATES, because he is a Muslim?

According to your argument, the US could never stop even one person from coming in to the US legally or illegally, because everyone has a racial identifier, and everyone has a religious preference.

So according to your logic, The United States could not prevent anyone from coming in to THE US, even if that person said they were coming to AMERICA TO KILL YOU....because well, they have some kinda of background they could claim is being used to discriminate against them.

Tell me Genius then, exactly under what circumstances could America Exercise it's Sovereign Right to limit travel or immigration from any nation?

I'll be waiting. This should be Hilarious.
Because the revocations were to muslims. Equal protection means you cannot treat any person differently than another simply because they belong to a different group, be that race, religion or natl origin. And any person with a green card or visa has 14th amend rights. There must be a reason that applies specifically to that individual. Or you must prove a rational reason to treat the group differently. We have more terrorists from Saudi Arabia than Iran or Iraq. So it fails, and anyone with any understanding of constitutional law knew and knows that. Which begs the question of what was Trump's real reason for this?
Since when is killing someone the threshold for terrorist activity? Many are being investigated and some ave been arrested for terrorist activity.

that last part you pulled out of your ass......

If you ban someone who has not killed anyone or there is NO record of any plan to kill anyone, then banning Muslims can only be interpreted as a MUSLIM BAN. Period......and ISIS is using the ban to recruit claiming that the US IS at war with Islam.

Pulled it out of my ass, hardly, I've posted links in several of these dumb ass threads, just google refugee terrorism and see for yourself. Also don't try to impress me with your biased interpretations, you just make yourself look silly.
No one has a right to immigrate to or enter in to the United States without being given permission by immigration officials and the US Government.

Hey, moron....get a brain functioning....Trump denied entry to folks ALREADY having visas because they were Muslims from the 7 countries.....
......and before any of you nitwits bring up that Obama did the same.....LOOK IT UP, it was NOT the same.

Please show me in The Constitution Where The United States has No Right To Restrict or Expand Immigration or Travel To or From Other Countries.

You can't, so you have to lie about it, like all Liberals do.

Visas can be revoked at any time for any reason. Immigration is a privilege, not a right. And the Visas were only provisionally revoked until these people's backgrounds could be checked.

Only 100 people out of 60,000 were held up and scrutinized and all of them to my knowledge were still allowed to keep their Visas, and still permitted entrance in to the US.

But you knew that already.

Because it's not about travel bans (Obama issued one against Cuba)
It's not about immigration.

It's about being sore losers, and not being able to come to grips with it, and hating America and our laws with every fiber of your being, that you imagine yourselves in some sort of self delusional "resistance movement".

Nothing Trump or any Conservative would do, would ever satisfy you. The only thing that would, is anything that undermines our rights, our sovereignty, and our freedom to self governance & self determination.

Nothing short of placing America under the Yoke of Globalists would ever satisfy you.

Like I said, Globalism is The Equivalent of The British Empire under King George with The World as Colonies with no Right To Self Governance or Representation.

I have to this day Not Met One Liberal who embraced and loved freedom and who is ever willing to take responsibility for his own successes and failures.

All of you are timid, fearful, cowering spineless and weak cowards who want to be coddled, and cared for, and have your diapers changed by Uncle Sam.

America cannot ever be great if she is made from such weak stock, thin skinned and spindly boned liberals.

The American Spirit is dead in such men as you. If we can even call you a man at all.

Well, yiou knew the answer before you didn't.
You posted, "Visas can be revoked at any time for any reason." Trump had no reason beyond the person being a Muslim. And THAT's why it is illegal. A visa or green card gives one a legal right. It may be revoked. But not merely because on belongs to a religious or ethnic group.

Please prove that Trump provisionally revoked a Visa simply because they are Muslim.

So you mean to tell me, that THEE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA could not even Keep Osama Bin Laden from coming to THE UNITED STATES, because he is a Muslim?

According to your argument, the US could never stop even one person from coming in to the US legally or illegally, because everyone has a racial identifier, and everyone has a religious preference.

So according to your logic, The United States could not prevent anyone from coming in to THE US, even if that person said they were coming to AMERICA TO KILL YOU....because well, they have some kinda of background they could claim is being used to discriminate against them.

Tell me Genius then, exactly under what circumstances could America Exercise it's Sovereign Right to limit travel or immigration from any nation?

I'll be waiting. This should be Hilarious.
Because the revocations were to muslims. Equal protection means you cannot treat any person differently than another simply because they belong to a different group, be that race, religion or natl origin. And any person with a green card or visa has 14th amend rights. There must be a reason that applies specifically to that individual. Or you must prove a rational reason to treat the group differently. We have more terrorists from Saudi Arabia than Iran or Iraq. So it fails, and anyone with any understanding of constitutional law knew and knows that. Which begs the question of what was Trump's real reason for this?

Quote where the Constitution extends its protections to foreign nationals on foreign soil.
Libtards think they have finally won a battle with Trump. Here's what's going to happen, Trump is going to win, the EO will be implemented, and the left will freak out and attack the courts.
You really don't understand the law do you?

Show me where In The Constitution where Foreign Nationals have an unrestricted right to enter The Untited States at will.

Then after that Moron, show
Me in The Constitution where Constitutional Rights are granted Non-Citizens across the globe who wish to gain entry in to The Untites States?

And then with your traitorous Liberal lips please tell us some more Liberal and Subversive lies about the meaning of the following laws.

Half of you Phucks would not be allowed in this country according to section D.

And the other half of you idiots could not get in to this country simply because you don't know English.

There are a million lawful reasons we can bar people from entering the US.

You can even be barred from entering The US if you are a wife beater.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

(C)Foreign policy
(i)In general

An alien whose entry or proposed activities in the United States the Secretary of State has reasonable ground to believe would have potentially serious adverse foreign policy consequences for the United States is inadmissible.

(D)Immigrant membership in totalitarian party
(i)In general

Any immigrant who is or has been a member of or affiliated with the Communist or any other totalitarian party (or subdivision or affiliate thereof), domestic or foreign, is inadmissible.

(F)Association with terrorist organizations

Any alien who the Secretary of State, after consultation with the Attorney General, or the Attorney General, after consultation with the Secretary of State, determines has been associated with a terrorist organization and intends while in the United States to engage solely, principally, or incidentally in activities that could endanger the welfare, safety, or security of the United States is inadmissible.

the alien has the level of competence in oral and written English considered by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, to be appropriate for health care work of the kind in which the alien will be engaged, as shown by an appropriate score on one or more nationally recognized, commercially available, standardized assessments of the applicant’s ability to speak and write; and

(i)In general

An alien present in the United States without being admitted or paroled, or who arrives in the United States at any time or place other than as designated by the Attorney General, is inadmissible.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

No one has a right to immigrate to or enter in to the United States without being given permission by immigration officials and the US Government.
Hey, moron....get a brain functioning....Trump denied entry to folks ALREADY having visas because they were Muslims from the 7 countries.....
......and before any of you nitwits bring up that Obama did the same.....LOOK IT UP, it was NOT the same.

Please show me in The Constitution Where The United States has No Right To Restrict or Expand Immigration or Travel To or From Other Countries.

You can't, so you have to lie about it, like all Liberals do.

Visas can be revoked at any time for any reason. Immigration is a privilege, not a right. And the Visas were only provisionally revoked until these people's backgrounds could be checked.

Only 100 people out of 60,000 were held up and scrutinized and all of them to my knowledge were still allowed to keep their Visas, and still permitted entrance in to the US.

But you knew that already.

Because it's not about travel bans (Obama issued one against Cuba)
It's not about immigration.

It's about being sore losers, and not being able to come to grips with it, and hating America and our laws with every fiber of your being, that you imagine yourselves in some sort of self delusional "resistance movement".

Nothing Trump or any Conservative would do, would ever satisfy you. The only thing that would, is anything that undermines our rights, our sovereignty, and our freedom to self governance & self determination.

Nothing short of placing America under the Yoke of Globalists would ever satisfy you.

Like I said, Globalism is The Equivalent of The British Empire under King George with The World as Colonies with no Right To Self Governance or Representation.

I have to this day Not Met One Liberal who embraced and loved freedom and who is ever willing to take responsibility for his own successes and failures.

All of you are timid, fearful, cowering spineless and weak cowards who want to be coddled, and cared for, and have your diapers changed by Uncle Sam.

America cannot ever be great if she is made from such weak stock, thin skinned and spindly boned liberals.

The American Spirit is dead in such men as you. If we can even call you a man at all.

Well, yiou knew the answer before you didn't.
You posted, "Visas can be revoked at any time for any reason." Trump had no reason beyond the person being a Muslim. And THAT's why it is illegal. A visa or green card gives one a legal right. It may be revoked. But not merely because on belongs to a religious or ethnic group.

Please prove that Trump provisionally revoked a Visa simply because they are Muslim.

So you mean to tell me, that THEE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA could not even Keep Osama Bin Laden from coming to THE UNITED STATES, because he is a Muslim?

According to your argument, the US could never stop even one person from coming in to the US legally or illegally, because everyone has a racial identifier, and everyone has a religious preference.

So according to your logic, The United States could not prevent anyone from coming in to THE US, even if that person said they were coming to AMERICA TO KILL YOU....because well, they have some kinda of background they could claim is being used to discriminate against them.

Tell me Genius then, exactly under what circumstances could America Exercise it's Sovereign Right to limit travel or immigration from any nation?

I'll be waiting. This should be Hilarious.
Because the revocations were to muslims. Equal protection means you cannot treat any person differently than another simply because they belong to a different group, be that race, religion or natl origin. And any person with a green card or visa has 14th amend rights. There must be a reason that applies specifically to that individual. Or you must prove a rational reason to treat the group differently. We have more terrorists from Saudi Arabia than Iran or Iraq. So it fails, and anyone with any understanding of constitutional law knew and knows that. Which begs the question of what was Trump's real reason for this?
The short version:

The government can bar any person or any country from entering The US and you don't need proof. Deal drugs even once you can't come in. If you can't speak and read English they can bar you. If you are a scumbag liberal commie they can bar you.

If you even know a terrorist or are related to one they can bar you. If you beat your wife, or use child labor they can bar you or have committed any felonies in a foreign country you can be barred.

The United States can bar anyone for any reason whom they determine to be a threat to anyone, any community, our culture our way of life... period.

So STFU Lefty. Because not only are you ignorant of the law, you lie about the law.
So STFU Lefty. Because not only are you ignorant of the law, you lie about the law.

Calm down there're going to break a branch......

There is, the ANTI-DISCRIMINATION Statute that outlaws discriminating against a person regarding issuing visas based on the person’s “nationality, place of birth, or place of residence,” which Trump’s order clearly does
You are a dumbass. According to your whacked out interpretation The US could never bar anyone, because everyone has a nationality, a place of birth and place of residence.

Exactly who then could the US ever hope to bar nimrod based on your stoopid interpretation?

And exactly why was Obama Bin Lying able to bar immigration from Cuba to the US then?

So STFU Lefty. Because not only are you ignorant of the law, you lie about the law.

Calm down there're going to break a branch......

There is, the ANTI-DISCRIMINATION Statute that outlaws discriminating against a person regarding issuing visas based on the person’s “nationality, place of birth, or place of residence,” which Trump’s order clearly does
You are a dumbass. According to your whacked out interpretation The US could never bar anyone, because everyone has a nationality, a place of birth and place of residence.

Come back when you learn reading comprehension.....
I have little patience in trying to educate morons.
Again, according to your Subversive interpretation The US has no right to bar anyone for any reason. I cited law, you cited your head that you pulled out of your ass.

Again exactly why was Obama Bin Lying allowed to bar immigration from Cuba according to your idiotic interpretation of immigration law?

You are a dumbass. According to your whacked out interpretation The US could never bar anyone, because everyone has a nationality, a place of birth and place of residence.

Come back when you learn reading comprehension.....
I have little patience in trying to educate morons.
Again exactly why was Obama Bin Lying allowed to bar immigration from Cuba according to your idiotic interpretation of immigration law?

This is NOT the place for elementary education.....please give it a rest...

But out of kindness, look up the old "wet foot, dry foot" policy on Cubans.....

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