"There's NO investigation"...There's no need for a special counsel..??

Errr...I think we are past the pinning blame for Hillary's loss..

I'm afraid you've lost me. The democrats have never stopped trying to pin the blame! They've blamed the Russians, James Comey, stupid deplorables, Fox News, bad weather and sunspots for her loss. They know that with all of their corrupt media influence, massive campaign contributions and advertising, there is no way they could lose! I mean, unless people overwhelmingly just did not choose her! The Dems have to blame something and fix it RIGHT NOW, otherwise they might not ever win an election again.
Just a few days ago, right wingers on here SWORE that there was NO investigation of Trump-Russian collusion....That there was NO need fora special counsel to be appointed......

........and, today we have the orange charlatan tweeting that there's a witch hunt going on against him.....

Well, reality is turning out to be a bitter "bitch", don't you think so, right wing, Trump ass kissers??? LOL
/--- Beware when you get what you wished for. The investigation can go anywhere including Obozo and Hildabeast.

Jeeezus you are stupid.

Meanwhile Trump is quite upset that special prosecutor with impeccable reputation and bipartisan praise was assigned to get to the bottom of this Russia thing and put it away for good...I would be too if I was working overtime to conceal that bottom.
Trump is not as dumb as you think... He just does not care if he get caught because he believe money will buy him out of everything.

Right. All he needs to do to learn how to buy his way out of criminal prosecution is to look to the democrats and Clintons for their expert advice.
Trump is not as dumb as you think... He just does not care if he get caught because he believe money will buy him out of everything.

Right. All he needs to do to learn how to buy his way out of criminal prosecution is to look to the democrats and Clintons for their expert advice.

Trump was a Democrat before becoming Republican, so he has all the experience in the world and might have taught Hillary and Bill a thing or two along the way...
Errr...I think we are past the pinning blame for Hillary's loss..

I'm afraid you've lost me. The democrats have never stopped trying to pin the blame! They've blamed the Russians, James Comey, stupid deplorables, Fox News, bad weather and sunspots for her loss. They know that with all of their corrupt media influence, massive campaign contributions and advertising, there is no way they could lose! I mean, unless people overwhelmingly just did not choose her! The Dems have to blame something and fix it RIGHT NOW, otherwise they might not ever win an election again.

Freak, we democrats are just as obsessed with Hillary as the GOP is with Palin...which is to say that she is ancient history to us. Frankly, we don't give a damn.
Just a few days ago, right wingers on here SWORE that there was NO investigation of Trump-Russian collusion....That there was NO need fora special counsel to be appointed......

........and, today we have the orange charlatan tweeting that there's a witch hunt going on against him.....

Well, reality is turning out to be a bitter "bitch", don't you think so, right wing, Trump ass kissers??? LOL
We got what we wanted, so can we stop goading the right? Just stop for awhile?
Just a few days ago, right wingers on here SWORE that there was NO investigation of Trump-Russian collusion....That there was NO need fora special counsel to be appointed......

........and, today we have the orange charlatan tweeting that there's a witch hunt going on against him.....

Well, reality is turning out to be a bitter "bitch", don't you think so, right wing, Trump ass kissers??? LOL

Actually, REALITY is that Trump by Comey's own admission was never PERSONALLY under investigation, that firing Comey or any of these other things was some attempt to hide from or block an investigation is just more typical bull from the democrats that will never stick, and in order to clear the air once and for all in the best possible way, Trump's own DOJ assigned Mueller to head the investigation so that when finished, there can be no doubt, no further belly-aching, whining and complaining by the democrats. Then there are lots of OTHER things for Sessions to look back at involving Hillary, Barack and their cadre once all of this is settled. Maybe the REAL investigation is why with a hundred very troubling actions by Hillary while SOS and Barack in the WH, no special prosecutor was ever assigned to ever investigate any of those?! Let's start with the Attorney General Loretta Lynch meeting privately with Bill Clinton on his plane in secret while he was part of an investigation about to conclude a week later. Or how about why Comey allowed one of the people around Hillary under investigation herself to actually REPRESENT Hillary during the same investigation? Last but not least, why Comey allowed phones and laptops with key evidence on them to be destroyed during the investigation, destroying irreplaceable state evidence??? Lots to seriously investigate now that Comey and Lynch can no longer run interference, and the democrats can only stall it for so long with this russian witch hunt still trying to pin blame on Hillary's loss on anything but themselves.

Trump is now becoming his own worse enemy. Why tweet that this is a political which hunt? If he is confident in his innocence, he should be confident He will be exonerated. A better way to handle this would be a tweet welcoming the investigation. It would demonstrate he is not worried of what they will find in his closet.
Errr...I think we are past the pinning blame for Hillary's loss..

I'm afraid you've lost me. The democrats have never stopped trying to pin the blame! They've blamed the Russians, James Comey, stupid deplorables, Fox News, bad weather and sunspots for her loss. They know that with all of their corrupt media influence, massive campaign contributions and advertising, there is no way they could lose! I mean, unless people overwhelmingly just did not choose her! The Dems have to blame something and fix it RIGHT NOW, otherwise they might not ever win an election again.

Freak, we democrats are just as obsessed with Hillary as the GOP is with Palin...which is to say that she is ancient history to us. Frankly, we don't give a damn.

Until she run again in 2020 and all her supporters rip their shirts off and scream " We are women hear us roar "...

My point?

Her political career is never dead until she is dead with a steak through the heart and even then I believe someone will try to run her for office... As for Palin, well the MILF ( for the desperate ones ) political career is dead but don't kid yourself someone would still vote her in some minor office because they like lipstick on a pig...
We got what we wanted, so can we stop goading the right? Just stop for awhile?

Well, actually you're partially correct.....

I, for one, wanted open hearings since I do not think that the collusion with Russia rises to an impeachable offense....What I wanted was for the lack of ETHICS to be exposed through a bipartisan committee's open hearings.
Lefties are careful about using propaganda terms, for example the word "collusion". What does it actually mean? America is in collusion with Russia in space station technology. Hillary was in collusion with Russia when she arranged for a lucrative uranium sale to the Russians when she was Secretary/State. Bill Clinton sold nuclear technology to North Korea that they turned into a freaking bomb. Clinton doubled up and sold ICBM technology to China. Why did Bill Clinton's NSA become a thief stealing documents from the National Archives and what the hell did he steal? The criminal conspiracy in the mainstream media didn't want to know. Now they accuse President Trump of some vague term "collusion" that means nothing in order to keep the fake news flowing.
We got what we wanted, so can we stop goading the right? Just stop for awhile?

Well, actually you're partially correct.....

I, for one, wanted open hearings since I do not think that the collusion with Russia rises to an impeachable offense....What I wanted was for the lack of ETHICS to be exposed through a bipartisan committee's open hearings.

I have to agree with this. I don't think that Trump is a crook. I think that he is an unethical incompetent, and the very model of a loose cannon on a rough sea.
they like lipstick on a pig...

I just wanted to add that Tony Schwarts, Trump's REAL author of The art of the Deal, once stated in a New Yorker interview that he is sorry to "have put lipstick on a pig" in making Trump a more popular political figure beyond NYC.

(BTW, I'd NEVER vote for Hillary for anything......there are much better and more honest candidates)
Just a few days ago, right wingers on here SWORE that there was NO investigation of Trump-Russian collusion....That there was NO need fora special counsel to be appointed......

........and, today we have the orange charlatan tweeting that there's a witch hunt going on against him.....

Well, reality is turning out to be a bitter "bitch", don't you think so, right wing, Trump ass kissers??? LOL
/--- Beware when you get what you wished for. The investigation can go anywhere including Obozo and Hildabeast.

Jeeezus you are stupid.

Meanwhile Trump is quite upset that special prosecutor with impeccable reputation and bipartisan praise was assigned to get to the bottom of this Russia thing and put it away for good...I would be too if I was working overtime to conceal that bottom.
/---- Jeeeezus are you pathetic. After a year's investigation even DemocRATS admit there is no evidence. Now tell me what law Trump broke and provide the evidence. You won't because you can't.
Breaking News Update!

Comey Under Oath: Trump NEVER Pressured FBI to Halt Investigations “It’s Not Happened”


The DOJ operates under Trump. The head of the DOJ works at the pleasure of the POTUS - they are in contact regularly and work together often.

Comey's last line as is fundamentally a game changer........ "in my experience" - meaning "in ALL my experiences" there has never been pressure to end an investigation.

That would have to include Trump
Actually, REALITY is that Trump by Comey's own admission was never PERSONALLY under investigation, that firing Comey or any of these other things was some attempt to hide from or block an investigation is just more typical bull from the democrats

Actually, I (for one) never thought that Trump himself is under investigation.....Personally, I think that Trump is too fucking dumb to be the mastermind of collusion,,,,,,,,,It is his "handlers" like Manafort, Bannon, Flynn, Page, and others who should be personally worried....Trump will be caught in the nest of vipers with whom he surrounded himself with........just because they "complimented" his fragile ego.
/---- Just think, someone as dumb as Trump beat the socks off of Hildabeast. Doesn't say much for your side. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Just a few days ago, right wingers on here SWORE that there was NO investigation of Trump-Russian collusion....That there was NO need fora special counsel to be appointed......

........and, today we have the orange charlatan tweeting that there's a witch hunt going on against him.....

Well, reality is turning out to be a bitter "bitch", don't you think so, right wing, Trump ass kissers??? LOL
/--- Beware when you get what you wished for. The investigation can go anywhere including Obozo and Hildabeast.

Jeeezus you are stupid.

Meanwhile Trump is quite upset that special prosecutor with impeccable reputation and bipartisan praise was assigned to get to the bottom of this Russia thing and put it away for good...I would be too if I was working overtime to conceal that bottom.
/---- Of course he is upset. It's a bullshyt story with no proof whatsoever. Wouldn't you be pissed if someone did that to you?
Just a few days ago, right wingers on here SWORE that there was NO investigation of Trump-Russian collusion....That there was NO need fora special counsel to be appointed......

........and, today we have the orange charlatan tweeting that there's a witch hunt going on against him.....

Well, reality is turning out to be a bitter "bitch", don't you think so, right wing, Trump ass kissers??? LOL
/--- Beware when you get what you wished for. The investigation can go anywhere including Obozo and Hildabeast.

Let it go there. By all means. Clinton has stood up to 17 investigations and you've still got nothing. No evidence, no witnesses, no charges.

Obama can take the scrutiny as well. Both are essentially honest politicians. Or at least no lying conmen like Trump.
/---- Both honest politicians? BWHAHAHAHAHAHA Top 10 Hillary Clinton scandals exposed by WikiLeaks

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