"There's NO investigation"...There's no need for a special counsel..??

Errr...I think we are past the pinning blame for Hillary's loss..

I'm afraid you've lost me. The democrats have never stopped trying to pin the blame! They've blamed the Russians, James Comey, stupid deplorables, Fox News, bad weather and sunspots for her loss. They know that with all of their corrupt media influence, massive campaign contributions and advertising, there is no way they could lose! I mean, unless people overwhelmingly just did not choose her! The Dems have to blame something and fix it RIGHT NOW, otherwise they might not ever win an election again.
The election is over. The Clown won by the electoral college, even though he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes. This is about a foreign power influencing that election. And about obstruction of justice, as well as a President seemingly out of control.
So it wasn't 'Obstruction of Justice' then?

Let's see if I can make this simple enough for R-W'ers to understand....

If Trump DEMANDED of Comey to stop Flynn's investigation.....THAT IS obstruction

If Trump ASKED Comey to stop Flynn's investigation....THAT is NOT obstruction but highly unethical,

If Trump ASKED the DOJ to fire Comey if he didn't stop the investigation...THAT IS obstruction.

If Trump himself FIRED Comey for not stopping Flynn's investigation...THAT IS obstruction...

At best, Trump was unethical....and at worst criminally complicit.

Gnat old boy, you can PROVE Trump did it?
Just a few days ago, right wingers on here SWORE that there was NO investigation of Trump-Russian collusion....That there was NO need fora special counsel to be appointed......

........and, today we have the orange charlatan tweeting that there's a witch hunt going on against him.....

Well, reality is turning out to be a bitter "bitch", don't you think so, right wing, Trump ass kissers??? LOL
We got what we wanted, so can we stop goading the right? Just stop for awhile?
But it is so much fun to watch them turn red in the face and start stuttering 'Clinton, Clinton, Obama, Obama'. LOL
So it wasn't 'Obstruction of Justice' then?

Let's see if I can make this simple enough for R-W'ers to understand....

If Trump DEMANDED of Comey to stop Flynn's investigation.....THAT IS obstruction

If Trump ASKED Comey to stop Flynn's investigation....THAT is NOT obstruction but highly unethical,

If Trump ASKED the DOJ to fire Comey if he didn't stop the investigation...THAT IS obstruction.

If Trump himself FIRED Comey for not stopping Flynn's investigation...THAT IS obstruction...

At best, Trump was unethical....and at worst criminally complicit.

Gnat old boy, you can PROVE Trump did it?
Not up to anyone here to prove the orange clown did anything. It is Mueller's job to find out what actually went on. And he is very good at that kind of job.
We got what we wanted, so can we stop goading the right? Just stop for awhile?

Well, actually you're partially correct.....

I, for one, wanted open hearings since I do not think that the collusion with Russia rises to an impeachable offense....What I wanted was for the lack of ETHICS to be exposed through a bipartisan committee's open hearings.
okay. I think his lack of ethics is already pretty common knowledge, though.

Compared to the ethics of Hillary, Obama, Bush, Clinton and many others, Trump is a freeking choir boy. They are just professional politicians who are expert at hiding it.
Clintons aren't so good at hiding it, imo.
Trump is worse but just shy of illegal. The Dems and the media will just keep trolling him until he resigns, is my guess.

So, do you defend members of the U.S. government making it utterly impossible for a duly elected President to govern?
Nope. I asked a couple times this morning, in fact, if everyone could quit with this shit. Repubs and Dems both. No one is willing. But I'd be all for letting the investigation take its course and letting the man get on with the job. I was just commenting on what seems to be happening.
Errr...I think we are past the pinning blame for Hillary's loss..

I'm afraid you've lost me. The democrats have never stopped trying to pin the blame! They've blamed the Russians, James Comey, stupid deplorables, Fox News, bad weather and sunspots for her loss. They know that with all of their corrupt media influence, massive campaign contributions and advertising, there is no way they could lose! I mean, unless people overwhelmingly just did not choose her! The Dems have to blame something and fix it RIGHT NOW, otherwise they might not ever win an election again.

Freak, we democrats are just as obsessed with Hillary as the GOP is with Palin...which is to say that she is ancient history to us. Frankly, we don't give a damn.

Palin never was. She was just a daffy bitch blip on the McCain Train to fantasy. But Hillary is a very serious career felon whose committed more and bigger crimes than some mafia bosses who were public enemy #1. You might not care about her but others still very much do. Without even considering all the unresolved scandals of the past 5 years, there are still the 98 people close to the Clintons from the 90's all dead under very strange circumstances. And before that, Bill's sex and coke parties in Arkansas with teenage girls. There can be no justice so long as people like that can buy, bribe or muscle their way out of being prosecuted.
Now silly ass, you people should have taken care of that then. At present, the investigation is into the appearance of collusion between the admin of the orange clown and an adverarial foreign power. Now we have a man trusted by both the Dems and Repubs appointed to run the investigation so we will find out what the facts are. And actions will be taken that are appropriate to what those facts reveal.
Errr...I think we are past the pinning blame for Hillary's loss..

I'm afraid you've lost me. The democrats have never stopped trying to pin the blame! They've blamed the Russians, James Comey, stupid deplorables, Fox News, bad weather and sunspots for her loss. They know that with all of their corrupt media influence, massive campaign contributions and advertising, there is no way they could lose! I mean, unless people overwhelmingly just did not choose her! The Dems have to blame something and fix it RIGHT NOW, otherwise they might not ever win an election again.

Freak, we democrats are just as obsessed with Hillary as the GOP is with Palin...which is to say that she is ancient history to us. Frankly, we don't give a damn.

Palin never was. She was just a daffy bitch blip on the McCain Train to fantasy. But Hillary is a very serious career felon whose committed more and bigger crimes than some mafia bosses who were public enemy #1. You might not care about her but others still very much do. Without even considering all the unresolved scandals of the past 5 years, there are still the 98 people close to the Clintons from the 90's all dead under very strange circumstances. And before that, Bill's sex and coke parties in Arkansas with teenage girls. There can be no justice so long as people like that can buy, bribe or muscle their way out of being prosecuted.

You actually believe all that shit, don't you!
So it wasn't 'Obstruction of Justice' then?

Let's see if I can make this simple enough for R-W'ers to understand....

If Trump DEMANDED of Comey to stop Flynn's investigation.....THAT IS obstruction

If Trump ASKED Comey to stop Flynn's investigation....THAT is NOT obstruction but highly unethical,

If Trump ASKED the DOJ to fire Comey if he didn't stop the investigation...THAT IS obstruction.

If Trump himself FIRED Comey for not stopping Flynn's investigation...THAT IS obstruction...

At best, Trump was unethical....and at worst criminally complicit.
Listen to Comey's testimony. He specifically states that the 36 second second mark that it would be A BIG DEAL if anyone tried to stop the FBI from investigating for A POLITICAL REASON in ANY situation. The DOJ operates under Trump. Comeys actions not turning over the memo of Trump saying ('I hope you can let this go. He's a fine guy') to the Dept of Justice means two things:

1. He didn't see Trump's comments as anything but innocent small talk at dinner meaning Trump didn't commit Obstruction of Justice


2. If Comey thought Trump committed Obstruction of Justice then Comey himself committed 'Obstruction of Justice' violating two statutes by not immediately turning over the memo to the Dept of Justice after their dinner on February 14, if he thought Trump was coercing him to stop the investigation

Pay attention at the 36 second mark.
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Just a few days ago, right wingers on here SWORE that there was NO investigation of Trump-Russian collusion....That there was NO need fora special counsel to be appointed......

........and, today we have the orange charlatan tweeting that there's a witch hunt going on against him.....

Well, reality is turning out to be a bitter "bitch", don't you think so, right wing, Trump ass kissers??? LOL

They can't help it. That's what there were fed by the RW media.

We tracked the Trump scandals on right-wing news sites. Here’s how they covered it.
So it wasn't 'Obstruction of Justice' then?

Let's see if I can make this simple enough for R-W'ers to understand....

If Trump DEMANDED of Comey to stop Flynn's investigation.....THAT IS obstruction

If Trump ASKED Comey to stop Flynn's investigation....THAT is NOT obstruction but highly unethical,

If Trump ASKED the DOJ to fire Comey if he didn't stop the investigation...THAT IS obstruction.

If Trump himself FIRED Comey for not stopping Flynn's investigation...THAT IS obstruction...

At best, Trump was unethical....and at worst criminally complicit.

Gnat old boy, you can PROVE Trump did it?
Not up to anyone here to prove the orange clown did anything. It is Mueller's job to find out what actually went on. And he is very good at that kind of job.

If someone makes definitive statements they are then required to "prove" them.
I think that Trump is becoming aware that he can not bully his way out of this one. That being the case, he goes into plan 2, which is whining. I am guessing that the Coast Guard graduates were all sitting there wondering, "WTF?", while Trump went into his pathetic "poor me" routine.

I pity the students at the armed forces academies. Whenever things go seriously downhill for a president, he stops giving speaches to everyone except for Vets and students of the academies. Baby bush did the same thing his last 3 years.
Errr...I think we are past the pinning blame for Hillary's loss..

I'm afraid you've lost me. The democrats have never stopped trying to pin the blame! They've blamed the Russians, James Comey, stupid deplorables, Fox News, bad weather and sunspots for her loss. They know that with all of their corrupt media influence, massive campaign contributions and advertising, there is no way they could lose! I mean, unless people overwhelmingly just did not choose her! The Dems have to blame something and fix it RIGHT NOW, otherwise they might not ever win an election again.

Freak, we democrats are just as obsessed with Hillary as the GOP is with Palin...which is to say that she is ancient history to us. Frankly, we don't give a damn.

Palin never was. She was just a daffy bitch blip on the McCain Train to fantasy. But Hillary is a very serious career felon whose committed more and bigger crimes than some mafia bosses who were public enemy #1. You might not care about her but others still very much do. Without even considering all the unresolved scandals of the past 5 years, there are still the 98 people close to the Clintons from the 90's all dead under very strange circumstances. And before that, Bill's sex and coke parties in Arkansas with teenage girls. There can be no justice so long as people like that can buy, bribe or muscle their way out of being prosecuted.

You actually believe all that shit, don't you!

Ole Bill is Serial Sexual Predator who has been to Epstein's "orgy island" several times. Hillary's job was the beat the shit out of his victim's (figuratively) so they'd stay quiet.
The election is over.

Long ago.

The Clown won by the electoral college, even though he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes.

But it is the electoral college that decides elections! If it helps, Trump won the popular vote in 30 out of 50 states while Hillary only won it in 20. Really not even close. Trump crushed her. The "popular vote" doesn't really exist because the USA are 50 STATES, like 50 little countries, and the popular vote only counts at the state level. Hillary just totally fucked up as the dried up, humorless old prune she really is. An idiot orange clown with no experience and a tiny fraction of her staff and budget wiped the floor with her. I hope she runs again! :banana:

This is about a foreign power influencing that election. And about obstruction of justice, as well as a President seemingly out of control.

It's not even that. There is absolutely no evidence that any foreign power had any influence in deciding the election. Besides, as shown above, it would have taken influencing MILLIONS and MILLIONS of people across all 50 states to have changed the outcome! Any evidence of that? Pretty hard to hide that. Remember they even recounted and rechecked three states (via Jill Stein) and Trump actually gained MORE VOTES! Any evidence that there was even ONE person who has come forward to say the Podesta emails changed their minds?

Last year before Nov. 8, it was actually the democrats who were dead set against investigating foreign influence or the Russians, because THEY WERE TRYING TO INFLUENCE IT! Until Hillary lost. Now their story has totally changed. Won't the Dems really cry when Mueller finds no collusion, no corruption and Trump is free and clear? This is going to blow up in their face and after this they won't be able to cry wolf again.

What obstruction of Justice? Comey himself has already declared there wasn't any. Another non-issue.

Trump isn't out of control, just the democrats with their usual careful and brilliantly-well organized ploy to influence public opinion via the media in their back pocket. If only the GOP was half as clever, bold and organized. Stop watching MSNBC and CNN, get some real news and maybe you will understand.
The election is over.

Long ago.

The Clown won by the electoral college, even though he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes.

But it is the electoral college that decides elections! If it helps, Trump won the popular vote in 30 out of 50 states while Hillary only won it in 20. Really not even close. Trump crushed her. The "popular vote" doesn't really exist because the USA are 50 STATES, like 50 little countries, and the popular vote only counts at the state level. Hillary just totally fucked up as the dried up, humorless old prune she really is. An idiot orange clown with no experience and a tiny fraction of her staff and budget wiped the floor with her. I hope she runs again! :banana:

This is about a foreign power influencing that election. And about obstruction of justice, as well as a President seemingly out of control.

It's not even that. There is absolutely no evidence that any foreign power had any influence in deciding the election. Besides, as shown above, it would have taken influencing MILLIONS and MILLIONS of people across all 50 states to have changed the outcome! Any evidence of that? Pretty hasrd to hide that. Remember they even recounted and rechecked three states (via Jill Stein) and Trump actually gained MORE VOTES! Any evidence that there was even ONE person who has come forward to say the Podesta emails changed their minds?

Last year before Nov. 8, it was actually the democrats who were dead set against investigating foreign influence or the Russians, because THEY WERE TRYING TO INFLUENCE IT! Until Hillary lost. Now their story has totally changed. Won't the Dems really cry when Mueller finds no collusion, no corruption and Trump is free and clear? This is going to blow up in their face and after this they won't be able to cry wolf again.

What obstruction of Justice? Comey himself has already declared there wasn't any. Another non-issue.

Trump isn't out of control, just the democrats with their usual careful and brilliantly-well organized ploy to influence public opinion via the media in their back pocket. If only the GOP was half as clever, bold and organized. Stop watching MSNBC and CNN, get some real news and maybe you will understand.

Of course "foreign powers" influenced the Elections Hillary said they did and that settles it for the Brain Dead Left.
Errr...I think we are past the pinning blame for Hillary's loss..

I'm afraid you've lost me. The democrats have never stopped trying to pin the blame! They've blamed the Russians, James Comey, stupid deplorables, Fox News, bad weather and sunspots for her loss. They know that with all of their corrupt media influence, massive campaign contributions and advertising, there is no way they could lose! I mean, unless people overwhelmingly just did not choose her! The Dems have to blame something and fix it RIGHT NOW, otherwise they might not ever win an election again.

Freak, we democrats are just as obsessed with Hillary as the GOP is with Palin...which is to say that she is ancient history to us. Frankly, we don't give a damn.

Palin never was. She was just a daffy bitch blip on the McCain Train to fantasy. But Hillary is a very serious career felon whose committed more and bigger crimes than some mafia bosses who were public enemy #1. You might not care about her but others still very much do. Without even considering all the unresolved scandals of the past 5 years, there are still the 98 people close to the Clintons from the 90's all dead under very strange circumstances. And before that, Bill's sex and coke parties in Arkansas with teenage girls. There can be no justice so long as people like that can buy, bribe or muscle their way out of being prosecuted.

You actually believe all that shit, don't you!

Ole Bill is Serial Sexual Predator who has been to Epstein's "orgy island" several times. Hillary's job was the beat the shit out of his victim's (figuratively) so they'd stay quiet.

How did he have time to be a child sex predator when he was so busy killing everybody?
I'm afraid you've lost me. The democrats have never stopped trying to pin the blame! They've blamed the Russians, James Comey, stupid deplorables, Fox News, bad weather and sunspots for her loss. They know that with all of their corrupt media influence, massive campaign contributions and advertising, there is no way they could lose! I mean, unless people overwhelmingly just did not choose her! The Dems have to blame something and fix it RIGHT NOW, otherwise they might not ever win an election again.

Freak, we democrats are just as obsessed with Hillary as the GOP is with Palin...which is to say that she is ancient history to us. Frankly, we don't give a damn.

Palin never was. She was just a daffy bitch blip on the McCain Train to fantasy. But Hillary is a very serious career felon whose committed more and bigger crimes than some mafia bosses who were public enemy #1. You might not care about her but others still very much do. Without even considering all the unresolved scandals of the past 5 years, there are still the 98 people close to the Clintons from the 90's all dead under very strange circumstances. And before that, Bill's sex and coke parties in Arkansas with teenage girls. There can be no justice so long as people like that can buy, bribe or muscle their way out of being prosecuted.

You actually believe all that shit, don't you!

Ole Bill is Serial Sexual Predator who has been to Epstein's "orgy island" several times. Hillary's job was the beat the shit out of his victim's (figuratively) so they'd stay quiet.

How did he have time to be a child sex predator when he was so busy killing everybody?

More deflection. He and Epstein are friends, sorry.
It can only be called a witch hunt in hindsight, after no evidence if found.

Until then, it is an investigation.
You actually believe all that shit, don't you!

It is all well documented to the nines 20 years ago! Movies have been made about it, books written, countless interviews and articles published. If you are that far out of touch to think I'm crazy, then I guess there's not much point in belaboring the issue.
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