"There's NO investigation"...There's no need for a special counsel..??

Lefties are careful about using propaganda terms, for example the word "collusion". What does it actually mean? America is in collusion with Russia in space station technology. Hillary was in collusion with Russia when she arranged for a lucrative uranium sale to the Russians when she was Secretary/State. Bill Clinton sold nuclear technology to North Korea that they turned into a freaking bomb. Clinton doubled up and sold ICBM technology to China. Why did Bill Clinton's NSA become a thief stealing documents from the National Archives and what the hell did he steal? The criminal conspiracy in the mainstream media didn't want to know. Now they accuse President Trump of some vague term "collusion" that means nothing in order to keep the fake news flowing.
"collusion" has a connotation of sneakiness, secrecy, keeping the alliance hidden. at least that's the way I think of "collusion" as opposed to "alliance" or other projects in tandem.
Consider this, what a better way to drain the swamp? Is he that calculated to put this together where the GOP in DC turns against him, (we already knows the dems are) so the voter's of both parties finally starts voting them all out in 2018?

The swamp to me is all congress and senate, I know to other's it meant all the bureaucrats.

At any rate his tweets do not help him and his advisers are worthless. I can't believe at least Ivanka or Jared not being able to stop him from tweeting. Or maybe someone within the WH is saying to him, you better tweet about that.
We got what we wanted, so can we stop goading the right? Just stop for awhile?

Well, actually you're partially correct.....

I, for one, wanted open hearings since I do not think that the collusion with Russia rises to an impeachable offense....What I wanted was for the lack of ETHICS to be exposed through a bipartisan committee's open hearings.
okay. I think his lack of ethics is already pretty common knowledge, though.
Just a few days ago, right wingers on here SWORE that there was NO investigation of Trump-Russian collusion....That there was NO need fora special counsel to be appointed......

........and, today we have the orange charlatan tweeting that there's a witch hunt going on against him.....

Well, reality is turning out to be a bitter "bitch", don't you think so, right wing, Trump ass kissers??? LOL
/--- Beware when you get what you wished for. The investigation can go anywhere including Obozo and Hildabeast.

Let it go there. By all means. Clinton has stood up to 17 investigations and you've still got nothing. No evidence, no witnesses, no charges.

Obama can take the scrutiny as well. Both are essentially honest politicians. Or at least no lying conmen like Trump.

So Comey lied?
Just a few days ago, right wingers on here SWORE that there was NO investigation of Trump-Russian collusion....That there was NO need fora special counsel to be appointed......

........and, today we have the orange charlatan tweeting that there's a witch hunt going on against him.....

Well, reality is turning out to be a bitter "bitch", don't you think so, right wing, Trump ass kissers??? LOL
i like you.

you make me laff.
Just a few days ago, right wingers on here SWORE that there was NO investigation of Trump-Russian collusion....That there was NO need fora special counsel to be appointed......

........and, today we have the orange charlatan tweeting that there's a witch hunt going on against him.....

Well, reality is turning out to be a bitter "bitch", don't you think so, right wing, Trump ass kissers??? LOL
/--- Beware when you get what you wished for. The investigation can go anywhere including Obozo and Hildabeast.
Let the chips fall where they may.
Comey Under Oath: Trump NEVER Pressured FBI to Halt Investigations “It’s Not Happened”


The DOJ operates under Trump. The head of the DOJ works at the pleasure of the POTUS - they are in contact regularly and work together often.

Comey's last line as is fundamentally a game changer........ "in my experience" - meaning "in ALL my experiences" there has never been pressure to end an investigation.

That would have to include Trump

NO, moron, the key word there is "pressured"......Yes, Trump did NOT pressure Comey to halt the investigation; rather, Trump asked Comey to lay off the investigation on Flynn ("since Flynn is a "nice" guy.who went around praising Trump).....LOL
Comey Under Oath: Trump NEVER Pressured FBI to Halt Investigations “It’s Not Happened”


The DOJ operates under Trump. The head of the DOJ works at the pleasure of the POTUS - they are in contact regularly and work together often.

Comey's last line as is fundamentally a game changer........ "in my experience" - meaning "in ALL my experiences" there has never been pressure to end an investigation.

That would have to include Trump

NO, moron, the key word there is "pressured"......Yes, Trump did NOT pressure Comey to halt the investigation; rather, Trump asked Comey to lay off the investigation on Flynn ("since Flynn is a "nice" guy.who went around praising Trump).....LOL
So it wasn't 'Obstruction of Justice' then?
So it wasn't 'Obstruction of Justice' then?

Let's see if I can make this simple enough for R-W'ers to understand....

If Trump DEMANDED of Comey to stop Flynn's investigation.....THAT IS obstruction

If Trump ASKED Comey to stop Flynn's investigation....THAT is NOT obstruction but highly unethical,

If Trump ASKED the DOJ to fire Comey if he didn't stop the investigation...THAT IS obstruction.

If Trump himself FIRED Comey for not stopping Flynn's investigation...THAT IS obstruction...

At best, Trump was unethical....and at worst criminally complicit.
Errr...I think we are past the pinning blame for Hillary's loss..

I'm afraid you've lost me. The democrats have never stopped trying to pin the blame! They've blamed the Russians, James Comey, stupid deplorables, Fox News, bad weather and sunspots for her loss. They know that with all of their corrupt media influence, massive campaign contributions and advertising, there is no way they could lose! I mean, unless people overwhelmingly just did not choose her! The Dems have to blame something and fix it RIGHT NOW, otherwise they might not ever win an election again.

Freak, we democrats are just as obsessed with Hillary as the GOP is with Palin...which is to say that she is ancient history to us. Frankly, we don't give a damn.

Palin never was. She was just a daffy bitch blip on the McCain Train to fantasy. But Hillary is a very serious career felon whose committed more and bigger crimes than some mafia bosses who were public enemy #1. You might not care about her but others still very much do. Without even considering all the unresolved scandals of the past 5 years, there are still the 98 people close to the Clintons from the 90's all dead under very strange circumstances. And before that, Bill's sex and coke parties in Arkansas with teenage girls. There can be no justice so long as people like that can buy, bribe or muscle their way out of being prosecuted.
Breaking News Update!

Comey Under Oath: Trump NEVER Pressured FBI to Halt Investigations “It’s Not Happened”


The DOJ operates under Trump. The head of the DOJ works at the pleasure of the POTUS - they are in contact regularly and work together often.

Comey's last line as is fundamentally a game changer........ "in my experience" - meaning "in ALL my experiences" there has never been pressure to end an investigation.

That would have to include Trump

I didn't know this was news. It has been known for weeks, which is why all of the Dems attacks of impeachment, the claims on news channels, the investigation as a whole and many people here claims of some big deal are just amazingly ignorant to me.
We got what we wanted, so can we stop goading the right? Just stop for awhile?

Well, actually you're partially correct.....

I, for one, wanted open hearings since I do not think that the collusion with Russia rises to an impeachable offense....What I wanted was for the lack of ETHICS to be exposed through a bipartisan committee's open hearings.
okay. I think his lack of ethics is already pretty common knowledge, though.

Compared to the ethics of Hillary, Obama, Bush, Clinton and many others, Trump is a freeking choir boy. They are just professional politicians who are expert at hiding it.
Comey Under Oath: Trump NEVER Pressured FBI to Halt Investigations “It’s Not Happened”


The DOJ operates under Trump. The head of the DOJ works at the pleasure of the POTUS - they are in contact regularly and work together often.

Comey's last line as is fundamentally a game changer........ "in my experience" - meaning "in ALL my experiences" there has never been pressure to end an investigation.

That would have to include Trump

NO, moron, the key word there is "pressured"......Yes, Trump did NOT pressure Comey to halt the investigation; rather, Trump asked Comey to lay off the investigation on Flynn ("since Flynn is a "nice" guy.who went around praising Trump).....LOL

Actually, it is the felony AGAINST Flynn that should be under investigation! But it never will be because Obama was behind that. Flynn actually did nothing wrong, but having his name illegally released in a foreign investigation to drag himself into scandal, he made the mistake of not being 100% forthright about it to Pence, and Pence got embarrassed by it commenting publicly going on with the misinformation from Flynn. So he was let go because, you just can't have that. And that was a shame because General Flynn was actually a very, very good guy. But you cannot be holding back the truth from your own VP.
We got what we wanted, so can we stop goading the right? Just stop for awhile?

Well, actually you're partially correct.....

I, for one, wanted open hearings since I do not think that the collusion with Russia rises to an impeachable offense....What I wanted was for the lack of ETHICS to be exposed through a bipartisan committee's open hearings.
okay. I think his lack of ethics is already pretty common knowledge, though.

Compared to the ethics of Hillary, Obama, Bush, Clinton and many others, Trump is a freeking choir boy. They are just professional politicians who are expert at hiding it.
Clintons aren't so good at hiding it, imo.
Trump is worse but just shy of illegal. The Dems and the media will just keep trolling him until he resigns, is my guess.
Comey Under Oath: Trump NEVER Pressured FBI to Halt Investigations “It’s Not Happened”


The DOJ operates under Trump. The head of the DOJ works at the pleasure of the POTUS - they are in contact regularly and work together often.

Comey's last line as is fundamentally a game changer........ "in my experience" - meaning "in ALL my experiences" there has never been pressure to end an investigation.

That would have to include Trump

NO, moron, the key word there is "pressured"......Yes, Trump did NOT pressure Comey to halt the investigation; rather, Trump asked Comey to lay off the investigation on Flynn ("since Flynn is a "nice" guy.who went around praising Trump).....LOL

Actually, it is the felony AGAINST Flynn that should be under investigation! But it never will be because Obama was behind that. Flynn actually did nothing wrong, but having his name illegally released in a foreign investigation to drag himself into scandal, he made the mistake of not being 100% forthright about it to Pence, and Pence got embarrassed by it commenting publicly going on with the misinformation from Flynn. So he was let go because, you just can't have that. And that was a shame because General Flynn was actually a very, very good guy. But you cannot be holding back the truth from your own VP.
You sure you're not Donald J. Trump?
Actually, I (for one) never thought that Trump himself is under investigation.....Personally, I think that Trump is too fucking dumb to be the mastermind of collusion,

Well, the joke is on you Nat and all the people who keep making Trump out as some bucktooth moron, idiot, incompetent. Actually, if you took the time to actually read up on his life you would find he isn't anything like that, just as an honest, direct guy, he is a sitting target for the media and democrats to try to make him out as a buffoon! It is all in the plan to sway the opinions of the public that he is too dumb, incompetent to hold the office. And all of you willingly fall for it because I guess it just makes for good fodder here or maybe you really believe it! But the joke is really on you. No one just stumbles into the White House who has never even held office before! The guy proved all of the political pundits wrong.

Look, I know there are some purely stupid people here, others who just like to argue and prick people off and will say the opposite to anything just to be difficult and giggle, but I'm going to go out on a limb and tell you people a few personal things:

Trump is actually a brilliant man with a very high IQ. Let me finish. Maybe you won't see that too easily with his rough, street-saavy New Yorker style in office as president, but you would if in business with him. Have you ever watched a sit-down interview with the guy when he is relaxed? The guy knows how to get things done. Is this just my opinion? No. Actually, I am board certified in such matters, have been interviewed on television on FBI bank robbery cases, and can attest to his very high degree of comprehension in the same way that an FBI Agent might figure out the thinking and patterns of a serial killer to try to track him down and catch him. I have actually sat right beside the guy who evaluated Obama's birth records for authenticity. His name is Reed Hayes.

Now you can make wise cracks about it, call me names, think I'm lying or full of it, but those are the facts. If you took a serious look at what Trump has gotten done in his first 100 days, with all the attacks and lack of support from the media and Washington in general, you would see he has actually gotten more done in these 4 months under more adverse conditions than just about any other president!

And if not for the interference of the democrats, the spinelessness of the feckless GOP and the general corruption of D.C., he would have even more accomplished. In the end, who loses? Not Trump, he will come out of this rich as hell and smelling like a rose, it is YOU that are losing, ME, and all the rest of the people of the United States with a government in perpetual disorder.
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We got what we wanted, so can we stop goading the right? Just stop for awhile?

Well, actually you're partially correct.....

I, for one, wanted open hearings since I do not think that the collusion with Russia rises to an impeachable offense....What I wanted was for the lack of ETHICS to be exposed through a bipartisan committee's open hearings.
okay. I think his lack of ethics is already pretty common knowledge, though.

Compared to the ethics of Hillary, Obama, Bush, Clinton and many others, Trump is a freeking choir boy. They are just professional politicians who are expert at hiding it.
Clintons aren't so good at hiding it, imo.
Trump is worse but just shy of illegal. The Dems and the media will just keep trolling him until he resigns, is my guess.

So, do you defend members of the U.S. government making it utterly impossible for a duly elected President to govern?
Just a few days ago, right wingers on here SWORE that there was NO investigation of Trump-Russian collusion....That there was NO need fora special counsel to be appointed......

........and, today we have the orange charlatan tweeting that there's a witch hunt going on against him.....

Well, reality is turning out to be a bitter "bitch", don't you think so, right wing, Trump ass kissers??? LOL

Personally let the investigation happen and if there is something found then go for impeachment but if nothing is found then what will you say?

Do you have full confidence in Mueller to investigate and be impartial in his investigation and if he find nothing will you accept the finding or will you claim that he is lying and covering things up for Trump?

Be honest here and write down your opinion...

As for me if Mueller find nothing then I feel those on the left need to drop the Russian connection and focus on 2018 instead, but I believe many on the left will not and stay focus on the Russian connection instead while bashing Mueller for not doing his job and finding something to impeach Trump over.

If something is found that connects Trump to a impeachable offense then I will support the left right to call for impeachment and will not entertain the right nonsense about Obama and Clinton getting away with this or that because two wrongs never make it correct or right!

So where do you stand Nat and let your words be written here and held against you in the future!?!
I will go with what Mueller finds. Either way. And if he finds there was obstruction, then the orange clown must be removed. If he finds there was collusion with the Russians, and the orange clown knew about it, then the clown should be charged with treason.

But if he finds no basis to either charge, then that should be headlined in all the newspapers. And we all owe the old clown an apology for our suspicions.
We got what we wanted, so can we stop goading the right? Just stop for awhile?

Well, actually you're partially correct.....

I, for one, wanted open hearings since I do not think that the collusion with Russia rises to an impeachable offense....What I wanted was for the lack of ETHICS to be exposed through a bipartisan committee's open hearings.
okay. I think his lack of ethics is already pretty common knowledge, though.

Compared to the ethics of Hillary, Obama, Bush, Clinton and many others, Trump is a freeking choir boy. They are just professional politicians who are expert at hiding it.
Clintons aren't so good at hiding it, imo.
Trump is worse but just shy of illegal. The Dems and the media will just keep trolling him until he resigns, is my guess.

So, do you defend members of the U.S. government making it utterly impossible for a duly elected President to govern?
LOL The senile old orange clown has shown no ability to govern as of late. He cannot even get anything out of his Party when they have the majority in both the House and Senate. It is the clown that is the clown's problem, not anyone else.
Clintons aren't so good at hiding it, imo.

No, I guess they don't need to be. They are brazen because they're pretty sure they have the money and friends to get away with it.

Trump is worse but just shy of illegal.

Boy! You missed that one by a mile!

The Dems and the media will just keep trolling him until he resigns, is my guess.

Nope! Never happen.

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