"There's NO investigation"...There's no need for a special counsel..??

Errr...I think we are past the pinning blame for Hillary's loss..

I'm afraid you've lost me. The democrats have never stopped trying to pin the blame! They've blamed the Russians, James Comey, stupid deplorables, Fox News, bad weather and sunspots for her loss. They know that with all of their corrupt media influence, massive campaign contributions and advertising, there is no way they could lose! I mean, unless people overwhelmingly just did not choose her! The Dems have to blame something and fix it RIGHT NOW, otherwise they might not ever win an election again.

Freak, we democrats are just as obsessed with Hillary as the GOP is with Palin...which is to say that she is ancient history to us. Frankly, we don't give a damn.

Palin never was. She was just a daffy bitch blip on the McCain Train to fantasy. But Hillary is a very serious career felon whose committed more and bigger crimes than some mafia bosses who were public enemy #1. You might not care about her but others still very much do. Without even considering all the unresolved scandals of the past 5 years, there are still the 98 people close to the Clintons from the 90's all dead under very strange circumstances. And before that, Bill's sex and coke parties in Arkansas with teenage girls. There can be no justice so long as people like that can buy, bribe or muscle their way out of being prosecuted.

You actually believe all that shit, don't you!
<shhhh....it's John Miller, ya know>
Just a few days ago, right wingers on here SWORE that there was NO investigation of Trump-Russian collusion....That there was NO need fora special counsel to be appointed......

........and, today we have the orange charlatan tweeting that there's a witch hunt going on against him.....

Well, reality is turning out to be a bitter "bitch", don't you think so, right wing, Trump ass kissers??? LOL

I hope they get this done and America will move forward no matter what the special counsel finds.

I do believe if this falls flat the left will find something else and then something else and then something else. They will not rest until Trump is removed from office. Look at all the nonsense the left has done since the election day. We have had protests, riots, then we had the left challenge the results, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. They went after the Electoral College process and wanted to present a case to put before the college to get them to vote for Clinton. Then we had the House members try to challenge the final vote. Before Trump was sworn in the left wanted him impeached.

All this to me is BS, so prove it or shut up. The left will never shut up until they get there way and want to force everyone else to comply with their decisions.
Ole Bill is Serial Sexual Predator who has been to Epstein's "orgy island" several times. Hillary's job was the beat the shit out of his victim's (figuratively) so they'd stay quiet.

That is exactly right! AFAIK, Bill STILL goes to orgy island. He and Hillary haven't been "close" in a very long time. They try to put a show on in public.

But just LOOK at the Clintons---- seriously, look at the two of them together. As rich as they are, DO THEY LOOK HAPPY? Proof that money does not buy happiness.
Freak, we democrats are just as obsessed with Hillary as the GOP is with Palin...which is to say that she is ancient history to us. Frankly, we don't give a damn.

Palin never was. She was just a daffy bitch blip on the McCain Train to fantasy. But Hillary is a very serious career felon whose committed more and bigger crimes than some mafia bosses who were public enemy #1. You might not care about her but others still very much do. Without even considering all the unresolved scandals of the past 5 years, there are still the 98 people close to the Clintons from the 90's all dead under very strange circumstances. And before that, Bill's sex and coke parties in Arkansas with teenage girls. There can be no justice so long as people like that can buy, bribe or muscle their way out of being prosecuted.

You actually believe all that shit, don't you!

Ole Bill is Serial Sexual Predator who has been to Epstein's "orgy island" several times. Hillary's job was the beat the shit out of his victim's (figuratively) so they'd stay quiet.

How did he have time to be a child sex predator when he was so busy killing everybody?

More deflection. He and Epstein are friends, sorry.

Wow! then I guess I am in trouble. My last boss before I retired was caught sexually molesting his step daughters, and is now serving time in Chico CA!!!!
You actually believe all that shit, don't you!

It is all well documented to the nines 20 years ago! Movies have been made about it, books written, countless interviews and articles published. If you are that far out of touch to think I'm crazy, then I guess there's not much point in belaboring the issue.

Freak, you will have to forgive me if I don't take you seriously. But, as long as we are discussing government cover ups, how about those aliens that they have stashed away in Area 51!!!
Ole Bill is Serial Sexual Predator who has been to Epstein's "orgy island" several times. Hillary's job was the beat the shit out of his victim's (figuratively) so they'd stay quiet.

That is exactly right! AFAIK, Bill STILL goes to orgy island. He and Hillary haven't been "close" in a very long time. They try to put a show on in public.

But just LOOK at the Clintons---- seriously, look at the two of them together. As rich as they are, DO THEY LOOK HAPPY? Proof that money does not buy happiness.

Maybe Bill is unhappy because the girls were ugly on Fantasy Island. Hillary may be unhappy because Chelsea may have discovered that Bill is not her father...
Palin never was. She was just a daffy bitch blip on the McCain Train to fantasy. But Hillary is a very serious career felon whose committed more and bigger crimes than some mafia bosses who were public enemy #1. You might not care about her but others still very much do. Without even considering all the unresolved scandals of the past 5 years, there are still the 98 people close to the Clintons from the 90's all dead under very strange circumstances. And before that, Bill's sex and coke parties in Arkansas with teenage girls. There can be no justice so long as people like that can buy, bribe or muscle their way out of being prosecuted.

You actually believe all that shit, don't you!

Ole Bill is Serial Sexual Predator who has been to Epstein's "orgy island" several times. Hillary's job was the beat the shit out of his victim's (figuratively) so they'd stay quiet.

How did he have time to be a child sex predator when he was so busy killing everybody?

More deflection. He and Epstein are friends, sorry.

Wow! then I guess I am in trouble. My last boss before I retired was caught sexually molesting his step daughters, and is now serving time in Chico CA!!!!

Which of course has nothing to do with Billy's underage predilections.
Just a few days ago, right wingers on here SWORE that there was NO investigation of Trump-Russian collusion....That there was NO need fora special counsel to be appointed......

........and, today we have the orange charlatan tweeting that there's a witch hunt going on against him.....

Well, reality is turning out to be a bitter "bitch", don't you think so, right wing, Trump ass kissers??? LOL
/--- Beware when you get what you wished for. The investigation can go anywhere including Obozo and Hildabeast.

Jeeezus you are stupid.

Meanwhile Trump is quite upset that special prosecutor with impeccable reputation and bipartisan praise was assigned to get to the bottom of this Russia thing and put it away for good...I would be too if I was working overtime to conceal that bottom.
/---- Of course he is upset. It's a bullshyt story with no proof whatsoever. Wouldn't you be pissed if someone did that to you?

So he has nothing to worry about then. :rolleyes:
Just a few days ago, right wingers on here SWORE that there was NO investigation of Trump-Russian collusion....That there was NO need fora special counsel to be appointed......

........and, today we have the orange charlatan tweeting that there's a witch hunt going on against him.....

Well, reality is turning out to be a bitter "bitch", don't you think so, right wing, Trump ass kissers??? LOL
/--- Beware when you get what you wished for. The investigation can go anywhere including Obozo and Hildabeast.

Jeeezus you are stupid.

Meanwhile Trump is quite upset that special prosecutor with impeccable reputation and bipartisan praise was assigned to get to the bottom of this Russia thing and put it away for good...I would be too if I was working overtime to conceal that bottom.
/---- Of course he is upset. It's a bullshyt story with no proof whatsoever. Wouldn't you be pissed if someone did that to you?

So he has nothing to worry about then. :rolleyes:
/---- Correct. Thanks for pointing out the obvious.
You actually believe all that shit, don't you!

Here you go, Vandalshandle, I've gone to the trouble of putting together this succinct list of the Clinton Crimes and what kinds of people they really are. Read it if you dare. Trump might not be a great orator, he might be rough around the edges, he might put his foot in his mouth, he might have even screwed a few people in some of his business deals, but he is basically a decent guy and really, a PIKER compared to the Bitch that nearly became your next President. If you still think she would have been not 10X worse for the nation than Trump, then you obviously have one too many screws loose up in the ol' grey matter and I don't know else to say!

Why Trump's Not So Bad
Now silly ass, you people should have taken care of that then. At present, the investigation is into the appearance of collusion between the admin of the orange clown and an adverarial foreign power. Now we have a man trusted by both the Dems and Repubs appointed to run the investigation so we will find out what the facts are. And actions will be taken that are appropriate to what those facts reveal.

However, my friend, here's the problem as I see it......

Muller's job as a special counsel is limited to investigating IF there is "legal culpability", warranting an indictment or not.

His investigation and finding before a grand jury will all be done in secret and we will only know if (or not) an indictment will occur.

Now, as strange as it may seem since of my deep dislike of Trump, I think that he is NO mastermind himself (he's not that smart), and Muller will indict a few of Trump's acolytes but not the president himself....sure, politically it is the end of Trump but he will not be found to be legally culpable.

I had instead wanted a bipartisan commission to conduct the investigation OPENLY where instead of legal lapses the concentration was on UNETHICAL behavior....and of that, I think that Trump is very much culpable and I would have loved for his to be disgraced openly as the wanna-be despot who does not ever deserve to sit in the oval office. .
2. If Comey thought Trump committed Obstruction of Justice then Comey himself committed 'Obstruction of Justice' violating two statutes by not immediately turning over the memo to the Dept of Justice after their dinner on February 14, if he thought Trump was coercing him to stop the investigation

I did hear/see the videotape and I somewhat agree. However, I sincerely think that Comey (and I'm not a fan of Comey) was torn between his own interpretation of what Trump wanted....Was the trump plea a command or was it just Trump asking for a "favor."

The bottom line is this: Trump FIRED Comey (by his own admission) and THAT is what raises all of our antennas since Comey may have been fired by Trump for NOT adhering to the plea by Trump AND perhaps refusing to take that alleged oath of "loyalty" to Trump.
If someone makes definitive statements they are then required to "prove" them.

Almost everything stated on here boil down to a personal opinion....period, even when links are provided, they are usually from sources that reflect one's biases.....

Only rarely, do these links offer historical and factual data that cannot be disputed.
You actually believe all that shit, don't you!

Here you go, Vandalshandle, I've gone to the trouble of putting together this succinct list of the Clinton Crimes and what kinds of people they really are. Read it if you dare. Trump might not be a great orator, he might be rough around the edges, he might put his foot in his mouth, he might have even screwed a few people in some of his business deals, but he is basically a decent guy and really, a PIKER compared to the Bitch that nearly became your next President. If you still think she would have been not 10X worse for the nation than Trump, then you obviously have one too many screws loose up in the ol' grey matter and I don't know else to say!

Why Trump's Not So Bad

What? You overlooked Hillary being on the grassy knoll on Nov.22nd, 1963?
I do believe if this falls flat the left will find something else and then something else and then something else. They will not rest until Trump is removed from office.

Appealing to your sense of impartiality, would not ALSO state the above about Whitewater and Benghazi?
So he has nothing to worry about then.

Sure, did we ever hear Trump openly state.

"I will fully cooperate with any special inquiry and I will turn over all tapes, memos and have my staff readily testify under oath to any gran jury that may be empanelled to fully investigate and bring this inquiry to an end acceptable by everyone....."

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