"There's NO investigation"...There's no need for a special counsel..??

You actually believe all that shit, don't you!

Ole Bill is Serial Sexual Predator who has been to Epstein's "orgy island" several times. Hillary's job was the beat the shit out of his victim's (figuratively) so they'd stay quiet.

How did he have time to be a child sex predator when he was so busy killing everybody?

More deflection. He and Epstein are friends, sorry.

Wow! then I guess I am in trouble. My last boss before I retired was caught sexually molesting his step daughters, and is now serving time in Chico CA!!!!

Which of course has nothing to do with Billy's underage predilections.
I know for a fact that the times and dates that Clinton was accused of going to fantasy Island having sex with underage girls, he was actually asleep in an opium den in Peking with the entire Chinese politburo....
I do believe if this falls flat the left will find something else and then something else and then something else. They will not rest until Trump is removed from office.

Appealing to your sense of impartiality, would not ALSO state the above about Whitewater and Benghazi?

I think it is all nonsense, they are side shows and neither side cares because it gives the politicians someone to blame when nothing gets done. Add to it the Bush stole elections, Bush lied BS, Birther crap, and the list get long and extensive, now you will agree with me down your partisan line. Anything I say about Bush and Trump will get me your partisan spin, but it matters not.

Way over the BS.
If someone makes definitive statements they are then required to "prove" them.

Almost everything stated on here boil down to a personal opinion....period, even when links are provided, they are usually from sources that reflect one's biases.....

Only rarely, do these links offer historical and factual data that cannot be disputed.

Prove the things you state, it's just that simple Gnattie boy.
You actually believe all that shit, don't you!

Here you go, Vandalshandle, I've gone to the trouble of putting together this succinct list of the Clinton Crimes and what kinds of people they really are. Read it if you dare. Trump might not be a great orator, he might be rough around the edges, he might put his foot in his mouth, he might have even screwed a few people in some of his business deals, but he is basically a decent guy and really, a PIKER compared to the Bitch that nearly became your next President. If you still think she would have been not 10X worse for the nation than Trump, then you obviously have one too many screws loose up in the ol' grey matter and I don't know else to say!

Why Trump's Not So Bad

What? You overlooked Hillary being on the grassy knoll on Nov.22nd, 1963?

I see, I'll bet you still believe Oswald shot him from up, behind and to the right of the car don't you?
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We got what we wanted, so can we stop goading the right? Just stop for awhile?

Well, actually you're partially correct.....

I, for one, wanted open hearings since I do not think that the collusion with Russia rises to an impeachable offense....What I wanted was for the lack of ETHICS to be exposed through a bipartisan committee's open hearings.
okay. I think his lack of ethics is already pretty common knowledge, though.

Compared to the ethics of Hillary, Obama, Bush, Clinton and many others, Trump is a freeking choir boy. They are just professional politicians who are expert at hiding it.
Clintons aren't so good at hiding it, imo.
Trump is worse but just shy of illegal. The Dems and the media will just keep trolling him until he resigns, is my guess.

So, do you defend members of the U.S. government making it utterly impossible for a duly elected President to govern?
Hey, it worked well for the republicans for the past 6 years.
Well, actually you're partially correct.....

I, for one, wanted open hearings since I do not think that the collusion with Russia rises to an impeachable offense....What I wanted was for the lack of ETHICS to be exposed through a bipartisan committee's open hearings.
okay. I think his lack of ethics is already pretty common knowledge, though.

Compared to the ethics of Hillary, Obama, Bush, Clinton and many others, Trump is a freeking choir boy. They are just professional politicians who are expert at hiding it.
Clintons aren't so good at hiding it, imo.
Trump is worse but just shy of illegal. The Dems and the media will just keep trolling him until he resigns, is my guess.

So, do you defend members of the U.S. government making it utterly impossible for a duly elected President to govern?
Hey, it worked well for the republicans for the past 6 years.
/--- With the exception of the USSC nominee, Obozo got everything he wanted. The GOP was cowering in fear of being called a racist so they stood down. That's why Trump was elected.
Just a few days ago, right wingers on here SWORE that there was NO investigation of Trump-Russian collusion....That there was NO need fora special counsel to be appointed......

........and, today we have the orange charlatan tweeting that there's a witch hunt going on against him.....

Well, reality is turning out to be a bitter "bitch", don't you think so, right wing, Trump ass kissers??? LOL
So you demanded a special council to look into the nothing you have and finally got one. So what evidence is going to magically appear?

So you now have a full time person looking at nothing. Kind of sounds like a typical democrat job to me. Doing nothing while putting in a full time effort at producing nothing. Should be awesome.
So you demanded a special council to look into the nothing you have and finally got one. So what evidence is going to magically appear?

So you now have a full time person looking at nothing. Kind of sounds like a typical democrat job to me. Doing nothing while putting in a full time effort at producing nothing. Should be awesome.

Go back to bed......and learn how to spell "counsel" in context......
So you demanded a special council to look into the nothing you have and finally got one. So what evidence is going to magically appear?

So you now have a full time person looking at nothing. Kind of sounds like a typical democrat job to me. Doing nothing while putting in a full time effort at producing nothing. Should be awesome.

Go back to bed......and learn how to spell "counsel" in context......
Oh fuck, you got me, Let the in-peach-mant fucking continue full speed ahead because some worthless fuck on the internet chat boards wasn't able to counter an argument but he sure as hell found a spelling error! Case closed!
You actually believe all that shit, don't you!

Here you go, Vandalshandle, I've gone to the trouble of putting together this succinct list of the Clinton Crimes and what kinds of people they really are. Read it if you dare. Trump might not be a great orator, he might be rough around the edges, he might put his foot in his mouth, he might have even screwed a few people in some of his business deals, but he is basically a decent guy and really, a PIKER compared to the Bitch that nearly became your next President. If you still think she would have been not 10X worse for the nation than Trump, then you obviously have one too many screws loose up in the ol' grey matter and I don't know else to say!

Why Trump's Not So Bad

What? You overlooked Hillary being on the grassy knoll on Nov.22nd, 1963?

I see, I'll bet you still believe Oswald shot him from up, behind and to the right of the car don't you?

My god, man! Everybody knows that Elvis shot JFK! That's the reason he had to fake his own death and move to Minnesota to pump gas!
........and, today we have the orange charlatan tweeting that there's a witch hunt going on against him.....
And just how many actual witches were ever found? Zero.

Trump has lied at nearly every turn about things great and small, and he's actively, and without good reason, withheld information that would have at the very least given people assurance that he personally didn't have any financial ties to the Russians. He's refused to make any effort to avoid appearances of impropriety. He's also ignored all advice to avoid doing things that could be seen as conflicts of interest. He has a long standing track record of selfishness and deceitfulness. Compound that with taxpayers having to pay his club millions of dollars every time he visits Mar-a-Lago and it's no wonder all he says and does is very closely scrutinized, more and rightly so than there was even past presidents.

With behavior such as that, why anyone would not be skeptical about everything that man says and does is beyond me. The simple fact is that the American people elected an inveterate liar to the presidency, and because they have, the result is constant inquiry into the veracity and impetus for every move he makes, every word he states.
You actually believe all that shit, don't you!

Here you go, Vandalshandle, I've gone to the trouble of putting together this succinct list of the Clinton Crimes and what kinds of people they really are. Read it if you dare. Trump might not be a great orator, he might be rough around the edges, he might put his foot in his mouth, he might have even screwed a few people in some of his business deals, but he is basically a decent guy and really, a PIKER compared to the Bitch that nearly became your next President. If you still think she would have been not 10X worse for the nation than Trump, then you obviously have one too many screws loose up in the ol' grey matter and I don't know else to say!

Why Trump's Not So Bad

What? You overlooked Hillary being on the grassy knoll on Nov.22nd, 1963?

I see, I'll bet you still believe Oswald shot him from up, behind and to the right of the car don't you?

My god, man! Everybody knows that Elvis shot JFK! That's the reason he had to fake his own death and move to Minnesota to pump gas!

Run forest.....run.
What? You overlooked Hillary being on the grassy knoll on Nov.22nd, 1963?

And there you have the double standard that brings this country to where it is at today! Faced with all that Hillary has done, you people simply don't care. You laugh it off. What if she were in the White House today? You still would not care. You would rationalize it somehow. But if half of that were Trump's resume, you would be calling for his head with every talking point investigated to death as the most important things in the world and reason why he must not stay in the White House. Hell, you are calling for his head now and he has essentially done nothing, with one of the cleanest CV's in history! That is the mental illness of the Left---- you have two different standards for everything.
Oh fuck, you got me, Let the in-peach-mant fucking continue full speed ahead because some worthless fuck on the internet chat boards wasn't able to counter an argument but he sure as hell found a spelling error! Case closed!

No, moron.....it wasn't the spelling...the rest of your inane post is the usual, trite "defense" of the orange clown....not worth the cyberspace it occupied. Come back when you make some sense.
You actually believe all that shit, don't you!

Here you go, Vandalshandle, I've gone to the trouble of putting together this succinct list of the Clinton Crimes and what kinds of people they really are. Read it if you dare. Trump might not be a great orator, he might be rough around the edges, he might put his foot in his mouth, he might have even screwed a few people in some of his business deals, but he is basically a decent guy and really, a PIKER compared to the Bitch that nearly became your next President. If you still think she would have been not 10X worse for the nation than Trump, then you obviously have one too many screws loose up in the ol' grey matter and I don't know else to say!

Why Trump's Not So Bad

What? You overlooked Hillary being on the grassy knoll on Nov.22nd, 1963?

I see, I'll bet you still believe Oswald shot him from up, behind and to the right of the car don't you?

My god, man! Everybody knows that Elvis shot JFK! That's the reason he had to fake his own death and move to Minnesota to pump gas!

Run forest.....run.

Of course it could have been Colonel Mustard in the Hall with a revolver....
What? You overlooked Hillary being on the grassy knoll on Nov.22nd, 1963?

And there you have the double standard that brings this country to where it is at today! Faced with all that Hillary has done, you people simply don't care. You laugh it off. What if she were in the White House today? You still would not care. You would rationalize it somehow. But if half of that were Trump's resume, you would be calling for his head with every talking point investigated to death as the most important things in the world and reason why he must not stay in the White House. Hell, you are calling for his head now and he has essentially done nothing, with one of the cleanest CV's in history! That is the mental illness of the Left---- you have two different standards for everything.

Freak, are you serious? Do you think that my posts had anything to do with Hillary? My posts are all about you, Freak!
Freak, are you serious? Do you think that my posts had anything to do with Hillary? My posts are all about you, Freak!

And the funny thing is that you are so obtuse that you thought I was talking about Hillary as well. And to think, on another thread, I was just commenting on the hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance of the Left and here you are proving my own point right here!

Freak, are you serious? Do you think that my posts had anything to do with Hillary? My posts are all about you, Freak!

And the funny thing is that you are so obtuse that you thought I was talking about Hillary as well. And to think, on another thread, I was just commenting on the hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance of the Left and here you are proving my own point right here!

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Well, keep at it, Freak! Since the Clintons have left a trail of over 90 dead bodies, it is just a matter of time before you get the goods on them!

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