There's no question Trump should plead guilty.

Trump's choices since January of 2020 have been consistently stupid.
Now we are seeing the kind of threats of violence he has fomented since the 2016 campaign when he encouraged supporters at his rallies to beat up protesters come to the fore.
Trump's lawyer said he'd NEVER plead guilty

AG Barr said that Trump is toast. He had no right to take government documents.

After hearing AG Barr, I hope Trump takes a plea deal and gets out of politics.
Now we are seeing the kind of threats of violence he has fomented since the 2016 campaign when he encouraged supporters at his rallies to beat up protesters come to the fore.

Trump's obsession is a mental illness. It's not patriotism or leadership. It's all about his needy ego.
Trump's lawyer said he'd NEVER plead guilty
Since he frequently makes the wrong decision it wouldn't surprise me if he digs in his heels. At least until the trial begins. At which point the reality of his crimes and the likelihood of significant time in prison may sink in. I hope he fights it all the way and lives to regret it.
Since he frequently makes the wrong decision it wouldn't surprise me if he digs in his heels. At least until the trial begins. At which point the reality of his crimes and the likelihood of significant time in prison may sink in. I hope he fights it all the way and lives to regret it.

Trump sure does make some stupid choices and then brags about his defiance. He may wind up in prison.
Since he frequently makes the wrong decision it wouldn't surprise me if he digs in his heels. At least until the trial begins. At which point the reality of his crimes and the likelihood of significant time in prison may sink in. I hope he fights it all the way and lives to regret it.
I know that Trump just doesn't understand limits on his authority.
He's never had to answer to anyone or follow the rules.
I hope you're wrong, and that Trumps makes his case to the court, but if his appeals I hope the court works out a plea deal that lets him pay fines and walk away.
Donald Trump Suggests ‘Second Amendment People’ Could Act Against Hillary Clinton

WILMINGTON, N.C. — Donald J. Trump on Tuesday appeared to raise the possibility that gun rights supporters could take matters into their own hands if Hillary Clinton is elected president and appoints judges who favor stricter gun control measures.

Repeating his contention that Mrs. Clinton wanted to abolish the right to bear arms, Mr. Trump warned at a rally here that it would be “a horrible day” if Mrs. Clinton were elected and got to appoint a tiebreaking Supreme Court justice.

“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Donald Trump Suggests ‘Second Amendment People’ Could Act Against Hillary Clinton (Published 2016)

Trump's thinly veiled reference to a 2nd A remedy was made rather demurely. Even a boorish brute like him knew it would be ill received to say the quiet part out loud. Suggesting Hillary be shot if she picked the wrong SC justices.

Trump's indictment has emboldened some of his supporters. They don't come right out and say they will shoot law enforcement officers in order to prevent Dear Leader from being brought to justice. But the meaning of their words couldn't be more clear.

Trump Supporters’ Violent Rhetoric in His Defense Disturbs Experts

The federal indictment of former President Donald J. Trump has unleashed a wave of calls by his supporters for violence and an uprising to defend him, disturbing observers and raising concerns of a dangerous atmosphere ahead of his court appearance in Miami on Tuesday.

In social media posts and public remarks, close allies of Mr. Trump — including a member of Congress — have portrayed the indictment as an act of war, called for retribution and highlighted the fact that much of his base carries weapons. The allies have painted Mr. Trump as a victim of a weaponized Justice Department controlled by President Biden, his potential opponent in the 2024 election.

The calls to action and threats have been amplified on right-wing media sites and have been met by supportive responses from social media users and cheers from crowds, who have become conditioned over several years by Mr. Trump and his allies to see any efforts to hold him accountable as assaults against him.


“If you want to get to President Trump, you are going to have go through me, and you are going to have to go through 75 million Americans just like me,” said Kari Lake, the Republican former candidate for governor of Arizona. “And I’m going to tell you, most of us are card-carrying members of the N.R.A.”

Yes, Trump’s blatant attempts (and failure) to organize a “coup” to keep himself in power by creating fake electoral slates and having Pence refuse to accept the validated ones from swing states … already led to his “rolling the dice” on Jan. 6th.

That affair may go down in history as just a “dress rehearsal” for coming violence unleashed during or after Trump’s convictions in Miami and Georgia — assuming the cases end in convictions, which is hardly inevitable.

Trump will not “admit guilt” and seek a deal even with the pro-Trump judge presiding over the Miami case. He is determined to try again to take power, either legally by getting elected in 2024, or through violence if his cult supporters and other 2nd Amendment armed militia types are willing to follow the hints of extreme Republican leaders (who will be careful to insulate themselves from any danger). The political instigators on the far right of the Republican Party have seen that the few top culprits behind the Nov.-Jan. 2020 Republican plot to steal the election are all free now, and only the dumb “soldiers” of Jan. 6th paid the price.

The best realistic alternative would be if the coming prosecutions weaken Trump enough that DeSantis becomes the new MAGA leader, and he loses the election badly. But anything is possible. It would be best if investigations and criminal or civil penalties be directed at Hunter Biden simultaneously, and the Biden and Pence investigations should also result in at least a slap on the wrist like a “move to formally censure.”

It is important at this point that Trump be prosecuted and if possible convicted in Miami and Georgia. The New York case was never appropriate or important.

The near “immunity” that politicians in both parties and men like Clapper in the Security Agencies have enjoyed is a terrible reality. But that is no reason to let Trump get off scot free after thumbing his nose at our laws and conspiring to stop the legitimate transfer of power in such a provocative manner. He has brought his problems onto himself.

The tragedy is that not enough Republicans in the Senate had the balls to follow his appropriate 2nd impeachment after Jan. 6th with the necessary 2/3 vote to convict. Let us hope the whole country doesn’t have to pay dearly for their cowardice.
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If Trump is elected but in jail, let him appoint his cabinet.

Then the 3/5ths of the cabinet and the VP can remove him under the 25th Amendment.
I know that Trump just doesn't understand limits on his authority.
He's never had to answer to anyone or follow the rules.
I hope you're wrong, and that Trumps makes his case to the court, but if his appeals I hope the court works out a plea deal that lets him pay fines and walk away.
Pay a fine and walk away from compromising the security of the US to sooth his ego?
Actually he could pardon himself from jail if he is elected.
Nothing would signal the end of this experiment in democracy more emphatically than Trump's re-election.
Nothing would signal the end of this experiment in democracy more emphatically than Trump's re-election.

Theoretically, if President Trump is elected next year, will you honor him as your President and not try to stir up an insurrection? Will Sleepy Joe work hard to ensure a peaceful transition of power?
Pay a fine and walk away from compromising the security of the US to sooth his ego?
Wrong. Senator Lindsay Graham was on with George S, and he raked George over the coals for suggesting that the Espionage Act applied to Trump.
He named the people charged with espionage (see below), they all gave classified info to our enemies. Trump did NOT give any info to anyone.
Trump's "crimes" are no worse than Hillary's crimes. In fact Hillary's are worse since her illegal bathroom server was hacked.

Theoretically, if President Trump is elected next year, will you honor him as your President and not try to stir up an insurrection? Will Sleepy Joe work hard to ensure a peaceful transition of power?
If that abomination should occur, my hope would be something along the lines of what is happening in Israel as Bebe tries to end democracy there. Namely, days and days of hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets in cities all over the country as an act of defiance against a travesty of justice. I would advocate for a national strike. The permanent end to the EC. A change in the law in order to disallow a convicted criminal from running for national office.
In short, just the kind of unrest Trump hopes to foment.
If that abomination should occur, my hope would be something along the lines of what is happening in Israel as Bebe tries to end democracy there. Namely, days and days of hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets in cities all over the country as an act of defiance against a travesty of justice. I would advocate for a national strike. The permanent end to the EC. A change in the law in order to disallow a convicted criminal from running for national office.
In short, just the kind of unrest Trump hopes to foment.

Sounds like you are advocating for Insurrection?
Trump did NOT give any info to anyone.
1. You don't know that with any certainty. 2. His cavalier treatment of national security secrets alone warrants charging him with a violation of the Espionage Act. (Espionage Act-willfully retaining, without authorization, documents relating to national defense.)
Actually he could pardon himself from jail if he is elected.
Can Trump pardon himself?

Can Trump Pardon Himself?What Is A Preemptive Pardon?Can A Pardon Be Reversed?What Is The Difference Between Pardon, Clemency and Commuting A sentence?

Can Trump pardon himself? Can pardons be reversed? The power …

  • Can Trump Pardon Himself?
  • What Is A Preemptive Pardon?
  • Can A Pardon Be Reversed?
  • What Is The Difference Between Pardon, Clemency and Commuting A sentence?

Justice Department policy says Trump cannot pardon himself because no one can be a judge whose official actions would directly affect himself or herself. "Under the fundamental rule that no one may be a judge in his own case, the President cannot pardon himself," stated an Office of Legal Counsel opinion dated Aug. 5, 1974, day…
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. "Under the fundamental rule that no one may be a judge in his own case, the President cannot pardon himself," stated an Office of Legal Counsel opinion dated Aug. 5, 1974, day…
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