There's no question Trump should plead guilty.

That's what AG Barr and National Security Advisor Bolton say too.

I can offer a few excuses for Trump.
1. I didn't pack the boxes
2. I didn't know that national defense secrets were going to be packed
3. I declassified all of those documents

Its only the top of the 1st inning. We saw Jack Smith's charges but none of the defense's rebuttals.
Trump will want to delay the trial as long as possible.
The bad news is that we will be discussing Trump instead of solving problems.

Which would all be fine if the FPOTUS was charged with possession of NDI or Classified documents.

But that isn't the case. 18 USC 793(e) is about the willful retention of NDI and failure to turn it over to proper authority of the US government when directed.

Again it's not about the possession, it's about the refusal to return.

There are lots of videos and tweets/truths of him describing the investigation and it being a witch hunt. As I previously noted, it will be impossible for the FPOTUS to show he didn't know over the 18 months in question - he did know.

After examining the indictment with an eye towards doing what's best for the client any experienced defense attorney in any other case would advise his/her client to seek a plea agreement. Cuz wow, WOW, the indictment includes Don confessing to one of the crimes charged against him. The evidence compiled in the document released yesterday is stunning in its level of detail. He's toast, unless his toady throws out the evidence.

Trump-Appointed Judge Is Said to Be Handling Documents Case

Former President Donald J. Trump’s criminal indictment on charges stemming from his handling of classified documents will be overseen — at least initially — by a federal judge whom a higher court criticized for a series of rulings that were unusually favorable to Mr. Trump during the early stages of the investigation, according to five people familiar with the matter.

The judge, Aileen M. Cannon, who Mr. Trump appointed to the bench in 2020, is scheduled — at least for now — to preside over the former president’s first appearance in Federal District Court in Miami on Tuesday, the people said. But it was not clear whether Judge Cannon would remain assigned for the entirety of Mr. Trump’s case.

Trump-Appointed Judge Is Said to Be Handling Documents Case

His choice is a simple one. Risk spending his life in jail or place himself at the mercy of the court. Based on past history Aileen would be very lenient.

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Which would all be fine if the FPOTUS was charged with possession of NDI or Classified documents.
But that isn't the case. 18 USC 793(e) is about the willful retention of NDI and failure to turn it over to proper authority of the US government when directed.
Again it's not about the possession, it's about the refusal to return.
There are lots of videos and tweets/truths of him describing the investigation and it being a witch hunt. As I previously noted, it will be impossible for the FPOTUS to show he didn't know over the 18 months in question - he did know.
You keep pointing to the Espionage Act, when lawyers like Lindsay Graham keep saying that the Espionage Act doesn't apply.
As president, Trump was allowed to have those documents in the WH.
I don't know who packed the boxes or who cleared what was to be packed.
AG Barr said that Andy McCarthy's testimony made Trump toast.
You may have a case about Trump's refusal to return them, that's Trump's own stupidity.
We'll see after the many appeals are decided if Trump needs to take a plea deal, or take his chances with a FL jury and die in prison.
You keep pointing to the Espionage Act, when lawyers like Lindsay Graham keep saying that the Espionage Act doesn't apply.


It appears that Lindsay Graham hasn't read the indictment then. The FPOTUS was charged under 18 USC 793(e).

As president, Trump was allowed to have those documents in the WH.

Correct. As President he could even have the docuents at MAL.

However the FPOTUS isn't the President and hasn't been since noon on January 2021.

I don't know who packed the boxes or who cleared what was to be packed.

Niether do I, but 18 USC 793(e) has nothing to do with who packed the boxes.

18 USC 793(e) is about willful retention of NDI and failure to turn it over to responsible officers and employees of the United States Government.

18 USC 793(e) stems from 16 months of stonewalling the NARA (responsible officer of the US Government), then stonewalling the NARA and FBI for a few more months, then not complying with a court ordered subpoena - hence the willful retention and failure to surrender.

You may have a case about Trump's refusal to return them, that's Trump's own stupidity.

It's not "my case", its the basis of why the Grand Jury found a crime had been committed and voted to indict the FPOTUS.

We'll see after the many appeals are decided if Trump needs to take a plea deal, or take his chances with a FL jury and die in prison.

You may have a misunderstanding of how the justice system works. You don't get to "appeal" a conviction and then make a plea deal. For a plea deal you have to make the deal before trial. (Well technically before the jury renders a verdict, but close enough.)


There's no question Trump should plead guilty.​

What a moronic thread headline.

of course there’s a question.

He absolutely should not. And I don’t think he will. Ever.
View attachment 794511
It appears that Lindsay Graham hasn't read the indictment then. The FPOTUS was charged under 18 USC 793(e).
Correct. As President he could even have the docuents at MAL.
However the FPOTUS isn't the President and hasn't been since noon on January 2021.
Neither do I, but 18 USC 793(e) has nothing to do with who packed the boxes.
18 USC 793(e) is about willful retention of NDI and failure to turn it over to responsible officers and employees of the United States Government.
18 USC 793(e) stems from 16 months of stonewalling the NARA (responsible officer of the US Government), then stonewalling the NARA and FBI for a few more months, then not complying with a court ordered subpoena - hence the willful retention and failure to surrender.
It's not "my case", its the basis of why the Grand Jury found a crime had been committed and voted to indict the FPOTUS.
You may have a misunderstanding of how the justice system works. You don't get to "appeal" a conviction and then make a plea deal. For a plea deal you have to make the deal before trial. (Well technically before the jury renders a verdict, but close enough.)
I'm a Desantis supporter, so I'm not all-in on Trump.
Barr said he's toast.
I hope he delays the trial, and then decides to cut a plea deal if he doesn't get the nomination.

There's no question Trump should plead guilty. What a moronic thread headline. of course there’s a question. He absolutely should not. And I don’t think he will. Ever.​

I agree he won't plead, but he will be convicted. Both Bolton and Barr believe DonaldtheHoax is in the bag.
After examining the indictment with an eye towards doing what's best for the client any experienced defense attorney in any other case would advise his/her client to seek a plea agreement. Cuz wow, WOW, the indictment includes Don confessing to one of the crimes charged against him. The evidence compiled in the document released yesterday is stunning in its level of detail. He's toast, unless his toady throws out the evidence.

Trump-Appointed Judge Is Said to Be Handling Documents Case

Former President Donald J. Trump’s criminal indictment on charges stemming from his handling of classified documents will be overseen — at least initially — by a federal judge whom a higher court criticized for a series of rulings that were unusually favorable to Mr. Trump during the early stages of the investigation, according to five people familiar with the matter.

The judge, Aileen M. Cannon, who Mr. Trump appointed to the bench in 2020, is scheduled — at least for now — to preside over the former president’s first appearance in Federal District Court in Miami on Tuesday, the people said. But it was not clear whether Judge Cannon would remain assigned for the entirety of Mr. Trump’s case.

Trump-Appointed Judge Is Said to Be Handling Documents Case

His choice is a simple one. Risk spending his life in jail or place himself at the mercy of the court. Based on past history Aileen would be very lenient.
I don’t have any faith in this trial knowing that Trumptard judge is leading it. She’ll be a disgrace.
... because you are wrong, clearly. You believe in DonaldtheHoax.
No. I’m correct. As usual.

If actual credible evidence worthy of the name shows that Trump is guilty, I’m content to change my mind accordingly.

Until then, morons like you claiming that he “is” guilty is valueless … and utterly unpersuasive.
No. I’m correct. As usual.

If actual credible evidence worthy of the name shows that Trump is guilty, I’m content to change my mind accordingly.

Until then, morons like you claiming that he “is” guilty is valueless … and utterly unpersuasive.
To the clueless, like you, surely.
That would depend on whether there was any credible evidence supporting a conviction. And of course, it also depends on the legal theory of the case. Here, the legal theory is absolutely bullshit.
According to internet lawyers like you?

Hell even Jonathan Turley thinks Trump is fucked
You keep pointing to the Espionage Act, when lawyers like Lindsay Graham keep saying that the Espionage Act doesn't apply.
I'm sure there will be any number of halfhearted attempts to come to Don's defense by his sycophants. Their efforts will be overwhelmed by the weight of the evidence in the indictment.
I'm sure there will be any number of halfhearted attempts to come to Don's defense by his sycophants. Their efforts will be overwhelmed by the weight of the evidence in the indictment.
I don’t support dumb Don, but this prosecution is ridiculous when put into context. Yes?

They didn’t arrest Nixon for breaking into the DNC offices.

They didn’t arrest Clinton for banging interns (or his wife for deleting emails).

They didn’t arrest Obama for killing innocent Americans abroad.

And they’re NOT arresting Biden for MULTIPLE COUNTS of illegal possession of top secret documents OR for selling influence to China and Ukraine.


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