There's no question Trump should plead guilty.

Actually the dems did just that a couple years ago. So since they went down that road, Rs need to carry it on and start impeaching.
You are chanting retribution, Trump's favorite tune, which has nothing to do with the Constitution and the Rule of Law and how it applies to government members breaking the law.

The Rs have nothing but a belly ache, because their power grabbing schemes went belly up.
The "doctored" evidence? Sure thing sport.

Nothing doctored. On the stage in the open ballroom there were maybe 50 boxes.. another 50 stacked up in an adjacent bathroom.. his office and his bedroom. All this was avoidable. Trump is a very stupid man. He set himself up to lose again...and he'll go to his grave blaming the FBI etc.
Interesting points raised by the OP, particularly that Judge Aileen Cannon is insanely pro-Trump and will do whatever she can to help him. Unfortunately, I believe this includes the possibility that she will find excuses to delay the trial conclusion until after the election … in the hope that Trump wins and pardons himself. The prosecutors may yet have to try to have her recuse herself, or be removed, especially if she is to preside over the entire case.

I don’t think Trump would go for even a very lenient deal that involves him admitting guilt … certainly not so long as he has any hope of “winning.” Though the evidence against him is obviously pretty overwhelming, I think Trump still has good reason to cling to his hopes.

This trial will be held in Florida and the jury and eventual presiding judge will all be residents of this increasingly red state. You can be sure many — probably most of the jurors — will have voted for Trump at some time in the past.

If Trump is eventually convicted, it will be because the charges he is convicted on, already mostly made public, are overwhelmingly proven “beyond a reasonable doubt” to the entire jury’s satisfaction. Even just one holdout will prevent conviction.

Trump has flaunted and broken civil and criminal laws and escaped personally untouched many times before. We will have to wait and see if some Trump-sympathetic judge or a single juror in the case lets him get off again this time as well.

Indeed, I personally would not be surprised if despite efforts to weed out lying fanatic Trump cultists, at least one slips through the voir dire process and refuses to convict no matter what.
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Is there another side to him confessing to a crime on tape? READ THE DAMN INDICTMENT.
In your world, is there an opportunity for a defendant to refute the almighty charge, or is it that if the government says it, then it is irrefutable? Just wondering...
No question Trump should plea guilty and be executed because the US is a Banana Republic and his agenda to make America great again is unacceptable to the China backed rulers, whose agenda is to turn the US into a Socialist Shithole.

Turley has been the Repubs go to hack on legal matters for years. But even he can't spin this.
Dershowitz said that there are only two paragraphs that look really serious.

Turley knows the LAW, he's no hack. Read his NYT article and see if you find any hackery. I don't.
Nothing doctored. On the stage in the open ballroom there were maybe 50 boxes.. another 50 stacked up in an adjacent bathroom.. his office and his bedroom. All this was avoidable. Trump is a very stupid man. He set himself up to lose again...and he'll go to his grave blaming the FBI etc.

Ahhh, you drones are so precious. The documents Trump had were well protected. The documents that Biden had, weren't.

But nary a peep from you about those.
Nothing doctored. On the stage in the open ballroom there were maybe 50 boxes.. another 50 stacked up in an adjacent bathroom.. his office and his bedroom. All this was avoidable. Trump is a very stupid man. He set himself up to lose again...and he'll go to his grave blaming the FBI etc.
Those were all photos taken by Mar A Lago staff, and not the FBI. And some of them sent those photos to other staffers.
Making specious comparisons to the docs found in Biden's possession or the e-mails found on Hillary's server apparently make for fun message board deflections by Trump supporters. But they won't help Don in a court of law. In a courtroom, he will face overwhelming documentary and testimonial evidence of his guilt.
Leaving his best course of action to minimize or avoid jailtime a plea of guilty.
Ahhh, you drones are so precious. The documents Trump had were well protected. The documents that Biden had, weren't.

But nary a peep from you about those.
Well protected? In a fucking BATHROOM??

I'm not a legal scholar, so that would be sort of pointless.

However the Great One, Mark R. Levin, I'm sure is pouring over it this very minute and will be giving all of us the 411 on the document on his TV program or perhaps his radio program within a very short time.
In your world, is there an opportunity for a defendant to refute the almighty charge, or is it that if the government says it, then it is irrefutable?
In at least one instance it isn't a matter of what the government says. IT'S WHAT TRUMP SAID ON TAPE.
Dershowitz said that there are only two paragraphs that look really serious.

Turley knows the LAW, he's no hack. Read his NYT article and see if you find any hackery. I don't.
Actually Turley knows the law and he IS a a trump hack.

And what you posted was prior to the indictments being released.

Since then his opinion is that Trump is screwed

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