There's no question Trump should plead guilty.

If Trump is going to be prosecuted for mishandling classified material the same should be done against Biden. It's the same goddamn thing.
Not even close to the same thing.

The indictment of former President Donald J. Trump that was unsealed on Friday provided compelling evidence that Mr. Trump’s handling of classified documents was more cavalier, and his efforts to obstruct the government’s attempts to retrieve them more blatant, than previously known.

On nearly every one of its 49 pages, the indictment revealed yet another example of Mr. Trump’s indifference toward the country’s most sensitive secrets and of his persistent willfulness in having his aides and lawyers stymie government attempts to get the records back.

Mr. Trump will have an opportunity in court to rebut the account presented by the special counsel Jack Smith. But the evidence cited refers to records casually kept in a bathroom and on a ballroom stage at Mar-a-Lago, his private club and residence in Florida. There was also a description of a knocked-over stack of boxes lying in a basement storage room, their contents, including a secret intelligence document, spilled on the floor.

At one point, the indictment included an almost cartoonish image. Quoting notes from one of Mr. Trump’s own lawyers, it relates how the former president made a “plucking motion” as if to suggest that the lawyer should go through a folder full of classified materials and “if there’s anything really bad in there, like, you know, pluck it out.”

That's assuming Don would agree to a deal. So the question becomes, how delusional is he? Does he think he can actually win the case? Has he read the indictment? Is there someone on his defense team with the courage to tell him his best option is admit he is a criminal?
Jonathan Turley (usually a strident Trump defender) calls the indictment “rock solid”

Rut roh
Clearly, Mr. Trump simply didn't understand and was just reckless, sloppy and incompetent, the Hillary defense, but there was no malicious intent involved.

I mean, after all, Trump was just inexperienced in Washington matters and didn't have the 50 years legal experience in this stuff like a Hillary or a Joe Biden has.

So, there was no scurrilous intent, no harm, no case of insurrection, therefore no grounds to exclude him from qualifying to hold office again.

Comically delusional
The evidence and pictures are pretty damning. That's probably why his 2 lawyers quit. They probably suggested Trump take a plea agreement.

The "doctored" evidence? Sure thing sport.
After examining the indictment with an eye towards doing what's best for the client any experienced defense attorney in any other case would advise his/her client to seek a plea agreement. Cuz wow, WOW, the indictment includes Don confessing to one of the crimes charged against him. The evidence compiled in the document released yesterday is stunning in its level of detail. He's toast, unless his toady throws out the evidence.

Trump-Appointed Judge Is Said to Be Handling Documents Case

Former President Donald J. Trump’s criminal indictment on charges stemming from his handling of classified documents will be overseen — at least initially — by a federal judge whom a higher court criticized for a series of rulings that were unusually favorable to Mr. Trump during the early stages of the investigation, according to five people familiar with the matter.

The judge, Aileen M. Cannon, who Mr. Trump appointed to the bench in 2020, is scheduled — at least for now — to preside over the former president’s first appearance in Federal District Court in Miami on Tuesday, the people said. But it was not clear whether Judge Cannon would remain assigned for the entirety of Mr. Trump’s case.

Trump-Appointed Judge Is Said to Be Handling Documents Case

His choice is a simple one. Risk spending his life in jail or place himself at the mercy of the court. Based on past history Aileen would be very lenient.
/——/ Just as soon as Dementia Joe, Crackhead Hunter and Hildabeast do.
So you're hoping people buy in to..........

The same rationale used to excuse Hillary for doing much worse? Or to not even question Biden for doing far worse?

You know, like hoping people buy into the claim that the jackhole simp Biden actually got 81 million people to vote for him. :smoke:
Jonathan Turley (usually a strident Trump defender) calls the indictment “rock solid”

Rut roh
Turley has been the Repubs go to hack on legal matters for years. But even he can't spin this.
After examining the indictment with an eye towards doing what's best for the client any experienced defense attorney in any other case would advise his/her client to seek a plea agreement. Cuz wow, WOW, the indictment includes Don confessing to one of the crimes charged against him. The evidence compiled in the document released yesterday is stunning in its level of detail. He's toast, unless his toady throws out the evidence.

Trump-Appointed Judge Is Said to Be Handling Documents Case

Former President Donald J. Trump’s criminal indictment on charges stemming from his handling of classified documents will be overseen — at least initially — by a federal judge whom a higher court criticized for a series of rulings that were unusually favorable to Mr. Trump during the early stages of the investigation, according to five people familiar with the matter.

The judge, Aileen M. Cannon, who Mr. Trump appointed to the bench in 2020, is scheduled — at least for now — to preside over the former president’s first appearance in Federal District Court in Miami on Tuesday, the people said. But it was not clear whether Judge Cannon would remain assigned for the entirety of Mr. Trump’s case.

Trump-Appointed Judge Is Said to Be Handling Documents Case

His choice is a simple one. Risk spending his life in jail or place himself at the mercy of the court. Based on past history Aileen would be very lenient.
/——-/ When are you going to plead guilty?
Your fatuous deflection is noted.
/—-/ You asked when, and I replied. You just don’t like the answer.
These Fake Charges have basically locked up the nomination for the Trumpster. DeSantis et al should be figuring their exit strategy from the race, its sort of pointless for them to continue right now. No way to get any traction as long as this bullshit continues.

Time for the party to close ranks and unite behind the 2024 nominee.
If Trump is going to be prosecuted for mishandling classified material the same should be done against Biden.
Isn't that what Gym is doing?
It's the same goddamn thing.
NO, it isn't.
Trump had boxes of top secret classified documents everywhere, in a showroom, a bathroom, a storage room at Mar A Lardo, a club.

Biden and Pence had theirs in a private residence.

Trump refused to return the classified documents several times.
Biden and Pence didn't.

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