CDZ There's something seriously wrong with a system...

...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
So, would you agree then that any officials in the DOJ and FBI that sympathize with Antifa should be removed from handling cases involving Antifa attempting to burn down the federal courthouse there?
The better question to ask is this: Why would any American Patriot support fascism in America? Many of our parents or grandparents fought against the fascist regimes in WW 2.
You are the people supporting fascism by supporting this illegitimate administration. Period.
You're a damn liar, and possibly insane. Trumpism is fascism. Democrats support democracy in America.

If the GOP really wanted to assure fair elections they could have worked with the Democrats decades ago with a bill by congress that requires every state in the union to pass a bill on voter registration.

The same requirements in the tiniest county in our country and the largest counties in our country will by law have the same identification (maybe a thumb print and SS#); by law require every county to remove every voter who has died; did not vote in the general election, or changed their name and did not report the change to the registrar of voters.

The beginning of fascism crept into the Republican Party line under the politics of Gingrich and DeLay. It was around then that the new wing of the GOP changed the description of our country as a democratic republic to a constitutional republic, striking democracy; and a bit later to toss under the bus anyone who does not support the R Leadership as a RINO. Then came trump and trumpism which is a form of fascism.
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
So, would you agree then that any officials in the DOJ and FBI that sympathize with Antifa should be removed from handling cases involving Antifa attempting to burn down the federal courthouse there?
The better question to ask is this: Why would any American Patriot support fascism in America? Many of our parents or grandparents fought against the fascist regimes in WW 2.
You are the people supporting fascism by supporting this illegitimate administration. Period.
You're a damn liar, and possibly insane. Trumpism is fascism. Democrats support democracy in America.

If the GOP really wanted to assure fair elections they could have worked with the Democrats decades ago with a bill by congress that requires every state in the union to pass a bill on voter registration.

The same requirements in the tiniest county in our country and the largest counties in our country will by law have the same identification (maybe a thumb print and SS#); by law require every county to remove every voter who has died; did not vote in the general election, or changed their name and did not report the change to the registrar of voters.

The beginning of fascism crept into the Republican Party line under the politics of Gingrich and DeLay. It was around then that the new wing of the GOP changed the description of our country as a democratic republic to a constitutional republic, striking democracy; and a bit later to toss under the bus anyone who does not support the R Leadership as a RINO. Then came trump and trumpism which is a form of fascism.
"Trumpism" is populism, not fascism. Hell, a lot of Trump's policies aren't that different from FDR in terms of trade policies and putting American industry first.

Democrats used to be the party of populism, but now, globalism has fully taken them over.
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
So, would you agree then that any officials in the DOJ and FBI that sympathize with Antifa should be removed from handling cases involving Antifa attempting to burn down the federal courthouse there?
The better question to ask is this: Why would any American Patriot support fascism in America? Many of our parents or grandparents fought against the fascist regimes in WW 2.
You are the people supporting fascism by supporting this illegitimate administration. Period.
You're a damn liar, and possibly insane. Trumpism is fascism. Democrats support democracy in America.

If the GOP really wanted to assure fair elections they could have worked with the Democrats decades ago with a bill by congress that requires every state in the union to pass a bill on voter registration.

The same requirements in the tiniest county in our country and the largest counties in our country will by law have the same identification (maybe a thumb print and SS#); by law require every county to remove every voter who has died; did not vote in the general election, or changed their name and did not report the change to the registrar of voters.

The beginning of fascism crept into the Republican Party line under the politics of Gingrich and DeLay. It was around then that the new wing of the GOP changed the description of our country as a democratic republic to a constitutional republic, striking democracy; and a bit later to toss under the bus anyone who does not support the R Leadership as a RINO. Then came trump and trumpism which is a form of fascism.
How is "America First" fascism? You are an idiot.
Trump lost.

So Trump wanted to burn or blow the house down....

He convinced his minions, to enact his revenge... If democracy, voted him out, then he was going to destroy that democracy.

You ALL are just his helpers, so he doesn't have to get his precious little fingers, dirty.

YOU are being used and abused, but are so far in to supporting him as your savior from all the perceived liberal evil and deep state conspiracy, that you have to keep supporting him and his Big Lie, to save face....

It's a sad situation, but one that Trump, counts on..... :(
If the Trump supporters had really wanted to take over the Capitol Building they would have came armed to the teeth and accomplished that mission.

The “insurrection“ was simply a rowdy mob that got out of control. Mobs often do that. At least the Trump mob didn’t burn the Capitol building like The BLM and Antifa mobs did to many blocks in our cities.

View attachment 495007

Anyone who has watched and listened to trump understood that he incited the worst insurrection against our form of government since the Civil War.
I would call the BLM and Antifa rioters more of an insurrection then the mob in the Capitol.

If the January 6th fiasco was as serious as you suggest it would only seem logical that everybody involved would be facing long prison sentences.

Time will tell if any of those end up in USP ADX Florence. Even the most vile and dangerous of the insurrectionists will have their rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.

Unlike those supporters of Donald Trump who rant together, "Lock her up" ignore her rights; those who sought to kill Speaker Pelosi and hand VP Pence will have their day in court.
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
So, would you agree then that any officials in the DOJ and FBI that sympathize with Antifa should be removed from handling cases involving Antifa attempting to burn down the federal courthouse there?
The better question to ask is this: Why would any American Patriot support fascism in America? Many of our parents or grandparents fought against the fascist regimes in WW 2.
You are the people supporting fascism by supporting this illegitimate administration. Period.
You're a damn liar, and possibly insane. Trumpism is fascism. Democrats support democracy in America.

If the GOP really wanted to assure fair elections they could have worked with the Democrats decades ago with a bill by congress that requires every state in the union to pass a bill on voter registration.

The same requirements in the tiniest county in our country and the largest counties in our country will by law have the same identification (maybe a thumb print and SS#); by law require every county to remove every voter who has died; did not vote in the general election, or changed their name and did not report the change to the registrar of voters.

The beginning of fascism crept into the Republican Party line under the politics of Gingrich and DeLay. It was around then that the new wing of the GOP changed the description of our country as a democratic republic to a constitutional republic, striking democracy; and a bit later to toss under the bus anyone who does not support the R Leadership as a RINO. Then came trump and trumpism which is a form of fascism.
"Trumpism" is populism, not fascism. Hell, a lot of Trump's policies aren't that different from FDR in terms of trade policies and putting American industry first.

Democrats used to be the party of populism, but now, globalism has fully taken them over.
I suggest you detail your opinion as to the nature of populism, and consider the numbers of forms of fascism:

"In its most democratic form, populism seeks to defend the interests and maximize the power of ordinary citizens, through reform rather than revolution...Many of the party’s demands were later adopted as laws or constitutional amendments (e.g., a progressive tax system). The populist demand for direct democracy through popular initiatives and referenda also become a reality in a number of U.S. states."

"In its contemporary understanding, however, populism is most often associated with an authoritarian form of politics. Populist politics, following this definition, revolves around a charismatic leader who appeals to and claims to embody the will of the people in order to consolidate his own power"

"Although fascism is a notoriously difficult ideology to define, many 20th-century fascist movements shared several characteristics. First, these movements sourced their political strength from populations experiencing economic woes, real or imagined. Fascists tended to capitalize on these economic anxieties by shifting the blame away from government or market forces. Jews, immigrants, leftists, and other groups became useful scapegoats. Redirecting popular anger toward these people would, in theory, rid a country of its ailments."

"To unify a country, fascist movements propagated extreme nationalism that often went hand in hand with militarism and racial purity."

"Fascist movements of the 20th century also frequently lambasted liberalism for its alleged role in sowing political disunity and moral degeneracy. Although many fascist movements initially organized themselves around democratic institutions for political legitimacy, they resorted to totalitarianism in practice."

Now, I don't expect you to read the entire posts in the links, or even the bold Italics above. But these are facts, and not opinions you've echoed from other right wing sources on the Internet.
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
So, would you agree then that any officials in the DOJ and FBI that sympathize with Antifa should be removed from handling cases involving Antifa attempting to burn down the federal courthouse there?
The better question to ask is this: Why would any American Patriot support fascism in America? Many of our parents or grandparents fought against the fascist regimes in WW 2.
You are the people supporting fascism by supporting this illegitimate administration. Period.
You're a damn liar, and possibly insane. Trumpism is fascism. Democrats support democracy in America.

If the GOP really wanted to assure fair elections they could have worked with the Democrats decades ago with a bill by congress that requires every state in the union to pass a bill on voter registration.

The same requirements in the tiniest county in our country and the largest counties in our country will by law have the same identification (maybe a thumb print and SS#); by law require every county to remove every voter who has died; did not vote in the general election, or changed their name and did not report the change to the registrar of voters.

The beginning of fascism crept into the Republican Party line under the politics of Gingrich and DeLay. It was around then that the new wing of the GOP changed the description of our country as a democratic republic to a constitutional republic, striking democracy; and a bit later to toss under the bus anyone who does not support the R Leadership as a RINO. Then came trump and trumpism which is a form of fascism.
"Trumpism" is populism, not fascism. Hell, a lot of Trump's policies aren't that different from FDR in terms of trade policies and putting American industry first.

Democrats used to be the party of populism, but now, globalism has fully taken them over.
I suggest you detail your opinion as to the nature of populism, and consider the numbers of forms of fascism:

"In its most democratic form, populism seeks to defend the interests and maximize the power of ordinary citizens, through reform rather than revolution...Many of the party’s demands were later adopted as laws or constitutional amendments (e.g., a progressive tax system). The populist demand for direct democracy through popular initiatives and referenda also become a reality in a number of U.S. states."

"In its contemporary understanding, however, populism is most often associated with an authoritarian form of politics. Populist politics, following this definition, revolves around a charismatic leader who appeals to and claims to embody the will of the people in order to consolidate his own power"

"Although fascism is a notoriously difficult ideology to define, many 20th-century fascist movements shared several characteristics. First, these movements sourced their political strength from populations experiencing economic woes, real or imagined. Fascists tended to capitalize on these economic anxieties by shifting the blame away from government or market forces. Jews, immigrants, leftists, and other groups became useful scapegoats. Redirecting popular anger toward these people would, in theory, rid a country of its ailments."

"To unify a country, fascist movements propagated extreme nationalism that often went hand in hand with militarism and racial purity."

"Fascist movements of the 20th century also frequently lambasted liberalism for its alleged role in sowing political disunity and moral degeneracy. Although many fascist movements initially organized themselves around democratic institutions for political legitimacy, they resorted to totalitarianism in practice."

Now, I don't expect you to read the entire posts in the links, or even the bold Italics above. But these are facts, and not opinions you've echoed from other right wing sources on the Internet.
As much as the left frets over nationalism, globalism consolidates power far more than nationalism, because it enables a global elite to control the world, rather than a national elite that only controls one country.

In short, if authoritarianism/fascism is your enemy, then you should fear globalism far more than nationalism or populism. Also, I rarely hear the left criticize nationalism or populism in non-white majority countries. For some reason, it's only considered bad in majority white countries.

Also, if you dislike centralized authority, then you should definitely oppose the various attempts by Democrats to federalize policy -- like with guns and voting.
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
So, would you agree then that any officials in the DOJ and FBI that sympathize with Antifa should be removed from handling cases involving Antifa attempting to burn down the federal courthouse there?
The better question to ask is this: Why would any American Patriot support fascism in America? Many of our parents or grandparents fought against the fascist regimes in WW 2.
You are the people supporting fascism by supporting this illegitimate administration. Period.
You're a damn liar, and possibly insane. Trumpism is fascism. Democrats support democracy in America.

If the GOP really wanted to assure fair elections they could have worked with the Democrats decades ago with a bill by congress that requires every state in the union to pass a bill on voter registration.

The same requirements in the tiniest county in our country and the largest counties in our country will by law have the same identification (maybe a thumb print and SS#); by law require every county to remove every voter who has died; did not vote in the general election, or changed their name and did not report the change to the registrar of voters.

The beginning of fascism crept into the Republican Party line under the politics of Gingrich and DeLay. It was around then that the new wing of the GOP changed the description of our country as a democratic republic to a constitutional republic, striking democracy; and a bit later to toss under the bus anyone who does not support the R Leadership as a RINO. Then came trump and trumpism which is a form of fascism.
"Trumpism" is populism, not fascism. Hell, a lot of Trump's policies aren't that different from FDR in terms of trade policies and putting American industry first.

Democrats used to be the party of populism, but now, globalism has fully taken them over.
I suggest you detail your opinion as to the nature of populism, and consider the numbers of forms of fascism:

"In its most democratic form, populism seeks to defend the interests and maximize the power of ordinary citizens, through reform rather than revolution...Many of the party’s demands were later adopted as laws or constitutional amendments (e.g., a progressive tax system). The populist demand for direct democracy through popular initiatives and referenda also become a reality in a number of U.S. states."

"In its contemporary understanding, however, populism is most often associated with an authoritarian form of politics. Populist politics, following this definition, revolves around a charismatic leader who appeals to and claims to embody the will of the people in order to consolidate his own power"

"Although fascism is a notoriously difficult ideology to define, many 20th-century fascist movements shared several characteristics. First, these movements sourced their political strength from populations experiencing economic woes, real or imagined. Fascists tended to capitalize on these economic anxieties by shifting the blame away from government or market forces. Jews, immigrants, leftists, and other groups became useful scapegoats. Redirecting popular anger toward these people would, in theory, rid a country of its ailments."

"To unify a country, fascist movements propagated extreme nationalism that often went hand in hand with militarism and racial purity."

"Fascist movements of the 20th century also frequently lambasted liberalism for its alleged role in sowing political disunity and moral degeneracy. Although many fascist movements initially organized themselves around democratic institutions for political legitimacy, they resorted to totalitarianism in practice."

Now, I don't expect you to read the entire posts in the links, or even the bold Italics above. But these are facts, and not opinions you've echoed from other right wing sources on the Internet.
As much as the left frets over nationalism, globalism consolidates power far more than nationalism, because it enables a global elite to control the world, rather than a national elite that only controls one country.

In short, if authoritarianism/fascism is your enemy, then you should fear globalism far more than nationalism or populism. Also, I rarely hear the left criticize nationalism or populism in non-white majority countries. For some reason, it's only considered bad in majority white countries.

Also, if you dislike centralized authority, then you should definitely oppose the various attempts by Democrats to federalize policy -- like with guns and voting.

You really need to get an education, you use words you don't understand and echo what you've seen on the internet and / or by listening to Hannity/Carlson/et al who support your narrative.
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
So, would you agree then that any officials in the DOJ and FBI that sympathize with Antifa should be removed from handling cases involving Antifa attempting to burn down the federal courthouse there?
The better question to ask is this: Why would any American Patriot support fascism in America? Many of our parents or grandparents fought against the fascist regimes in WW 2.
You are the people supporting fascism by supporting this illegitimate administration. Period.
You're a damn liar, and possibly insane. Trumpism is fascism. Democrats support democracy in America.

If the GOP really wanted to assure fair elections they could have worked with the Democrats decades ago with a bill by congress that requires every state in the union to pass a bill on voter registration.

The same requirements in the tiniest county in our country and the largest counties in our country will by law have the same identification (maybe a thumb print and SS#); by law require every county to remove every voter who has died; did not vote in the general election, or changed their name and did not report the change to the registrar of voters.

The beginning of fascism crept into the Republican Party line under the politics of Gingrich and DeLay. It was around then that the new wing of the GOP changed the description of our country as a democratic republic to a constitutional republic, striking democracy; and a bit later to toss under the bus anyone who does not support the R Leadership as a RINO. Then came trump and trumpism which is a form of fascism.
"Trumpism" is populism, not fascism. Hell, a lot of Trump's policies aren't that different from FDR in terms of trade policies and putting American industry first.

Democrats used to be the party of populism, but now, globalism has fully taken them over.
I suggest you detail your opinion as to the nature of populism, and consider the numbers of forms of fascism:

"In its most democratic form, populism seeks to defend the interests and maximize the power of ordinary citizens, through reform rather than revolution...Many of the party’s demands were later adopted as laws or constitutional amendments (e.g., a progressive tax system). The populist demand for direct democracy through popular initiatives and referenda also become a reality in a number of U.S. states."

"In its contemporary understanding, however, populism is most often associated with an authoritarian form of politics. Populist politics, following this definition, revolves around a charismatic leader who appeals to and claims to embody the will of the people in order to consolidate his own power"

"Although fascism is a notoriously difficult ideology to define, many 20th-century fascist movements shared several characteristics. First, these movements sourced their political strength from populations experiencing economic woes, real or imagined. Fascists tended to capitalize on these economic anxieties by shifting the blame away from government or market forces. Jews, immigrants, leftists, and other groups became useful scapegoats. Redirecting popular anger toward these people would, in theory, rid a country of its ailments."

"To unify a country, fascist movements propagated extreme nationalism that often went hand in hand with militarism and racial purity."

"Fascist movements of the 20th century also frequently lambasted liberalism for its alleged role in sowing political disunity and moral degeneracy. Although many fascist movements initially organized themselves around democratic institutions for political legitimacy, they resorted to totalitarianism in practice."

Now, I don't expect you to read the entire posts in the links, or even the bold Italics above. But these are facts, and not opinions you've echoed from other right wing sources on the Internet.
As much as the left frets over nationalism, globalism consolidates power far more than nationalism, because it enables a global elite to control the world, rather than a national elite that only controls one country.

In short, if authoritarianism/fascism is your enemy, then you should fear globalism far more than nationalism or populism. Also, I rarely hear the left criticize nationalism or populism in non-white majority countries. For some reason, it's only considered bad in majority white countries.

Also, if you dislike centralized authority, then you should definitely oppose the various attempts by Democrats to federalize policy -- like with guns and voting.

You really need to get an education, you use words you don't understand and echo what you've seen on the internet and / or by listening to Hannity/Carlson/et al who support your narrative.
If condescension is all you have rather than a counterargument, then I have nothing else to say to you.
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
The same can be said for people stopping the audits and the refusal to investigate the massive fraud that took place in the swing states. You have a non-story here that only exposes your hypocrisy.Thread closed.

Another conspiracy story? There is NO PROOF that any "massive fraud" in swing states occurred. Stop with the BIG LIES, stating them puts any credibility your might have is in jeopardy.
There are no credibility points here - it is a free-for-all. All credibility standards are personal.
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
The same can be said for people stopping the audits and the refusal to investigate the massive fraud that took place in the swing states. You have a non-story here that only exposes your hypocrisy.Thread closed.

Another conspiracy story? There is NO PROOF that any "massive fraud" in swing states occurred. Stop with the BIG LIES, stating them puts any credibility your might have is in jeopardy.
There are no credibility points here - it is a free-for-all. All credibility standards are personal.
Not when you are in a cult, he is.
that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup.
The only attempted coup began when trump was elected president and the Deep State objected
Is using a conspiracy story, aka A Deep State, a violation of the Clean Debate Thread?
Probably not, but it should be.
You mean it should be censored. You don't have to thank me.
It is
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
What “coup attempt”?

A coup is an armed overthrow of the government, usually by the military.

Nothing like that has happened.
Not necessarily armed, just sudden and violent. Militaries are well placed for this kind of action but coup attempts certainly don't require the military.

So yes, it was indeed a coup attempt.
It's kind of a stretch to call it a coup attempt. Usually a lot of people die in a coup attempt. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Not a stretch. That's what it was. We are simply lucky they were inept.
I think your view has been distorted by partisan insanity if you think that giant group of people went there to overthrow the government in some kind of organized coup attempt. Considering the death count that view is absurd.

Some of them had never voted.

Falsehoods about the election helped bring insurrectionists to the Capitol on Jan. 6, and now some who are facing criminal charges for their actions during the riot hope their gullibility might save them or at least engender some sympathy.
What lie?
Well, it's up to the electorate. It's up to the Democrats to get out the vote.
It is and it isn't. They clearly violated their oaths and should be removed. The political will doesn't seem to be there though.
Something really has to be done about the GOP propaganda machine which is behind all this. I believe Trump is ignorant and stupid enough to believe all this crap now. Thanks Ronald Reagan!
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
So, would you agree then that any officials in the DOJ and FBI that sympathize with Antifa should be removed from handling cases involving Antifa attempting to burn down the federal courthouse there?
Don't you think they already have been?
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
The same can be said for people stopping the audits and the refusal to investigate the massive fraud that took place in the swing states. You have a non-story here that only exposes your hypocrisy.Thread closed.

Another conspiracy story? There is NO PROOF that any "massive fraud" in swing states occurred. Stop with the BIG LIES, stating them puts any credibility your might have is in jeopardy.
There was enough proof for seven state legislatures to pick alternative electors. Although symbolic that is also ample proof they thought there was fraud. Next.
That's not proof, that's fanaticism.
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
So, would you agree then that any officials in the DOJ and FBI that sympathize with Antifa should be removed from handling cases involving Antifa attempting to burn down the federal courthouse there?
The better question to ask is this: Why would any American Patriot support fascism in America? Many of our parents or grandparents fought against the fascist regimes in WW 2.
You are the people supporting fascism by supporting this illegitimate administration. Period.
You're a damn liar, and possibly insane. Trumpism is fascism. Democrats support democracy in America.

If the GOP really wanted to assure fair elections they could have worked with the Democrats decades ago with a bill by congress that requires every state in the union to pass a bill on voter registration.

The same requirements in the tiniest county in our country and the largest counties in our country will by law have the same identification (maybe a thumb print and SS#); by law require every county to remove every voter who has died; did not vote in the general election, or changed their name and did not report the change to the registrar of voters.

The beginning of fascism crept into the Republican Party line under the politics of Gingrich and DeLay. It was around then that the new wing of the GOP changed the description of our country as a democratic republic to a constitutional republic, striking democracy; and a bit later to toss under the bus anyone who does not support the R Leadership as a RINO. Then came trump and trumpism which is a form of fascism.
"Trumpism" is populism, not fascism. Hell, a lot of Trump's policies aren't that different from FDR in terms of trade policies and putting American industry first.

Democrats used to be the party of populism, but now, globalism has fully taken them over.
key difference between populism and fascism is the use of violence to impose authority. Which is exactly what Donald Trump and his comrades did on January the 6th.
Trump lost.

So Trump wanted to burn or blow the house down....

He convinced his minions, to enact his revenge... If democracy, voted him out, then he was going to destroy that democracy.

You ALL are just his helpers, so he doesn't have to get his precious little fingers, dirty.

YOU are being used and abused, but are so far in to supporting him as your savior from all the perceived liberal evil and deep state conspiracy, that you have to keep supporting him and his Big Lie, to save face....

It's a sad situation, but one that Trump, counts on..... :(
If the Trump supporters had really wanted to take over the Capitol Building they would have came armed to the teeth and accomplished that mission.

The “insurrection“ was simply a rowdy mob that got out of control. Mobs often do that. At least the Trump mob didn’t burn the Capitol building like The BLM and Antifa mobs did to many blocks in our cities.

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Anyone who has watched and listened to trump understood that he incited the worst insurrection against our form of government since the Civil War.
I would call the BLM and Antifa rioters more of an insurrection then the mob in the Capitol.

If the January 6th fiasco was as serious as you suggest it would only seem logical that everybody involved would be facing long prison sentences.

Time will tell if any of those end up in USP ADX Florence. Even the most vile and dangerous of the insurrectionists will have their rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.

Unlike those supporters of Donald Trump who rant together, "Lock her up" ignore her rights; those who sought to kill Speaker Pelosi and hand VP Pence will have their day in court.
Hillary negligently handled classified information some of which was extremely high classified. She didn’t even lose her clearance until later. She treated the rules on classified information as just chickenshit by putting that info on an unauthorized and improperly secured server. I wonder if her negligence cost lives.
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
Hey they just let the 1st insurrectionist go free with no charges.........................lolol

What a fucking dumb ass still screaming this fake horse shit
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
So, would you agree then that any officials in the DOJ and FBI that sympathize with Antifa should be removed from handling cases involving Antifa attempting to burn down the federal courthouse there?
The better question to ask is this: Why would any American Patriot support fascism in America? Many of our parents or grandparents fought against the fascist regimes in WW 2.
You are the people supporting fascism by supporting this illegitimate administration. Period.
You're a damn liar, and possibly insane. Trumpism is fascism. Democrats support democracy in America.

If the GOP really wanted to assure fair elections they could have worked with the Democrats decades ago with a bill by congress that requires every state in the union to pass a bill on voter registration.

The same requirements in the tiniest county in our country and the largest counties in our country will by law have the same identification (maybe a thumb print and SS#); by law require every county to remove every voter who has died; did not vote in the general election, or changed their name and did not report the change to the registrar of voters.

The beginning of fascism crept into the Republican Party line under the politics of Gingrich and DeLay. It was around then that the new wing of the GOP changed the description of our country as a democratic republic to a constitutional republic, striking democracy; and a bit later to toss under the bus anyone who does not support the R Leadership as a RINO. Then came trump and trumpism which is a form of fascism.
"Trumpism" is populism, not fascism. Hell, a lot of Trump's policies aren't that different from FDR in terms of trade policies and putting American industry first.

Democrats used to be the party of populism, but now, globalism has fully taken them over.
I suggest you detail your opinion as to the nature of populism, and consider the numbers of forms of fascism:

"In its most democratic form, populism seeks to defend the interests and maximize the power of ordinary citizens, through reform rather than revolution...Many of the party’s demands were later adopted as laws or constitutional amendments (e.g., a progressive tax system). The populist demand for direct democracy through popular initiatives and referenda also become a reality in a number of U.S. states."

"In its contemporary understanding, however, populism is most often associated with an authoritarian form of politics. Populist politics, following this definition, revolves around a charismatic leader who appeals to and claims to embody the will of the people in order to consolidate his own power"

"Although fascism is a notoriously difficult ideology to define, many 20th-century fascist movements shared several characteristics. First, these movements sourced their political strength from populations experiencing economic woes, real or imagined. Fascists tended to capitalize on these economic anxieties by shifting the blame away from government or market forces. Jews, immigrants, leftists, and other groups became useful scapegoats. Redirecting popular anger toward these people would, in theory, rid a country of its ailments."

"To unify a country, fascist movements propagated extreme nationalism that often went hand in hand with militarism and racial purity."

"Fascist movements of the 20th century also frequently lambasted liberalism for its alleged role in sowing political disunity and moral degeneracy. Although many fascist movements initially organized themselves around democratic institutions for political legitimacy, they resorted to totalitarianism in practice."

Now, I don't expect you to read the entire posts in the links, or even the bold Italics above. But these are facts, and not opinions you've echoed from other right wing sources on the Internet.
As much as the left frets over nationalism, globalism consolidates power far more than nationalism, because it enables a global elite to control the world, rather than a national elite that only controls one country.

In short, if authoritarianism/fascism is your enemy, then you should fear globalism far more than nationalism or populism. Also, I rarely hear the left criticize nationalism or populism in non-white majority countries. For some reason, it's only considered bad in majority white countries.

Also, if you dislike centralized authority, then you should definitely oppose the various attempts by Democrats to federalize policy -- like with guns and voting.

You really need to get an education, you use words you don't understand and echo what you've seen on the internet and / or by listening to Hannity/Carlson/et al who support your narrative.
If condescension is all you have rather than a counterargument, then I have nothing else to say to you.
I posted a rebuttal, so don't lie and don't pretend you read my post above.

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