CDZ There's something seriously wrong with a system...

if democrats control all information and media, how the heck did 65% of republicans come to believe the BIG Lie of Donald Trump's that he won the 2020 election???
Simple. The truth finds a way even in the face of disinformation spewed by the Democrats.
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.

The whole system is mental.

Two parties is more or less a tinpot dictatorship.

Even in Hong Kong they could choose between THREE Beijing picked people, that's better than two hand picked people.
It is
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
What “coup attempt”?

A coup is an armed overthrow of the government, usually by the military.

Nothing like that has happened.
Not necessarily armed, just sudden and violent. Militaries are well placed for this kind of action but coup attempts certainly don't require the military.

So yes, it was indeed a coup attempt.
It's kind of a stretch to call it a coup attempt. Usually a lot of people die in a coup attempt. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Not a stretch. That's what it was. We are simply lucky they were inept.
I think your view has been distorted by partisan insanity if you think that giant group of people went there to overthrow the government in some kind of organized coup attempt. Considering the death count that view is absurd.
I think that you've been watching too much faux niwz.
Is this really your counter to my observation? Yikes.
Isn't it exactly what you said only more brief?
No, because I actually explained why your view is ridiculous.
It is
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
What “coup attempt”?

A coup is an armed overthrow of the government, usually by the military.

Nothing like that has happened.
Not necessarily armed, just sudden and violent. Militaries are well placed for this kind of action but coup attempts certainly don't require the military.

So yes, it was indeed a coup attempt.
It's kind of a stretch to call it a coup attempt. Usually a lot of people die in a coup attempt. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Not a stretch. That's what it was. We are simply lucky they were inept.
I think your view has been distorted by partisan insanity if you think that giant group of people went there to overthrow the government in some kind of organized coup attempt. Considering the death count that view is absurd.
It's easy to picture a coup as being a violent, gun-toting mob storming a Presidential palace, but that's not the only type of coup. "Coup d'etat" only means to remove the head of state; it doesn't need to be violent. Napoleon seized power through a coup by convincing legislators to abandon the Revolutionary Council and appoint him to the top spot instead, using only a small amount of troops just to show muscle; not a shot was fired. Qaddafi used only about 70 of his goons to take over the palace while the Libyan King was out of town; he then declared the monarchy corrupt, and stayed in control for more than 40 years. Heck, forging the VP's signature on a 25th Amendment document removing the President from power would be a coup.

Biden was legitimately elected; attempts by Trump and his allies to prove shenanigans were shot down 60 times in court, including by GOP and Trump nominees. Regardless of reasoning, motives, or other goals, the Capitol mob was definitely trying to prevent the incoming President from assuming his office. Sounds like a coup attempt to me.
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.

The first to go should be Mitch McConnell.
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
There is something seriously wrong with a party that supports riots that include looting and burning blocks of cities and also throwing bricks and firing commercial grade fireworks at cops. Some of these rioters set a police precinct ablaze with cops inside.

Prove that the Democratic Party "supports riots that include looting and burning blocks of cities and also throwing bricks and firing commercial grade fire works at cops".
Trump lost.

So Trump wanted to burn or blow the house down....

He convinced his minions, to enact his revenge... If democracy, voted him out, then he was going to destroy that democracy.

You ALL are just his helpers, so he doesn't have to get his precious little fingers, dirty.

YOU are being used and abused, but are so far in to supporting him as your savior from all the perceived liberal evil and deep state conspiracy, that you have to keep supporting him and his Big Lie, to save face....

It's a sad situation, but one that Trump, counts on..... :(
If the Trump supporters had really wanted to take over the Capitol Building they would have came armed to the teeth and accomplished that mission.

The “insurrection“ was simply a rowdy mob that got out of control. Mobs often do that. At least the Trump mob didn’t burn the Capitol building like The BLM and Antifa mobs did to many blocks in our cities.

View attachment 495007

Anyone who has watched and listened to trump understood that he incited the worst insurrection against our form of government since the Civil War.
Well, it's up to the electorate. It's up to the Democrats to get out the vote.
It is and it isn't. They clearly violated their oaths and should be removed. The political will doesn't seem to be there though.
And that lack of political will exists among the voters who elected those Republicans to the Senate.
So what do you want to do about it???
Or more precisely, among voters whose political will is to ignore the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy, to lie about it, and pretend it never happened.

Republican voters and Republican elected officials know that the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy is a political liability for the GOP – the last thing they want is an investigation into Trump and the right’s culpability in that terrorist attack.
You do not know what the bipartisan commission would reveal. It does not necessarily have to go your way.

How are you going to prove that it was anything more than some overzealous protesters who for several months witnessed riots and looting on the part of their political rivals???
Conservatives will of course argue that the Framers’ intent in creating a constitutional republic was to protect a political minority from the tyranny of the majority – but it was not the Framers’ intent to create our political system to conceal the truth, advance lies and disinformation, and pander to the partisan whims of one individual, as Republicans seek to do.
Where is the word "truth" in the Constitution?
That conservatives are embarrassed by, and fearful of, an investigation into the causes of the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy is not ‘justification’ to block that investigation.
That's the rules of the game theory that is in play that is set up by the almighty United States Constitution - what are you going to do about it?

Read the Short Story, "Man Without a County". A story of fiction, but one which is an allegory on Patriotism.
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
The same can be said for people stopping the audits and the refusal to investigate the massive fraud that took place in the swing states. You have a non-story here that only exposes your hypocrisy.Thread closed.

Another conspiracy story? There is NO PROOF that any "massive fraud" in swing states occurred. Stop with the BIG LIES, stating them puts any credibility your might have is in jeopardy.
Trump lost.

So Trump wanted to burn or blow the house down....

He convinced his minions, to enact his revenge... If democracy, voted him out, then he was going to destroy that democracy.

You ALL are just his helpers, so he doesn't have to get his precious little fingers, dirty.

YOU are being used and abused, but are so far in to supporting him as your savior from all the perceived liberal evil and deep state conspiracy, that you have to keep supporting him and his Big Lie, to save face....

It's a sad situation, but one that Trump, counts on..... :(
If the Trump supporters had really wanted to take over the Capitol Building they would have came armed to the teeth and accomplished that mission.

The “insurrection“ was simply a rowdy mob that got out of control. Mobs often do that. At least the Trump mob didn’t burn the Capitol building like The BLM and Antifa mobs did to many blocks in our cities.

View attachment 495007

Anyone who has watched and listened to trump understood that he incited the worst insurrection against our form of government since the Civil War.
I would call the BLM and Antifa rioters more of an insurrection then the mob in the Capitol.

If the January 6th fiasco was as serious as you suggest it would only seem logical that everybody involved would be facing long prison sentences.

...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
There is something seriously wrong with a party that supports riots that include looting and burning blocks of cities and also throwing bricks and firing commercial grade fireworks at cops. Some of these rioters set a police precinct ablaze with cops inside.

Prove that the Democratic Party "supports riots that include looting and burning blocks of cities and also throwing bricks and firing commercial grade fire works at cops".
Maxine Waters wanted more confrontation in the riots and Nancy Pelosi backed her. Biden staffers contributed to a fund to bail out rioters.

...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
So, would you agree then that any officials in the DOJ and FBI that sympathize with Antifa should be removed from handling cases involving Antifa attempting to burn down the federal courthouse there?
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
The same can be said for people stopping the audits and the refusal to investigate the massive fraud that took place in the swing states. You have a non-story here that only exposes your hypocrisy.Thread closed.

Another conspiracy story? There is NO PROOF that any "massive fraud" in swing states occurred. Stop with the BIG LIES, stating them puts any credibility your might have is in jeopardy.
There was enough proof for seven state legislatures to pick alternative electors. Although symbolic that is also ample proof they thought there was fraud. Next.
That conservatives are embarrassed by, and fearful of, an investigation into the causes of the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy is not ‘justification’ to block that investigation.

Partially true. Unlike Democrats, who are proud of the riots going on across our country, including the occupation of entire areas of cities for months at a time, Republicans are embarrassed by what happened in Washington.

Another use of the BIG LIE ^^^! Your analysis is built on your biases and ignorance
(b+I) = bullshit
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
So, would you agree then that any officials in the DOJ and FBI that sympathize with Antifa should be removed from handling cases involving Antifa attempting to burn down the federal courthouse there?
The better question to ask is this: Why would any American Patriot support fascism in America? Many of our parents or grandparents fought against the fascist regimes in WW 2.
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
So, would you agree then that any officials in the DOJ and FBI that sympathize with Antifa should be removed from handling cases involving Antifa attempting to burn down the federal courthouse there?
The better question to ask is this: Why would any American Patriot support fascism in America? Many of our parents or grandparents fought against the fascist regimes in WW 2.
You are the people supporting fascism by supporting this illegitimate administration. Period.
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
So, would you agree then that any officials in the DOJ and FBI that sympathize with Antifa should be removed from handling cases involving Antifa attempting to burn down the federal courthouse there?
The better question to ask is this: Why would any American Patriot support fascism in America? Many of our parents or grandparents fought against the fascist regimes in WW 2.
I find that most progressive agendas resemble fascism, so I agree that this question is apropos.
...that lets the party responsible for an attempted coup block investigation into the attempted coup. They need to be removed. Every single one that supported this and continues to should be removed for cause, they've violated their oaths to the constitution.

Section 3 of the 14th amendment to the US Constitution states that no elected official "shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution]"

We need to apply that vigorously and get rid of these anti American types who want to do away with democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.

They know it, too. That's why they blocked the commission.
Well, it's up to the electorate. It's up to the Democrats to get out the vote.

This is a pretty ugly time in our history, and there's no guarantee we'll get out of it intact.

Are the Democrats providing a strong enough alternative to end this madness? We'll see soon enough.
I don't think anything will improve so long as the cult of trump is going strong.
It's polluting pretty much everything.
Like the rest of the world, I've lost a good bit of respect for this country. I'm hoping it is just an aberration.
The rest of the world does not understand our politics, just like you do not understand any other country's politics.

When was the last time you noticed other countries having some noticeable respect for the United States - when they were massively immigrating to America???

When? What made you think other countries really really respected America?
You have a point since I don't even understand THIS countries politics.

In the past the US was respected for political freedom and stability and envied for it's economy. I'd guess there is still envy but respect? Not so much. I think we're now viewed much like China, a very strong economy but a very fragile political system.

We've elected to many stupid people, misfits and perverts.
You did not elect Biden, but he is a pervert.
BIG LIE ^^^; Idiot-gram; variety posted by a biddable fool who actually believes BIG LIES and echoes them.

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