These people are crazy. Rentals SKY HIGH.

No students at my place. Pets allowed with a hefty deposit and I had to meet the pet first.
I hefted a 357 when I managed in Oxnard. In SLO, no need. I just didn't want to deal with college students UNLESS they were the studious kind. Told them to party somewhere else when I did let them in.And no co signers. Banged on the door one time at #17 unit due to loud music. They hollered COME IN, so I did. Mad scramble to hide the bong and turn down the tunes. I just said "keep it low volume, and do not DARE spill bong water all over my carpet!".

Wish I had taken a pic of them scrambling. It was hilarious.
I swear when I retire I am fucked , lol..

I am going to have to move to Alaska and live in a igloo

Why would you rent a property within walking distance of a major university?
Huh? Where else will they live? Under an overpass? Most of the students are not from SLO.

I live in a major college town. We have FSU, FAMU, TCC, and a large vocational school. Yes, there are properties that rent by the room. I've never seen any with FOUR to a bedroom. Move a few miles away and you have reasonable rents and quiet communities.

This is "home", which I will probably never see again. Been on the wait list 5 years now. Maybe by the time I hit 75, if still alive, I will get the call I have been waiting for, but I won't be holding my breath.

WTF is wrong with these landlords? Then again, most of the homes being rented are owned by people in Los Angeles. But mommy and daddy will have to foot the bil cuz jobs are pretty scarce now. Idiocy.

Why shouldn't they charge what people are willing to pay?
What they do is, they have a 3 bedroom house...stuff 4 bunk beds in each bedroom, then rent to students who pay to bunk with other students going to Cal Poly. So...12 x 650.00 per month...and voila. BUT..most of the room rentals are now going for over 1k.:oops:

What is your point?
My point about what? Never mind. I can tell already that this will go nowhere.:aug08_031:

About what? About an owner that tries to get the most possible out of their rental property. I've never seen any with four bunk beds to a bedroom. But, regardless, so what? Just rent someplace not within walking distance of a university.

This is "home", which I will probably never see again. Been on the wait list 5 years now. Maybe by the time I hit 75, if still alive, I will get the call I have been waiting for, but I won't be holding my breath.

WTF is wrong with these landlords? Then again, most of the homes being rented are owned by people in Los Angeles. But mommy and daddy will have to foot the bil cuz jobs are pretty scarce now. Idiocy.

This one looks like a crime scene photograph:


Escape California! Why are you still there? It's a shithole.

This is "home", which I will probably never see again. Been on the wait list 5 years now. Maybe by the time I hit 75, if still alive, I will get the call I have been waiting for, but I won't be holding my breath.

WTF is wrong with these landlords? Then again, most of the homes being rented are owned by people in Los Angeles. But mommy and daddy will have to foot the bil cuz jobs are pretty scarce now. Idiocy.

This one looks like a crime scene photograph:


Escape California! Why are you still there? It's a shithole.

Coat of paint, then carpet cleaner and presto, just like new.

This is "home", which I will probably never see again. Been on the wait list 5 years now. Maybe by the time I hit 75, if still alive, I will get the call I have been waiting for, but I won't be holding my breath.

WTF is wrong with these landlords? Then again, most of the homes being rented are owned by people in Los Angeles. But mommy and daddy will have to foot the bil cuz jobs are pretty scarce now. Idiocy.

This one looks like a crime scene photograph:


Escape California! Why are you still there? It's a shithole.
It is now. It didn't used to be.
THIS is my back yard. THIS is what I want back.

This is "home", which I will probably never see again. Been on the wait list 5 years now. Maybe by the time I hit 75, if still alive, I will get the call I have been waiting for, but I won't be holding my breath.

WTF is wrong with these landlords? Then again, most of the homes being rented are owned by people in Los Angeles. But mommy and daddy will have to foot the bil cuz jobs are pretty scarce now. Idiocy.

Why shouldn't they charge what people are willing to pay?
Because most of the time, they sit empty. Nobody has money any more. There are no jobs. No businesses open. If they rented them at a very VERY reasonable rate, there is no money lost. But sitting empty? That money can never be recouped.

This is "home", which I will probably never see again. Been on the wait list 5 years now. Maybe by the time I hit 75, if still alive, I will get the call I have been waiting for, but I won't be holding my breath.

WTF is wrong with these landlords? Then again, most of the homes being rented are owned by people in Los Angeles. But mommy and daddy will have to foot the bil cuz jobs are pretty scarce now. Idiocy.

Why shouldn't they charge what people are willing to pay?
Because most of the time, they sit empty. Nobody has money any more. There are no jobs. No businesses open. If they rented them at a very VERY reasonable rate, there is no money lost. But sitting empty? That money can never be recouped.

If they couldn't rent them at that price then they wouldn't charge that price. Landlords aren't in the business of having properties sit empty collecting no rent on them and losing money. Trust me, I know. I used to own three rental properties.

This is "home", which I will probably never see again. Been on the wait list 5 years now. Maybe by the time I hit 75, if still alive, I will get the call I have been waiting for, but I won't be holding my breath.

WTF is wrong with these landlords? Then again, most of the homes being rented are owned by people in Los Angeles. But mommy and daddy will have to foot the bil cuz jobs are pretty scarce now. Idiocy.

This one looks like a crime scene photograph:


Escape California! Why are you still there? It's a shithole.
It is now. It didn't used to be.
THIS is my back yard. THIS is what I want back.
View attachment 456363


This is "home", which I will probably never see again. Been on the wait list 5 years now. Maybe by the time I hit 75, if still alive, I will get the call I have been waiting for, but I won't be holding my breath.

WTF is wrong with these landlords? Then again, most of the homes being rented are owned by people in Los Angeles. But mommy and daddy will have to foot the bil cuz jobs are pretty scarce now. Idiocy.

This one looks like a crime scene photograph:


Escape California! Why are you still there? It's a shithole.
It is now. It didn't used to be.
THIS is my back yard. THIS is what I want back.
View attachment 456363

I grew up in California and lived there most of my life. SoCal, Santa Barbara, Bay Area, and Sacramento/Sierra Foothills. It's never going to be like that again. Leave while you can.
I swear when I retire I am fucked , lol..

I am going to have to move to Alaska and live in a igloo

What's the problem with that?

Igloos, if made properly will keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
The one thing you need to watch for is 'igloo burn' a form of sunburn.

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