These Pictures tell you everything you need to know about Gun Violence.

Well, in reality, thus in truth... remove the Leftist and the population centers that they control and the US is the safest place on earth.

And that's truly all there is to this

Unfortunately, Lousiana and Alaska are at the to of the list for gun murders.

I understand the con need to feel good about themselves, but is reality just a bad smell to you people?


Adorable... it's as if they've absolutely NO MEANS to face reality.

Alaska has 59% of it's population that owns guns... which in 2010 realized 2.7 gun murders per 100,000 in population.

Now... compare and contrast that with The District of Columbia, a wholly owned subsidiary of Leftism Inc.

D.C. has 3.6% of its residence that legally own guns and it enjoys a gun murder rate of 16.5 per 100,000 residence.

Now... does anyone need anything else?
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Now let's focus on: "The PROBLEM!".

Population: 703,585
Gun homicides in 2012: 333
Gun homicides per 100,000 people: 47.5


Population: 619,493
Gun homicides in 2012: 183
Gun homicides per 100,000 people: 29.5

N'Orleans: <<
There's your "Louisiana" problem... (Read: DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED FOREVER...)
Population: 360,740
Gun homicides in 2012: 107* (Probably closer to 200, but 107 is all that could be confirmed... outt of the 427 reported gun shots)
Gun homicides per 100,000 people: 27.7


Population: 395,817
Gun homicides in 2012: 108
Gun homicides per 100,000 people: 27.3


Population: 652,050
Gun homicides in 2012: 126* (Memphis police department had cataloged 2,351 cases of people being shot or being shot at in 2012.)
Gun homicides per 100,000 people: 19.38

Cleveland, Ohio
Population: 393,806
Gun homicides in 2012: 73
Gun homicides per 100,000 people: 18.7

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Population: 1.53 million
Gun homicides in 2012: 277
Gun homicides per 100,000 people: 18.5

Kansas City, Missouri
Population: 463,202
Gun homicides in 2012: 89
Gun homicides per 100,000 people: 19.3

Chicago, Illinois
Population: 2.7 million
Gun homicides in 2012: 444
Gun homicides per 100,000 people: 16.4

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Population: 597,687
Gun homicides in 2012: 66
Gun homicides per 100,000 people: 11

Tulsa, Oklahoma (U of O)
Population: 396,466
Gun homicides in 2012: 39
Gun homicides per 100,000 people: 10

Every one of those cities is wholly owned by the Ideological Left... .

Large urban areas have higher percentages of violence, not just gun violence. These areas are also where people protest police tactics to protect the innocent. But liberal's must have racism phantom in order to push cause and churn out votes.
Large urban areas have higher percentages of violence, not just gun violence. These areas are also where people protest police tactics to protect the innocent. But liberal's must have racism phantom in order to push cause and churn out votes.

True... these areas are also wholly owned by the Ideological Left.
Your inane map left out Alaska, the state with the highest rate of gun violence.


You can NOT make this crap UP!

I don't have to.

The state where you re most likely to be killed by a gun is one of the most beautiful places on Earth - Business Insider

Yes yes... Gilligan, Alaska is more dangerous than Detroit, DC, Philly, South Chicago, Watts, Compton, etc...


I hear ya lil' buddy. You're all OVER this ... LOL! And with such a lovely lil' link, too.

Hysterical... (In every sense of the word).

Its certainly more dangerous than Marin County California and Northern Minnesota. Yet your bullshit picture both cited them as 'high gun violence areas' while excluding Alaska entirely. Despite Alaska consistently rating as among the highest per capita in gun deaths.

Which you'd know if you'd ever bothered to fact check your little WordPress picture.

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