They are Labeling the Mass Shooter, White

Yep, about as many as there are black.
We either start uniting as a culture that does it freely or the government will get stronger and stronger and force unity through dictatorial powers. Reality is not one way in relations.
Well that is what happens when the FBI takes the lead and fails to disclose timely info. Folks go in search of it.

Had it been a straight white guy they would be reporting on every aspect of his life by now....You know it as well as I do.
That doesn’t excuse posting false info.
No black folks are shooting up black folks.
oh yeah. That's for sure. I don't think they are black supremist shooting up black folks though....well I take that back, black supremsist did shoot Malcolm X, but that was because he wised up and left the group and they saw him as a threat
That doesn’t excuse posting false info.
Hell, the cops do it all the time so I'll give Joe Citizen a mulligan.

I remember back when The Beltway Snipers were loose and the cops put out they were looking for a white van and hundreds of white vans were pulled over in my general AO and their occupants terrorized by guns drawn cops.

The snipers never even had a white van, they had a blue 1990 Caprice sedan.
When did you start trying to unite?
Long before I saw social media and internet forums. Unfortunately, views are cut and dried as one side or another and is a landmine. Somehow innocent lams are promoted as the victims to wolves as the aggressors in racial relations. No different levels in between exist with that.
oh yeah. That's for sure. I don't think they are black supremist shooting up black folks though....well I take that back, black supremsist did shoot Malcolm X, but that was because he wised up and left the group and they saw him as a threat
What black supremacist shot up a mall killing white folks?

You mean the black men who were just exonerated for killing brutha Malcolm. There is no way and I mean no way that a boot licker like you would ever be with a black man like Malcolm X or Dr. King.
Long before I saw social media and internet forums. Unfortunately, views are cut and dried as one side or another and is a landmine. Somehow innocent lams are promoted as the victims to wolves as the aggressors in racial relations. No different levels in between exist with that.
Lmao, spare me you have never talked about unity when it comes to black folks, unless it was a Tim who was willing to kiss your ass to be accepted.
What black supremacist shot up a mall killing white folks?

You mean the black men who were just exonerated for killing brutha Malcolm. There is no way and I mean no way that a boot licker like you would ever be with a black man like Malcolm X or Dr. King.
1) the Nation of Islam...lead by folks like Obama and the demafascist friend, Louis Farrakhen, who famously proclaimed before his assassination." "hypocrites like Malcolm should have their heads cut off"
2) haha sure sure....I am sure they'd be proud of your devoted loyalty to "Racial Jungle" Joey Xiden
I don't think that's the perp.

This is the mall shooter.


Wait...another false pic in the OP? Like they did with the neighbor shooter at first?
Same dent in the forehead. Derp!
10 most dangerous cities in the USA:

10. Oakland, California
> Violent crime rate:
1,426 per 100,000
> 2016 murders: 85
> Poverty rate: 20.4%
> Unemployment rate: 5.3%
24% Black
27% Hispanic

9. Little Rock, Arkansas
> Violent crime rate:
1,531 per 100,000
> 2016 murders: 42
> Poverty rate: 17.8%
> Unemployment rate: 3.5%
43% Black

8. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
> Violent crime rate:
1,533 per 100,000
> 2016 murders: 141
> Poverty rate: 28.7%
> Unemployment rate: 5.8%
38% Black
19% Hispanic

7. Cleveland, Ohio
> Violent crime rate:
1,631 per 100,000
> 2016 murders: 135
> Poverty rate: 36.2%
> Unemployment rate: 6.9%
49% Black
13% Hispanic

6. Kansas City, Missouri
> Violent crime rate:
1,655 per 100,000
> 2016 murders: 129
> Poverty rate: 19.0%
> Unemployment rate: 4.9%
26% Black
11% Hispanic

5. Rockford, Illinois
> Violent crime rate:
1,659 per 100,000
> 2016 murders: 26
> Poverty rate: 24.8%
> Unemployment rate: 7.7%
23% Black
20% Hispanic

4. Baltimore, Maryland
> Violent crime rate:
1,780 per 100,000
> 2016 murders: 318
> Poverty rate: 23.7%
> Unemployment rate: 6.3%
62% Black
6% Hispanic

3. Memphis, Tennessee
> Violent crime rate:
1,820 per 100,000
> 2016 murders: 196
> Poverty rate: 27.6%
> Unemployment rate: 6.0%
63% Black
8% Hispanic

2. St. Louis, Missouri
> Violent crime rate:
1,913 per 100,000
> 2016 murders: 188
> Poverty rate: 27.1%
> Unemployment rate: 5.4%
45% Black
4% Hispanic

1. Detroit, Michigan
> Violent crime rate:
2,047 per 100,000
> 2016 murders: 303
> Poverty rate: 40.3%
> Unemployment rate: 10.9%
77% Black
8% Hispanic

Every city above is run by Democrats.
The only reason Memphis is, is because Clinton and Obama seeded 10s of thousands of Somalian Muslims there.

Over 100K in Minnesota, too. Over 50K in Tennessee.

That's the size of a large town or city.
]qiote]1) the Nation of Islam...lead by folks like Obama and the demafascist friend, Louis Farrakhen, who famously proclaimed before his assassination." "hypocrites like Malcolm should have their heads cut off"
You do realize Pres Obama was only 6 or 7yrs old when Brutha Malcolm was murdered. When did Min Farrakhan become a Democrat?

I am waiting for you to post where a black supremacist went into a mall and randomly murdered white folks, since you claimed it has happened.

What about the black men who were exonerated for murdering Brutha Mslcolm.
2) haha sure sure....I am sure they'd be proud of your devoted loyalty to "Racial Jungle" Joey Xiden
I didn't realize I was loyal to Biden like the way you be up Trump's ass. It's amazing how you can't show one post were I defend Biden like you do Trump.
You do realize Pres Obama was only 6 or 7yrs old when Brutha Malcolm was murdered. When did Min Farrakhan become a Democrat?

I am waiting for you to post where a black supremacist went into a mall and randomly murdered white folks, since you claimed it has happened.

What about the black men who were exonerated for murdering Brutha Mslcolm.

I didn't realize I was loyal to Biden like the way you be up Trump's ass. It's amazing how you can't show one post were I defend Biden like you do Trump.
he’s been a dembot supporter since well he’s been relevant.

i’m sure most plantation boys don’t realize their love for their boss til it’s exposed or threatened

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