They are too aggressive!


There are many good cops but that doesn't mean we should let the bad ones stay.

And your sig is hooey because it was taken out of context.

Idiot, who said to let the bad ones stay? Try reading first before making assumptions. I said there is recourse for those affected by corrupt cops, but it has to be proven. We can't just get rid of cops based on accusations.
Ban ghetto culture! It will end both ghetto mentality and police brutality!
The black ghetto people as well as the rednecks need to be civilized! Only then we can rid of the militarized police!
Toxic masculinity needs to be eliminated from the human race!

Jake, you post some of the damndest things and you seldom make much sense.
Masculinity will never make sense to you, Luddster.
Toxic masculinity needs to be eliminated from the human race!

I was about to contribute to this thread by bragging about my local police department and giving specific examples of how a healthy city operates.

Then I saw this thread is meant to be a joke.
If a police force is to be effective the people must have faith in their integrity not live in fear of them. A free society cannot long endure if policing is done with nothing but force and intrusion.
They have to be as the criminals are just as aggressive. Do you want them to allow a looter to loot and burn your house down?

Sorry but policing is no place for pussies and cowards like you.

The problem is that everybody isn't an aggressive criminal. I'm not the only one who has been pulled over by a cop who was clearly trying to antagonize me into a physical confrontation. They knew the job included bad people when they applied for it. If they can't deal with that without being aggressive to everyone, they need another job.
I'm not the only one who has been pulled over by a cop who was clearly trying to antagonize me.

Holy crap Bulldog. Where do you live? I'll take that off my vacation list.

Near Houston. That's where 3 cops got off for shooting a one armed, one legged man in a wheelchair who was armed with a ball point pen. All the cops were all in fear for their lives.
I think American law enforcement is too aggressive! I think they should be more diplomatic! They seem to be trigger happy and aggressive! That attitude gets unarmed people killed. I want this to change! I think cops who are dumb jocks should be replaced with nerds! We need a more civilized society!

Or here's a thought... OBEY THE LAW. That will make a more civilized society. DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD. I have never once seen a Police officer brutalize someone who didn't provoke, taunt, resist, or attack a police officer. NEVER.

You show me that example. Where the person was doing exactly what they were told, where they treated the officer with respect, where they did not resist, and followed the orders they were given... and officers just beat the crap of them? Where's that video?

Doesn't exist. Every single time, they were attacking, fighting, taunting, resisting... and then got their face smashed in.... AND RIGHTLY SO.
I'm not the only one who has been pulled over by a cop who was clearly trying to antagonize me.

Holy crap Bulldog. Where do you live? I'll take that off my vacation list.
Basically anywhere where there are a lot of poor/working-class people. If the police pull you over you are probably not going to get a lot of common courtesy.

Back a few years ago when so many people lost their jobs circumstances demanded that I buy a cheap beater for transportation. I have never been pulled over so much and treated like a scumbag as when I had that ugly but reliable piece of shit.

People who drive a presentable vehicle and obey the traffic laws usually are never hassled for "acting suspicious" so they are usually dubious about tales of cops being intrusive dicks. But if you drive something kind of old and beat up and obey the traffic laws just as studiously I can tell you from experience that you are going to be subject to more stops on suspicion and have to endure a provocative fishing expedition.
Not all American cops are too aggressive. And American cops are far less aggressive than cops in other countries. I'm sure many have heard horror stories of Mexican police. Even if you cooperate, it might not matter as there are so many corrupt ones. German and Italian police are pretty aggressive and it would be a very bad idea not to cooperate with them.

In this country, there is recourse and it's good that people are video crazy and increase the chances of police conduct is caught on camera.

There are no doubt some police in this country who are corrupt and don't follow rules. Most follow the rules and if those rules seem to aggressive, blame those at the top.

Cops have gotten pretty aggressive with property and money seizure after they were given power to confiscate money and property from suspected drug dealers. Of course, now they take money from average citizens and don't need to charge them, let alone prove that they are guilty of any crime.

It's not the cops who came up with this shit. It's government and once they give themselves power, they keep taking more and more.

There will always be corrupt cops no matter what we do, but it's always been hard fighting the system and always will be till things change. For now, people will continue to fear the local, state and federal governments because the corruption goes all the way to the top.

The left especially is blaming all cops for the actions of a few, yet they are the first ones to bash critics of radical Islamists because of the countless Muslim terrorists? Funny how the rules change depending on who is doing the criticizing.

I take objection to your claim of 'take money from average citizens' since there has already been a thread pertaining to this and only had two instances of this occurring.

One was a 'restaurant owner' traveling to a different State with $18K in cash to purchase restaurant equipment. I find this hard to believe since major purchases that one is going to deduct require a receipt as well as a 'cashed' financial instrument to claim as a deduction.

The other was a business owner who had $12K stuffed in his glove box claiming it was a deposit from his business. No bank bag, no deposit slip, and the area where was stopped wasn't between his business and his bank.

Both I find very hard to believe.
The problem is that everybody isn't an aggressive criminal. I'm not the only one who has been pulled over by a cop who was clearly trying to antagonize me into a physical confrontation. They knew the job included bad people when they applied for it. If they can't deal with that without being aggressive to everyone, they need another job.

I've been pulled over twice in my life for speeding.....which I was. Both times the officer's were very cordial and professional.
Basically anywhere where there are a lot of poor/working-class people. If the police pull you over you are probably not going to get a lot of common courtesy.

Back a few years ago when so many people lost their jobs circumstances demanded that I buy a cheap beater for transportation. I have never been pulled over so much and treated like a scumbag as when I had that ugly but reliable piece of shit.

People who drive a presentable vehicle and obey the traffic laws usually are never hassled for "acting suspicious" so they are usually dubious about tales of cops being intrusive dicks. But if you drive something kind of old and beat up and obey the traffic laws just as studiously I can tell you from experience that you are going to be subject to more stops on suspicion and have to endure a provocative fishing expedition.

Funny that you never state why you were pulled over.
You almost gotta laugh. Remember when Bill Clinton's A.G. authorized Federal law enforcement to use freaking tanks and poison gas against American citizens and ended up incinerating 80 men women and children? Remember when a FBI sniper pulled the trigger on a woman holding an 18 month child in her arms and was indicted for manslaughter and Clinton's "justice dept." managed to dismiss the case? Nobody on the left thought that the federal cops were too aggressive back then. Watch out low information lefties. You think you lost big time in the last election? This phony outrage against Police Officers will bite you in the ass worse than that.
You almost gotta laugh. Remember when Bill Clinton's A.G. authorized Federal law enforcement to use freaking tanks and poison gas against American citizens and ended up incinerating 80 men women and children? Remember when a FBI sniper pulled the trigger on a woman holding an 18 month child in her arms and was indicted for manslaughter and Clinton's "justice dept." managed to dismiss the case? Nobody on the left thought that the federal cops were too aggressive back then. Watch out low information lefties. You think you lost big time in the last election? This phony outrage against Police Officers will bite you in the ass worse than that.

Ruby Ridge Nuts?
I'm not the only one who has been pulled over by a cop who was clearly trying to antagonize me.

Holy crap Bulldog. Where do you live? I'll take that off my vacation list.

Near Houston. That's where 3 cops got off for shooting a one armed, one legged man in a wheelchair who was armed with a ball point pen. All the cops were all in fear for their lives.
Ah yes...Houston...home of the throw-down weapon.

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