They Aren't Boarding Up D.C. Because They're Afraid Of Trump Supporters

Yup, sick of it. I'm occidental but if the crap hits the fan after this election, I'm going to start a new career as a rooftop Korean.

I'm a Jew...I'm Asian.

I don't know which one I'd be more afraid of, if I were a lootie. :auiqs.jpg:
Jews make you feel guilty.
Wrong it will be Trumpers rioting. They are already starting to riot. Driving in caravans and blocking traffic. Engaging in voter intimidation. Engaging in criminal conduct in attempting to run A Biden/Harris bus off the road.

Make no mistake. Trumpists are setting the stage for a Trump lose and more particularly Trump lies about him winning an election he has lost. They fully intend on formenting chaos when they lose.

You forgot to mention they other day when Biden was giving a speech. A crowd of Trump supporters larger than Biden's crowd, were outside the park, honking their horns at him and booing.

That's the kind of shit that traditionally, you people have been pulling since the 60's. How does it feel now that the shoe is on the other foot?

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :lmao:

You compare honking horns to hillary supporters attacking people at trump rallys physically hurting people along with antifa
Wrong it will be Trumpers rioting. They are already starting to riot. Driving in caravans and blocking traffic. Engaging in voter intimidation. Engaging in criminal conduct in attempting to run a Biden/Harris bus off the road.

So how is it that caravans blocking traffic is rioting but burning stores and property is a peaceful protest? Double standard much?

Make no mistake. Trumpists are setting the stage for a Trump loss, and more particularly, they are awaiting Trump’s orders when he lies about himself winning the election he has clearly lost. They fully intend on formenting chaos when Trump loses.

Will it be any worse than the chaos and persecutions committed by Democrats after he won?
Wrong it will be Trumpers rioting. They are already starting to riot. Driving in caravans and blocking traffic. Engaging in voter intimidation. Engaging in criminal conduct in attempting to run A Biden/Harris bus off the road.

Make no mistake. Trumpists are setting the stage for a Trump lose and more particularly Trump lies about him winning an election he has lost. They fully intend on formenting chaos when they lose.

You forgot to mention they other day when Biden was giving a speech. A crowd of Trump supporters larger than Biden's crowd, were outside the park, honking their horns at him and booing.

That's the kind of shit that traditionally, you people have been pulling since the 60's. How does it feel now that the shoe is on the other foot?

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :lmao:
o wow honking horns outside a biden rally how terrible and low , perhaps you recall democrats attacking people wearing trump hats following them into resturants refusing to serve them , how democrats attacked trump supporters ta rallys and in the street, or how they have been looting and burning killing and attacking cops stopping cars and pulling people out of them and beating them ,

but o my god a turmp supporter honked his horn how evil of them and they blocked a bus on the highway omg the brutes

almost for sure if biden suffers a loss democrats in democrat citys will act like a bunch of wild retards smoking crack and doing lsd on a mission to destroy.

the riots have already shown us all what they are made of .

What a sad commentary on Democrats and Liberals and the media that props them up. They are the cause and face of these riots. Truth is, Biden and Democrats could take the White House and the Hill and the next 4 years, we will still see livelihoods being destroyed when these terrorist thugs don’t get their way.
Wrong it will be Trumpers rioting. They are already starting to riot. Driving in caravans and blocking traffic. Engaging in voter intimidation. Engaging in criminal conduct in attempting to run a Biden/Harris bus off the road.

Make no mistake. Trumpists are setting the stage for a Trump loss, and more particularly, they are awaiting Trump’s orders when he lies about himself winning the election he has clearly lost. They fully intend on formenting chaos when Trump loses.
I'm amused by your attempts to paint huge Trump caravans as "rioting", John! I know you THINK Trump doesn't have massive amounts of support and that Biden does...but my eyes tell me differently! The level of support for Biden is almost nonexistent. Your side will vote for him because he's not Trump but you'll hold your noses while doing so!
"stores boarding up windows due to elections"

Let me fix the title:

"stores boarding up windows due to Dimocrats"
Post in thread 'CDZ - I have a question for Trump Supporters' by DrLove has been reported by DrLove. Reason given:
Mods, please delete this thread. JohnLaw has a better one already. Thanks!

Content being reported:
Donald has publicly announced that he will proceed directly into court if all ballots all ballots aren't counted on the eve of the election. Of course this has never happened. The votes will be counted per state law. And based on the absentee and mail-in ballots at least doubling this election, it will take longer than usual. Some state laws don't even allow counting ballots until the day after the election. Some allow up to a week after the election as long as ballots are postmarked in time. Military ballots take at least a week to be counted.

So will you support Donald Trump when he declares victory tomorrow night after coming up slightly ahead when at least 30% of the ballots haven't been counted? Do you support disenfranchising our active troops? Are their ANY limits to the fealty you will display in defending his unconstitutional actions? Do you defend current state rights to make laws determining how they run their own elections?

I'm not interested in attacking your views here. Only to get everyone on the record, because he WILL demand a stop on counting if he is slightly ahead late tomorrow or early the next day.

Thanks - And please keep in mind that this is the Clean Debate Zone.
Trump on potential violence and looting erupting following the election resultsVideo
Trump on potential violence and looting erupting following the election results
President Trump tells 'Fox & Friends' that he thinks 'it's very sad when stores are boarded up,' but understands why they do it.

In many Democrat-run cities, already pillaged, burned, suffering assault, murder, being intimidated and victimized, Business owners are boarding up their stores in an attempt to protect their property / livelihood from being looted, burned, and /or completely destroyed in the expected...and promised...violence to come.

These American citizens have watched as Democrats running other cities...and their cities...have done little to nothing to prevent criminals and foreign-funded domestic terrorists bussed in from outside their communities from inflicting hundreds of millions of dollars in damage to local communities. They have watched in shock and anger as their own elected officials facilitated the violence and damage.

Seattle officials provided foreign-funded domestic terrorists who held city blocks hostage with heavy permanent cement barricades to replace their flimsy make-shift barriers, provide them with porta-potties, and even provide them with food during their siege instead of putting an end to it. Similarly, in other communities / cities, Americans trapped in these Democratic Party run cities have watched their stores looted, their property damaged / destroyed, and the lives of their friends and neighbors taken by these ctiminals and terrorists.

These citizens are boarding up their shops and businesses because the Democrats running these cities have proven they can not be counted on to stand with the law-abiding citizens in their community, can not be trusted to protect citizens' livelihood...or lives.

These same BLM and Antifa foreign-funded domestic terrorists have vowed...promised...more extreme violence on and after election day. Candidate and former VP Biden openly declared, 'If you want an end to the violence then you better vote for ME.' Joe was promising that if he is not elected President the extreme leftist criminals and domestic terrorists will unleash hell on these communities and possibly start another civil war.

President Trump condemned these cities' Democrat 'leaders; for 'failed leadership'...and for facilitating all the violence in their cities that has happened...and that promised to come.

Well, if violence is now acceptable, let as all participate, shall we?

That's what's been happening. When the government has enacted violence upon the citizens with impunity the citizens decided violence in return was the answer.
So, you're saying we need equal force as our government?

I agree. We need fucking machine guns. Quit voting for gun grabbers and the problem is solved.
Well, if violence is now acceptable, let as all participate, shall we?

That's what's been happening. When the government has enacted violence upon the citizens with impunity the citizens decided violence in return was the answer.
So, you're saying we need equal force as our government?

I agree. We need fucking machine guns. Quit voting for gun grabbers and the problem is solved.

It's what the founders believed. It's why I support the 2nd. You seem to be the one having a problem with this.

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