They Aren't Boarding Up D.C. Because They're Afraid Of Trump Supporters

Wrong it will be Trumpers rioting. They are already starting to riot. Driving in caravans and blocking traffic. Engaging in voter intimidation. Engaging in criminal conduct in attempting to run a Biden/Harris bus off the road.

Make no mistake. Trumpists are setting the stage for a Trump loss, and more particularly, they are awaiting Trump’s orders when he lies about himself winning the election he has clearly lost. They fully intend on formenting chaos when Trump loses.
^^ This post is....mediocre!
I noticed also that the Walmart here in town was removing what few firearms and what little ammunition they still sell, from the cabinets at night or on the weekend. When I asked the clerk about it, he responded that it was because of the upcoming election.

So attention looter-shooters: Better stock up when you can. :auiqs.jpg:

Walmart actually reversed that decision.
Why I have no idea because it was sound policy.

I noticed also that the Walmart here in town was removing what few firearms and what little ammunition they still sell, from the cabinets at night or on the weekend. When I asked the clerk about it, he responded that it was because of the upcoming election.

So attention looter-shooters: Better stock up when you can. :auiqs.jpg:

Walmart actually reversed that decision.
Why I have no idea because it was sound policy.

Interesting. What I find ironic is that with the current paranoia about coronavirus, the last thing Wallly World has to worry about is some goober open-carrying a pistol in their store.

They made the decision to ban open carry back before COVID, and cleared out their stock of tactical accessories, and any ammo that goes to a handgun or what they consider an "assault weapon."

Of course, COVID took precedence over everything else, so they're not even enforcing their "no open carry" rule anymore. I've carried ope several times in the last month, even walking past the manager of the store with my pistol in plain view. He didn't even give me a second glance.
Yet for some unknown reason you think Trump supporters, should he lose, won't lose their shit in the same fashion?

There's no evidence or history that suggests Conservatives will riot if Trump were to lose.
Dems on the other hand......

No way we would riot and loot. We don't have rich globalists who would bail us out, and we don't have mommie's and daddy's basement to go back to after we got bailed out.

The whole idea is ludicrous and idiotic.
I noticed also that the Walmart here in town was removing what few firearms and what little ammunition they still sell, from the cabinets at night or on the weekend. When I asked the clerk about it, he responded that it was because of the upcoming election.

So attention looter-shooters: Better stock up when you can. :auiqs.jpg:

Walmart actually reversed that decision.
Why I have no idea because it was sound policy.

Interesting. What I find ironic is that with the current paranoia about coronavirus, the last thing Wallly World has to worry about is some goober open-carrying a pistol in their store.

They made the decision to ban open carry back before COVID, and cleared out their stock of tactical accessories, and any ammo that goes to a handgun or what they consider an "assault weapon."

Of course, COVID took precedence over everything else, so they're not even enforcing their "no open carry" rule anymore. I've carried ope several times in the last month, even walking past the manager of the store with my pistol in plain view. He didn't even give me a second glance.

I still question why they reversed their decision.
I havent really looked into the reasoning but it seems to be rather counterintuitive.
I mean whats the reasoning? Why would they want to give access to firearms to potential looters? It makes no sense whatsoever.

almost for sure if biden suffers a loss democrats in democrat citys will act like a bunch of wild retards smoking crack and doing lsd on a mission to destroy.

the riots have already shown us all what they are made of .
Most of the malls in Nassau County are boarded up.
I hear CostCo was a madhouse today.
Wrong it will be Trumpers rioting. They are already starting to riot. Driving in caravans and blocking traffic. Engaging in voter intimidation. Engaging in criminal conduct in attempting to run a Biden/Harris bus off the road.

Make no mistake. Trumpists are setting the stage for a Trump loss, and more particularly, they are awaiting Trump’s orders when he lies about himself winning the election he has clearly lost. They fully intend on formenting chaos when Trump loses.

Massive intimidation causing property damage.
I noticed also that the Walmart here in town was removing what few firearms and what little ammunition they still sell, from the cabinets at night or on the weekend. When I asked the clerk about it, he responded that it was because of the upcoming election.

So attention looter-shooters: Better stock up when you can. :auiqs.jpg:

Walmart actually reversed that decision.
Why I have no idea because it was sound policy.

Interesting. What I find ironic is that with the current paranoia about coronavirus, the last thing Wallly World has to worry about is some goober open-carrying a pistol in their store.

They made the decision to ban open carry back before COVID, and cleared out their stock of tactical accessories, and any ammo that goes to a handgun or what they consider an "assault weapon."

Of course, COVID took precedence over everything else, so they're not even enforcing their "no open carry" rule anymore. I've carried ope several times in the last month, even walking past the manager of the store with my pistol in plain view. He didn't even give me a second glance.

I still question why they reversed their decision.
I havent really looked into the reasoning but it seems to be rather counterintuitive.
I mean whats the reasoning? Why would they want to give access to firearms to potential looters? It makes no sense whatsoever.

Personally, a couple bolt-action deer rifles and pump shotguns like the ones Walmart sells, don't sound like much of a threat. Those ignorant looters probably couldn't even figure out what caliber ammunition goes with the guns, and would just sell them to some Bubba on the street who thought he was getting a good deal.
I noticed also that the Walmart here in town was removing what few firearms and what little ammunition they still sell, from the cabinets at night or on the weekend. When I asked the clerk about it, he responded that it was because of the upcoming election.

So attention looter-shooters: Better stock up when you can. :auiqs.jpg:

Walmart actually reversed that decision.
Why I have no idea because it was sound policy.

Interesting. What I find ironic is that with the current paranoia about coronavirus, the last thing Wallly World has to worry about is some goober open-carrying a pistol in their store.

They made the decision to ban open carry back before COVID, and cleared out their stock of tactical accessories, and any ammo that goes to a handgun or what they consider an "assault weapon."

Of course, COVID took precedence over everything else, so they're not even enforcing their "no open carry" rule anymore. I've carried ope several times in the last month, even walking past the manager of the store with my pistol in plain view. He didn't even give me a second glance.

I still question why they reversed their decision.
I havent really looked into the reasoning but it seems to be rather counterintuitive.
I mean whats the reasoning? Why would they want to give access to firearms to potential looters? It makes no sense whatsoever.

Personally, a couple bolt-action deer rifles and pump shotguns like the ones Walmart sells, don't sound like much of a threat. Those ignorant looters probably couldn't even figure out what caliber ammunition goes with the guns, and would just sell them to some Bubba on the street who thought he was getting a good deal.

Even a stupid Niqqer can get lucky.....
The radical left was caught with it's pants down in 2016 but they managed to smash windows and torch cars on inauguration day and develop a one man assassination attempt to take out republicans about five months later. God only knows what they are up to this inauguration day when they had four years to plan it.
If at all possible, DO NOT be in ANY large American city election day, and the following days afterwards.
The large cities are always ran by fucking Dimocrats, and they'll set on their asses and allow their fellow Dimocrats burn their cities down.
The good news, if there is anything good, is the left has shown us all this year, what they are willing to do when things don't go their way.
When things don't go their way.......................................

Bricks thrown at police, Northwestern University students pepper-sprayed in off-campus clash as protesters again call on university to defund its police

EVANSTON, Ill. — After leaving campus, protesters from Northwestern University who were demonstrating Saturday night clashed with Evanston authorities, and a school spokesman said both students and officers reported dangerous conditions from attacks by the other side.

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