They aren't stopping. The media claims the China flu is now OUT OF CONTROL


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

COVID-19 Cases Are Surging Out of Control in the U.S.: Is it Time for Another Lockdown?
Coronavirus cases spiked above 100,000 for the second day in a row on Thursday with no signs of a reversal. Dr. Gregory Demuri is a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the University of Wisconsin. He joins LX News to explain why severe measures may have to be taken to get the “out of control” virus reined in.


Get ready for our meat plants to be called to be shut down. Mass lockdowns again, and eventually the great vaccine that will be required.

Contact tracing as we all know. All of it.


COVID-19 Cases Are Surging Out of Control in the U.S.: Is it Time for Another Lockdown?
Coronavirus cases spiked above 100,000 for the second day in a row on Thursday with no signs of a reversal. Dr. Gregory Demuri is a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the University of Wisconsin. He joins LX News to explain why severe measures may have to be taken to get the “out of control” virus reined in.


Get ready for our meat plants to be called to be shut down. Mass lockdowns again, and eventually the great vaccine that will be required.

Contact tracing as we all know. All of it.


But I thought it was all going to magically disappear after November 3rd
They need to continue to promote this until after the massive bailout of California and New York, the two states who now run America.

While all of this is going on, never forget, China is stealing your intellectual property and recruiting your federal agents. I've narrowed down a couple of China military stocks to purchase, they are back in action again.
It's only "out of control" now so in March or April the leftists can claim "we have the virus under control". Their voters are morons that beleive anything they're told.


COVID-19 Cases Are Surging Out of Control in the U.S.: Is it Time for Another Lockdown?
Coronavirus cases spiked above 100,000 for the second day in a row on Thursday with no signs of a reversal. Dr. Gregory Demuri is a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the University of Wisconsin. He joins LX News to explain why severe measures may have to be taken to get the “out of control” virus reined in.


Get ready for our meat plants to be called to be shut down. Mass lockdowns again, and eventually the great vaccine that will be required.

Contact tracing as we all know. All of it.


And the media is getting their info from the CDC, idiot.

They need to continue to promote this until after the massive bailout of California and New York, the two states who now run America.

While all of this is going on, never forget, China is stealing your intellectual property and recruiting your federal agents. I've narrowed down a couple of China military stocks to purchase, they are back in action again.
Far worse than bailouts for California or New York. Those states do not care about it. This is about a global reset. The wipeout of states. They will all go bankrupt and the Federal government will take control. Like Washington DC not being a state.

This is the common goal...

I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

Roger Nash Baldwin founder of aclu

Read that carefully. Propertied classes are the middle class. Eventually they will raise property classes to solve "global warming" and to finance the "green new deal" along with reparations, free medical care for all, education, and on and on.

Property taxes won't be able to be paid and the feds will seize your property. Then the mass genocide, mainly by starvation.

The disease and cow farts will be the reason the FEDS controlled by aoc types will close down our food supply.

COVID-19 Cases Are Surging Out of Control in the U.S.: Is it Time for Another Lockdown?
Coronavirus cases spiked above 100,000 for the second day in a row on Thursday with no signs of a reversal. Dr. Gregory Demuri is a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the University of Wisconsin. He joins LX News to explain why severe measures may have to be taken to get the “out of control” virus reined in.


Get ready for our meat plants to be called to be shut down. Mass lockdowns again, and eventually the great vaccine that will be required.

Contact tracing as we all know. All of it.


But I thought it was all going to magically disappear after November 3rd

No, that was "April".
I guess to be fair he didn't say WHAT YEAR April....

COVID-19 Cases Are Surging Out of Control in the U.S.: Is it Time for Another Lockdown?
Coronavirus cases spiked above 100,000 for the second day in a row on Thursday with no signs of a reversal. Dr. Gregory Demuri is a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the University of Wisconsin. He joins LX News to explain why severe measures may have to be taken to get the “out of control” virus reined in.


Get ready for our meat plants to be called to be shut down. Mass lockdowns again, and eventually the great vaccine that will be required.

Contact tracing as we all know. All of it.

Communist takeovers commonly start with a government induced famine. Get ready.

COVID-19 Cases Are Surging Out of Control in the U.S.: Is it Time for Another Lockdown?
Coronavirus cases spiked above 100,000 for the second day in a row on Thursday with no signs of a reversal. Dr. Gregory Demuri is a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the University of Wisconsin. He joins LX News to explain why severe measures may have to be taken to get the “out of control” virus reined in.


Get ready for our meat plants to be called to be shut down. Mass lockdowns again, and eventually the great vaccine that will be required.

Contact tracing as we all know. All of it.

Thanks right wingers for claiming the pandemic is just a Hoax.
Last edited:

COVID-19 Cases Are Surging Out of Control in the U.S.: Is it Time for Another Lockdown?
Coronavirus cases spiked above 100,000 for the second day in a row on Thursday with no signs of a reversal. Dr. Gregory Demuri is a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the University of Wisconsin. He joins LX News to explain why severe measures may have to be taken to get the “out of control” virus reined in.


Get ready for our meat plants to be called to be shut down. Mass lockdowns again, and eventually the great vaccine that will be required.

Contact tracing as we all know. All of it.

Communist takeovers commonly start with a government induced famine. Get ready.
Another right wing, frivolous Hoax? We need better solutions at lower cost.

COVID-19 Cases Are Surging Out of Control in the U.S.: Is it Time for Another Lockdown?
Coronavirus cases spiked above 100,000 for the second day in a row on Thursday with no signs of a reversal. Dr. Gregory Demuri is a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the University of Wisconsin. He joins LX News to explain why severe measures may have to be taken to get the “out of control” virus reined in.


Get ready for our meat plants to be called to be shut down. Mass lockdowns again, and eventually the great vaccine that will be required.

Contact tracing as we all know. All of it.


But I thought it was all going to magically disappear after November 3rd

That was only if Biden won. Did you watch his speech last night? The Wuhan Flu was standing right there next to him on the stage, whispering cues right in Biden's ear.

The whole speech was total fear-mongering and how it was necessary for the Democrats to win, otherwise we'd all die of the China Plague.

COVID-19 Cases Are Surging Out of Control in the U.S.: Is it Time for Another Lockdown?
Coronavirus cases spiked above 100,000 for the second day in a row on Thursday with no signs of a reversal. Dr. Gregory Demuri is a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the University of Wisconsin. He joins LX News to explain why severe measures may have to be taken to get the “out of control” virus reined in.


Get ready for our meat plants to be called to be shut down. Mass lockdowns again, and eventually the great vaccine that will be required.

Contact tracing as we all know. All of it.


But I thought it was all going to magically disappear after November 3rd

That was only if Biden won. Did you watch his speech last night? The Wuhan Flu was standing right there next to him on the stage, whispering cues right in Biden's ear.

The whole speech was total fear-mongering and how it was necessary for the Democrats to win, otherwise we'd all die of the China Plague.
The full of Hoax right wing believes the pandemic is a hoax. Coincidence or Russian tool conspiracy?

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