"They can’t stop all of us" 400 thousand People are planning a grassroots ambush of Area 51!

These nutters think they are in Portland. Of course they can all be stopped. Machine gun a few. The rest will scatter.
Social media has simply provided a means by which mentally ill deluded fools can all get together and
engage in their idiocy. It's a societal turn for the worse.
Texas man admits kidnapping 79 people to anally probe them while disguised as an alien

Sonic weapons.....
Some of the stuff we know about them is scary... Like they can wipe out thousands of people in about a second...
No seroiusly. I heard about it in a spy novel somewhere. They can kill you over the phone with a sonic tone that will break your eardrum and bore a hole into your brain. For real.
I dont think the average phone speaker is capable of that.. Sonic weapons, at the right frequency cause water to explode...Humans are 78% water... I've read studies on how they can stop the heart and interfere with brain functions. The Cuban's were experimenting with it when our diplomatic staff came down with sever migraines and debilitating headaches. Just one of the reasons we pulled out of Cuba again.
It'll never happen.

It's impossible to get that many paranoid freaks together

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