They Dread Admitting They've Been Suckers.

They're angry...they know they can't win without forcing through their federal takeover of the election system and they just lost that fight.

Now they're looking at a wipeout at the end of the year and likely 2024 as well.

Trump was right about so much when it came to COVID-19, the border and the economy... that he is likely to be re-elected in 2024.

And then Foot-in-mouth Joe Biden says elections aren't secure and are subject to manipulation by rigging and rule changes... which is EXACTLY what Trump said. Disaster for leftists.

So... They got their President and a majority in both houses... and end up with nearly nothing to show for it...

... And they're going to end up out in the cold with President Trump as the 47th President of the United States...a total repudiation by the American People of Democrats that may well destroy the party.

That's a hard pill to swallow.


I find that the more the truth comes out, the more angry and vulgar they become.
The truth comes out NOT republican pc lies
May be an image of 1 person and text that says '2021 A record- breakingye Unemployment to 3.9% From 6.3% last Jan. (fastest decline ever) 6.4 million jobs added The most in any year! U.S. GDP5.5% Double the average since 1976 Isn't this what an economic recovery should look like?'
The truth comes out NOT republican pc lies
May be an image of 1 person and text that says '2021 A record- breakingye Unemployment to 3.9% From 6.3% last Jan. (fastest decline ever) 6.4 million jobs added The most in any year! U.S. GDP5.5% Double the average since 1976 Isn't this what an economic recovery should look like?''2021 A record- breakingye Unemployment to 3.9% From 6.3% last Jan. (fastest decline ever) 6.4 million jobs added The most in any year! U.S. GDP5.5% Double the average since 1976 Isn't this what an economic recovery should look like?'

But.....because it is a cold day that needs are the latest polls.

"Can Biden Turn His Poll Decline Around?​

will President Biden find a political bottom and turn his public opinion decline around?

This is the fundamental question for the Biden Democrats for 2022.

They have hardened and unanimously united the Republican base against them. They have alienated and lost the majority of the independent center.
Now there is serious erosion in the Democratic base.

4. The results of our just completed national poll of 1,000 likely voters shows that as President Biden’s policies fail, America is in decline, and, with it, the Biden Coalition.

Only 32% of all voters say America is headed in the right direction."

Can Biden Turn His Poll Decline Around?

After one year in office and his rehearsed and scripted reset press conference, will President Biden find a political bottom and turn his public opinion decline around? This is the fundamental question for the Biden Democrats for 2022.

5. So very glad that Mclaughlin used the phrase "as President Biden’s policies fail," I have been saying all along that adults vote for policies, not persons.

But let us never forget, these failed policies are not Biden policies, or Harris policies, or Obama policies....

......these are Democrat Policies.
The truth comes out NOT republican pc lies
May be an image of 1 person and text that says '2021 A record- breakingye Unemployment to 3.9% From 6.3% last Jan. (fastest decline ever) 6.4 million jobs added The most in any year! U.S. GDP5.5% Double the average since 1976 Isn't this what an economic recovery should look like?''2021 A record- breakingye Unemployment to 3.9% From 6.3% last Jan. (fastest decline ever) 6.4 million jobs added The most in any year! U.S. GDP5.5% Double the average since 1976 Isn't this what an economic recovery should look like?'

"Now Biden’s given America the worst inflation in 40 years

The prez and his party can no longer escape blame for the Bidenflation Tax, which hits poorer Americans hardest. Despite warnings (from even their own party mates, like former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers), Dems last year unilaterally pumped $1.9 trillion into an economy that was already rebounding, paid workers bonuses to stay off the job and did little to address predictable supply-chain clogs. The Fed, meanwhile, kept interest rates low and continued to bloat the money supply by buying up bonds, to the tune of $120 billion a month."

Now Biden’s given America the worst inflation in 40 years

It’s been four decades since consumers got slammed this hard, yet President Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats — whose policies fueled inflation in the first place — are only pushing to make …
The truth comes out NOT republican pc lies
May be an image of 1 person and text that says '2021 A record- breakingye Unemployment to 3.9% From 6.3% last Jan. (fastest decline ever) 6.4 million jobs added The most in any year! U.S. GDP5.5% Double the average since 1976 Isn't this what an economic recovery should look like?''2021 A record- breakingye Unemployment to 3.9% From 6.3% last Jan. (fastest decline ever) 6.4 million jobs added The most in any year! U.S. GDP5.5% Double the average since 1976 Isn't this what an economic recovery should look like?'
8. "From President Biden’s strongest job approval last April of 58% approve, 41% disapprove, his ratings have declined a net -33% in less than a year to his worst rating in our polls to only 41% approve and 57% disapprove.

Among 2020 Biden voters,
22% now disapprove of the job he’s doing. 22% of Democrats, 25% of liberals, 25% of African American voters, 50% of Hispanic voters, 52% of women and 45% of urban voters now disapprove of the job Joe Biden’s doing. President Biden’s base is cracking up."

Can Biden Turn His Poll Decline Around?

After one year in office and his rehearsed and scripted reset press conference, will President Biden find a political bottom and turn his public opinion decline around? This is the fundamental question for the Biden Democrats for 2022.
The truth comes out NOT republican pc lies
May be an image of 1 person and text that says '2021 A record- breakingye Unemployment to 3.9% From 6.3% last Jan. (fastest decline ever) 6.4 million jobs added The most in any year! U.S. GDP5.5% Double the average since 1976 Isn't this what an economic recovery should look like?''2021 A record- breakingye Unemployment to 3.9% From 6.3% last Jan. (fastest decline ever) 6.4 million jobs added The most in any year! U.S. GDP5.5% Double the average since 1976 Isn't this what an economic recovery should look like?'

10. "The majority, 52%, think the economy is in recession, but only 30% of the voters say it’s getting better. Sixty-two percent of all voters say the economy is getting worse.

The majority prefers smaller government, 52%, to 34% for larger government. They continue to prefer free market capitalism to big government socialism 61% to 15%. Both majority positions are the opposite of Biden policy.

As further proof of the implosion of the Biden Democrat base among Democratic primary voters, if he were to run again, Biden receives only 25% of the vote. This is a disaster for an incumbent President."

Can Biden Turn His Poll Decline Around?

After one year in office and his rehearsed and scripted reset press conference, will President Biden find a political bottom and turn his public opinion decline around? This is the fundamental question for the Biden Democrats for 2022.

"Biden policy"??????????

Nay,'s Democrats, Bolshevik, Nazi, Maoist policy.

Normal folks abhor it.
1. And it's not just Democrat voters.....they've been suckers for decades. includes every hand-wringer who bought the "we're all gonna die!!!" center of the Wuhan Red Death hoax.

Little by little the truth is coming out.....have you noticed that there are fewer and fewer screaming banshees attacking the "deniers," and fewer parrotting the "800,000 Americans died from the covid" lies?

2. Even those originally advancing the scheme are now admitting that survival rate is about 100% and if you don't have co-morbidities you're just about immune to serious complications.

3. This news from our sister nation drops the whole thing into 'Political' and out of 'Scientific;....except for those who still claim that men can become pregnant.

4. "England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions
Restrictions including COVID-19 passes, mask mandates, and work-from-home guidance will be removed in England, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Wednesday."

5. "PM Boris Johnson dumps coronavirus restrictions as he fights for his political life
In easing Covid restrictions a week before they were scheduled to expire, Mr. Johnson said that he was trying to restore England’s “ancient liberties,” a reference to the country’s deep-rooted tradition of individual freedoms."

Of course, in American, we find the Democrat Party which is firmly opposed to individual freedoms.

Just avoid conspiracy theorists.
"However, early estimates predict that the overall COVID-19 recovery rate is between 97% and 99.75%."

So, good poster Chic responded to the query about her statement that 'about 100%" of people with Covid survive.
Natually, being a wonkish chatroom it seemed appropriate to ask for metrics on "about". Meaning, just what does "about" mean.

And as you can see from her response, good poster Chic, did a lot of work to come up with an array of numbers that range from 99.8% to 97%.
So thank you, poster Chic.

99.8% doesn't sound so bad (unless you are in the .2%)
Hell, 97% doesn't sound so bad (same as above, if you are a 3 percenter).

But you know how numbers are.
Context always helps.
As we know, percentages applied to big numbers can be intimidating.
But, if we offer some nuance, some comparatives.....that may help us understand a little more thoroughly.

So let's look at good poster Chic's percentages this way. We'll apply her 'failure'...or 'fatality' rate like this:

  • Every day in the whole world about 44,000 commercial passenger flights take off.
  • And if we use Chic's failure percentages that would mean @.2% -----88 of 'em would fall out of the air!
  • Every day!
  • Or, at Chic's 3%....that means 1,320 of 'em crash!
  • Every day!
So you see, good postr Chic can be regrettably cavalier about her percentages......and people becoming dead.
By disease.
Or by air disaster.

ps.....gonna fly soon? with Chic at the controls?
She'll get you where you are going.....mostly.


So, good poster Chic responded to the query about her statement that 'about 100%" of people with Covid survive.
Natually, being a wonkish chatroom it seemed appropriate to ask for metrics on "about". Meaning, just what does "about" mean.

And as you can see from her response, good poster Chic, did a lot of work to come up with an array of numbers that range from 99.8% to 97%.
So thank you, poster Chic.

99.8% doesn't sound so bad (unless you are in the .2%)
Hell, 97% doesn't sound so bad (same as above, if you are a 3 percenter).

But you know how numbers are.
Context always helps.
As we know, percentages applied to big numbers can be intimidating.
But, if we offer some nuance, some comparatives.....that may help us understand a little more thoroughly.

So let's look at good poster Chic's percentages this way. We'll apply her 'failure'...or 'fatality' rate like this:

  • Every day in the whole world about 44,000 commercial passenger flights take off.
  • And if we use Chic's failure percentages that would mean @.2% -----88 of 'em would fall out of the air!
  • Every day!
  • Or, at Chic's 3%....that means 1,320 of 'em crash!
  • Every day!
So you see, good postr Chic can be regrettably cavalier about her percentages......and people becoming dead.
By disease.
Or by air disaster.

ps.....gonna fly soon? with Chic at the controls?
She'll get you where you are going.....mostly.

Your fear of both truth and offending your masters is palpable.

So sad to be you.
That's fair. I've always maintained that the 'sucker' factor spans US politics and both parties' supporters.

A good point! The issue you raise being 'co-morbidities', which suggests that those so afflicted deserve what they get from Covid. Do you really want to take that position when the co-morbidies extend to obesity and other factors that are as American as apple pie?

Individual freedoms always need to be weighed carefully against the need for freedoms of the whole. This is our philosophy in Canada and that has a lot to do with our high standing on freedoms!
No, they don't deserve what they get. It was known as early as 2004 that coronavirus vaccines are faulty, and gain-of-function continued even when it looked like a legitimate moratorium (Obama's publicized, fake moratorium).
That's fair. I've always maintained that the 'sucker' factor spans US politics and both parties' supporters.

A good point! The issue you raise being 'co-morbidities', which suggests that those so afflicted deserve what they get from Covid. Do you really want to take that position when the co-morbidies extend to obesity and other factors that are as American as apple pie?

Individual freedoms always need to be weighed carefully against the need for freedoms of the whole. This is our philosophy in Canada and that has a lot to do with our high standing on freedoms!
Yeah, your freedom to have your dollar worth eighty cents, pay much higher taxes, wait months for simple medical procedures, and on and on.

The problem is that Canadians have never been free, you have always been subjects who accept what crumbs the government deigns to give you. Canadians desiring social and economic freedom emigrate to the USA, the immigration pattern has always been FROM Canada TO the USA by a significant margin.
Yeah, your freedom to have your dollar worth eighty cents, pay much higher taxes, wait months for simple medical procedures, and on and on.
There are advantages to a lower dollar.
We don't pay higher taxes overall. It works out to be about the same.
There are pros and cons on both the US and Canada's health care systems. Canada's is consistently rated higher than America's and our life expectancy is considerable longer, as well as our infant mortality being lower.
And fwiw, a Canadian can always hop across the border and pay for quicker medical care if he/she has hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend on a facelift. However, Americans travel out of country for health care more than do Canadians or any others. Health care in Canada runs about half of the cost of America's and Americans of both political persuasion openly admit that their system is broken. That's why Trump promised to fix it. (now don't get me started on health care!)
The problem is that Canadians have never been free, you have always been subjects who accept what crumbs the government deigns to give you. Canadians desiring social and economic freedom emigrate to the USA, the immigration pattern has always been FROM Canada TO the USA by a significant margin.

(And you sure as hell don't want to get me started on 'freedom'!)
You'll find America's rating just below the list.

You might have a point on the direction of immigration? But you might not too?
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Yeah, your freedom to have your dollar worth eighty cents, pay much higher taxes, wait months for simple medical procedures, and on and on.

The problem is that Canadians have never been free, you have always been subjects who accept what crumbs the government deigns to give you. Canadians desiring social and economic freedom emigrate to the USA, the immigration pattern has always been FROM Canada TO the USA by a significant margin.

Yep....the Canadian people a hopeless bunch. Those people just love to be governed. It's always been that way.
I've known the 800k alleged covid deaths have been a hoax since Dr Birx said:

Dr. Birx: Unlike Some Countries, "If Someone Dies With COVID-19 We Are Counting That As A COVID-19 Death"
I've known the 800k alleged covid deaths have been a hoax since Dr Birx said:

Dr. Birx: Unlike Some Countries, "If Someone Dies With COVID-19 We Are Counting That As A COVID-19 Death"
There's also some evidence that America is hiding and playing down the death statistics. But in fairness, a lot of other countries could be doing the same.

As to Birx, she sold out to Trump very early on, while Fauci was still trying to stretch the truth in Trump's favour to be loyal to Trump. Eventually it just got over the top for Fauci.

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