They drop them off at bus station's !


Extra long Bad Ass Cut.
Sep 17, 2011
A guy at work exclaimed after Rush said it. My response was "duh". All this talk about Obammer deporting more illegals then any president in history is, and always was bull shit. It has always been this way. If you look at it the republicans want illegals just as much as democrats do. Even the most republican republican is willing to do nothing about them. The outrage over it cracks me up.
Illegals can register their kids in school with absolutely no documents, both parties scream alot of this but are doing nothing about it in real life.
it IS bullshit; like everything coming from the pandering Left and the current Failurecrats in power these days DIVIDING AMERICA

obama has changed the way "deportations" are counted; and now counts people merely turned away at the border as a "deportation"

almost all of them come right back and try again; large numbers eventually do sneak in
Illegals can register their kids in school with absolutely no documents, both parties scream alot of this but are doing nothing about it in real life.

Oh man, dont even get me started on how it go's in public schools with them. I will say that I used to get real bent over it. Not so much the kids, but the teachers. Really this is an issue thats as big a pile of bull shit as gay marrage. Just a shiny thing for the weak minded sheep to focus on.
A guy at work exclaimed after Rush said it. My response was "duh". All this talk about Obammer deporting more illegals then any president in history is, and always was bull shit. It has always been this way. If you look at it the republicans want illegals just as much as democrats do. Even the most republican republican is willing to do nothing about them. The outrage over it cracks me up.

you have to set priorities on a budget asswipe. Are you a deficit hawk or not? You want school kids deported or dangerous criminals? Take your pick.

BTW- who is "Rush"?
it IS bullshit; like everything coming from the pandering Left and the current Failurecrats in power these days DIVIDING AMERICA

obama has changed the way "deportations" are counted; and now counts people merely turned away at the border as a "deportation"

almost all of them come right back and try again; large numbers eventually do sneak in

Hate to say it man, but it was a republican demigod that granted the first amnesty and another republican who tried to do it again and still more republicans quietly trying to do it again. These illegals are not viewed as potential security threats or disease vectors which they are. They are viewed as potential votes. It would not shock me at all to see the next republican presidential candidate's campaigning in Guatemala, ElSalvador and mexico.
A guy at work exclaimed after Rush said it. My response was "duh". All this talk about Obammer deporting more illegals then any president in history is, and always was bull shit. It has always been this way. If you look at it the republicans want illegals just as much as democrats do. Even the most republican republican is willing to do nothing about them. The outrage over it cracks me up.

you have to set priorities on a budget asswipe. Are you a deficit hawk or not? You want school kids deported or dangerous criminals? Take your pick.

BTW- who is "Rush"?

Limbaugh cock face. As far as kids go, they belong in school illegal or not. I would much rather them be educated so that I dont have to feed them when they grow up with my tax dollars. Bad enough their parents are here driving down my wages and making my auto insurance skyrocket, not to mention the swine flue and drug resistant TB they bring and spread around.
Illegals work cheap.

End of story.

That right there. $120.00 a day made me a happy camper for awhile. I am a painter and independant contractor. Making that in this town is impossible due to the illegals who will do my job for $8.00 an hour. Republicans love this.
Illegals work cheap.

End of story.

That right there. $120.00 a day made me a happy camper for awhile. I am a painter and independant contractor. Making that in this town is impossible due to the illegals who will do my job for $8.00 an hour. Republicans love this.

because every business; no matter how large or small; is owned by Republicans

what an idiot
it IS bullshit; like everything coming from the pandering Left and the current Failurecrats in power these days DIVIDING AMERICA

obama has changed the way "deportations" are counted; and now counts people merely turned away at the border as a "deportation"

almost all of them come right back and try again; large numbers eventually do sneak in

Hate to say it man, but it was a republican demigod that granted the first amnesty and another republican who tried to do it again and still more republicans quietly trying to do it again. These illegals are not viewed as potential security threats or disease vectors which they are. They are viewed as potential votes. It would not shock me at all to see the next republican presidential candidate's campaigning in Guatemala, ElSalvador and mexico.

between the 2 parties who favors amnesty more/

ura joke
Illegals work cheap.

End of story.

who drives up to the Quikie Mart looking for dirt cheap labor? :up: cheap conservative contractors, thats who :lol: Progressives like me aren't doing it.

\end thread.
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As to the nativist/xenophobic OP, run for city council & :up: do something about it instead of whining to us about it.
Illegals work cheap.

End of story.

That right there. $120.00 a day made me a happy camper for awhile. I am a painter and independant contractor. Making that in this town is impossible due to the illegals who will do my job for $8.00 an hour. Republicans love this.

because every business; no matter how large or small; is owned by Republicans

what an idiot

Maybe not. But every business loves cheap labor. They can pay me a paltry $15.00 bucks an hour or Jose $8.00 an hour. Whats the smart choice there ? And yes, Republicans have been the point men on amnisty every time it comes up. They are as useless as Democrats.
That right there. $120.00 a day made me a happy camper for awhile. I am a painter and independant contractor. Making that in this town is impossible due to the illegals who will do my job for $8.00 an hour. Republicans love this.

because every business; no matter how large or small; is owned by Republicans

what an idiot

Maybe not. But every business loves cheap labor. They can pay me a paltry $15.00 bucks an hour or Jose $8.00 an hour. Whats the smart choice there ? And yes, Republicans have been the point men on amnisty every time it comes up. They are as useless as Democrats.

you can't even spell amnesty


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