They hate us (the elites in government)

I am still reading through this but liked the first sentences so much, thought I would be good enough to share it with my good buddies here at the forum

I could have written those first sentences myself...
Herein is a rebuttal and history lesson to this silly and obnoxious comment by just...schmuck:



I am still reading through this but liked the first sentences so much, thought I would be good enough to share it with my good buddies here at the forum

I could have written those first sentences myself...
Whites Who Are Born Rich Deplore and Fear All Other White People

I stopped reading because of the retarded anachronism of identifying the Democrat Party with the Dixiecrats. What the rulers' scribbler is saying is that the Democrats used to be on the side of White people and never should be forgiven for that.
That quote by Quigley is not well written and frankly, I don't think I get even the gist of it.

The 2 parties should and DO represent opposing views. I mean, you surely are not saying otherwise?

The abortion issue is probably the best example of how different the parties are. But there are a plethora of other issues that prove this...

Again, I do not get what mr quigley is getting at? And the 2 parties are never going to be the same anyway so it is moot...
I myself, have ALWAYS been bothered by the sentence construction of the quotation. One of the emphasis of my first degree was as an English major, so, as soon as I write a sentence, I will see a hundred different way to compose it better. I could spend all day editing every single post I make.

With that said, I cannot quibble with the sentiments of what it is getting to, the whole point it is meant to convey. Which, it is clear to me, it either sailed over your head, or you do not have enough education in political science to ever understand.

But, it is nice that you admit as much. In American democracy, the parties do not represent the people, they only pretend to represent the people, but they have irrelevant social issues to distinguish them. When I say, "irrelevant," social issues? These are irrelevant to the ruling elites, they don't honestly give a crap about them, because the global ruling elites, have enough resources to go wherever they want on the planet to avoid there implications, or buy whatever legal aid, to avoid any consequences of their application.

And since the passage of the FED legislation, both parties pretty much feel the same on all matters economic, national policy, and foreign policy. They just give lip service to feeling differently, but in the end, the policies are always pursued that are much the same, with a little variance here or there.

The abortion issue? Means absolutely nothing to the ruling elite, it is a wedge issue to them, that they wield like a cudgel upon the masses to manipulate for political divide and rule control.

As Quigely wrote, the ideal that the two parties represent different ideals, "is a foolish idea only acceptable to doctrinaire and academic thinkers."

As evidence, when it comes to the abortion debate? The original Roe v. Wade decision was ruled by a conservative court, by Justices appointed by conservative presidents.

Currently, between seventy-five and eighty percent of the nation, supports the right to choose in the first trimester. Certainly the current administration and Senate could muster at least ten GOP votes to a pro-choice bill that guaranteed the right of a person to choose in the first trimester, & in the case of rape, or incest, as the overwhelming majority of Americans support such a thing. While leaving any other abortion provisions, or reasons to the states and their voters.

BUT YOU KNOW WHO DOESN'T SUPPORT SUCH A THING? The ruling establishment of BOTH parties. It takes away from acrimony of partisans in both parties, and fund raising opportunities.

We could go on, but you would find, it is mostly like this. The little people care about these things, the elites? They don't, they are all on the same page. Both parties are the same.
Gotta definition for "elite" OP?
Someone who, when they give a call to the congressmen or Senator. . they personally return the phone call.

Whites Who Are Born Rich Deplore and Fear All Other White People

I stopped reading because of the retarded anachronism of identifying the Democrat Party with the Dixiecrats. What the rulers' scribbler is saying is that the Democrats used to be on the side of White people and never should be forgiven for that.
The D party was the party of the Klan. The Rs were the ones who voted for Blacks to be free and to be able to vote, while the D party said No to those things.. RE the vote it was 100% AGAINST for the Ds (in the US Congress)

nice history you people have there..
I myself, have ALWAYS been bothered by the sentence construction of the quotation. One of the emphasis of my first degree was as an English major, so, as soon as I write a sentence, I will see a hundred different way to compose it better. I could spend all day editing every single post I make.

With that said, I cannot quibble with the sentiments of what it is getting to, the whole point it is meant to convey. Which, it is clear to me, it either sailed over your head, or you do not have enough education in political science to ever understand.

But, it is nice that you admit as much. In American democracy, the parties do not represent the people, they only pretend to represent the people, but they have irrelevant social issues to distinguish them. When I say, "irrelevant," social issues? These are irrelevant to the ruling elites, they don't honestly give a crap about them, because the global ruling elites, have enough resources to go wherever they want on the planet to avoid there implications, or buy whatever legal aid, to avoid any consequences of their application.

And since the passage of the FED legislation, both parties pretty much feel the same on all matters economic, national policy, and foreign policy. They just give lip service to feeling differently, but in the end, the policies are always pursued that are much the same, with a little variance here or there.

The abortion issue? Means absolutely nothing to the ruling elite, it is a wedge issue to them, that they wield like a cudgel upon the masses to manipulate for political divide and rule control.

As Quigely wrote, the ideal that the two parties represent different ideals, "is a foolish idea only acceptable to doctrinaire and academic thinkers."

As evidence, when it comes to the abortion debate? The original Roe v. Wade decision was ruled by a conservative court, by Justices appointed by conservative presidents.
You said The original Roe v. Wade decision was ruled by a conservative court, by Justices appointed by conservative presidents.


That is NOT true. And I disagree w/ other things u say here. It was 7 liberals justices who wrote Roe and 2 conservatives on the Court dissented.

It was a majority conservative SCOTUS that recently ditched the hated (even by some pro-abortion lawyers) Roe.

Also: I do not at all agree w/ the idea that that guy had that, well, this: "the ideal that the two parties represent different ideals, 'is a foolish idea only acceptable to doctrinaire and academic thinkers.'"

of course saying I disagree implies that I even get what the writer of that meant when he used those terms "doctrinaire" and "academic"

Get outa here! Anyone who reads a lot can be realistically defined as being an academic.

And when it comes to TRUTH, you damn right I am "doctrinaire," albeit that is another rather ambiguous word in this context.

The 2 parties are different and should be. I don't agree w/ that Quigley dude one bit (and he could be a better writer, could make things more clear) .

You have no more reason to trust his judgment or ideas than you do mine just because he may be published and I may not be..
Nice try's by the faux conservatives Republican voters: Of topic and walking on thin ice by using the mother of others in their off topic posts.

I won't bother to post to report such a comment, it never seems to be taken seriously by the Mods.
You said The original Roe v. Wade decision was ruled by a conservative court, by Justices appointed by conservative presidents.


That is NOT true. And I disagree w/ other things u say here. It was 7 liberals justices who wrote Roe and 2 conservatives on the Court dissented.

It was a majority conservative SCOTUS that recently ditched the hated (even by some pro-abortion lawyers) Roe.

Also: I do not at all agree w/ the idea that that guy had that, well, this: "the ideal that the two parties represent different ideals, 'is a foolish idea only acceptable to doctrinaire and academic thinkers.'"

of course saying I disagree implies that I even get what the writer of that meant when he used those terms "doctrinaire" and "academic"

Get outa here! Anyone who reads a lot can be realistically defined as being an academic.

And when it comes to TRUTH, you damn right I am "doctrinaire," albeit that is another rather ambiguous word in this context.

The 2 parties are different and should be. I don't agree w/ that Quigley dude one bit (and he could be a better writer, could make things more clear) .

You have no more reason to trust his judgment or ideas than you do mine just because he may be published and I may not be..


You can certainly keep your world view, it seems very important to your ego, and sense of self. There is certainly nothing I could post on a message board that will ever compete with what you choose to read, or watch on your TEE VEE, for that is specially designed by the ruling elites, to control and manipulate the minds of the masses.

I have no more interest in convincing you otherwise.

If you wonder why the world gets not better, or why the nation's policies seem to keep heading in the same direction, regardless of party? Remember we had this conversation. It is, no mistake.

I've always heard that Jesus loves all his children. Did you learn something different or are you a devout Atheist who knows not what he talks about?

Jesus is a good guy…..for the most part, he does

But we are talking about justaschmuck9 here
Does anyone think Jesus would want to have anything to do with HIM?

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