They Have Not Learned to Remain Silent Yet

I dount he'll concede anything when he's proven wrong
When was the last POTUS to admit he was wrong while in office?

And we all know there was voting fraud, this may be a rug you lefties wished had been left untouched.
Actually, this will be fucking great. From now on when you rubes whine about voter fraud, we'll be able to point to this Trump investigation. Thanks Donnie!
I dount he'll concede anything when he's proven wrong
The manhours to do that sort of investigation is extremely costly. These investigations have been done on a limited basis (in a specific county or area within a state) and such limited evidence of "illegal voting" has been found that the studies were not taken to the end.
Just to prove the bullshit of a vain old man who has no compunction about lying, when his popularity is at stake.
This is one taxpayer who says NO.
I dount he'll concede anything when he's proven wrong
The manhours to do that sort of investigation is extremely costly. These investigations have been done on a limited basis (in a specific county or area within a state) and such limited evidence of "illegal voting" has been found that the studies were not taken to the end.
Just to prove the bullshit of a vain old man who has no compunction about lying, when his popularity is at stake.
This is one taxpayer who says NO.
voting integrity is the backbone to a republic.
I dount he'll concede anything when he's proven wrong
The manhours to do that sort of investigation is extremely costly. These investigations have been done on a limited basis (in a specific county or area within a state) and such limited evidence of "illegal voting" has been found that the studies were not taken to the end.
Just to prove the bullshit of a vain old man who has no compunction about lying, when his popularity is at stake.
This is one taxpayer who says NO.
As predicted, the left are suddenly concerned about government spending.
I dount he'll concede anything when he's proven wrong
When was the last POTUS to admit he was wrong while in office?

And we all know there was voting fraud, this may be a rug you lefties wished had been left untouched.
Actually, this will be fucking great. From now on when you rubes whine about voter fraud, we'll be able to point to this Trump investigation. Thanks Donnie!

In spite of substantial public controversy, very little reliable data exists concerning the frequency with which non-citizen immigrants participate in United States elections. Although such participation is a violation of election laws in most parts of the United States, enforcement depends principally on disclosure of citizenship status at the time of voter registration. This study examines participation rates by non-citizens using a nationally representative sample that includes non-citizen immigrants. We find that some non-citizens participate in U.S. elections, and that this participation has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes, and Congressional elections. Non-citizen votes likely gave Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome filibusters in order to pass health care reform and other Obama administration priorities in the 111th Congress.

PRESS: The election was hacked.

TRUMP: There was a lot of voter fraud.

PRESS: That’s ridiculous. Where’s your evidence? I demand an investigation!

TRUMP: Okay, we’ll do an investigation: President Donald Trump Vows to Launch ‘Major Investigation’ Into Alleged Voter Fraud.
Show us your evidence the election was "HACKED" by Russia.
Dan Rather told me.
I dount he'll concede anything when he's proven wrong
The manhours to do that sort of investigation is extremely costly. These investigations have been done on a limited basis (in a specific county or area within a state) and such limited evidence of "illegal voting" has been found that the studies were not taken to the end.
Just to prove the bullshit of a vain old man who has no compunction about lying, when his popularity is at stake.
This is one taxpayer who says NO.
voting integrity is the backbone to a republic.
Yes. I'd just like to see SOME INDICATION that such an investigation is necessary.
dimocrap scum have been rigging elections since they started..... As far back as the criminal Andrew Jackson to Tammany Hall, to Daley's Chicao, to Sam Giancana stuffing ballot boxes for JFK and LBJ's "Ballot Box Thirteen" (JFK's nickname for LBJ was "Landslide Lyndon" true dat) and the THOUSANDS, maybe MILLIONS, of fraudulent votes cast by dimocrap scum in the names of dead people.

Problem is, voter fraud is almost impossible to get a conviction in Court.

All they gotta do is say, "My cousin axed me to vote for him while he was in the joint doin' 10 to 20 for Armed robbery and he said is was okay"

Can't get a conviction. Can't be done.

Or, "My daddy moved back to Georgia and he axed me to vote for him while he was gone for the next few years"

Or, "My cuz, Lorene Smiff is outta town for a while (the next hundred and thirty seven years) and she axed me to vote for her"

No conviction possible. Can't be done.

Now, if we get a Mandatory Picture ID Law and people present that ID and state that they ARE THAT PERSON...... And they get caught? They be goin' down for the count.

That is a slam-dunk conviction.

Which is why the SCUM OF THE EARTH dimocrap FILTH PARTY is fighting voter ID so hard,

Think about it.

People, dimocraps are the scum of the Earth

They are NOT "Good People With Bad Ideas"

They're scum. Just that fucking simple.

It's hard to admit to yourself that fully 20% of the people in this Country are total scumbags but -- That's just the way it is. They are.

We have to learn to operate without their approval or consent
I dount he'll concede anything when he's proven wrong
The manhours to do that sort of investigation is extremely costly. These investigations have been done on a limited basis (in a specific county or area within a state) and such limited evidence of "illegal voting" has been found that the studies were not taken to the end.
Just to prove the bullshit of a vain old man who has no compunction about lying, when his popularity is at stake.
This is one taxpayer who says NO.
As predicted, the left are suddenly concerned about government spending.
That should make you happy.
I dount he'll concede anything when he's proven wrong
The manhours to do that sort of investigation is extremely costly. These investigations have been done on a limited basis (in a specific county or area within a state) and such limited evidence of "illegal voting" has been found that the studies were not taken to the end.
Just to prove the bullshit of a vain old man who has no compunction about lying, when his popularity is at stake.
This is one taxpayer who says NO.
voting integrity is the backbone to a republic.
Yes. I'd just like to see SOME INDICATION that such an investigation is necessary.
How would you know before doing an investigation?
I dount he'll concede anything when he's proven wrong
The manhours to do that sort of investigation is extremely costly. These investigations have been done on a limited basis (in a specific county or area within a state) and such limited evidence of "illegal voting" has been found that the studies were not taken to the end.
Just to prove the bullshit of a vain old man who has no compunction about lying, when his popularity is at stake.
This is one taxpayer who says NO.
As predicted, the left are suddenly concerned about government spending.

All of a sudden, you're not concerned about government spending.
It's hilarious how the right and left flip-flop on government spending. It always depends of what party is in control.
Amazing! We can't get more than 50% of eligible Americans to get off their butts and go out and vote, yet we're being told that there are millions of ineligible foreigners that ARE making the HUGE effort to vote - even if it's against the law!

Somehow, if it's true, their is some poetic justice in this!

While American shirk their right to vote, so many illegals wholeheartedly espouse it.

Maybe the solution to the immigrant crisis is to export all the Americans who apparently do not value this right and give citizenship to the illegals that do!

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