They Have Not Learned to Remain Silent Yet

Interesting that AFTER the fact, of the election that is, the Trumptards started claiming that Trump brilliantly won the election by focusing on the electoral college,

not the popular vote.

Why then NOW is Trump going mental over the fact he lost the popular vote?
PRESS: The election was hacked.

TRUMP: There was a lot of voter fraud.

PRESS: That’s ridiculous. Where’s your evidence? I demand an investigation!

TRUMP: Okay, we’ll do an investigation: President Donald Trump Vows to Launch ‘Major Investigation’ Into Alleged Voter Fraud.

But he's not going to investigate Russian hacking. On orders from Moscow.
Good. Because we all know the 1980's foreign policy of the Clintons is a joke.
Interesting that AFTER the fact, of the election that is, the Trumptards started claiming that Trump brilliantly won the election by focusing on the electoral college,

not the popular vote.

Why then NOW is Trump going mental over the fact he lost the popular vote?
Because while he has you lefties looking for squirrels, in just 3 days:
Hiring freeze on Federal workers.
Starting the repeal of ObamaCare.
Freezing Obama's payment to the Palestinian terrorists.
Wall being started.
Islamo immigration from terrorist nations clamped down on.
Cutting funds to sanctuary cities.
Unions singing praises for him.
Moral of military and Homeland Security up.

You anti union anti Americans hate unions bevcause youy hate Americans other than yourselves. At least trump understands paying 40 bucks per hour plus benefits is better than 25 bucks an hour with no benefits.

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