They have Trump now, transcript of witness shows why Trump withheld aid, damning evidence...

I Think Impeachment Rules need changed in The House. They rigged this shit from
The start. Impeachment is supposed to be Bi-Partisan, and not a biased with hunt with rigged rules.

It should take a 2/3rd majority to even hold an inquiry,

The constitution says a simple majority...

YOu guys had no problem with partisan impeachment rules when you impeached Clinton for getting a blow job.

Please show a link for Clinton being impeached for getting a blow job. Otherwise, retract and STFU.
Yeah.....why did Trump withhold the aid, temporarily? In this shocking revelation from actual testimony it is now known that Trump withheld aid......because he wanted the lazy, greedy, assholes in Europe to pay more....

Impeachment Witness Deposition Reveals Why They Were Told To Hold Ukraine Aid

Newly released transcripts from the deposition of Mark Sandy, an official at the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), reveal that OMB was allegedly instructed to withhold aid to Ukraine because President Donald Trump was concerned “about other countries not contributing more to Ukraine.”

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) responded to the release of the transcripts from the deposition, which happened on Chairman Adam Schiff’s House Intelligence Committee, by writing on Twitter, “The transcript for OMB’s Mark Sandy was just released. The ONLY reason he was ever given why there was a hold on $ to Ukraine was “the President’s concern about other countries not contributing more to Ukraine.” NOT bribery. NOT quid pro quo or any other WACKY Schiff conspiracy!”

Here is the interaction where the revelation was made [emphasis added]:

Question: Between July 19th and July 22nd, including July 22nd, did Mr. Duffey provide you any explanation as to why the President wanted to place a hold on Ukraine security assistance?

Sandy: No.

Question: Did you ask?

Sandy: Yes.

Question: And what was the response?

Sandy: He was not aware of the reason.

Question: To the best of your recollection, what precisely did he say to you when you asked for the reason for the President’s decision to place a hold on security assistance?

Sandy: That he was not aware.

Question: Did Mr. Duffey say that he was going to try to get additional information as to the reason for the hold?

Sandy: Yes. He certainly said that if he got additional information he would share it with us.

Question: At any point in time, from the moment that you walked into the [Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility] to anytime in history, has Mr. Duffey ever provided to you a reason why the President wanted to place a hold on security assistance?

Sandy: I recall in early September an email [from Mike Duffey] that attributed the hold to the President’s concern about other counties not contributing money to Ukraine.

As always, I see the never-Trumpers talking all their usual shit here, blathering on and on, except for one thing:
When you actually convict Trump of high crimes and get him removed from office, not just claim it is right around the corner (again), check back with us. THEN you'll have grounds to brag and strut about something.
And when they all say there was no quid pro quo, you'll believe them and say the democrats should just shut it all down, right?

There was clear bribery... Quid Pro Quo is Trump's talking point.

And should those you want under oath all say there wasn't, you'll accept it, right?

You know, because they would know a whole lot better than you do?

Or is your mind already made up and you'll just insist anyone who says anything different is lying?
Here you go...

Under Obama, Democrat Witness Fiona Hill Argued Against Lethal Aid For Ukraine

During the Democrats’ partisan impeachment hearings on Thursday, their witness Fiona Hill, a former White House official, testified she was concerned that a hold on aid might endanger Ukraine’s security. But in 2015, Hill penned an op-ed in the Washington Post arguing that providing lethal weapons to Ukraine would be a mistake.

In both her closed-door testimony last month and her public hearing on Thursday, Hill said she was concerned about Ukraine’s safety and stability as it defends itself against Russia should President Trump continue to withhold aid.

But while she was the director of the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution a few years prior, Hill wrote an op-ed titled “How aiding the Ukrainian military could push Putin into a regional war,” in which she strongly disagreed with the idea that “increasing the Ukrainian army’s fighting capacity … would allow it to kill more rebels and Russian soldiers.”

“It is hard to find effective alternatives to the current sanctions policy, but if we plunge headlong into sending weapons, we may lose our allies, and we may never have the opportunity to get things right,” Hill wrote.

Other witnesses who testified before the House Intelligence Committee admitted that Trump’s policy of denying lethal defensive assistance to the Ukrainians has been more effective than President Barack Obama’s policies in Ukraine and Russia.

Hill also previously testified that she has absolutely no direct knowledge of both the phone call with Ukraine and why the aid was withheld.
so the conditions 5 years ago, are the same as now or even 2 or 3 years from then?

we can't evolve?? progress? learn from mistakes?
Her op-ed was after Putin invaded, so not much has changed other the Putin getting entrenched because Barry Hussein was such a pussy Putin puppet.
besides Trump's personal gain by the shakedown, who do you think benefits THE MOST by what Trump did in holding back military funds and refusing a DC meeting with Velensky? Putin's Russia... NOT the USA
Who benefited most by Obama doing nothing while Putin invaded Ukraine? Obama's puppetmaster Putin, that's who. But Obama sent blankets.....
As I said, we learn from our mistakes and make changes to adjust from actual reality and history....

Trump's actions of his quid pro quo, were simply for his own personal benefit, self dealing....imo.

So uninformed.

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