They have Trump now, transcript of witness shows why Trump withheld aid, damning evidence...

Looks like they have Jojo "the World's Dumbest Politician and sexual Abuser" Biden by the SHORT HAIRS!

State Department Documents Expose Biden-Ukraine Corruption


Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks to local residents, Saturday, Nov. 23, 2019, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Justin Hayworth)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:00 PM PT — Sunday, November 24, 2019

Newly released documents are revealing additional details of the alleged corruption scheme by Joe and Hunter Biden in Ukraine. A recent Freedom of Information request by watchdog group American Oversight has produced 100 pages of State Department documents, including testimonies from former prosecutors Viktor Shokin and Yuriy Lutsenko.

American Oversight


BREAKING: State Department releases Ukraine documents to American Oversight

Documents show links between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office …

State Department Releases Ukraine Documents to American Oversight - American Oversight
Documents show links Between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office


10:36 PM - Nov 22, 2019
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This comes amid elevated concerns that top Obama-era officials could be harboring ill-gotten gains of Ukrainian oligarchs in exchange for help in the 2016 election.

“When the President’s talking to the president of Ukraine, that’s the issue he’s worried about: why did this corruption take place, and if they’re investigating what went on,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “He had every right to ask about Biden.”

Reports confirmed Vice President Biden used his office to protect energy company Burisma from anti-corruption scrutiny. Documents showed the State Department was aware that Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky was involved in money laundering and the illegal off-shoring of at least $23 million from Ukraine.

Ukrainian officials said Hunter Biden, who served on Burisma’s board at the time, received a salary of $50,000 per month, plus a commission. The documents confirmed that in 2015, Zlochevsky paid $900,000 in consulting fees to Rosemont Seneca Partners, a company that represented the Bidens’ interests in Ukraine.

Zlochevsky has been under U.S. scrutiny for several years.

“I and other U.S. officials consistently advocated reinstituting a scuttled investigation of Zlochevsky, Burisma’s founder, as well as holding the corrupt prosecutors who closed the case to account,” said Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent.

Despite all this, the left-leaning watchdog group is focusing on the contacts between Rudy Giuliani and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

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American Oversight


· Nov 22, 2019

BREAKING: State Department releases Ukraine documents to American Oversight

Documents show links between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office …

State Department Releases Ukraine Documents to American Oversight - American Oversight
Documents show links Between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office

American Oversight


It's clear why Mike Pompeo has refused to release this information to Congress.

It reveals a clear paper trail from Rudy Giuliani to the Oval Office to Secretary Pompeo to facilitate Giuliani’s smear campaign against a U.S. ambassador.


10:40 PM - Nov 22, 2019
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Mainstream media has claimed Giuliani investigated corruption in Ukraine for political purposes. Other reports said Giuliani’s probe falls in line with the State Department’s longstanding policy of battling corruption in Ukraine to advance U.S. interests in the region.

“We provided $250 million worth of security assistance, defense assistance and $140 million or so of additional security assistance…to fight corruption continued this year,” said Secretary of State Pompeo. “That’s what happened in Washington with respect to Ukraine.”

State Department documents also showed that Zlochevsky assembled an international team, led by Hunter Biden, to protect his embezzlement. The team included Devon Archer, CIA official Joseph Blade and former President of Poland Aleksander Kwasniewski. Documents showed Kwasniewski received nearly $1.2 million for his services. The amount received by Archer and Hunter Biden was reportedly concealed by Latvia.

Additionally, Ukrainian officials said some $16 million left Ukraine through two secretive units, which were under the protection of former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch.

“From the Russia hoax to the shoddy Ukrainian sequel, the Democrats got caught,” stated Rep. Devin Nunes. “Let’s hope they finally learn a lesson, give their conspiracy theories a rest and focus on governing for a chance.”

Rudy Giuliani said he’s undeterred by the recent attacks against him. The attorney added he is committed to uncovering the Obama administration’s pay-to-play scheme, which may devastate the Democrat Party. He said the New York Mafia could not intimidate him in the past, and today, the Democrats won’t silence him either.

You do know that this is ALL bullshit....

How can you even say Guilliani is investigating corruption when he is working with corrupted Ukrainian people like Shokin?

Trump and his cartels are the most inept people I’ve ever seen doing an investigation.
One always wonders if these trolls are being paid. Or truly are as stupid as the post....this one I pick #2!

Timeline of “sabotage” of Trump in 2016 by Democrats, Ukraine

Politico that she began researching Manafort in 2014.

In 2014, the FBI investigated, and then reportedly wiretapped, Manafort for allegedly not properly disclosing Russia-related work. FBI failed to make a case at the time, according to CNN, and discontinued the wiretap.

On March 25, 2016, according to Politico, Chalupa–who previously worked in the Clinton administration–met with top Ukrainian officials at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington D.C. in an effort to tarnish the Trump campaign in favor of Hillary Clinton by exposing “ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia.”

The Ukrainian embassy proceeded to work “directly with reporters researching Trump, Manafort and Russia to point them in the right directions,” according to an embassy official (though other officials later deny engaging in election-related activities.)

On March 30, 2016, Chalupa reportedly briefed Democratic National Committee (DNC) staff on alleged Russian ties to Manafort and Trump. It was the day after the Trump campaign hired Manafort to manage the July Republican convention.

With the “DNC’s encouragement,” Chalupa reportedly asked the Ukrainian embassy to arrange a meeting with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to discuss Manafort’s lobbying for Ukraine’s former president Viktor Yanukovych. The embassy reportedly declined to arrange the meeting but became “helpful” in trading info and leads, according to Politico’s reporting.

Ukrainian embassy officials and Chalupa “coordinat[ed] an investigation with the Hillary team” into Manafort, according to a source in Politico. This effort reportedly included working with U.S. media.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

These are cut and paste. Where’s your link?


I have to fix me wedgie every time someone called me comrade.
Okay. I saw that video a million times. Explain to me what Obama was saying.

A child will never understand...

Rebeccah Heinrichs: Over the past several years, I’ve wished many times that I could listen unnoticed when Presidents Obama and Medvedev chat. I should be careful what I wish for.

This sidebar conversation that we’re all familiar with provides profound and critical unique political insights. It reveals two points that I hope to leave you with: One, the President is not committed, as he says he is, to deploying a robust ballistic missile defense system to protect America and our allies. Number two, the President is using and will continue to use U.S. ballistic missile defense as a bargaining chip with the Russians in his single-minded pursuit of ridding the world of nuclear weapons and “reset” with Russia.

On the first point, even before he entered the White House, President Obama spoke out against missile defense. In 2001, he told a Chicago TV station that “I don’t agree with a missile defense system.” In one of his campaign addresses, he said he wanted to get rid of “unproven missile defense systems,” which we know is code for anything that hasn’t intercepted a missile in combat.

Since he entered office, he has scaled back the more advanced missile defense systems year after year. This year’s budget is in fact $1 billion less than the number he sent to Congress last year for fiscal year 2013, and it is $2 billion less than what President Bush said would be needed for FY 2013 based on the projected threat and the projected status of the ballistic missile defense system (BMDS).

The current homeland missile defense sites, called Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD), don’t have the number of Ground-Based Interceptors (GBIs) needed to defend against certain kinds of attacks. The President continues to underfund the program while it requires more money to improve its capability and offer a more robust protection of the U.S. homeland—and to offer protection against what I would call at this point an imminent and inevitable threat.

He has cancelled a variety of programs needed to mitigate the multiple warhead program: Recall the multiple kill vehicle program, MKV. He cancelled the airborne laser program, ignoring its successful shoot-down, and has essentially mothballed the SBX radar required to tell the difference between the lethal warheads and decoys of an incoming missile.

He’s funding regional European defense at a rate five times that of U.S. homeland defense, and since the SM-3 missiles, the centerpiece of his plan to protect Europe, are having technical problems and the timeline is slipping to the right, there is great cause for concern that the SM-3 2B missile—the missile scheduled for deployment in 2020—will not be ready for deployment before Iran has a nuclear-capable ICBM capable of reaching the U.S.

The Institute for Defense Analysis concluded that a third site on the East Coast of the U.S. would be very helpful in closing some of the U.S. vulnerabilities in homeland defense against the long-range missile threat from Iran. Yet there is no money in this budget to hedge against the inevitable gap between readiness and the threat—not a dime.

“But, Rebeccah,” you might be thinking, “the President has publicly committed to homeland missile defense and the European phase adaptive approach (EPAA), and instead of eliminating the Missile Defense Agency, as some of us feared that he would, he has actually funded it at reasonable levels.”

This brings me to my second point: The President is using and will continue to use U.S. missile defense as a bargaining chip with the Russians in his single-minded pursuit of ridding the world of nuclear weapons. The President believes that missile defense is essential for negotiating with the Russians on nuclear arms reductions.

Why missile defense? Defense Secretary Robert Gates said it best in June of 2010 when he said, “There is no meeting of the minds on missile defense. The Russians hate it.” Then Undersecretary of State for Arms Control Ellen Tauscher said it this year: “Almost everything else that you work on on European security has been settled, decided, and worked on together for decades. The only thing that’s new where you can bring the Russians in is on missile defense.”

If the President simply cancels outright the programs he believes are unwarranted or destabilizing, he has nothing to trade away, so he has created a façade of support. Recall the commitments he made to Senators regarding missile defense during consideration of the New START treaty. Senators were concerned that there may have been off-the-record promises made by the President or his State Department officials to Russian officials related to U.S. missile defense. Specifically, Senators were concerned the President may have promised not to deploy more sophisticated systems in or around Europe that the Russians would be opposed to in return for the Russian support for New START.

Senators also wanted to know from the President that the U.S. nuclear arsenal would remain safe, reliable, and credible, since it is in need of modernization and since the arms control treaty would reduce arms. Failure to modernize the U.S. arsenal is, by default, letting it atrophy, just as the Russian arsenal already is. So the President responded at the 11th hour by sending a thorough letter to the Senate, and he promised to complete all four phases of EPAA, including the fourth phase, which would be more sophisticated by the Administration’s own accounts, than the third site, which it scrapped because the Russians hated it.

In the letter, it said that the President would develop ballistic missile defense both qualitatively and quantitatively. As you recall, those words are very important because those are the words the Russians themselves used in a unilateral statement that they submitted with the New START treaty. In the statement, the Russians said they reserve the right to withdraw from the treaty if the U.S. builds up its missile defense systems both qualitatively and quantitatively.

The President also promised to modernize the U.S. nuclear arsenal by promising $4 billion for modernization over the next five years. Then, in February, the budget came out and the President did not live up to his promise regarding nuclear modernization. The funding simply isn’t there. The President reneged on his promise because the whole point of the New START treaty is to take the world down to zero nuclear weapons because, as the President flippantly stated last week, “We all know that we have more than we need.”

Moreover, when he signed the FY 2012 defense bill, he mentioned multiple provisions related to his ability to share classified missile defense technology with the Russian Federation. These provisions were mandated by Congress to specifically ensure that the President does not bargain away U.S. security provided by missile defense. The President stated that if these provisions mandated by Congress conflicted with his constitutional authority to negotiate with a foreign power, he would treat them as non-binding.

So when President Obama said on all these issues, but particularly missile defense, “This can be solved, but it’s important for him [Putin] to give me space; this is my last election, and after my election I will have more flexibility,” he understands that the American people would not approve what he intends to do on missile defense.

He revealed what many of us have been suspicious of for a long time, ever since the President abruptly cancelled the third site, breaking trust with the Poles and the Czechs: He will bargain and barter on missile defense to achieve his nuclear reduction and reset aims. Just as the third site was the bait in the bait-and-switch to get the Russians on board with New START—or perhaps the naïve notion that Russia then would support the U.S. in our efforts to prevent Iran from achieving a nuclear weapon—the European missile defense site now is the bait in the bait-and-switch to get Russia on board with the new arms control treaty.

The Administration’s support for the 2B missile, that advanced missile that I spoke of earlier, even after the Congress nearly zeroed it out for multiple reasons, doesn’t make any sense otherwise. Why would the Administration push for a system that will be even more capable, more flexible, than the fixed GMD site in Poland which he cancelled? Especially when the President himself has made known his feelings about what he perceives as the destabilizing effect created by advanced BMD.

This issue is bound to remain in the center of the American presidential election and will fester on into the next presidential term, and although the hot mike incident stole the media stage for several days, the story that Russian leadership is more comfortable discussing missile defense after the American election and once President Obama wins a second term—this is their thinking—this notion was already running in Russian papers before the hot mike incident. Last month, a Russian paper, explaining why the Russian NATO summit in Chicago was cancelled, said, “A substantial dialogue before the presidential elections in the U.S. in 2013 is impossible. Missile defense is not the issue for the pre-election year. If a Republican candidate wins, the negotiations will stop; if Obama is reelected, the negotiations will get back to the positions when the negotiations were suspended.”

The Russians understand this reality. The future of U.S. missile defense over the next four years might look very different from what the current plans call for, no matter who is in office.
Why would you punish the Ukraine by not giving them our congressionally passed military aid, because other countries are not helping them more?

The Ukraine has no say in what foreign countries give them.

That is one of the most absurd excuses...

It's called trying to cover their ass.
Yeah.....why did Trump withhold the aid, temporarily? In this shocking revelation from actual testimony it is now known that Trump withheld aid......because he wanted the lazy, greedy, assholes in Europe to pay more....

Impeachment Witness Deposition Reveals Why They Were Told To Hold Ukraine Aid

Newly released transcripts from the deposition of Mark Sandy, an official at the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), reveal that OMB was allegedly instructed to withhold aid to Ukraine because President Donald Trump was concerned “about other countries not contributing more to Ukraine.”

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) responded to the release of the transcripts from the deposition, which happened on Chairman Adam Schiff’s House Intelligence Committee, by writing on Twitter, “The transcript for OMB’s Mark Sandy was just released. The ONLY reason he was ever given why there was a hold on $ to Ukraine was “the President’s concern about other countries not contributing more to Ukraine.” NOT bribery. NOT quid pro quo or any other WACKY Schiff conspiracy!”

Here is the interaction where the revelation was made [emphasis added]:

Question: Between July 19th and July 22nd, including July 22nd, did Mr. Duffey provide you any explanation as to why the President wanted to place a hold on Ukraine security assistance?

Sandy: No.

Question: Did you ask?

Sandy: Yes.

Question: And what was the response?

Sandy: He was not aware of the reason.

Question: To the best of your recollection, what precisely did he say to you when you asked for the reason for the President’s decision to place a hold on security assistance?

Sandy: That he was not aware.

Question: Did Mr. Duffey say that he was going to try to get additional information as to the reason for the hold?

Sandy: Yes. He certainly said that if he got additional information he would share it with us.

Question: At any point in time, from the moment that you walked into the [Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility] to anytime in history, has Mr. Duffey ever provided to you a reason why the President wanted to place a hold on security assistance?

Sandy: I recall in early September an email [from Mike Duffey] that attributed the hold to the President’s concern about other counties not contributing money to Ukraine.
Too bad that isn't going to fly. When you have two stories converging then conflicting, it appears that someone is lying and it looks like both Giuliani and Trump are. You just can't make this shit up. Lol! Talk to Rudy Trump said to the Ukranian's, while Trump claims he knows nothing about Giulini and Ukraine. We'll, one of his stories is a lie, while Giuliani was cutting a $200,000 dollar deal;
blub blub blub

when he realized he might have been caught, they found all kinds of assplanations:

it wasn't me.

it was perfect.

it's not a quid pro quo

i want nothing


that's the ticket.

And all those witnesses saying the same quid pro quo.....come on, keep saying they didn't say that....whatever makes you sleep at night...
No Quid Pro Quo after they were caught.
blub blub blub

when he realized he might have been caught, they found all kinds of assplanations:

it wasn't me.

it was perfect.

it's not a quid pro quo

i want nothing


that's the ticket.

And all those witnesses saying the same quid pro quo.....come on, keep saying they didn't say that....whatever makes you sleep at night...
You are nuts!!!!!!!

THEY ALL SAID THERE WAS A TIT FOR TAT, a quid offer and what had to be done to receive it.

Quid pro quo

Where are you getting all the witnesses say there wasn't one?????? It was just the opposite....

You didn't watch the hearing or read the witnesses depositions, did ya?

It’s patently obvious you watched a total of 0 seconds of any of this. Just regurgitating your libtard talking points. Not ONE witness had ANY first hand knowledge of anything. Even your “star” Sondland was forced to admit all he had was his PRESUMPTION. Here’s some free education for you. Presumptions and “we think” or “we believe” are NOT proof.
He gets all his thoughts and opinions from that Maddow dude on MSDNC.
And, as always, you have no arguing power, because you never say anything.
And all those witnesses saying the same quid pro quo.....come on, keep saying they didn't say that....whatever makes you sleep at night...

Sondland says there was a Quid Pro Quo...

There's a simple way to clear all of this up.

Have Bolton, Guliani, Mulvany, Perry, Pompeo all appear in front of Congress, under oath, and testify about what they know.
Once again, Sondland corrected himself. He stated when he asked the president, he stated no quid pro quo.

A: so, mr witness, you stated that you saw mr perp steal that aircraft carrier.

W: yes, i did. and so did a lot of other people.

A: thank you.

B: but did not mr perp tell you something else?

W: yes, months after stealing the aircraft carrier, when it was about to become public, mr perp contacted me and he said to me: "I did not steal that aircraft carrier."

perptards: W testified that perp did not steal that aircraft carrier!


No one was able to say they heard it from the horses mouth. They had someone start whispering around the water cooler to spread crap/gossip, because they don’t like his policies. That is rather apparent to anyone that has a brain.

Every accusation has been spread by innuendo so far. Every last bit of all these trumped up charges since the day he took office have been water cooler gossip. Since the day the ~resistance~ met.

but are you actually saying the aid was not held back and the DC meeting was not set up, because Trump didn't direct such, not even through Giuliani?

And all these people had no reason to believe at all, that the orders came from Trump?

And they all on their own, stopped the military aid and DC meeting? And they all on their own, simply imagined this was what Trump wanted while chatting around the water cooler???

And all those witnesses saying the same quid pro quo.....come on, keep saying they didn't say that....whatever makes you sleep at night...

Sondland says there was a Quid Pro Quo...

There's a simple way to clear all of this up.

Have Bolton, Guliani, Mulvany, Perry, Pompeo all appear in front of Congress, under oath, and testify about what they know.
Once again, Sondland corrected himself. He stated when he asked the president, he stated no quid pro quo.

A: so, mr witness, you stated that you saw mr perp steal that aircraft carrier.

W: yes, i did. and so did a lot of other people.

A: thank you.

B: but did not mr perp tell you something else?

W: yes, months after stealing the aircraft carrier, when it was about to become public, mr perp contacted me and he said to me: "I did not steal that aircraft carrier."

perptards: W testified that perp did not steal that aircraft carrier!


No one was able to say they heard it from the horses mouth. They had someone start whispering around the water cooler to spread crap/gossip, because they don’t like his policies. That is rather apparent to anyone that has a brain.

Every accusation has been spread by innuendo so far. Every last bit of all these trumped up charges since the day he took office have been water cooler gossip. Since the day the ~resistance~ met.

but are you actually saying the aid was not held back and the DC meeting was not set up, because Trump didn't direct such, not even through Giuliani?

And all these people had no reason to believe at all, that the orders came from Trump?

And they all on their own, stopped the military aid and DC meeting? And they all on their own, simply imagined this was what Trump wanted while chatting around the water cooler???


They are desperate to make shit up as they go. It's really pathetic.
Here you go...
2aguy, thanks for the backup! I had no idea of Hill's Op-Ed during the Obama admin declaring her opinion that aid should be held from Ukraine.
But it seems fair to point out that there is a difference. First of all, it indicates she is indeed non-partisan in that she cautioned the Obama admin against military aid at a time when neither Russia's nor Ukraine's aims were not as settled as now. Secondly, at the time, Ukraine really was corrupt and the whole of Europe as well as the US complained and withheld aid until the guy Rudy's been hanging with recently was fired for corruption.
Now that Ukraine has had a vote and elected Kerensky who has already put democratic reforms in place, like striking immunity for the corrupt commissioners, the restraints are off.
But the biggest thing is that back in the day of Hill's Op-Ed, Congress had NOT voted aid to Ukraine then threatened to hold it for Presidential personal reasons.
Again, I thank you for the documented data. It restores my faith that you are not just some blowhard.
Trump would like to personally thank


Big Fat Jerry, Pencil Neck Schiff, and Nutty Nancy.
Let's face it.... You do not care that Trump was self dealing... You don't care if he CHEATS in the upcoming election.... if cheating helps him win, so be it, eh?

Good to see that you realize another four years is definitely coming. The real question is who will get by the super delegates??...You know...the electoral college equivalent inside the DNC. Who will they select to be humiliated?
Let's face it.... You do not care that Trump was self dealing... You don't care if he CHEATS in the upcoming election.... if cheating helps him win, so be it, eh?

Good to see that you realize another four years is definitely coming. The real question is who will get by the super delegates??...You know...the electoral college equivalent inside the DNC. Who will they select to be humiliated?
He can only win, by cheating... And that's why he is cheating.... :eek:

As far as the super delegates.... Damn, who knows? I think it will be a contested convention!!
Let's face it.... You do not care that Trump was self dealing... You don't care if he CHEATS in the upcoming election.... if cheating helps him win, so be it, eh?

Good to see that you realize another four years is definitely coming. The real question is who will get by the super delegates??...You know...the electoral college equivalent inside the DNC. Who will they select to be humiliated?
He can only win, by cheating... And that's why he is cheating.... :eek:

As far as the super delegates.... Damn, who knows? I think it will be a contested convention!!

He's going to win.
The DNC will use their Electoral college to snub the voters.
They will get what they deserve...

And when they all say there was no quid pro quo, you'll believe them and say the democrats should just shut it all down, right?

There was clear bribery... Quid Pro Quo is Trump's talking point.
And when they all say there was no quid pro quo, you'll believe them and say the democrats should just shut it all down, right?

There was clear bribery... Quid Pro Quo is Trump's talking point.

No, there wasn't, and not even the "Star" witnesses said there was a QPQ you moron.....the hand picked, carefully selected democrat doofus.
Why would you punish the Ukraine by not giving them our congressionally passed military aid, because other countries are not helping them more?

The Ukraine has no say in what foreign countries give them.

That is one of the most absurd excuses...

And why would obama not give them lethal aid...oh yeah, as we learned on that video.....he told putin he would be able to be more flexible after he was re-elected....
Ah yes, another Trumpbot talking point. :lol:

Obama, and his REPUBLICAN congress did not appropriate military money for the Ukraine... there never was appropriated money for Obama to send, was there? No, not that I am aware of...? Why didn't the Republicans in Congress pass a bill for Military aid? Even if Obama didn't ask for it or want it at the time, or for whatever good reason, these things are up to Congress.... they decide foreign policy through their funding, or not funding....
Someone has to first make the request of Congress. Then Congress decides on the expenditure. The President makes that request. He's the one that decides foreign policy.
And when they all say there was no quid pro quo, you'll believe them and say the democrats should just shut it all down, right?

There was clear bribery... Quid Pro Quo is Trump's talking point.

No, there wasn't, and not even the "Star" witnesses said there was a QPQ you moron.....the hand picked, carefully selected democrat doofus.
Well, sadly, you'll never get to hear from the hand picked admin "Star" witnesses because they stonewall. That leaves us all wondering why they are so reluctant to testify IF they are so innocent of corruption. You'd think they would want to clear their names. Instead they use the packed courts to hide their testimony in a case that has nothing to do with national security.
And when they all say there was no quid pro quo, you'll believe them and say the democrats should just shut it all down, right?

There was clear bribery... Quid Pro Quo is Trump's talking point.

No, there wasn't, and not even the "Star" witnesses said there was a QPQ you moron.....the hand picked, carefully selected democrat doofus.
Well, sadly, you'll never get to hear from the hand picked admin "Star" witnesses because they stonewall. That leaves us all wondering why they are so reluctant to testify IF they are so innocent of corruption. You'd think they would want to clear their names. Instead they use the packed courts to hide their testimony in a case that has nothing to do with national security.

It's called separation of moron.......The President can't do his job if his immediate aids can be called into a kangaroo court every time the democrats want to lie to doofus.
t's called separation of moron.......The President can't do his job if his immediate aids can be called into a kangaroo court every time the democrats want to lie to doofus.
Funny, no other President couldn't do his job with transparency when dealing in non-national security policies. Our WheelerDealer-in-Chief hasn't made a transparent deal yet. Not with Mexico (wall)/NK (nukes)/China (tariffs).Ukraine (without bribes).

However, he has made some rosa moves like dropping the Obama sanctions placed on Russia for interfering in our election (2016). Like clearing a path for Trukish aggression in Syria against our allies who died by the thousands for our mutual cause. Like tacit approval of Russia annexing Crimea in an effort to please Vlad. Like working diligently to knee-cap NATO and the UN with his whiny mewlings about a score card to please Vlad.

It appears the Trump AND his aides can't do his job of aggrandizing the cult in the light of day before (some of) Congress or the public. Then crying "hoax" whenever he gets nailed.

And what the hell is this 'war against Thanksgiving' bullcrap about? Another childish diversion?

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