They Lost Obama

Actually, point of correction --- that's the third lady. The first one got raped and divorced, the second got humiliated by "John Miller" and "John Barron" and divorced. Can't follow the players without a program.

And how he was perceived, well that's what's immortalized in my sigline. Which relates right back to the line about Trudeau being the adult in the room. Et voilà, back on topic.

Did you refer to Nancy as the Second Lady?

Nope. Wasn't doing politics at the time. But it would have worked.

Say, did Reagan have a "John Miller" or a "John Barron"? :eusa_think:
Somehow I don't remember Ronnie spending a whole lotta time on narcissism, self-delusion, childish ad hominem, whining about criticism at four in the morning or outright lying.

I don't remember 2 women between Don and Melania in the WH.

How 'bout any post in this thread with your name on it that's actually on the topic? You remember that?

Nope, I don't either.

As I said to the OP --- interesting approach. Let us know if it ever works.

and this has what to do with the topic?

Actually, point of correction --- that's the third lady. The first one got raped and divorced, the second got humiliated by "John Miller" and "John Barron" and divorced. Can't follow the players without a program.

last I heard, this was an open forum, and anyone could add their 2 cents.

Did that change while I was playing Backgammon?

You edited out the part of the post that applies to the topic.

Let us know if that ever works too. Dishonest hack.
Did you refer to Nancy as the Second Lady?

Nope. Wasn't doing politics at the time. But it would have worked.

Say, did Reagan have a "John Miller" or a "John Barron"? :eusa_think:
Somehow I don't remember Ronnie spending a whole lotta time on narcissism, self-delusion, childish ad hominem, whining about criticism at four in the morning or outright lying.

I don't remember 2 women between Don and Melania in the WH.

How 'bout any post in this thread with your name on it that's actually on the topic? You remember that?

Nope, I don't either.

As I said to the OP --- interesting approach. Let us know if it ever works.

and this has what to do with the topic?

Actually, point of correction --- that's the third lady. The first one got raped and divorced, the second got humiliated by "John Miller" and "John Barron" and divorced. Can't follow the players without a program.

last I heard, this was an open forum, and anyone could add their 2 cents.

Did that change while I was playing Backgammon?

You edited out the part of the post that applies to the topic.

Let us know if that ever works too. Dishonest hack.
You edited out the part of the post that applies to the topic.

is that an admission the part I did quote had nothing to do with the topic?
Actually, point of correction --- that's the third lady. The first one got raped and divorced, the second got humiliated by "John Miller" and "John Barron" and divorced. Can't follow the players without a program.

And how he was perceived, well that's what's immortalized in my sigline. Which relates right back to the line about Trudeau being the adult in the room. Et voilà, back on topic.

Too funny. When compared with the line of splayed thighs and cigars Bill has trailing behind him, Donald is a saint.
The contrasts between here and there are not just superficial.

Trump is defunding Planned Parenthood. Trudeau is firmly pro-choice; abortions are provided as part of Canada's universal health care. (We know Trump's position on that issue.)

Meanwhile, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is trying to roll back America's weed laws to Reefer Madness days. Over the border, Trudeau, who admits he smoked pot after being elected to Parliament, campaigned on legalizing it across Canada.

Trump ditched the Paris environmental accord. Trudeau is urging American cities and states to work with their northern neighbors to cut emissions

Another nice summary at the end:

>> "When you look at a community, or a country, divisions within the country can lead to weakness, can lead to fights, can lead to arguments," he says. "We have differences in Canada, different backgrounds, different stories, different religions, different languages." He gives the kids his old schoolteacher look. "We figured out how to make this a source of strength, a source of creativity, a source of resilience for our communities."Trudeau heads back toward his three-car motorcade that stops at all red lights. In the hall, a couple hundred kids hold signs that say "Hope" and "Respect." They grab his sleeve and then skitter away wearing giant smiles. It would have been corny if it had not been so goddamned beautiful.

This is Trudeau's vision of what a country can be. His land races toward inclusion, while our nation builds walls and lusts for an era of vanilla homogeneity that ain't coming back. <<​
Actually, point of correction --- that's the third lady. The first one got raped and divorced, the second got humiliated by "John Miller" and "John Barron" and divorced. Can't follow the players without a program.

And how he was perceived, well that's what's immortalized in my sigline. Which relates right back to the line about Trudeau being the adult in the room. Et voilà, back on topic.

Too funny. When compared with the line of splayed thighs and cigars Bill has trailing behind him, Donald is a saint.

Yet another interesting tactic. The article -- as yet unread by so many -- has nothing to do with "Clinton" or "Obama". And yet, here's the OP desperately trying to derail his own thread that he put here specifically for the purpose of not-discussing, into altogether unrelated entities.

Must be his "monkey". :dunno:
Actually, point of correction --- that's the third lady. The first one got raped and divorced, the second got humiliated by "John Miller" and "John Barron" and divorced. Can't follow the players without a program.

And how he was perceived, well that's what's immortalized in my sigline. Which relates right back to the line about Trudeau being the adult in the room. Et voilà, back on topic.

Too funny. When compared with the line of splayed thighs and cigars Bill has trailing behind him, Donald is a saint.

Yet another interesting tactic. The article -- as yet unread by so many -- has nothing to do with "Clinton" or "Obama".

Your comment concerning Trump's love life does, and begged comparison.
That glorified ski-instructor idiot Trudeau is the "white Obama" in the sense that he sucks enough muslim dick to coat the entire moon with semen - to the exclusion of everyone else and all other interests. For Chrissakes, what is it about the most violent, rape-epidemic, society-destroying, cruel, sadistic hate-bloodbath on this planet that makes you liberals get down on your knees and open wide? What kind of SICKNESS makes you so devoted to a major hate-ideology that is filled with a long list of rampant human-rights-atrocities that NO OTHER RELIGION is currently committing? You reprobates are SO devoted to the only religion that stones women to death for trivia, teaches their own children to be suicide bombers, fucks and/or beheads children of their enemies, throws disfiguring acid in the faces of disobedient women, has murderous riots for no particular reason, has 50 generations of 1st-cousin-inbreeding (per pedophile mass-murderer Mohammed's example).

WHY are you liberalfilth so SICK as to find a cult with that much violence & destruction soooo damned attractive? Which has an historical body count of 300 million and still counting 24/7/365. Your brains (or whatever passes for them) must be wired to have a complete lack of basic human decency. When I see that dumb, grinning, empty expression on Trudeau's face, I have to restrain myself from punching my monitor. I noticed that liberalfilth cannot name ONE positive quality of importing Islam sewage, so they scream WAAAYCIST at anyone with reservations about it (even though muslims come in all races, including whites).
The contrasts between here and there are not just superficial.

Trump is defunding Planned Parenthood. Trudeau is firmly pro-choice; abortions are provided as part of Canada's universal health care. (We know Trump's position on that issue.)

Meanwhile, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is trying to roll back America's weed laws to Reefer Madness days. Over the border, Trudeau, who admits he smoked pot after being elected to Parliament, campaigned on legalizing it across Canada.

Trump ditched the Paris environmental accord. Trudeau is urging American cities and states to work with their northern neighbors to cut emissions

Trudeau is their version of Hillary Clinton. We dodged the bullet. They embraced it. The result is, they are turning into Little Syria. We are not. And they should be held liable when their "refugees" start crossing our border to perpetuate machinations on our soil.

What has happened is Canada is respected and Trudeau is accepted as a leader around the world

Trump is openly mocked and his judgment is not respected

Trump and the First Lady were received very well on their trip abroad.

Actually, point of correction --- that's the third lady. The first one got raped and divorced, the second got humiliated by "John Miller" and "John Barron" and divorced. Can't follow the players without a program.

And how he was perceived, well that's what's immortalized in my sigline. Which relates right back to the line about Trudeau being the adult in the room. Et voilà, back on topic.

Allow me to correct your correction. She is Trump's third wife. She is our First Lady.
The contrasts between here and there are not just superficial.

Trump is defunding Planned Parenthood. Trudeau is firmly pro-choice; abortions are provided as part of Canada's universal health care. (We know Trump's position on that issue.)

Meanwhile, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is trying to roll back America's weed laws to Reefer Madness days. Over the border, Trudeau, who admits he smoked pot after being elected to Parliament, campaigned on legalizing it across Canada.

Trump ditched the Paris environmental accord. Trudeau is urging American cities and states to work with their northern neighbors to cut emissions

Trudeau is their version of Hillary Clinton. We dodged the bullet. They embraced it. The result is, they are turning into Little Syria. We are not. And they should be held liable when their "refugees" start crossing our border to perpetuate machinations on our soil.

What has happened is Canada is respected and Trudeau is accepted as a leader around the world

Trump is openly mocked and his judgment is not respected

Trump and the First Lady were received very well on their trip abroad.

Actually, point of correction --- that's the third lady. The first one got raped and divorced, the second got humiliated by "John Miller" and "John Barron" and divorced. Can't follow the players without a program.

And how he was perceived, well that's what's immortalized in my sigline. Which relates right back to the line about Trudeau being the adult in the room. Et voilà, back on topic.

Allow me to correct your correction. She is Trump's third wife. She is our First Lady.

Allllll righty then. What were the fist two? You know, Ivaka's / Eric's / Don Jr's / Tiffany's mothers?
Actually, point of correction --- that's the third lady. The first one got raped and divorced, the second got humiliated by "John Miller" and "John Barron" and divorced. Can't follow the players without a program.

And how he was perceived, well that's what's immortalized in my sigline. Which relates right back to the line about Trudeau being the adult in the room. Et voilà, back on topic.

Too funny. When compared with the line of splayed thighs and cigars Bill has trailing behind him, Donald is a saint.

Yet another interesting tactic. The article -- as yet unread by so many -- has nothing to do with "Clinton" or "Obama".

Your comment concerning Trump's love life does, and begged comparison.

Actually I posted nothing about "love".

There is however a post right after yours that describes "coating the entire moon with semen". Have your monkey take that one on. It's too bizzaro for me.
Actually, point of correction --- that's the third lady. The first one got raped and divorced, the second got humiliated by "John Miller" and "John Barron" and divorced. Can't follow the players without a program.

And how he was perceived, well that's what's immortalized in my sigline. Which relates right back to the line about Trudeau being the adult in the room. Et voilà, back on topic.

Too funny. When compared with the line of splayed thighs and cigars Bill has trailing behind him, Donald is a saint.

Yet another interesting tactic. The article -- as yet unread by so many -- has nothing to do with "Clinton" or "Obama".

Your comment concerning Trump's love life does, and begged comparison.

Actually I posted nothing about "love".

There is however a post right after yours that describes "coating the entire moon with semen". Have your monkey take that one on. It's too bizzaro for me.

That's because normalcy appears bizarre to the bizarre.
Trudeau is their version of Hillary Clinton. We dodged the bullet. They embraced it. The result is, they are turning into Little Syria. We are not. And they should be held liable when their "refugees" start crossing our border to perpetuate machinations on our soil.

What has happened is Canada is respected and Trudeau is accepted as a leader around the world

Trump is openly mocked and his judgment is not respected

Trump and the First Lady were received very well on their trip abroad.

Actually, point of correction --- that's the third lady. The first one got raped and divorced, the second got humiliated by "John Miller" and "John Barron" and divorced. Can't follow the players without a program.

And how he was perceived, well that's what's immortalized in my sigline. Which relates right back to the line about Trudeau being the adult in the room. Et voilà, back on topic.

Allow me to correct your correction. She is Trump's third wife. She is our First Lady.

Allllll righty then. What were the fist two? You know, Ivaka's / Eric's / Don Jr's / Tiffany's mothers?

Don't know, don't care. Is he stopping the steady line of illegals crossing our border? I care about that. Did we prevent Hillary from appointing a Supreme Court/UN plant? I cared about that.
You play match the child with the mother, while Trump continues to have our support for things like tax reform, immigration and jobs..
Interesting that all three of the other posts here focus on poisoning the well, and none actually dare address the content of the article itself. Isn't that special.

>> It's strange to witness: He speaks in a modulated, indoor voice. His dark hair is a color found in nature. At home, there is a glamorous wife and three photogenic children, still not old enough to warm his seat at next week's G-20 summit or be involved in an espionage scandal.

When Trudeau moves on to his feminist bona fides (women and minorities make up more than half of his Cabinet), he pauses for a moment, but does not lose his train of thought. His words are coherent and will not need to be run through Google Translate when he is done (except if you want to translate his French into English).

He talks about steps taken to deal with the opioid crisis and mentions the country's dropping unemployment rate. He uses the original Clintonian recipe on the crowd: "We're focused on getting people into good careers and helping families get ahead and stay ahead," he says. "But we know there's more hard work in front of us than there is behind us."

Then he gives the press corps a high-five.

"The back and forth between the press and government is essential to any good democracy," he says. "When you're at your best, it reminds us and challenges us to be at ours. So thank you all for your tireless work." <<

Yeah, an interesting contrast, or really as it goes on, set of contrasts. Thanks for posting this to remind us what we're missing.

Summed up later in the article:

>> Justin Trudeau is now the adult in the room. <<​

Thank you for reiterating my point.

Actually you didn't make a point. Even though this site kind of has the rule that you're supposed to.

Not that I object on those grounds, not at all. It's a worthy article that I take it you didn't bother to read. As I noted in that post, nobody else even bothered to comment on (or apparently read at all) the content of the article, preferring to slobber over the source, the "Establishment" and the "leftist press". Not a word about what was actually IN it.

Interesting tactic. Let us know if it ever works.
Let you know if it's working? Where you been for 6 months?
What has happened is Canada is respected and Trudeau is accepted as a leader around the world

Trump is openly mocked and his judgment is not respected

Trump and the First Lady were received very well on their trip abroad.

Actually, point of correction --- that's the third lady. The first one got raped and divorced, the second got humiliated by "John Miller" and "John Barron" and divorced. Can't follow the players without a program.

And how he was perceived, well that's what's immortalized in my sigline. Which relates right back to the line about Trudeau being the adult in the room. Et voilà, back on topic.

Allow me to correct your correction. She is Trump's third wife. She is our First Lady.

Allllll righty then. What were the fist two? You know, Ivaka's / Eric's / Don Jr's / Tiffany's mothers?

Don't know, don't care. Is he stopping the steady line of illegals crossing our border? I care about that. Did we prevent Hillary from appointing a Supreme Court/UN plant? I cared about that.
You play match the child with the mother, while Trump continues to have our support for things like tax reform, immigration and jobs..

There is no "steady line of illegals crossing our border". Most illegals come from overstayed visas nowhere near that border. The illusion of "steady line of illegals crossing our border" is a snake oil cartoon sold to the Gullible who can't be bothered to fact-check, specifically because ---- and I'm quoting Rump's own fraudulent "university" playbook here for his M.O.:

"You don't sell products, benefits or solutions ----- you sell feelings".

"Feelings" --- nothing more than feelings --- is what you've been sold when you're presented with an emotional cookie and you haven't bothered to read the ingredient label to find out what's really in there. Such as a giant orange strawman argument.

You care about that?

Know what a giant orange strawman argument is? Sounds like this:
"Look, here's something that ain't broke. I'll fix it."

And when you add the abject narcissism (the 'orange' part) you get this:

--- "and only I can do it". :rolleyes:
Trump and the First Lady were received very well on their trip abroad.

Actually, point of correction --- that's the third lady. The first one got raped and divorced, the second got humiliated by "John Miller" and "John Barron" and divorced. Can't follow the players without a program.

And how he was perceived, well that's what's immortalized in my sigline. Which relates right back to the line about Trudeau being the adult in the room. Et voilà, back on topic.

Allow me to correct your correction. She is Trump's third wife. She is our First Lady.

Allllll righty then. What were the fist two? You know, Ivaka's / Eric's / Don Jr's / Tiffany's mothers?

Don't know, don't care. Is he stopping the steady line of illegals crossing our border? I care about that. Did we prevent Hillary from appointing a Supreme Court/UN plant? I cared about that.
You play match the child with the mother, while Trump continues to have our support for things like tax reform, immigration and jobs..

There is no "steady line of illegals crossing our border". Most illegals come from overstayed visas nowhere near that border. The illusion of "steady line of illegals crossing our border" is a snake oil cartoon sold to the Gullible who can't be bothered to fact-check, specifically because ---- and I'm quoting Rump's own fraudulent "university" playbook here for his M.O.:

"You don't sell products, benefits or solutions ----- you sell feelings".

"Feelings" --- nothing more than feelings --- is what you've been sold when you're presented with an emotional cookie and you haven't bothered to read the ingredient label to find out what's really in there. Such as a giant orange strawman argument.

You care about that?

Know what a giant orange strawman argument is? Sounds like this:
"Look, here's something that ain't broke. I'll fix it."

And when you add the abject narcissism (the 'orange' part) you get this:

--- "and only I can do it". :rolleyes:

Blah blah blah strawman, blah blah rubes, blah blah blah....



steady stream^
Actually, point of correction --- that's the third lady. The first one got raped and divorced, the second got humiliated by "John Miller" and "John Barron" and divorced. Can't follow the players without a program.

And how he was perceived, well that's what's immortalized in my sigline. Which relates right back to the line about Trudeau being the adult in the room. Et voilà, back on topic.

Allow me to correct your correction. She is Trump's third wife. She is our First Lady.

Allllll righty then. What were the fist two? You know, Ivaka's / Eric's / Don Jr's / Tiffany's mothers?

Don't know, don't care. Is he stopping the steady line of illegals crossing our border? I care about that. Did we prevent Hillary from appointing a Supreme Court/UN plant? I cared about that.
You play match the child with the mother, while Trump continues to have our support for things like tax reform, immigration and jobs..

There is no "steady line of illegals crossing our border". Most illegals come from overstayed visas nowhere near that border. The illusion of "steady line of illegals crossing our border" is a snake oil cartoon sold to the Gullible who can't be bothered to fact-check, specifically because ---- and I'm quoting Rump's own fraudulent "university" playbook here for his M.O.:

"You don't sell products, benefits or solutions ----- you sell feelings".

"Feelings" --- nothing more than feelings --- is what you've been sold when you're presented with an emotional cookie and you haven't bothered to read the ingredient label to find out what's really in there. Such as a giant orange strawman argument.

You care about that?

Know what a giant orange strawman argument is? Sounds like this:
"Look, here's something that ain't broke. I'll fix it."

And when you add the abject narcissism (the 'orange' part) you get this:

--- "and only I can do it". :rolleyes:

Blah blah blah strawman, blah blah rubes, blah blah blah....

steady stream^

See what I mean? Given the facts you have no refutation at all, just :lalala:

(There's no B in that btw)

That kind of emotional attachment is direct evidence that you've been sold feelings instead of facts. Only the former form emotional attachments. You got sold a Linus blanket, and the fact that it doesn't keep you warm doesn't even give you pause. There's the irrational part.

Con artists selling feelings over facts are nothing new. The question is, why would you be buying the former when you have the latter?

I don't have an answer for that.

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