They might as well cut off the top half of the flag pole...

The reason we are having all these problems is because of people like you who have turned their backs on God, and have pushed for anti-God policies. Now, we have an entire generation of young people without morals or value, so they are easily lured into violent extremism and cults. It is your fault that this is happening. I urge you to go to your bedroom, kneel at your bed, and pray to God to take you back. He will, all you have to do is ask.

Uh, guy, the reason we are having THIS problem is because the gun industry made it way too easy for people to procure guns that were designed to be used on a battlefield.

I turned my back on your worthless sky pixie a long time ago.

I have no desire to go out and shoot police officers.

These guys didn't shoot cops because they didn't believe in a God. They shot them because some cops have killed black people. Oh, yeah, and it was way too easy for them to get guns.
The God (Allah) of the Christians, Jews, and Muslims, is the exact same God. (Allah)

He had no beginning and no son. He always was, and will always be, the one and only true God ...... :cool:
Your Allah and the Mormon god are not the God of Christians and Jews.
Your Allah and the Mormon god are not the God of Christians and Jews.

you fundi-tards hate the Mormons again? Because four years ago you were willing to turn the country over to them because, "Eeek, a Negro!"
You are not going to "talk me into believing a lie". You are wasting both of our time. I have thought carefully about this. I thoroughly believe I am correct.
It take a lot of faith to not believe in the God of creation. All this from a single dot that went BANG. Talk about having faith? lol
Mormons believe in polygamy when I can only handle one wife at a time.
Your obsession with guns is not normal.

Not at all.

We have had our second incident in 10 days of a crazy person using guns to kill and wound multiple police officers.

So which of these sounds like an actual solution to that.

Blackrook - Pray to an imaginary Fairy in the Sky.

JoeB131 - Pass sensible laws to keep crazy people from getting guns.
The sensible laws you desire include confiscation. My rights are not up for debate.

Who decides who is crazy. You? Your obsession with a tool as the cause of these incidents make you the least capable of that responsibility.

Since I'm an agnostic I won't comment on this imaginary sky pixey you so despise.
Your obsession with guns is not normal.

Not at all.

We have had our second incident in 10 days of a crazy person using guns to kill and wound multiple police officers.

So which of these sounds like an actual solution to that.

Blackrook - Pray to an imaginary Fairy in the Sky.

JoeB131 - Pass sensible laws to keep crazy people from getting guns.
The sensible laws you desire include confiscation. My rights are not up for debate.

Who decides who is crazy. You? Your obsession with a tool as the cause of these incidents make you the least capable of that responsibility.

Since I'm an agnostic I won't comment on this imaginary sky pixey you so despise.

gnostic means knowledge in ancient Greek and putting an a in in front of the word means without knowledge. Similar but not the same as dumb fuck. : )
Your obsession with guns is not normal.

Not at all.

We have had our second incident in 10 days of a crazy person using guns to kill and wound multiple police officers.

So which of these sounds like an actual solution to that.

Blackrook - Pray to an imaginary Fairy in the Sky.

JoeB131 - Pass sensible laws to keep crazy people from getting guns.
The sensible laws you desire include confiscation. My rights are not up for debate.

Who decides who is crazy. You? Your obsession with a tool as the cause of these incidents make you the least capable of that responsibility.

Since I'm an agnostic I won't comment on this imaginary sky pixey you so despise.

gnostic means knowledge in ancient Greek and putting an a in in front of the word means without knowledge. Similar but not the same as dumb fuck. : )
I'm not saying God does not exist. I prefer to use science to explain our existence.
The sensible laws you desire include confiscation. My rights are not up for debate.

Who decides who is crazy. You? Your obsession with a tool as the cause of these incidents make you the least capable of that responsibility.

Since I'm an agnostic I won't comment on this imaginary sky pixey you so despise.

Guy, no one is limiting your ability to join a well-regulated militia.
Your obsession with guns is not normal.

Not at all.

We have had our second incident in 10 days of a crazy person using guns to kill and wound multiple police officers.

So which of these sounds like an actual solution to that.

Blackrook - Pray to an imaginary Fairy in the Sky.

JoeB131 - Pass sensible laws to keep crazy people from getting guns.
The sensible laws you desire include confiscation. My rights are not up for debate.

Who decides who is crazy. You? Your obsession with a tool as the cause of these incidents make you the least capable of that responsibility.

Since I'm an agnostic I won't comment on this imaginary sky pixey you so despise.

gnostic means knowledge in ancient Greek and putting an a in in front of the word means without knowledge. Similar but not the same as dumb fuck. : )
I'm not saying God does not exist. I prefer to use science to explain our existence.

Which came first the chicken or the egg? Not a childhood joke but meaningful when discussing creation. Chicken means God and Egg means a random quantum event.
The sensible laws you desire include confiscation. My rights are not up for debate.

Who decides who is crazy. You? Your obsession with a tool as the cause of these incidents make you the least capable of that responsibility.

Since I'm an agnostic I won't comment on this imaginary sky pixey you so despise.

Guy, no one is limiting your ability to join a well-regulated militia.
Of course not Joe. I've been an active participant in the service of this Nation for most of my life.

I remain armed because I have not been relieved of my duties.

I am a citizen trained militarily. I am a member of this well regulated militia.

You just can't accept it.

You would rather insult instead of having the courtesy of thanking those who defend this Nation.

Someone has to stand at the gates. I chose to volunteer. Your hatred of those like me is noted. I won't return the hatred.
Your obsession with guns is not normal.

Not at all.

We have had our second incident in 10 days of a crazy person using guns to kill and wound multiple police officers.

So which of these sounds like an actual solution to that.

Blackrook - Pray to an imaginary Fairy in the Sky.

JoeB131 - Pass sensible laws to keep crazy people from getting guns.
The sensible laws you desire include confiscation. My rights are not up for debate.

Who decides who is crazy. You? Your obsession with a tool as the cause of these incidents make you the least capable of that responsibility.

Since I'm an agnostic I won't comment on this imaginary sky pixey you so despise.

gnostic means knowledge in ancient Greek and putting an a in in front of the word means without knowledge. Similar but not the same as dumb fuck. : )
I'm not saying God does not exist. I prefer to use science to explain our existence.

Which came first the chicken or the egg? Not a childhood joke but meaningful when discussing creation. Chicken means God and Egg means a random quantum event.
I'm always open to meaningful discussion about creation.

I don't mind that this discussion include God.
Only submission to Allah can heal our nation. ...... :cool:
I did not include Muslims as people who should return to their religion. It is obvious to me that the Muslim religion does not solve the problems of the world, but causes it. The best that can be hoped for is that Muslims convert to other religions, hopefully, Christianity. I will pray for that.
Why would a Muslim or Jew debase themselves by converting to a religion of christian idolatry
You would rather insult instead of having the courtesy of thanking those who defend this Nation.

Someone has to stand at the gates. I chose to volunteer. Your hatred of those like me is noted. I won't return the hatred.

Guy, I did my time in the service... thanks.

But you know what, so did Tim McVeigh. so did these cop shooters in Dallas and Baton Rogue...

When you tell people that they should have guns to resolve their disagreement with government, you should expect incidents like this.
Right now, there are so many guns out on the streets, that anyone with a few dollars has access. And we are seeing the result of that. I have been a gun owner for 60 years. But I will not own a weapon of war, and think that those that do should have to have special licenses to assure the rest of us that they are responsible enough to own that kind of weapon. The same license that you have to have to presently own a Thompson fully auto .45. And I would support a law that required that a lower price limit be set on guns, so there are no cheap guns readily available for criminals and the weak of mind.

Simply, we are seeing too much death in this nation from the use of guns. Either we do something now to limit the availability of guns to the criminal and insane element, or we see draconian measures on down the line. For that is what will happen when enough citizens say 'Enough, already'.
In the last few months, tragedy had followed tragedy in such rapid succession that the American flags are now almost always at half mast. I don't see an end to this any time soon, I think it may be years, maybe decades, before this chaos and disorder resolves itself and things go back to some semblance of normality.

What this nation needs now is a return to God. I won't be sectarian here and say which God. Catholics should return to the Catholic God, Protestants should return to the Protestant God, and Jews should return to the Jewish God.

Only through return to God, a return to regular church or synagogue service, a return to prayer, a return to obedience to the Ten Commandments, a return to service to others, a return to fasting and self-denial, can we save our world now.

Otherwise the spiritual sickness that has infected our world will continue to fester, and we will see things escalate.

Pray for the victims of violence, and pray for their families and loved ones.

But also pray for the aggressors, for they need our prayers even more.

Pray for those with hate in their hearts, and pray for those who believe that violence is the answer to the world's problems.

Only through prayer can we heal what is broken in our world.
Hyperbolic nonsense and demagoguery; current events have nothing to do with an imaginary "god."
Only submission to Allah can heal our nation. ...... :cool:
I did not include Muslims as people who should return to their religion. It is obvious to me that the Muslim religion does not solve the problems of the world, but causes it. The best that can be hoped for is that Muslims convert to other religions, hopefully, Christianity. I will pray for that.
Why would a Muslim or Jew debase themselves by converting to a religion of christian idolatry

If, for no other reason: Ham, bacon, pork chops, sausage, etc. etc.
Plus, let us not forget booze.

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