They might as well cut off the top half of the flag pole...

You are not going to "talk me into believing a lie". You are wasting both of our time. I have thought carefully about this. I thoroughly believe I am correct.
It take a lot of faith to not believe in the God of creation. All this from a single dot that went BANG. Talk about having faith? lol

It makes perfect sense to me. There is an incredible distance in between the relative "sizes" of the components of an atom and their orbits. Just imagine all that space is gone. "Everything" is compacted. It's really a simple mathematical truth. The only part that takes any "faith" is that it happened like that. That faith is mitigated in that the universe is still expanding. All you have to do is play the movie backwards in your mind to envision "everything" collapsing into a smaller size. The only real troubling part is that the universe isn't just's accelerating in it's expansion. My "faith" is that the two conditions are not related. I as other people have yet to know fully why the acceleration. The rest of it makes perfect sense.
In the last few months, tragedy had followed tragedy in such rapid succession that the American flags are now almost always at half mast. I don't see an end to this any time soon, I think it may be years, maybe decades, before this chaos and disorder resolves itself and things go back to some semblance of normality.

What this nation needs now is a return to God. I won't be sectarian here and say which God. Catholics should return to the Catholic God, Protestants should return to the Protestant God, and Jews should return to the Jewish God.

Only through return to God, a return to regular church or synagogue service, a return to prayer, a return to obedience to the Ten Commandments, a return to service to others, a return to fasting and self-denial, can we save our world now.

So how is praying to an imaginary sky pixie going to help, exactly.

Hey this is what you Right Wingers wanted- a country full of guns that any crazy person can get because it was their 'God given' right.

I did not include Muslims as people who should return to their religion. It is obvious to me that the Muslim religion does not solve the problems of the world, but causes it. The best that can be hoped for is that Muslims convert to other religions, hopefully, Christianity. I will pray for that.

Or we could stop invading their countries and pissing them off. That would work, too.
Stfu retard.
The faith it takes to believe that all of the universe came out of nothing exceeds the faith required to believe that all of the universe was created by an external entity. That is why I believe that God created the universe, because that is the more logical choice of these two conclusions.

All of the rest we know about God is not derived from logic, it is revealed to us in Scripture and traditions.

There is no logic that leads to the conclusion that God loves the human race. This is a revealed truth. How much he loved us is revealed in John 3:16: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."
The faith it takes to believe that all of the universe came out of nothing exceeds the faith required to believe that all of the universe was created by an external entity. That is why I believe that God created the universe, because that is the more logical choice of these two conclusions.

All of the rest we know about God is not derived from logic, it is revealed to us in Scripture and traditions.

There is no logic that leads to the conclusion that God loves the human race. This is a revealed truth. How much he loved us is revealed in John 3:16: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."
I believe we don't know the true origins.............Either by creation or evolution...
In the last few months, tragedy had followed tragedy in such rapid succession that the American flags are now almost always at half mast. I don't see an end to this any time soon, I think it may be years, maybe decades, before this chaos and disorder resolves itself and things go back to some semblance of normality.

What this nation needs now is a return to God. I won't be sectarian here and say which God. Catholics should return to the Catholic God, Protestants should return to the Protestant God, and Jews should return to the Jewish God.

Only through return to God, a return to regular church or synagogue service, a return to prayer, a return to obedience to the Ten Commandments, a return to service to others, a return to fasting and self-denial, can we save our world now.

Otherwise the spiritual sickness that has infected our world will continue to fester, and we will see things escalate.

Pray for the victims of violence, and pray for their families and loved ones.

But also pray for the aggressors, for they need our prayers even more.

Pray for those with hate in their hearts, and pray for those who believe that violence is the answer to the world's problems.

Only through prayer can we heal what is broken in our world.
Want to truly fix this shit....white people need to stop hating, cops who kill unarmed black men, need to go to jail and all muslims in this country need to just keep a low profile until white people get their way and win with Trump!!
In the last few months, tragedy had followed tragedy in such rapid succession that the American flags are now almost always at half mast. I don't see an end to this any time soon, I think it may be years, maybe decades, before this chaos and disorder resolves itself and things go back to some semblance of normality.

What this nation needs now is a return to God. I won't be sectarian here and say which God. Catholics should return to the Catholic God, Protestants should return to the Protestant God, and Jews should return to the Jewish God.

Only through return to God, a return to regular church or synagogue service, a return to prayer, a return to obedience to the Ten Commandments, a return to service to others, a return to fasting and self-denial, can we save our world now.

Otherwise the spiritual sickness that has infected our world will continue to fester, and we will see things escalate.

Pray for the victims of violence, and pray for their families and loved ones.

But also pray for the aggressors, for they need our prayers even more.

Pray for those with hate in their hearts, and pray for those who believe that violence is the answer to the world's problems.

Only through prayer can we heal what is broken in our world.
Want to truly fix this shit....white people need to stop hating, cops who kill unarmed black men, need to go to jail and all muslims in this country need to just keep a low profile until white people get their way and win with Trump!!
Then the water cannons are prepared for the next Black Lives Matter riot. The way things ought to be will be the way things are.
In the last few months, tragedy had followed tragedy in such rapid succession that the American flags are now almost always at half mast. I don't see an end to this any time soon, I think it may be years, maybe decades, before this chaos and disorder resolves itself and things go back to some semblance of normality.

What this nation needs now is a return to God. I won't be sectarian here and say which God. Catholics should return to the Catholic God, Protestants should return to the Protestant God, and Jews should return to the Jewish God.

Only through return to God, a return to regular church or synagogue service, a return to prayer, a return to obedience to the Ten Commandments, a return to service to others, a return to fasting and self-denial, can we save our world now.

Otherwise the spiritual sickness that has infected our world will continue to fester, and we will see things escalate.

Pray for the victims of violence, and pray for their families and loved ones.

But also pray for the aggressors, for they need our prayers even more.

Pray for those with hate in their hearts, and pray for those who believe that violence is the answer to the world's problems.

Only through prayer can we heal what is broken in our world.
Want to truly fix this shit....white people need to stop hating, cops who kill unarmed black men, need to go to jail and all muslims in this country need to just keep a low profile until white people get their way and win with Trump!!
Then the water cannons are prepared for the next Black Lives Matter riot. The way things ought to be will be the way things are.
The way niggas are dying these days, water cannons are a welcomed lot!!
Ah, the good old days before white cops got hip to killing mf's and getting away with it.
In the last few months, tragedy had followed tragedy in such rapid succession that the American flags are now almost always at half mast. I don't see an end to this any time soon, I think it may be years, maybe decades, before this chaos and disorder resolves itself and things go back to some semblance of normality.

What this nation needs now is a return to God. I won't be sectarian here and say which God. Catholics should return to the Catholic God, Protestants should return to the Protestant God, and Jews should return to the Jewish God.

Only through return to God, a return to regular church or synagogue service, a return to prayer, a return to obedience to the Ten Commandments, a return to service to others, a return to fasting and self-denial, can we save our world now.

Otherwise the spiritual sickness that has infected our world will continue to fester, and we will see things escalate.

Pray for the victims of violence, and pray for their families and loved ones.

But also pray for the aggressors, for they need our prayers even more.

Pray for those with hate in their hearts, and pray for those who believe that violence is the answer to the world's problems.

Only through prayer can we heal what is broken in our world.
Want to truly fix this shit....white people need to stop hating, cops who kill unarmed black men, need to go to jail and all muslims in this country need to just keep a low profile until white people get their way and win with Trump!!
Then the water cannons are prepared for the next Black Lives Matter riot. The way things ought to be will be the way things are.
The way niggas are dying these days, water cannons are a welcomed lot!!
View attachment 82065
Ah, the good old days before white cops got hip to killing mf's and getting away with it.
Why should they have to choose?

So how is praying to an imaginary sky pixie going to help, exactly.

This is a misrepresentation of your opponent's position. That's called a straw man. Try again.

No, I think I nailed it. Rookie thinks that our problem is we aren't praying to an imaginary sky man enough. Except people have been killing each other to please imaginary sky pixies for centuries...
The faith it takes to believe that all of the universe came out of nothing exceeds the faith required to believe that all of the universe was created by an external entity. That is why I believe that God created the universe, because that is the more logical choice of these two conclusions.

All of the rest we know about God is not derived from logic, it is revealed to us in Scripture and traditions.

Yes, traditions that had talking snakes, taking donkeys, Giants, sea serpents, Unicorns, Satyrs, Zombies... that's totally credible.

There is no logic that leads to the conclusion that God loves the human race. This is a revealed truth. How much he loved us is revealed in John 3:16: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."

This is the same God whose go to solution to evil was to drown every person in the world, including all the babies.

seriously, dude, fuck your Bronze Age Superstitions.

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